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    LMV1031UR-20/NOPB Texas Instruments Amplifier for Internal 3- Wire Analog Microphones and External Preamplifier 4-DSBGA Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LMV1031URX-20/NOPB Texas Instruments Amplifier for Internal 3- Wire Analog Microphones and External Preamplifier 4-DSBGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    7M2-122 Coilcraft Inc Variable Inductor, 1.1uH Min, 1.3uH Max, Ferrite-Core, Shielded, 3030, DIP-5 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    7M2-272 Coilcraft Inc Variable Inductor, 2.4uH Min, 3uH Max, Ferrite-Core, Shielded, 3030, DIP-5 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    7M2-561 Coilcraft Inc Variable Inductor, 0.526uH Min, 0.594uH Max, Ferrite-Core, Shielded, 3030, DIP-5 Visit Coilcraft Inc

    MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIER AGC DIP 8 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "Microphone Preamplifier" agc VOICE REC playback electret mic chipcorder D1810 ISD1810 DSA0035581 variable gain audio preamplifier voice record
    Text: I S D1810 Winbond’s ISD1810 ChipCorder provides high-quality, single-chip, single-message, record/playback solutions with user-selectable durations of 8 to 16 seconds. The CMOS device includes an on-chip oscillator with external control , microphone preamplifier, automatic gain control, anti-aliasing

    D1810 ISD1810 Voi01 ISD1810 ISD1800 16-second ISD1810PB1-10/00. "Microphone Preamplifier" agc VOICE REC playback electret mic chipcorder D1810 DSA0035581 variable gain audio preamplifier voice record PDF

    application note isd1020ap

    Abstract: ISD1016AP ISD1000A isd chipcorder application notes isd1000a ISD1020A ISD1016A ISD1020 ISD1020AP ISD1016AG ISD1016AGI
    Text: 06.DataBook_1000A Dsht Page 1 Friday, September 27, 1996 10:44 AM ISD1000A Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice Record/Playback solution • Fully addressable to handle multiple

    1000A ISD1000A 20-Second 100-year 28-Lead 350-Inch 600-Inch ISD1016AG application note isd1020ap ISD1016AP isd chipcorder application notes isd1000a ISD1020A ISD1016A ISD1020 ISD1020AP ISD1016AG ISD1016AGI PDF


    Abstract: ISD DIGITAL CHIPCORDER isd 2530 ISD ChipCorder Application Information chipcorder ISD1810 ISD1810P ISD1810X
    Text: ISD1810 Single-Chip, Single-Message Voice Record/Playback Device 8- to 16-Second Durations Advance Information GENERAL DESCRIPTION Information Storage Devices’ ISD1810 ChipCorder provides high-quality, single-chip, single-message, record/playback solution with user-selectable durations of 8 to 16 seconds. The CMOS devices include an on-chip oscillator with external control ,

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    isd 2530

    Abstract: isd1800 ISD1810 ISD ChipCorder Application Information ISD DIGITAL CHIPCORDER chipcorder isd chipcorder application notes ISD1810P ISD1810X INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES
    Text: ISD1810 Single-Chip, Single-Message Voice Record/Playback Device 8- to 16-Second Durations Advance Information GENERAL DESCRIPTION Information Storage Devices’ ISD1810 ChipCorder provides high-quality, single-chip, single-message, record/playback solution with user-selectable durations of 8 to 16 seconds. The CMOS devices include an on-chip oscillator with external control ,

    ISD1810 16-Second ISD1810 2200898D1510 isd 2530 isd1800 ISD ChipCorder Application Information ISD DIGITAL CHIPCORDER chipcorder isd chipcorder application notes ISD1810P ISD1810X INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES PDF

    ISD ChipCorder Application Information

    Abstract: ISD1810 ISD1810X chipcorder ISD1800 ISD1810P 40 pin record and play INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES
    Text: ISD1810 Single-Chip, Single-Message Voice Record/Playback Device 8- to 16-Second Durations Advance Information GENERAL DESCRIPTION Information Storage Devices’ ISD1810 ChipCorder provides high-quality, single-chip, single-message, record/playback solution with user-selectable durations of 8 to 16 seconds. The CMOS devices include an on-chip oscillator with external control ,

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    Abstract: 1 PAGE OF APR9301 voice recorder and playback chip apr9301 circuit diagram of APR9301 -V2SOP Voice Record Integrated Circuits IS 15658 voice activated recorder circuit Voice Playback Integrated Circuits OSCR microphone speaker 2
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INC.- APR9301 APR9301 RE-RECORDING VOICE IC Single-Chip Voice Recording & Playback Device for Single 20 to 30 Second Message Features : „ Single-chip, high quality voice recording & Playback solution ƒ - No external ICs required - Minimum external components

    APR9301 APR9301 100-year 1 PAGE OF APR9301 voice recorder and playback chip apr9301 circuit diagram of APR9301 -V2SOP Voice Record Integrated Circuits IS 15658 voice activated recorder circuit Voice Playback Integrated Circuits OSCR microphone speaker 2 PDF

    isd1420 addressing

    Abstract: ISD1420 ISD1400 application information isd1400 Address Tables application note isd1416 chipcorder basic addressing isd1400 application isd chipcorder application notes ISD1416PI PDF Datasheets ISD1400
    Text: ISD1400 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice Record/ Playback solution • Fully addressable to handle multiple messages • High-quality, natural voice/audio reproduction

    ISD1400 20-Second 100-year 28-Lead 600-Inch 300-Inch ISD1416P ISD1420P isd1420 addressing ISD1420 ISD1400 application information isd1400 Address Tables application note isd1416 chipcorder basic addressing isd1400 application isd chipcorder application notes ISD1416PI PDF Datasheets PDF


    Abstract: ISD1420 isd1420 addressing ISD1400 ISD1416P ISD1416PI ISD1416S ISD1416SI ISD1416X microphone Preamp schematic
    Text: ISD1400 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice Record/ Playback solution • Fully addressable to handle multiple messages • High-quality, natural voice/audio reproduction

    ISD1400 20-Second 100-year ISD14 28-Lead 600-Inch 300-Inch ISD1416 ISD1420 isd1420 addressing ISD1416P ISD1416PI ISD1416S ISD1416SI ISD1416X microphone Preamp schematic PDF


    Abstract: ISD1210 ISD1210P ISD1200 ISD1210G ISD1210X ISD1212 ISD1212P isd chipcorder application notes microphone preamp agc
    Text: 08.DataBook_1200 Dsht Page 39 Friday, September 27, 1996 10:59 AM ISD1200 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 10- and 12-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice Record/ Playback solution • Fully addressable to handle multiple

    ISD1200 12-Second 100-year SD1200 28-Lead 350-Inch 600-Inch ISD1210G ISD1212G ISD1212G ISD1210 ISD1210P ISD1210G ISD1210X ISD1212 ISD1212P isd chipcorder application notes microphone preamp agc PDF


    Abstract: ISD2575TI mc68hc705k1a ISD2575 Products Application Notes ISD2560 ISD2590 ISD2560 isd chipcorder application notes isd25120 ISD2560P ISD25120
    Text: ISD2500 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 32-*, 40-*, 48-*, 64-*, 60-, 75-, 90-, and 120-Second Durations FEATURES • • • • • • • Easy-to-use single-chip voice Record/ Playback solution High-quality, natural voice/audio reproduction

    ISD2500 120-Second 100-year 28-Lead 300-Inch 32-Lead 8x20-mm ISD2560E ISD2575E ISD2575TI mc68hc705k1a ISD2575 Products Application Notes ISD2560 ISD2590 ISD2560 isd chipcorder application notes isd25120 ISD2560P ISD25120 PDF


    Abstract: ISD25120 Application Notes ISD2560 ISD2560 ISD2560S ISD2575 ISD2575S ISD2590 ISD2590S INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES
    Text: 2001-02-14 PRODUKTINFORMATION Vi reserverar oss mot fel samt förbehåller oss rätten till ändringar utan föregående meddelande ELFA artikelnr 73-105-35 ISD2560S Ljudl.krets 73-105-43 ISD2575S Ljudl.krets 73-105-50 ISD2590S Ljudl.krets 73-106-00 ISD2560 60 s ljudlagringskrets

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    IC ANA 618

    Abstract: ANA 618 ana 618 equivalent INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES ISD520
    Text: MAR 2 6 1992 PRELIMINARY Information Storage Devices, Inc. ISD520 Tapeless Answering Machine Device FEATURES • N atu ral, h ig h -q u a lity p la y b a ck su ita b le fo r v o ice, m u sic, a n d to n e s • E asy to use; p ro g ra m m in g a n d d ev e lo p m en t

    OCR Scan
    ISD520 10-year ISD520P ISD520J ISD520G ISD520X 24-pin 28-lead 24-lead ISD1000 IC ANA 618 ANA 618 ana 618 equivalent INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES ISD520 PDF


    Abstract: ISD1000A ISD1016APL INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES ISD100 ak 25095 ISD1016AG "Microphone Preamplifier" agc dip 8 T0033I DDGG117

    OCR Scan
    T0033I 20-Second ISD1000A ISD1000 TDD33 ISD1016APL INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES ISD100 ak 25095 ISD1016AG "Microphone Preamplifier" agc dip 8 DDGG117 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET .NFosAMTioM , STO RA G E IS D 1 0 0 0 A S e r i e s Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations d e v ic e s G ENER AL DESC R IPTIO N FEATURES Information Storage Devices' ISD1000A ChipCorder Series provides high-quality, single-chip record/playback

    OCR Scan
    20-Second ISD1000A ISD1000 4C379 PDF

    Application Notes ISD2560

    Abstract: ISD2500-SERIES ISD2545 ISP2500 IC ISD2590 ISD2500 IC ISD2590 Application Notes ISD2560G 18 pin ic ISD2575C
    Text: - PRELIMINARY DATA S H E E T - » r r ,ON ISD 2500 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 45-, 60-, 75-, and 90-Second Durations

    OCR Scan
    90-Second ISD2500 ISD250 Application Notes ISD2560 ISD2500-SERIES ISD2545 ISP2500 IC ISD2590 IC ISD2590 Application Notes ISD2560G 18 pin ic ISD2575C PDF

    schematic diagram of Automatic Filling Systems

    Abstract: ISD1000A dast ISD1016AG ISD1020AP ISD1012AP microphone Preamp schematic ISD1020AG 1016a "Microphone Preamplifier" agc dip 8
    Text: INFORMATION STORAGE b bE D 'iDüaaTÜ 0 0 0 0 D 0 5 4flb « I S D I PRELIMINARY Information Storage Devices, Inc. ISD1012A/1016A /1020A Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices FEATURES • N atural, h igh -q u ality playback su itab le for v oice, m usic, an d to n es

    OCR Scan
    0000D05 ISD1012A/1016A/1020A 10-easing schematic diagram of Automatic Filling Systems ISD1000A dast ISD1016AG ISD1020AP ISD1012AP microphone Preamp schematic ISD1020AG 1016a "Microphone Preamplifier" agc dip 8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFORMATION STORAGE <§> De v ic e s ß " OiipCorder' HCHMOCOCVÍYUO I S D 1 0 0 0 A S e r ie s Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice record/play­ back solution Fully addressable to handle multiple

    OCR Scan
    20-Second 100-year ISD1000A ISD10 28-Pin ISD1016AP ISD1020AP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET “ “ IS D 1 2 0 0 /1 4 0 0 S e r ie s Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 10-, 12-, 16-, and 20-Second Durations d e v ic e s GENERAL DESCRIPTIO N FEATURES Information Storage Devices' ISD 1200/1400 ChipCorder Series provides high-quality, single-chip record/playback

    OCR Scan
    20-Second PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET - Z o Z V ,ON IS D 2 5 0 0 S e r ie s Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 60-, 75-, and 90-Second Durations @ d e v ic e s GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES provides high-quality, single-chip record/playback

    OCR Scan
    90-Second ISD2500ChipCorderâ ISD2500 448L2 PDF

    RY 485 ESA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAR 2 3 Î992 PRELIMINARY Information Storage Devices, Inc. IS D 1 0 1 2 A /1 0 1 6 A /1 0 2 0 A Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices FEATURES • N a tu ral, h ig h -q u ality p lay b ack su itab le fo r v o ice , m u sic, an d to n e s • F le x ib le re c o r d a n d p la y b a ck c o n tro l o p tion s

    OCR Scan
    sup16 28-pin 28-lead ISD1020AG RY 485 ESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INFORMATION STORAGE C! DEVICES ChipCorder' TKHNOLOCYirHO ISD 1400 Series Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 16- and 20-Second Durations FEATURES • Easy-to-use single-chip voice record/ playback solution Fully addressable to handle multiple messages

    OCR Scan
    20-Second 100-year ISD14_ ISD1400 28-Pin ISD1416G ISD1420G ISD1416GI PDF


    Abstract: "Microphone Preamplifier" 1.5V application note isd1020ap microphone preamp agc voice recording chip SPEAK AMPLIFIER noise cancelling mic circuit INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES isd1000 inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line
    Text: IN FO R M A TIO N STORAGE DEVICES IS D 1 0 1 2 A / 1 0 1 6 A / 1 0 2 0 A Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 12 to 20 Second Durations FEATURES • N a tu ral, h ig h -q u ality p lay b ack su itab le fo r vo ice, m u sic, a n d to n es • N on volatile E E P R O M te ch n o lo g y — zero p o w er

    OCR Scan
    ISD1012A/1016A/1020A 100-year D1020A "Microphone Preamplifier" 1.5V application note isd1020ap microphone preamp agc voice recording chip SPEAK AMPLIFIER noise cancelling mic circuit INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICES isd1000 inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIM INARY DATA S H EET IN FO RM A TIO N I S D sto rag e 1 1 0 0 S e r ie s Single-Chip Voice Record/Playback Devices 10-Second Duration % d e v ic e s GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES Information Storage Devices' ISD1100 ChipCorder Series provides high-quality, single-chip record/

    OCR Scan
    10-Second ISD1100 14/102S93 isd1100x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SONY C X A 1 2 9 8 A P Recording Equalizer Amplifier for Stereo Tape Recorder Description CXA1298AP is a bipolar IC designed for the recording amplifier of tape recorders. It is especially suitable for double deck tape recorders. Features • Built-in filter required for recording equalizer

    OCR Scan
    CXA1298AP Cr-02" 16-pin CXA1298AP 16P1N 300mil GHPOIft-P-0300-A MO-001-AE 16PIN PDF