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    Amphenol Corporation C-ST-SC-1M9SMF-OE

    Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 1m ST to SC Orange OS2 Duplex OFNR (Riser-Rated) SMF Fiber Patch Cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics C-ST-SC-1M9SMF-OE
    • 1 $20.14
    • 10 $17.46
    • 100 $14.39
    • 1000 $13.14
    • 10000 $13.14
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    Amphenol Corporation C-SC-LC-5M9SMF-OE

    Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 5m SC to LC Orange OS2 Duplex OFNR (Riser-Rated) SMF Fiber Patch Cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics C-SC-LC-5M9SMF-OE
    • 1 $20.54
    • 10 $17.99
    • 100 $16.1
    • 1000 $14.77
    • 10000 $14.77
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    Amphenol Corporation C-LC-LC-3M9SMF-OE

    Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 3m LC to LC Orange OS2 Duplex OFNR (Riser-Rated) SMF Fiber Patch Cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics C-LC-LC-3M9SMF-OE
    • 1 $21.94
    • 10 $19.22
    • 100 $17.2
    • 1000 $15.78
    • 10000 $15.78
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    Amphenol Corporation C-SC-LC-10M9SMF-OE

    Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 10m SC to LC Orange OS2 Duplex OFNR (Riser-Rated) SMF Fiber Patch Cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics C-SC-LC-10M9SMF-OE
    • 1 $24.28
    • 10 $21.26
    • 100 $19.03
    • 1000 $17.98
    • 10000 $17.98
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    Amphenol Corporation C-LC-LC-22M9SMF-OE

    Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies 22m LC to LC Orange OS2 Duplex OFNR (Riser-Rated) SMF Fiber Patch Cable
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics C-LC-LC-22M9SMF-OE
    • 1 $31.75
    • 10 $27.81
    • 100 $24.89
    • 1000 $23.51
    • 10000 $23.51
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    MFOE Datasheets (32)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MFOE1100 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE1100 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1101 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE1101 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1102 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE1102 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1200 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE1200 Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MFOE1200 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1201 Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MFOE1201 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1202 Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MFOE1202 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE1203 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE1203 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE200 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE200 Motorola European Master Selection Guide 1986 Scan PDF
    MFOE200 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF
    MFOE3100 Motorola Receptacle Mounted Fiber Optic Transmitter And Receiver Components Original PDF
    MFOE3100 Motorola Optoelectronics Device Data 1988 Scan PDF

    MFOE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LED fiber optic IF-E96-R MFOE76 cinch d*C
    Text: Plastic Fiber Optic Red LED IF-E96-R DESCRIPTION The IF-E96-R is the replacement for the now obsolete Motorola MFOE76 fiber optic LED in Industrial Fiber Optics’ family of low-cost devices. Each LED consists of a polycarbonate PC housing, an internal active element such as an LED subcomponent, and a cinch nut to hold the fiber in place. The PC housing retains the

    IF-E96-R IF-E96-R MFOE76 90-degree MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC LED fiber optic cinch d*C PDF


    Abstract: IF-E91A-R MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC IR fiber IF-E91A
    Text: Plastic Fiber Optic IR LED IF-E91A-R IF-E9A-R DESCRIPTION The IF-E91A-R is the replacement for the now obsolete Motorola MFOE71 fiber optic LED in Industrial Fiber Optics’ family of devices. Each LED consists of a polycarbonate PC housing, an internal active element such as an LED



    Abstract: MFOE71 photodyne MFOD71 motorola photodyne 88XLA MFOD71 photodyne 1500XP MFOD71 circuit Infrared led 850 coin operated
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE71 Fiber O p t ic s — F L C S F a m ily In frare d L E D . d e sig n e d for lo w cost, m e d iu m frequency, sh o rt d istan ce Fiber O p tics S y s t e m s u sin g 1000 m icron core plastic fiber.

    OCR Scan
    MFOD71, SH4001 1500XP 10D-101 025l0010l 363B-01 MF0E71 MFOE71 photodyne MFOD71 motorola photodyne 88XLA MFOD71 photodyne 1500XP MFOD71 circuit Infrared led 850 coin operated PDF


    Abstract: photodyne 88XLA abe 810 texscan 88xla photodyne SMA 905 fiber dimensions MFOE1102 Amphenol SMA 228-756-1
    Text: MOTOROLA • i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M FO E1100 MFOE1101 M FO E1102 Fiber O p tics — 100 M H z Family Infrared LED . designed for fiber optics applications requiring high-pow er and medium response time. • • • • • • HERM ETIC FAMILY

    OCR Scan
    10A-01 905-138-5001 photodyne 88XLA abe 810 texscan 88xla photodyne SMA 905 fiber dimensions MFOE1102 Amphenol SMA 228-756-1 PDF


    Abstract: MFOE200 M6800
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE200 Fiber O p t ic s — 100 M H z F a m ily Infrared L E D . . . d e s ig n e d as an in fra re d s o u rce in lo w fre q u en cy , s h o rt le n g th F ib e r O p tic s S y ste m s. T y p ica l a p p lic a tio n s in c lu d e : m e d ica l e le ctro n ics, in d u s tria l c o n tro ls , M 6 80 0 M ic ro p ro ­

    OCR Scan
    M6800 MFOE200 MFOD100 MFOE200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Plastic Fiber Optic Red LED IF-E96-R DESCRIPTION The IF-E96-R is the replacement for the now obsolete Motorola MFOE76 fiber optic LED in Industrial Fiber Optics’ family of low-cost devices. Each LED consists of a polycarbonate PC housing, an internal active element such as an LED subcomponent, and a cinch nut to hold the fiber in place. The PC housing retains the

    IF-E96-R IF-E96-R MFOE76 90-degree PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE76 Fiber O ptics — FLCS Fam ily V isib le Red LED The MFOE76 is designed for low cost, medium frequency, fiber optic systems using 1000 micron core plastic fiber. It is compatible with Motorola's wide variety of detector functions from the

    OCR Scan
    MFOE76 MFOE76 MFOD70 SH4001 PDF


    Abstract: photodyne 88XLA MFOE71
    Text: MOTOROLA SE M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE71 Fiber O p tic s — F L C S Fam ily Infrared L E D . . d e sign e d for lo w cost, m e d iu m frequency, sh o rt distance Fiber O p tics S y st e m s u sin g 1000 m icron core plastic fiber. Typical ap p lications include: h igh isolation interconnects, d isp o sa b le m edical electron­

    OCR Scan
    MFOE71 MF0E71 88XLA SH4001 MF0E71 photodyne 88XLA MFOE71 PDF

    photodyne 88xla

    Abstract: MFOE1200
    Text: MOTOROLA •i SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE1200 Fiber Optics Infrared LED . d esig n ed fo r fib e r o p tics a p p lica tio n s re q u irin g h ig h p o w e r and fa s t response tim e . HERMETIC FAMILY FIBER OPTICS INFRARED LED Fast R esponse — > 7 0 M Hz B a n dw idth

    OCR Scan
    MFOE1200 F086600380 10A-01 88XLA photodyne 88xla MFOE1200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA mm S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOEC1200 Infrared L E D C h ip . . . d e sig n e d for fiber optic ap p lications req u iring fast re sp o n se time. • Fast R e s p o n se — 90 M H z B an dw id th T yp • H igh P ow e r O u t p u t — 1.5 m W M in

    OCR Scan
    MFOEC1200 PDF

    photodyne 88XLA

    Abstract: MFOE1202 88xla SMA 905 fiber dimensions MFOE1201 MFOE1203 905-138
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE1201 M FOE1202 MFOE12Q3 Fiber O p t ic s — 100 M H z F a m ily Infrared L E D . . d e sig n e d for fiber op tics ap p lication s req u iring h igh p o w e r and fast re sp o n se time. • • • •

    OCR Scan
    10A-01 photodyne 88XLA MFOE1202 88xla SMA 905 fiber dimensions MFOE1201 MFOE1203 905-138 PDF


    Abstract: MHW590 f2n3904 MFOE3202 ir receiver motorola photodyne photodyne 88XLA SMA 905 fiber dimensions 2N3904 88XLA
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE3200 MFOE3201 MFOE3202 Fiber O p tic s — M O D F am ily In fra re d LED . . d esig n ed fo r fib e r o p tic s a p p lic a tio n s re q u irin g h ig h p o w e r and fa s t respo n se tim e . It is sp e c tra lly m a tch e d to th e firs t w in d o w m in im u m a tte n u a tio n re g io n o f m o s t glasscore fib e r o p tic s cables. M o to ro la 's package fits d ire c tly into sta n d a rd fib e r o p tic s c o n ­

    OCR Scan
    Am0160 VK200 MRF581 MHW590 2N3904 1N3904 f2n3904 MFOE3202 ir receiver motorola photodyne photodyne 88XLA SMA 905 fiber dimensions 2N3904 88XLA PDF


    Text: Plastic Fiber Optic Red LED IF-E96-R DESCRIPTION The F-E96-R is the replacement for the now obsolete Motorola MFOE76 fiber optic LED in Industrial Fiber Optics’ family of low-cost devices. Each LED consists of a polycarbonate PC housing, an internal active element such as an LED or photodetector subcomponent, and a cinch nut to hold the fiber in place. The PC housing retains the active element and the cinch nut while optimizing coupling


    A 940

    Abstract: MFOE200 max5840
    Text: MOTOROLA H SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE200 Fiber Optics Infrared LED . . . designed as an infrared source in low frequency, short length Fiber Optics System s. Typical applications include: medical electronics, industrial controls, M6800 Micropro­ cessor system s, security system s, etc.

    OCR Scan
    MFOE200 M6800 A 940 MFOE200 max5840 PDF


    Abstract: mfoe71 MOTOROLA
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE71 Fiber O ptics — FLCS Family Infrared LED The M F O E 7 1 is designed for low cost, medium frequency, short distance Fiber Optics System s using 1000 micron core plastic fiber. FLCS FAMILY FIBER OPTICS

    OCR Scan
    MFOE71 MFOE71 SH4001) 1500XP SH4001 mfoe71 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA h SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M FO E1200 Fiber Optics In fra re d LED 8 5 0 nm T h e MFOE120Q is d e s ig n e d fo r fib e r o p tic s a p p lic a tio n s re q u irin g h ig h p o w e r a n d fa s t re s p o n s e tim e . HERMETIC FAMILY FIBER OPTICS

    OCR Scan
    E1200 MFOE120Q MFOE1200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE76 Fiber O p tic s — F L C S F am ily V isib le Red L E D T h is device is d e sign e d for lo w co st, m edium frequency, fiber o ptic sy ste m s u sin g 1000 m icron core plastic fiber. It is co m p atib le with M otorola's w ide variety o f detector

    OCR Scan
    SH4001 MFOE76 363B-01 ESKASH4001 PDF

    photodyne 88xla

    Abstract: 88xla MFOE1200 228756-1 photodyne 350 905 motorola photodyne SMA 905 fiber dimensions L036 905-138-5001
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE1200 Fiber Optics; — 100 M H z Family Infrared LEE . d e sig n e d for fiber op tics ap p lication s req u iring h ig h p o w e r and fast r e sp o n se time. • • • • • • HERMETIC FAMILY

    OCR Scan
    F086600380 MFOE1200 10A-01 88XLA photodyne 88xla MFOE1200 228756-1 photodyne 350 905 motorola photodyne SMA 905 fiber dimensions L036 905-138-5001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MFOE3200 MFOE3201 MFOE3202 Fiber O p tic s — M O D F a m ily In frare d L E D . . d e sig n e d for fiber optics ap p lication s requiring h igh p o w e r and fast re sp o n se time. It is spectrally m atched to the first w in d o w m in im u m attenuation region of m o st gla sscore fiber op tics cables. M o to ro la 's p ackage fits directly into stan d ard fiber optics c o n ­

    OCR Scan
    2N3904 MFOE3202 PDF


    Abstract: MFOE1202 E1201 JB-77 PCR001
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA M FO E1201 MFOE1202 M FOE1203 Fiber O p tic s — H igh Perform ance Fam ily In fra re d LED 8 5 0 nm The MFOE1201, MFOE1202 and MFOE1203 are designed fo r S hort Haul (< 2 K m ) fib er optics applications re qu irin g fast response tim e.

    OCR Scan
    E1201 MFOE1202 FOE1203 MFOE1201, MFOE1203 M6800 PCR001 MF0E12Q1, MFOE12Q2, 905-138-5001 JB-77 PDF


    Abstract: Texscan E1202 MFOE1201 905-138 MFOE1202 TB30Z
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MFOE1201 MFOE1202 MFOE1203 Fiber O ptics — High Perform ance Family Infrared LED . . . desig n ed fo r fib e r o p tic s a p p lica tio n s re q u irin g h ig h p o w e r and fa s t response tim e . • • • • •

    OCR Scan
    MFOE1201 MFOE1202 MFOE1203 10A-01 ZM-57 Texscan E1202 905-138 TB30Z PDF


    Abstract: wheatstone bridge invasive blood pressure sensor AN1646 abstract for battery level indicator of lm3914 infusion pump pressure transducer ZO 607 TRIAC TRANSISTOR NPN, b2f piezo buzzer mtbf ABSTRACT FOR water level indicator using 4 led MPX5100
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Sensor Device Data Book DL200/D Rev. 5, 01/2003 WWW.MOTOROLA.COM/SEMICONDUCTORS For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. DATA CLASSIFICATION Product Preview

    DL200/D DL200/D, mpx6115 wheatstone bridge invasive blood pressure sensor AN1646 abstract for battery level indicator of lm3914 infusion pump pressure transducer ZO 607 TRIAC TRANSISTOR NPN, b2f piezo buzzer mtbf ABSTRACT FOR water level indicator using 4 led MPX5100 PDF


    Abstract: MFOD71 MFOD71 motorola MFOD71 circuit 2N4401 ITT MFOE76 MFOD75 fiber optical photo detector MC3302 MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M FO D71 Fiber O p tic s — FLCS F am ily P h o to D e te c to r Diode Output FLCS FAMILY FIBER OPTICS PHOTO DETECTOR DIODE O U TPU T . . . designed fo r low cost, short distance Fiber Optic Systems using 1000 micron core

    OCR Scan
    MFOE76 363B-01 MF0D71 MFOD71 MFOD71 motorola MFOD71 circuit 2N4401 ITT MFOD75 fiber optical photo detector MC3302 MOTOROLA FIBER OPTIC PDF


    Abstract: IR LED 810 nm
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M FO E C 1200 Infrared LED Chip . . . designed for fiber optic applications requiring fast response time. • Fast Response — 90 MHz Bandwidth Typ • High Power Output — 1.5 mW Min • Anode/Cathode Metallization Compatible w ith Conventional W ire and Die Bonding

    OCR Scan