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    Abstract: 16-PSK 16PSK CS3410 Viterbi Decoder viterbi decoder for tcm decoders IESS-308/309 tcm 5/6 decoder branch metric Viterbi Trellis Decoder
    Text: CS3410 TM High Speed Viterbi/TCM Decoder Virtual Components for the Converging World The CS3410 Viterbi/TCM Decoder is a high performance implementation suitable for a range of Forward Error Correction applications. This highly integrated Application Specific Virtual Component ASVC can be used in

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    Abstract: 16PSK viterbi decoder for tcm decoders branch metric XOR 7486 CS3410 64 tcm trellis differential encoder for psk Convolutional Encoder viterbi IESS-308/309
    Text: CS3410 TM High Speed Viterbi/TCM Decoder Virtual Components for the Converging World The CS3410 Viterbi/TCM Decoder is a high performance implementation suitable for a range of Forward Error Correction applications. This highly integrated Application Specific Virtual Component ASVC can be used in

    CS3410 CS3410 De256 DS3410-a 16-PSK 16PSK viterbi decoder for tcm decoders branch metric XOR 7486 64 tcm trellis differential encoder for psk Convolutional Encoder viterbi IESS-308/309 PDF


    Abstract: 02HEX CS3212 CSO3210
    Text: CS3210/12 Reed-Solomon Decoders Virtual Components for the Converging World The CS3210 and CS3212 Reed-Solomon decoders are designed to provide high performance solutions for a broad range of applications requiring forward error correction. These application specific virtual components

    CS3210/12 CS3210 CS3212 CS3210) CS3212) 880Mbits DS3210-b 02HEX CSO3210 PDF


    Abstract: forney CS3210
    Text: CS3210/12 TM Reed-Solomon Decoders Virtual Components for the Converging World The CS3210 and CS3212 Reed-Solomon decoders are designed to provide high performance solutions for a broad range of applications requiring forward error correction. These application specific virtual components ASVCs

    CS3210/12 CS3210 CS3212 CS3210) CS3212) 880Mbits CS3212 DS3210 forney PDF

    tag 633

    Abstract: 80C51 29C461B abs Control Module
    Text: 29C461B MATRA MHS Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The 29C461B is such a circuit, which allows the transfer

    29C461B 29C461B ISO/11519-3. tag 633 80C51 abs Control Module PDF


    Abstract: Pulse Transformers mtp 12 Flexible Master Clock Calculator FCC68 TR62411 human detector system using transmiter
    Text: D at a S he et , DS 4, F eb ru ar y 20 01 Q ua d LI U Q ua d L i ne I n te r fa c e U ni t fo r E1⁄T1⁄J1 P EB 22 5 04 Ve r s i o n 1. 1 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-02 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81669 F0126 Pulse Transformers mtp 12 Flexible Master Clock Calculator FCC68 TR62411 human detector system using transmiter PDF


    Abstract: F0126 t1.403 National Standard for Telecommunications PCD80 Motorola LSC microcontroller Pulse Transformers mtp 12 FCC68 TR62411 e1370 motorola smd codes
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S3 , Se pt em be r 20 00 Q ua d LI U Q ua d L i ne I n te r fa c e U ni t fo r E1⁄T1⁄J1 P EB 22 5 04 Ve r s i o n 1. 1 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-09 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81669 f0138 F0126 t1.403 National Standard for Telecommunications PCD80 Motorola LSC microcontroller Pulse Transformers mtp 12 FCC68 TR62411 e1370 motorola smd codes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Operational Description July 2002 TFEC0410G 2.5/10 Gbits/s Optical Networking Interface with Strong/Weak FEC and Digital Wrapper 1 Document Organization This document is primarily intended for designers who require design implementation information and block

    TFEC0410G 37--Section DS02-229SONT RXLFI PDF

    smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2F

    Abstract: Motorola transistor smd marking codes TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE B7 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 5c TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODES f3 smd marking code G16 6 PORT LIU smd diode marking d2h smd marking ARB
    Text: D at a S h ee t , R ev . 1 . 0 , J un e 2 00 5 O c t a l L I U TM Octal E1/T1/J1 Line Interface Component for L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H a ul A p pl i c a t i o n s P E F 22 5 0 8 E , V e r s i on 1 . 1 W i r e l i n e C om m u n i c at i o n s N e v e r


    PJO 199

    Abstract: DIODE 22B4 DIODE 709 1334 OTU1 MC68360 MPC860 STS-192 STS-48 TFEC0410G bip-1
    Text: Operational Description July 2002 TFEC0410G 2.5/10 Gbits/s Optical Networking Interface with Strong/Weak FEC and Digital Wrapper 1 Document Organization This document is primarily intended for designers who require design implementation information and block

    TFEC0410G DS02-232SONT PJO 199 DIODE 22B4 DIODE 709 1334 OTU1 MC68360 MPC860 STS-192 STS-48 bip-1 PDF

    BMA 150

    Abstract: STS-192 STS-48 TFEC0410G MC68360 MPC860 wiper 100 pll 16-POL
    Text: a e re 8 AdLib systems OCR Evaluation Operational Description July 2002 TFEC041OG 2 .5/10 Gbits/s Optical Networking Interface with Strong/Weak FEC and Digital Wrapper 1 Document Organization This document is primarily intended for designers who require design implementation information and block

    TFEC041OG TFEC0410G DS02-232SONT BMA 150 STS-192 STS-48 MC68360 MPC860 wiper 100 pll 16-POL PDF

    431.g transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SUBSTITUTION DATA BOOK 1993 HDB3 and CMI which is better BD 104 PEF 22504 HT time code receiver dcf DuSLIC Voltage and Power Dissipation Calculation SOCRATES Flexible Master Clock Calculator INFINEON PART MARKING 252
    Text: D a t a S he et , R e v . 1 . 3 , J a n . 2 00 6 Q u a d L I U TM Q u a d E 1 / T 1 / J 1 L i ne I n t e r f a c e C o m p o n e nt f o r L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H a ul A p pl i c a t i o n s P E F 22 5 0 4 E , P E F 2 2 5 04 H T , V e r s i o n 2 . 1



    Abstract: cat c15 ecm esm 310 bp frs3 relay TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 XS42 infineon marking RFs rsn 311 RSN 310 R 36 f0058
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 1, J ul y 20 00 F A LC - L H E 1/ T1 /J 1 Fr a m er a nd L i n e In te r fa c e C om p on e nt f or L on g an d S h or t H au l A p p li c a ti o ns P EB 22 5 5 V er s i o n 1 .3 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-07

    D-81541 f0035 cat c15 ecm esm 310 bp frs3 relay TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 XS42 infineon marking RFs rsn 311 RSN 310 R 36 f0058 PDF

    431.g transistor

    Abstract: OCTALLIU - PEF 22508 E GEMINAX MAX d HDB3 and CMI which is better smd transistor marking a7h GEMINAX Xl15 Motorola transistor smd marking codes TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE a6 smd transistor 1xb
    Text: P re li m in ar y D at a S h ee t , R ev . 1. 0 , N ov . 2 00 4 O c t a l L I U TM Octal E1/T1/J1 Line Interface Component for L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H a ul A p pl i c a t i o n s P E F 22 5 0 8 E , V e r s i on 1 . 1 W i r e l i n e C om m u n i c at i o n s


    RAK ceramic

    Abstract: TSC51 line code manchester tss461c van protocol TSS461C TSC51 intel iso 7813 "Vehicle Area Network"
    Text: TSS461C Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The TSS461C is such a circuit, which allows the transfer of all the status information needed in a car or truck over a

    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. RAK ceramic TSC51 line code manchester tss461c van protocol TSC51 intel iso 7813 "Vehicle Area Network" PDF

    IDG 600

    Abstract: CV 275 K 10 tss461c van protocol TSS461C
    Text: TSS461C Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The TSS461C is such a circuit, which allows the transfer of all the status information needed in a car or truck over a

    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. IDG 600 CV 275 K 10 tss461c van protocol PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TSS461C Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The TSS461C is such a circuit, which allows the transfer of all the status information needed in a car or truck over a

    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. PDF


    Abstract: TSC51
    Text: TSS461C Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The TSS461C is such a circuit, which allows the transfer of all the status information needed in a car or truck over a

    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. TSC51 PDF


    Abstract: PEB 22554 v1.3 dcf 2052 esm 310 bp cat c15 ecm esm 112 390 msu 305 better ts20 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 PCR 406 J
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 1, J ul y 20 00 Q ua d FA LC Q ua d E 1 /T1 / J 1 Fr a me r an d L in e In te r fa c e Co m po n en t fo r L on g a nd S ho r t Ha u l A pp l i c at i on s P EB 22 5 54 Ve r s i o n 1. 3 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .

    D-81541 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg PEB 22554 v1.3 dcf 2052 esm 310 bp cat c15 ecm esm 112 390 msu 305 better ts20 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 PCR 406 J PDF

    QuadFALC 3.1

    Abstract: QUADFALC - PEF 22554 Motorola transistor smd marking codes GCM1 Aop 4474 marking code 151 motorola SMD transistors PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT P-BGA-160-1 QuadFALC Version 3.1
    Text: Da ta S he et, D S 1, S ep . 2 00 2 QuadFALC Quad E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications PEF 22554 HT Version 2.1 PEF 22554 E Version 2.1 W i r ed Communications N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . PEF 22554 HT/E

    XTS16RA QuadFALC 3.1 QUADFALC - PEF 22554 Motorola transistor smd marking codes GCM1 Aop 4474 marking code 151 motorola SMD transistors PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT P-BGA-160-1 QuadFALC Version 3.1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tem ic 29C461B MATRA MHS Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits. The 29C461B is such a circuit, which allows the transfer

    OCR Scan
    29C461B 29C461B ISO/11519-3. 000465b 29C46 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tem ic Semiconductors Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller TSS461C 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits.

    OCR Scan
    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. PDF


    Abstract: TEMIC NEC protocol
    Text: ' • SôbôMSb 00übD32 EI D WM T e m ic TSS461C Semiconductors Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits.

    OCR Scan
    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. Thi15 Sfibfi45b OTP-e TEMIC NEC protocol PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tem ic Semiconductors Vehicle Area Network Data Link Controller TSS461C 1. Description Cost optimization in car manufacturing is of extreme importance today. Solutions to this problem often implies the use of more advanced and intelligent electronic circuits.

    OCR Scan
    TSS461C TSS461C ISO/11519-3. PDF