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    scr 8a 200v

    Abstract: do213ab 50A 1200V SCR 5A 200V SCR die SCR 30A 100V USD635C 1n4436 US60A eh12a 1N1183
    Text: Product Guide Power Semiconductors Microsemi more than solutions - enabling possibilities R TM Microsemi Power Semiconductors Contents Selection Military Qualified

    394hex 450sq. 678hex scr 8a 200v do213ab 50A 1200V SCR 5A 200V SCR die SCR 30A 100V USD635C 1n4436 US60A eh12a 1N1183 PDF

    SCR 30A 100V

    Abstract: do213ab 1A 200V SCR die Fast Recovery Bridge Rectifier, 60A, 600V Ultrafast Recovery Rectifier Bridge ultraFast Recovery Bridge Rectifier rectifier bridge 300v 30a Fast Recovery Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V single phase half bridge controlled rectifier scr
    Text: Microsemi Corporation Colorado Product Selection Guide Spring 2004 Product Selection Guide Index Page Military Qualified Parts 1 Axial Lead Rectifiers 2 Surface Mount Rectifiers 3-5 TO220 and TO247 Rectifiers 6 Power Surface Mounts 7 Discrete Modules 8 Power Modules

    DO203AA 1N6391 1N5812-16 1N3890-3 1N3890-3A 00V-1600V 248sq. 330sq. SCR 30A 100V do213ab 1A 200V SCR die Fast Recovery Bridge Rectifier, 60A, 600V Ultrafast Recovery Rectifier Bridge ultraFast Recovery Bridge Rectifier rectifier bridge 300v 30a Fast Recovery Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V single phase half bridge controlled rectifier scr PDF


    Abstract: 1N5820US 1N6642US microsemi 1N5616US 1N5617US 1N5804US 1N5806US 1N6638US 1N6639US 1N6642US
    Text: Summer 1997 ESA SMT Qualifications Microsemi Ireland has just agreed with the European Space Agency at Noordwiijk, Holland to fully qualify several popular families of Signal Diodes and Power Rectifiers. The qualification work will start immediately and is expected to

    1N3595US 1N6639US 1N6643US 1N5616US 1N5820US 1N5806US 1N6638US 1N6642US 1N5815US 1N5617US 1N3595US 1N5820US 1N6642US microsemi 1N5616US 1N5617US 1N5804US 1N5806US 1N6638US 1N6639US 1N6642US PDF

    1N5822US JANTX

    Abstract: 1n6864us 1n6822
    Text: 1N5820US 1N5822US and 1N6864US Available on commercial versions 3 Amp SQ-MELF Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/620 Qualified Levels*: JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS DESCRIPTION This series of 3 amp Schottky rectifiers are compact in their square MELF packaging for high

    1N5820US 1N5822US 1N6864US MIL-PRF-19500/620 1N6864US 1N5820 1N5822 1N6864 T4-LDS-0303-1, 1N5822US JANTX 1n6822 PDF


    Abstract: T4-LDS-0303 mil-prf-19500/1N5822 MELF
    Text: 1N5820 1N5822 and 1N6864 Available on commercial versions 3 Amp Axial Schottky Barrier Rectifiers Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/620 Qualified Levels*: JAN, JANTX, JANTXV and JANS DESCRIPTION This series of 3 amp Schottky rectifiers in their axial-leaded “B” packaging offer flexible thruhole mounting. The 1N5822 and 1N6864 are military qualified for high-reliability applications.

    1N5820 1N5822 1N6864 MIL-PRF-19500/620 1N6864 MIL-PRF-19500/620 T4-LDS-0303 mil-prf-19500/1N5822 MELF PDF


    Abstract: ft0818mw SM4007 Panjit BY288 FT2516NH FS0802NH FT0817MH ft1208MW ft0618mh equivalent components of diode her207
    Text: Cross Reference Cross Reference Every care has been taken in compiling this cross reference list which is published in good faith to assist engineers. Readers are reminded that list is intended for guidance only. FAGOR ELECTRÓNICA can not be held responsible for any

    05NH45 05NH46 05NU41 05NU42 0R8GU41 5KA10 5KA10A 5KA11 5KA11A 5KA12 BTA136 ft0818mw SM4007 Panjit BY288 FT2516NH FS0802NH FT0817MH ft1208MW ft0618mh equivalent components of diode her207 PDF


    Abstract: do215 MS10411 SCR 30A 100V microsemi cross index X3420 Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V DO215AA 1N5823 scr 1a 1200V
    Text: POWER CONDITIONING PRODUCT SELECTION GUIDE Product Selection Guide Index Page Military Qualified Parts 1 Axial Lead Rectifiers 2 Surface Mount Rectifiers 3-5 TO220 and TO247 Rectifiers 6 Power Surface Mounts 7 Discrete Modules 8 Power Modules 9-10 Hermetic Power Packages

    DO203AA 1N6391 1N5812-16 1N3890-3 1N3890-3A 1N1124A-28A0sq. 00V-1600V 248sq. 330sq. do213ab do215 MS10411 SCR 30A 100V microsemi cross index X3420 Bridge Rectifier, 35A, 600V DO215AA 1N5823 scr 1a 1200V PDF


    Abstract: 1N5822 st
    Text: 1N5820 thru 1N5822 21201 Itasca St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Phone: 818 701-4933 Fax: (818) 701-4939 Features • • • • 3 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 - 40 Volts Low Switching Noise Low Forward Voltage Drop High Current Capability High Surge Current Capability

    1N5820 1N5822 DO-201AD 1N5821 1n5822 1N5822 st PDF


    Abstract: 1N5821 1N5822
    Text: 1N5820 thru 1N5822 9261 Owensmouth Ave. Chatsworth, Ca 91311 Phone: 818 701-4933 Fax: (818) 701-4939 Features • • • • 3 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 - 40 Volts Low Switching Noise Low Forward Voltage Drop High Current Capability High Surge Current Capability

    1N5820 1N5822 DO-201AD 1N5821 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 PDF


    Abstract: D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751
    Text: Analog Parts Index Digital Mixed-Signal Device Type Index Click on a device type to jump to its page Actuator Fluid Level Detector Operational Amplifier Small-Signal Mosfet Amplifier/Equilizer Ground Fault Interrupter Opto-Isolator Switch Mulitplier Analog

    RD91EB Q2N4401 D1N3940 Q2N2907A D1N1190 Q2SC1815 Q2N3055 Q2N1132 D1N750 D02CZ10 D1N751 PDF


    Abstract: TRIPLE ZENER DIODE ARRAY Dual N-Channel mosfet sot-363 Dual P-Channel mosfet sot-363 thyristor tt 330 n16 DMMT847B sot26 sot363 transistor ALL4150 sot-363 MARKING n10 diode marking code LY sot-353
    Text: Product Catalog 2002/2003 Click to go to: - Table of Contents - New Products List - Index Click: part numbers > data sheets Diodes Incorporated 3050 E. Hillcrest Drive Westlake Village, CA 91362-3154 2002/2003 Specifications are subject to change without notice.

    represented226B, ZMM5227B, ZMM5228B, ZMM5229B, ZMM5230B, ZMM5231B, ZMM5232B, ZMM5233B, ZMM5234B, ZMM5235B, TB03100M TRIPLE ZENER DIODE ARRAY Dual N-Channel mosfet sot-363 Dual P-Channel mosfet sot-363 thyristor tt 330 n16 DMMT847B sot26 sot363 transistor ALL4150 sot-363 MARKING n10 diode marking code LY sot-353 PDF


    Abstract: manual FW82801BA motherboard cd 75232 INTEL FW82801BA manual Intel 815 FW82815 INTEL FW82801BA motherboard schematic diagram motor control MC60 manual intel chipset fw82801ba ABIT-SL30 bc227
    Text: Intel 815E Scalable Performance Board Development Kit Manual April 2001 Order Number: 273432-003 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    Index-111 kc-1206 manual FW82801BA motherboard cd 75232 INTEL FW82801BA manual Intel 815 FW82815 INTEL FW82801BA motherboard schematic diagram motor control MC60 manual intel chipset fw82801ba ABIT-SL30 bc227 PDF

    IGBT Battery 120 watt Charger circuit diagrams

    Abstract: tl494 spice model four relay stabilizer circuit diagram 650 va gsm door lock circuit diagram MRC 433 mosfet MC34066 SOLUTION FOR SMPS USING TL494 MOSFET ESD Rated TL594 phone charger car power inverter TL494
    Text: BRD8016/D Rev. 0, Nov-2000 Wireless Component Solutions for Handsets and Accessories Wireless Component Solutions for Handsets and Accessories BRD8016/D Rev. 0, Nov–2000  SCILLC, 2000 “All Rights Reserved’’ WIRELESS EZFET is a trademark of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC SCILLC .

    BRD8016/D Nov-2000 r14525 IGBT Battery 120 watt Charger circuit diagrams tl494 spice model four relay stabilizer circuit diagram 650 va gsm door lock circuit diagram MRC 433 mosfet MC34066 SOLUTION FOR SMPS USING TL494 MOSFET ESD Rated TL594 phone charger car power inverter TL494 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

    P390-ND P465-ND P466-ND P467-ND LNG901CF9 LNG992CFBW LNG901CFBW LNG91LCFBW 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor
    Text: 573 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Discrete & Power Devices Page 700 Bridge Rectifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diodes Schottky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 F155-6A F155-10A F165-15A F175-25A irfb4115 BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor PDF

    schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 Digital Signal Processors, iCoupler , iMEMS® and iSensor . . . . . 805, 2707, 2768-2769 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-568 RF Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 454-455

    P462-ND P463-ND LNG295LFCP2U LNG395MFTP5U US2011) schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS PDF


    Abstract: 1N5820 1N5822 D0201AD
    Text: 3 Amp Schottky Rectifier 1N5820, 1N5821, 1N5822 M illim eter Dim. Inches Minimum A B C D .188 1.00 .285 .0 « Maximum Minimum .260 - .375 .056 4.78 25.4 7.24 1.17 Maximum Notes 6.50 Dio. 9.52 1.42 Dia. - PLASTIC D0201AD Microsemi Catalog Number Working

    OCR Scan
    1N582Q, 1N5821, 1N5822 D0201AD 1N5820 1N5821 1N5820, PDF


    Abstract: 1N582C microsemi 1n5820
    Text: • m m Chatsworth, CA m Microsemi 1N5820 thru 1N5822 9261 Owensmouth Ave. Chatsworth, Ca 91311 Phone: 818 701-4933 Fax: (818)701-4939 Features • • • • 3 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 - 40 Volts Low Switching Noise Low Forward Voltage; Drop High Current Capability

    OCR Scan
    1N5820 1N5822 DO-201 1N5821 1N5822 1N582C microsemi 1n5820 PDF


    Abstract: N5821 lN5822 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 D0201AD
    Text: 3 Amp Schottky Rectifier 1N 5820,1 N5821,1 N5822 : £ Dim. Inches Minimum .188 1.00 .285 .046 A B C D M illim e te r Maximum Minimum .260 Maximum Notes 4.78 25.4 7.24 1.17 - .375 .056 6.50 Dia. 9.52 1.42 Dia. - PLASTIC D0201AD Microsemi Catalog Number

    OCR Scan
    N5821 N5822 D0201AD 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 1N5822 88ristics N5822 lN5822 D0201AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: niCROSEMI CORP/ niCRO 5bE I • bll51Q7 0D01313 TS1 ■ MOL • r _ c 3 3 > - v 'S > MICRO QUALITY / 3 Amp Schottky Rectifiers SEMICONDUCTOR, INC 1N5820,1N5821,1N5822 20 Volt, 30 Volt and 40 Volt V RRM Very Fast Switching Speed Minimum Sized, Low Cost Epoxy Encapsulation

    OCR Scan
    bll51Q7 0D01313 1N5820 1N5821 1N5822 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • a i Chatsworth, CA m M ic r o s e m i 1N5820 P rog ress P ow ered b y T echnology 9261 Owensmouth Ave, Chatsworth, Ca 91311 Phone: 818 701-4933 Fax: (818)701-4939 thru 1N5822 Features • • • • 3 Amp Schottky Barrier Rectifier 20 - 40 Volts Low Switching Noise

    OCR Scan
    1N5820 1N5822 1N5821 1N5B22 1N5820 1N5B22 PDF


    Abstract: DO-214AB 1N5822 DO214AA 1n5822 do 214ab 1n5822 sm 1n5822 sk34 DO214-AB do214ab
    Text: Schottky Rectifiers Package Outline Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado Chatsworth Chatsworth Chatsworth Colorado Colorado Colorado Chatsworth Chatsworth

    OCR Scan
    DL-41 DO-214AA DO-41 DO-213AB DO-215AB DO-214AC do215ab DO-214AB 1N5822 DO214AA 1n5822 do 214ab 1n5822 sm 1n5822 sk34 DO214-AB do214ab PDF


    Abstract: IC sk103 UPS5818 JN sod323 SB10100CT SK14 mbr20100ct microsemi MMSZ5277B 1N5401 MMBZ5277B
    Text: MCC CASE STYLE REFERENCE G U ID E PR O D U C T G ROUPS ARE SO RTED BY C U R R E N T R A TIN G Please note that this guide does not include the entire MCC product offering. It only includes those part numbers that are offered in a variety o f packages. In some cases,

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N4154 1N4151 1N4454 1N4148 1N914 1N4448 DL4151 DL4154 DL4454 1N4007W IC sk103 UPS5818 JN sod323 SB10100CT SK14 mbr20100ct microsemi MMSZ5277B 1N5401 MMBZ5277B PDF

    hall marking code A04

    Abstract: M143206EVK differences uc3842a uc3842b toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram toshiba laptop battery pack pinout BC413 motorola transistor sj 5812 M68HC705X16 ABB inverter motor fault code
    Text: Introduction Advanced Digital r i Consumer Products L-l Microcomputer Components [2 Logic: Standard, Special p , and Programmable I-5* Analog and Interface Integrated Circuits Semiconductor r= Components Group L5 Product Literature and r~ Technical Training L”

    OCR Scan
    2PHX14226-31 hall marking code A04 M143206EVK differences uc3842a uc3842b toshiba satellite laptop battery pinout 2N3773 audio amplifier diagram toshiba laptop battery pack pinout BC413 motorola transistor sj 5812 M68HC705X16 ABB inverter motor fault code PDF