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    CO-213UHFMX20-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-005 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 5 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-050 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-050 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 50 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-100 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-100 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 100 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-010 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 10 ft Datasheet
    CO-213UHFMX20-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-213UHFMX20-015 UHF (PL-259) Male to UHF (PL-259) Male (RG213) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly (High-Power / Low-Loss) 15 ft Datasheet

    MITEQ FREQUENCY MULTIPLIERS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CORPORATE OVERVIEW MITEQ, an acronym for M icrowave (I)nformation (T)ransmission (EQ)uipment, designs and manufactures a complete line of high-performance components and subsystems for the microwave electronics community. Located on Long Island, New York for more than thirty years, it has grown into



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CORPORATE OVERVIEW MITEQ, an acronym for M icrowave (I)nformation (T)ransmission (EQ)uipment, designs and manufactures a complete line of high-performance components and subsystems for the microwave electronics community. Located on Long Island, New York for more than thirty years, it has grown into



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CORPORATE OVERVIEW MITEQ, an acronym for M icrowave (I)nformation (T)ransmission (EQ)uipment, designs and manufactures a complete line of high-performance components and subsystems for the microwave electronics community. Located on Long Island, New York for more than thirty years, it has grown into



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIN SWITCHES TEL: 631 439-9137 FAX: (631) 436-9219 DATE E-MAIL: COMPANY ADDRESS CONTACT TEL. FAX E-MAIL For additional technical, price and delivery information, please copy, complete and mail or fax this form to (631) 4369219, or call John Pierro at (631) 439-9137.


    sampling mixer

    Abstract: passive Radar block diagram Ku-band Step Recovery Multipliers Wideband Mixer upconverting and downconverting miteq preamplifiers
    Text: MIXER SUBSYSTEMS Questions and Answers about. MIXER SUBSYSTEMS Q1: How does the Special Mixer Product Department define a mixer subsystem? A1: Generally, the subsystem consists of one or more unique core mixer products from catalog sections 1 through 4, with added input or output components such as amplifiers, filters, etc. or simply phase and amplitude matched

    ARS0506L sampling mixer passive Radar block diagram Ku-band Step Recovery Multipliers Wideband Mixer upconverting and downconverting miteq preamplifiers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COUPLERS FEATURES • High directivity through phase velocity compensation • Stripline and microstrip couplers available • Lowest insertion loss C IN OUT MITEQ offers a variety of single and multisection microstrip and stripline couplers featuring a wide range of coupling



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LIMITERS FEATURES • Optimized for lowest spike and flat leakage • Designs suitable for sensitive PHEMT front ends • Lowest insertion loss • Power handling up to 60 dBm MITEQ has extensive experience in the design and development of limiters for receiver protection. We specialize



    Abstract: AU155 AU-1433 electronic passive components catalog 2A102 geosat AU-1612-70 miteq c-22
    Text: Back to Amplifier Home Page BIPOLAR AMPLIFIERS Table Of Contents AMPLIFIERS TO 2 GHz • • • • AU SERIES AM SERIES AUP SERIES AMP SERIES Amplifiers • Amplifiers By Frequency • Ancillary Equipment • Medium Power Amplifiers • Special Application Amplifiers

    C-22E AU-1566 AU155 AU-1433 electronic passive components catalog 2A102 geosat AU-1612-70 miteq c-22 PDF

    miteq frequency multipliers

    Abstract: miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz
    Text: ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FROM MITEQ In addition to the products listed in this catalog, MITEQ manufactures a large variety of other microwave components, subsystems, and systems. A short synopsis of these products is presented below. AMPLIFIERS GaAS FET DESIGNS TO 60 GHz



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3 dB HYBRIDS FEATURES • • • • • 0°, 90° and 180° split Up to 40 GHz Compact package Low loss Tight amplitude and phase balance MITEQ offers a variety of 3 dB hybrids including in-phase, quadrature, and 180 degree split types. Custom designs covering multioctave bands up to 40 GHz are also available. We offer MIL-STD-883 screening of our couplers and

    MIL-STD-883 D023540-0 be9-9137. PDF

    MDM 100 pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHASE SHIFTERS MITEQ offers a 6-BIT to 18 GHz digital phase shifter operating as high as 18 GHz for EW applications. This product offers exceptional power handling capability in excess of 25 dBm and switching speed of 20 ns maximum. This device is ideally suited for phased array applications and interferometric receivers. We also offer a number of



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS FROM MITEQ In addition to the products listed in this catalog, MITEQ manufactures a large variety of other microwave components, subsystems, and systems. A short synopsis of these products is presented below. AMPLIFIERS GaAS FET DESIGNS TO 60 GHz



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODULATORS MITEQ supports the wireless markets with BPSK and QPSK modulators that can handle data rates as high as 200 Mb/s. We can offer spectral shaping filters to control spectral content and thereby achieve optimal spectrum utilization. RRC and Butterworth baseband shaping filters can be provided. Our modulators feature very good linearity to minimize



    Abstract: mixer rhg ghz mixer RHG BPSK MODULATOR miteq c-22
    Text: Back to Mixer Home Page MODULATOR PRODUCTS Biphase Modulators & Upconverters MODULATOR PRODUCTS QPSK & QAM Modulators SSB Upconverters Vector Modulators Phase Shifters ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY • SSB Upconverters, BPSK, QPSK and QAM Modulators • DSB Upconverters, Vector


    LN 9499 03 075

    Abstract: AFS4 LN 9499 miteq c-22 AFS2 Miteq
    Text: Back to Amplifier Home Page AFS/JS AMPLIFIERS Table Of Contents Introduction Amplifier Models • Amplifiers By Frequency • Amplifiers By Category • Specialized Amplifiers • Typical JS Series Amplifier Performance Outline Drawings Amplifier Accessories

    2002/96/EC LN 9499 03 075 AFS4 LN 9499 miteq c-22 AFS2 Miteq PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED DUAL-CHANNEL BLOCK CONVERTER MODEL: SYS0216N01R FEATURES • 18–40 GHz frequency coverage integrated aluminum housing The SYS0216N01R is an integrated dual-channel millimeter-wave block converter with internal filtering and LO multipliers. The

    SYS0216N01R TB0440LW1 PDF


    Abstract: Frequency Multipliers
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION Application Guidelines QUICK REFERENCE Biphase Modulators and DSB Upconverters QPSK and QAM Modulators SSB Upconverters, Vector Modulators and Phase Shifters 2, 23, 57, 97, 111 3 3 4 DETAILED DATA SHEETS Biphase Modulators and Double-Sideband Upconverters


    Frequency Doublers

    Abstract: Frequency Triplers MAX2M200400
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE CORPORATE OVERVIEW 2 INTRODUCTION 3 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW Technical Discussion Design Example Specification Definitions Defining Multiplier Terms Typical Block Diagrams Specifications and Typical Values Environmental Conditions

    MX2M020040 MX2M040080 MX2M080160 MX2M130260 MX2M260400 MX2M004010 MX2M010060 MX2M030180 MX2M060260 MX3M320400 Frequency Doublers Frequency Triplers MAX2M200400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AFS DEPARTMENT TEL.: 631 436-7400 Ext. 9253 or 9259 FAX: (631) 951-9443 E-MAIL: or COMPANY DATE ADDRESS CONTACT TEL. FAX E-MAIL Please provide price, delivery, and technical information for the following amplifiers: SPECIFICATION PARAMETER


    miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz

    Abstract: miteq bipolar amplifiers
    Text: CORPORATE OVERVIEW MITEQ, Inc. is a company designing and manufactur­ ing state-of-the-art components and subsystems for the microwave electronics community. Located in Hauppauge, New York, MITEQ was established in 1969 by a small group of engineers from nearby

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Radar Warning Receiver
    Text: CORPORATE OVERVIEW MITEQ, an acronym for M icrowave (l)nformation (T ra n s ­ mission (EQ)uipment, designs and manufactures a complete line of high-performance components and subsystem s for the microwave electronics community. Located on Long Island, New York for more than thirty years, it has grown into

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * * * * LOW NOISE M E D I U M POWER WIDE BAWD M R I BAWDS CELLULAR / PCM BAWDS IN M A R S A T BANDS y v iiT E INSERT LATEST BIPOLAR AMPLIFIER UPDATE To verify status of your Product Update, please contact Bill Pope at 516 436-7400, ext. 282 This catalog, in conjunction with our latest Bipolar

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DESIGN EXAMPLE Your system requires a multiplier output from 8.6 to 10.5 GHz. Due to the available input frequencies, it is determined that the multiplication factor is six times. This is best accomplished by cascading a times three and a times two multiplier.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL DISCUSSION MULTIPLIER LOSSES M IT E Q ’s m ultipliers are form ed by cascading a passive m ultiplier w ith a bandpass filte r and an active device, such as an am plifier. The basic m ultiplier losses of M IT E Q ’s passive m ultipliers are listed below;

    OCR Scan