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    MITSUBISHI GATE ARRAY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN55NJ0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CNR56J0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN4N9D0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    MITSUBISHI GATE ARRAY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 28P2C-A
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5278EJ,VP-10,-12 M5M5278EJ,VP-10,-12 262144-BIT 32768-WORD 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BYBY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5278E is a family of 32768-wordby 8-bit static RAMs, fabricated with the high-performance CMOS silicon-gate MOS

    M5M5278EJ VP-10 262144-BIT 32768-WORD M5M5278E 32768-wordby A8512 28P2C-A PDF


    Abstract: VP10 28P2C-A
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5V278EJ,VP-10,-12 M5M5V278EJ,VP-10,-12 262144-BIT 32768-WORD 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM 262144-BIT (32768-WORD BYBY 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5V278E is a family of 32768-wordby 8-bit static RAMs, fabricated with the high-performance CMOS silicon-gate MOS

    M5M5V278EJ VP-10 262144-BIT 32768-WORD M5M5V278E 32768-wordby VP10 28P2C-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5257EJ-10,-12 M5M5257EJ-10,-12 262144-BIT 262144-WORD BYBY 1-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM 262144-BIT (262144-WORD 1-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5257E is a family of 262144-word by 1-bit static RAMs, fabricated with the high-performance CMOS silicon-gate MOS

    M5M5257EJ-10 262144-BIT 262144-WORD M5M5257E M5M5257EJ M5M5257EJ-10 PDF


    Abstract: M5M5V278DVP M5M5V278DP VP-15
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5V278DP,J,VP-15,-20 M5M5V278DP,J,VP-15,-20 262144-BIT 32768-WORD BYBY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM 262144-BIT (32768-WORD 8-BIT) CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5V278D is a family of 32768-wordby 8-bit static RAMs, fabricated with the high-performance CMOS silicon-gate MOS

    M5M5V278DP VP-15 262144-BIT 32768-WORD M5M5V278D 32768-wordby 28P2C-A M5M5V278DVP PDF


    Abstract: M66257FP
    Text: MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI 〈DIGITAL 〈DIGITAL ASSP〉 ASSP〉 M66257FP M66257FP 5120 x 8-BIT 2 LINE MEMORY FIFO 5120 × 8-BIT × 2×LINE MEMORY (FIFO) DESCRIPTION The M66257FP is a high-speed line memory with a FIFO (First In First Out) structure of 5120-word × 8-bit double configuration which uses high-performance silicon gate CMOS

    M66257FP M66257FP 5120-word M66257 M66257 PDF


    Abstract: 28P2W-C M66255FP photocopiers Nk d9
    Text: MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI 〈DIGITAL 〈DIGITAL ASSP〉 ASSP〉 M66255FP M66255FP 8192 x 10-BIT LINE MEMORY FIFO 8192 × 10-BIT LINE MEMORY (FIFO) DESCRIPTION The M66255FP is a high-speed line memory with a FIFO (First In First Out) structure of 8192-word × 10-bit configuration which uses high-performance silicon gate CMOS process technology.

    M66255FP 10-BIT M66255FP 8192-word 0D96 28P2W-C photocopiers Nk d9 PDF

    TD 6316 AP

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BH 4216 001FFF16 mitsubishi split ac packege specifications eiaj M37902FCCHP M37902FGCHP M37902FJCHP
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M37902FCCHP, M37902FGCHP, M37902FJCHP SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION These are single-chip microcomputers designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology, including the internal flash memory. These microcomputers support the 7900 Series instruction

    M37902FCCHP, M37902FGCHP, M37902FJCHP 16-BIT busi300 M37902FxC 100P6S-A TD 6316 AP TRANSISTOR BH 4216 001FFF16 mitsubishi split ac packege specifications eiaj M37902FCCHP M37902FGCHP M37902FJCHP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Specifications REV.B Mitsubishi microcomputers M3062GF8NFP/GP Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change. Description SINGLE-CHIP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER Description The M3062GF8N of single-chip microcomputers are built using the high-performance silicon gate CMOS

    M3062GF8NFP/GP 16-BIT M3062GF8N M16C/60 100-pin 10MHZ PDF


    Abstract: M5M54R01J-12 M5M54R01J-15
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M54R01J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 4194304-WORD BY 1-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M54R01J is a family of 4194304-word by 1-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    M5M54R01J-12 4194304-BIT 4194304-WORD M5M54R01J M5M54R01J-12 M5M54R01J-15 450mW 32P0K M5M54R01J-15 PDF


    Abstract: M66258
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M66258FP 8192 x 8-BIT LINE MEMORY DESCRIPTION The M66258FP is high speed line memory that uses high performance silicon gate CMOS process technology and adopts the FIFO First In First Out structure consisting of 8192 words x 8 bits.

    M66258FP M66258FP M66258FP, M66258 M66258 PDF


    Abstract: M5M54R04J-12 M5M54R04J-15
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M54R04J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 1048576-WORD BY 4-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M54R04J is a family of 1048576-word by 4-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    M5M54R04J-12 4194304-BIT 1048576-WORD M5M54R04J M5M54R04J-12 M5M54R04J-15 32P0K M5M54R04J-15 PDF


    Abstract: M5M5V4R04J-12 M5M5V4R04J-15
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5V4R04J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 1048576-WORD BY 4-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5V4R04J is a family of 1048576-word by 4-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    M5M5V4R04J-12 4194304-BIT 1048576-WORD M5M5V4R04J 32-pin M5M5V4R04J-12 M5M5V4R04J-15 297mW 32P0K M5M5V4R04J-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M66282FP 8192 x 8-BIT LINE MEMORY DESCRIPTION The M66282FP is high speed line memory that uses high performance silicon gate CMOS process technology and adopts the FIFO First In First Out structure consisting of 8192 words x 8 bits.

    M66282FP M66282FP M66282FP, M66282 PDF

    524,288 x 8bit

    Abstract: M5M54R08J-12 M5M54R08J-15 524288-WORD
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M54R08J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD BY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M54R08J is a family of 524288-word by 8-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    M5M54R08J-12 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD M5M54R08J M5M54R08J M5M54R08J-12 M5M54R08J-15 524,288 x 8bit M5M54R08J-15 PDF


    Abstract: M5M5V4R08J-15
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5V4R08J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD BY 8-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5V4R08J is a family of 524288-word by 8-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    M5M5V4R08J-12 4194304-BIT 524288-WORD M5M5V4R08J M5M5V4R08J M5M5V4R08J-12 M5M5V4R08J-15 M5M5V4R08J-15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M66280FP 5120 x 8-BIT LINE MEMORY DESCRIPTION The M66280FP is high speed line memory that uses high performance silicon gate CMOS process technology and adopts the FIFO First In First Out structure consisting of 5120 words x 8 bits.

    M66280FP M66280FP M66280FP, M66280 PDF


    Abstract: t28000 z65n 07in M6008 mitsubishi lable fr1s MITSUBISHI GATE ARRAY z66n R12W
    Text: A m itsu b ish i ELECTRO N IC DEVICE GROUP P R E LIM IN A R Y M6008X 0.8 Jim CMOS GATE ARRAYS Mitsubishi M6008X Series 0.8 Jim CMOS Gate Arrays INTRODUCTION Mitsubishi offers sub-m icron CMOS Gate Arrays us­ ing a 0.8 micron drawn twin well silicon gate process

    OCR Scan
    M6008X MDS-GA-02-03-91 z63n t28000 z65n 07in M6008 mitsubishi lable fr1s MITSUBISHI GATE ARRAY z66n R12W PDF


    Abstract: M60016 m60011 M60014 z46n M60030 M60024 Z24N M60012 m60043
    Text: A m its u b is h i CMOS GATE ARRAYS ELECTRONIC DEVICE GROUP Mitsubishi CMOS Gate Arrays INTRODUCTION Mitsubishi offers three fami­ lies of CMOS gate arrays: 1.0 /im, 1.3 /j.m, and 2.0 ji.m, with usable gates ranging from 200 to 35,000. The 1.0 and 1.3 p.m devices are

    OCR Scan
    MDS-GA-11-90-RK m60013 M60016 m60011 M60014 z46n M60030 M60024 Z24N M60012 m60043 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs c, M 5 M 2 8 F 0 1 6 F P ,V P ,R V -1 0 ,-1 2 ,-1 5 16777216-BIT 2097152-WORD BY8-BIT CMOS FLASH MEMORY DESCRIPTION The Mitsubishi M 5M 28F016FP, V P , RV are high-speed 16777216-bit CMOS Flash Memories suitable for solid state storage. The M5M28F016FP, VP, RV are fabricated by Nchannel double polysilicon gate for the memory cell and

    OCR Scan
    16777216-BIT 2097152-WORD 28F016FP, M5M28F016FP, 097152-w M5M28F016FP 100ns M5M28F01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M37720S1AFP 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER M37720S1FP is unified into M37720S1AFP. DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M37720S1AFP is a 16-bit microcomputer designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology. This is housed ¡n a 100-pin plastic molded QFP.

    OCR Scan
    M37720S1AFP 16-BIT M37720S1FP M37720S1AFP. M37720S1AFP 100-pin 37720S S2701 PDF


    Abstract: M37720 37720S Lm 6416 E M37720S1
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M 37720S 1A F P 16-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER M37720S1FP is unified into M37720S1 AFP. DESCRIPTION The M37720S1AFP is a 16-bit microcomputer designed with high-performance CMOS silicon gate technology. This is housed in a 100-pin plastic molded QFP.

    OCR Scan
    37720S M37720S1FP M37720S1 16-BIT M37720S1AFP 100-pin M37720 Lm 6416 E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSIs M5M5V4R01J-12,-15 1997.11.20 Rev.F 4194304-BIT 4194304-WQRD BY 1-BIT CMOS STATIC RAM DESCRIPTION The M5M5V4R01J is a family of 4194304-word by 1-bit static PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) RAMs, fabricated with the high performance CMOS silicon gate

    OCR Scan
    M5M5V4R01J-12 4194304-BIT 4194304-WQRD M5M5V4R01J 4194304-word 32-pin M5M5V4R01 M5M5V4R01J-15 ao21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ASSP M66256FP 5120 x 8-BIT LINE MEMORY (FIFO) DESCRIPTION The M66256FP is a high-speed line memory with a FIFO (First In First Out) structure of 5120-word x 8-bit configuration which uses high-performance silicon gate CMOS process technology.

    OCR Scan
    M66256FP M66256FP 5120-word D02DS1b M66255 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ASSP M66252P/FP 1152 x 8-BIT LINE MEMORY (FIFO) DESCRIPTION The M66252P/FP is a high-speed line memory with a FIFO (First In First Out) structure of 1152-word x 8-bit configuration which uses high-performance silicon gate CMOS process

    OCR Scan
    M66252P/FP M66252P/FP 1152-word 1152words 002G577 PDF