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    TPA311DGN Texas Instruments 350-mW Mono Class-AB Audio Amplifier 8-MSOP-PowerPAD Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TPA102DGNR Texas Instruments 150-mW Stereo Audio Power Amplifier 8-MSOP-PowerPAD Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TPA102DGN Texas Instruments 150-mW Stereo Audio Power Amplifier 8-MSOP-PowerPAD Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TPA311DGNR Texas Instruments 350-mW Mono Class-AB Audio Amplifier 8-MSOP-PowerPAD Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TPA301D Texas Instruments 350-mW Mono Class-AB Audio Amplifier 8-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

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    Abstract: Y-27005 27550 pico electronics transformers Y-27175 Y-27235 27645 y 27645 Y-27605 Y-27240
    Text: Ultra Miniature Transformers Y Series Plug-In Specifications z z z z z z z z z MIL-PRF-27: All units manufactured to MIL-PRF-27, Grade 5 Class S. FREQUENCY RESPONSE: ±3db, 300 Hz - 100 KHz at 1.0 Milliwatt. MAXIMUM DISTORTION: 5% With Rated Power Level at 1 KHz and 400

    MIL-PRF-27: MIL-PRF-27, MILSTD-202 MIL-STD-202, Y-27750 Y-27760 Y-27770 Y-27780 Y-27790 Y-27095 Y-27005 27550 pico electronics transformers Y-27175 Y-27235 27645 y 27645 Y-27605 Y-27240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LDX-2106-640 • High Power CW Operation- 125 milliwatts • Highly Visible to the Eye. • Wavelength 640 ±5 nm Standard The LDX-2106-640 laser diode is a high power, multimode, visible red laser diode. These AlGaInP broad-area, gain-guided lasers are produced using MOCVD growth which offers high efficiency, low

    LDX-2106-640 LDX-2106-640 PDF


    Abstract: T-22510 T-22180 T-22185 T-22440 T-22028 T2233 pico electronics transformers t2246 T-22003
    Text: Ultra Miniature Transformers T Series Plug-In Specifications: z z z z z z z z MIL-PRF-27: All units manufactured to MIL-PRF-27, Grade 5, Class S. FREQUENCY RESPONSE:±3db, 20 Hz - 25 KHz at 1.0 Milliwatt. MAXIMUM DISTORTION: 5% With Rated Power Level at 1 KHz and 300 Hz. 10% Distortion at 20 Hz.

    MIL-PRF-27: MIL-PRF-27, MIL-STD202 MIL-STD-202, Mil-PRF-27) t2206 T-22510 T-22180 T-22185 T-22440 T-22028 T2233 pico electronics transformers t2246 T-22003 PDF

    pico 80215

    Abstract: pico electronics transformers 800-CT20 70055 70005 70190 200CT 70480 80195 70530
    Text: Audio Transformers: 2 Ohm to 30K Ohm; 400Hz to 250KHz; 100 milliwatt at 1KHz SURFACE MOUNT PICO surface mount units utilize materials and methods to withstand extreme temperatures 220º C of vapor phase, I.R., and other reflow procedures without degradation of electrical or mechanical

    400Hz 250KHz; MIL-PRF-27: MIL-PRF-27, z-250 MILSTD-202, pico 80215 pico electronics transformers 800-CT20 70055 70005 70190 200CT 70480 80195 70530 PDF

    1k trimpot

    Abstract: poppet "am transmitter" the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter lm386 microphone 2N3819 equivalent ferrite core binocular NTE128 transistor 2n3053 hartley oscillator transistor equivalents for 2n2222a
    Text: the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter 1 of 1 the Poppet "The Poppet" is a half-watt AM transmitter designed by Mr. Doug Gibson of England. The original design was published in issue 84 of SPRAT, newsletter of the GQRP Club. The version shown here incorporates changes suggested by

    LM386 BC109 NTE123A, 2N2222A) 2N3819 BFY51 NTE128, 2N3053) 1k trimpot poppet "am transmitter" the Poppet 500 milliwatt AM transmitter lm386 microphone 2N3819 equivalent ferrite core binocular NTE128 transistor 2n3053 hartley oscillator transistor equivalents for 2n2222a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# MMSD914 Features • • • Compact surface mount with same footprint as Minimelf 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package

    MMSD914 400mW OD123 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# MMSD914 Features x x x Compact surface mount with same footprint as Minimelf 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package

    MMSD914 400mW OD123 PDF

    is 53

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FULL SIZE CRYSTAL CAN RELAY SENSITIVE 100 MILLIWATT Series BA Product Description This ultra sensitive full size crystal can relay series offers switching capability of low level signals up to 2 amperes under the most extreme environmental conditions. It is low coil sensitivity and high contact current carrying capacity makes these relays ideal for a

    feat75 is 53 PDF

    Band-Pass Filters

    Abstract: Bandpass Filters low frequency bandpass filter
    Text: Filters RLC manufactures a complete line of RF and Microwave Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band Reject filters covering nearly every application in the DC to 40 GHz frequency range. RLC offers different filter types, each covering a specific filter need. These filters are built for stringent environment conditions and power ranges from milliwatts to kilowatts while



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# MMSD914 Features x x x • Compact surface mount with same footprint as Minimelf 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package

    MMSD914 400mW OD123 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# MMSD914 Features x x x • • • • • Compact surface mount with same footprint as Minimelf 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package

    MMSD914 400mW OD123 PDF

    256 ball bga

    Abstract: BCM5238 BCM5421 smii 1.4
    Text: BCM5238 10/100BASE-TX OCTAL-Φ TRANSCEIVER SUMMARY OF BENEFITS FEATURES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Target usage: Fast Ethernet switches. • Lowest per port power solution available:< 215 milliwatts per Single-chip, eight-port Fast Ethernet transceiver

    BCM5238 10/100BASE-TX 10BASE-T 128-pin 256-ball BCM5238 5238-PB07-R 256 ball bga BCM5421 smii 1.4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I n t e r n a t io n a l S e m ic o n d u c t o r , I n c . 400 MILLIWATT HERMETICALLY SEALED GLASS SILICON ZENER DIODES 1N5221 thru 1N5281D ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 25 c, unless otherwise specified r JE D E C TYPE N U M BE R N O M IN A L ZE NE R V O LTA G E

    OCR Scan
    1N5221 1N5281D 0DG0b20 Di88ip 1N5221 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I n ter n a tio n a l S e m ic o n d u c t o r I n c , 1N5518 thru 400 MILLIWATT HERMETICALLY SEALED GLASS SILICON l o w n o is e MAXIMUM RATINGS O p e ra tin g T e m p e ra tu re : S to ra g e T e m p e ra tu re : DC P ow er D issip a tio n Pow er D era ting:

    OCR Scan
    1N5518 1N5546D 0DD0b35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ’it Ek^nsrL A D C -511 12-Bit, High-Speed, Low-Power A/D Converter INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE FEATURES • 12-Bit resolution • 1.0 Microsecond maximum conversion time • Low-power, 925 milliwatts • Three-state, output buffers • Functionally complete

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit, 12-Bit 24-pin PDF

    KTA 3-25

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A D C -511 12-Bit, High-Speed, Low-Power A/D Converter FEATURES • 12-Bit resolution • 1.0 Microsecond maximum conversion time • Low-power, 925 milliwatts • Three-state, output buffers • Functionally complete • Small 24-pin DIP • No missing codes

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    12-Bit 24-pin ADC-511 ADC-511 KTA 3-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MBR0520L FAIRCHILD DISCRETE POWER AND SIGNAL TECHNOLOGIES SCHOTTKY POWER RECTIFIER M IC Ü N D U C T D R i Features: • Compact surface mount with same footprint as mini-melf • 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package. • 1.0 Ampere, forward voltage less than 600 mv

    OCR Scan
    MBR0520L OD-123 PDF

    zener diode DO-35

    Abstract: motorola 1n753A
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1N746A SERIES 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes 500 mW DO-35 GLASS GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP 500 Milliwatt Hermetically Sealed Glass Silicon Zener Diodes GLASS ZENER DIODES 500 MILLIWATTS

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N746A D0-204AH D0-204AA zener diode DO-35 motorola 1n753A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1N4678 SERIES 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes 500 mW DO-35 GLASS GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP 500 Milliwatt Hermetically Sealed Glass Silicon Zener Diodes GLASS ZENER DIODES 500 MILLIWATTS

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N4678 0-204AH 0-204AA 1N4705 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jemitronicr discrete devices SEMICONDUCTORS Sem itronics Corp. silicon voltage reference diodes 500 milliwatt temperature compensated 200 milliwatt Nom. Zener Dynamic Zener Temp. Type Voltage, Impedance, Current Coefficient Vz volts Zz (ohms) lz (mA) (% per °C)

    OCR Scan
    1N42S 1N1735 1N2620 1N2620A 1N2620B 1N2621 1N2621A 1N2621S 1N2622 1N2622A 1N47A PDF


    Abstract: sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics max630 Nytronics WEE
    Text: > i/ i> jx iy k i _General Description -Features Maxim’s MAX630 and MAX4193 C M O S DC-DC regulators are designed for simple, efficient, minimum size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5

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    MAX630 MAX4193 375mA rc4191 sm 0038 PIN DIAGRAM mosfet 800 watt circuit diagram OF INVERTER Nytronics Nytronics WEE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 1N5221B SERIES 500 mW DO-35 Glass Zener Voltage Regulator Diodes 500 mW DO-35 GLASS GENERAL DATA APPLICABLE TO ALL SERIES IN THIS GROUP 500 Milliwatt Hermetically Sealed Glass Silicon Zener Diodes GLASS ZENER DIODES 500 MILLIWATTS

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N5221B PDF


    Abstract: 1n52488 1N52338 1N52368 1N52638 1N52XXX 13-0079 1N52S4B 1N52xx 1n5229b zener diode
    Text: INTERNATIONAL SEMICOND M'ìE » • <1000370 0000034 17=1 H I S E M International Semiconductor\ Ine 1N5221B thru 1N5263B Glass Zener Diodes Voltage: 2.4 to 56 Volts, 500 Milliwatts FEATURES D O Max. 2.0 0 0.52 0 1 1 ± 1 I " Min. 26 ^ 1 International Sem iconductor carries a complete voltage series of JEDEC

    OCR Scan
    1N5221B 1N5263B DO-35 DO-35 1N52XXX 1n52458 1n52488 1N52338 1N52368 1N52638 1N52XXX 13-0079 1N52S4B 1N52xx 1n5229b zener diode PDF

    T11 SOD-123

    Abstract: MMSD4148 SOD123 5h FDLL4I48
    Text: MMSD4148 FAIRCHILD S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm Features: • Compact surface mount with same footprint as mini-melf. • 400 milliwatt Power Dissipation package. • High Breakdown Voltage, Fast Switching Speed. • Typical capacitance less than 1.5 picofarad.

    OCR Scan
    MMSD4148 OD-123 T11 SOD-123 MMSD4148 SOD123 5h FDLL4I48 PDF