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    TCK424G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK425G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK423G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK422G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET Gate Driver IC, 2.7 to 28 V, External MOSFET Gate drive / Inrush current reducing, WCSP6G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MG800FXF1JMS3 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch SiC MOSFET Module, 3300 V, 800 A, iXPLV, High-side: SiC SBD、Low-side: SiC MOSFET Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    METAL DIP FULL UM-1 CLOCK OSCILLATORS Datasheets Context Search

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    Crystal Oscillator

    Abstract: oscillators crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz 3579545 crystal oscillator 12,000 MHz Crystal oscillator 2 pin crystal oscillator 11.0592 2 pin crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz TCXO 24.576 11.0592 crystal oscillator 11.0592 mhz crystal oscillator
    Text: Oscilent Corporation | 340 Series Crystal Oscillator Page 1 of 3 Crystal Oscillator Series Number Package Description Last Modified 340 Metal Dip Full UM-1 Clock Oscillators July 01 2005 FEATURES - HCMOS/TTL logic compatible - Gullwing option - Low power consumption



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PE11M Series 3.3 V PECL Clock Oscillators May 2006 • Pletronics’ PE11M Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a PECL output. • Minimizes RFI radiation, eases meeting FCC Class B emissions standards. • Tube packaging is available.

    PE11M 2002/95/EC) 2002/96/EC) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 1.8 V CMOS Clock Oscillators January 2006 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 5.0 V CMOS Clock Oscillators January 2006 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 2.5 V CMOS Clock Oscillators June 2005 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF

    pe11m 3.3v

    Abstract: PE11M Electric Welding Machine Oscillator AZ100ELT20 SM77
    Text: PE11M Series 3.3 V PECL Clock Oscillators December 2007 • Pletronics’ PE11M Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a PECL output. • Minimizes RFI radiation, eases meeting FCC Class B emissions standards. • Tube packaging is available.

    PE11M 2002/95/EC) 2002/96/EC) AZ100ELT20 PE77D pe11m 3.3v Electric Welding Machine Oscillator SM77 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 3.3 V CMOS Clock Oscillators June 2005 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF


    Abstract: 200AT C125 32.768 khz crystal 5ppm
    Text: 22355 Abracon CORX 2-29.qxd 3/6/00 6:54 AM Page 39 HCMOS/ TTL COMPATIBLE HALF-SIZE DIP CRYSTAL CLOCK OSCILLATORS AC H FEATURES: • Wide frequency range. • Tight symmetry option. • Fast Rise and Fall Times. • HCMOS and TTL compatible. • Tristate Enable / Disable Function.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 2.5 V CMOS Clock Oscillators January 2006 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P113SD Series 3.3 V CMOS Clock Oscillators January 2006 • Pletronics’ P113SD Series is a quartz crystal controlled precision square wave generator with a CMOS output. • The P113SD series will directly interface TTL devices also. • Greatly reduces RFI and EMI system sensitivity

    P113SD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *¥ P W P * _ —— _*5*£^2n2y ^ ACMOS m f FCT Uock Oscillators FEATURES • Available .01 Hz thru 175 MHz check factory for availability beyond 175 M Hz ■ 3.3 Volt, 5.0 Volt and 8-15 Volt operation available ■ Temperature range from 0°C to +50°C thru -55°C to +200°C

    OCR Scan
    CO-412, CO-422, CO-441 CO-442 MIL-O-55310/18B MIL-O-55310 MIL-0-55310/18 MIL-0-55310/26 CO-236 CO-236 PDF


    Abstract: 22031a
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet _ DESIGNS ICD2031A Satellite Oscillator Fixed-Frequency Oscillator Replaces Traditional Can Oscillators in Distributed High-Performance System Designs • Single Fixed-Frequency Oscillators Ranging from 1 MHz —87 MHz with

    OCR Scan
    ICD2031A Hz-87 113th ICD2031ASC 22031a PDF

    transistor bL P09

    Abstract: MB625xxx mb62xxxx mb620 transistor phl 218 MB623xxx mb625 MB624xxx N4KD FPT-70P-M
    Text: FUJITSU MIC R OE LE CT RON IC S 23E D 374=17132 0 0 1 0 2 5 3 7 _ F U JITSU T - 4 2 - 4 U UHB SERIES 1.5// CMOS GATE ARRAYS K _ MB62XXXX MB60XXXX September 1988 Edition 1.1 DESCRIPTION The UHB series of 1.5-mlcron CMOS gate arrays Is a highly Integrated low-power, ultra high-speed product family that derives Its

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    MB62XXXX MB60XXXX T-160P F160001S-2C 40-LEAD OIP-40P-M U1M1T60 D40008S-1Ç transistor bL P09 MB625xxx mb620 transistor phl 218 MB623xxx mb625 MB624xxx N4KD FPT-70P-M PDF


    Abstract: Fairchild dtl catalog free transistor equivalent book 2sc lm741 MA339PC MA725HM MA7805KM UA759 gi 9640 diod MA4136PC
    Text: $9.9! •— r c m m pq, F A IR C H IL D A S chlum berger C om pany Linear Data Book Linear Division Introduction The Linear Data Book includes the standard linear product line plus our new W inchester Disk Drive circuits and CLASIC standard cells. For ease o f reference linear

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    S-11743 S-16308 CH-1218 UA317 Fairchild dtl catalog free transistor equivalent book 2sc lm741 MA339PC MA725HM MA7805KM UA759 gi 9640 diod MA4136PC PDF


    Abstract: K1114AM K1115AM K1115a k1115 K1145AM MK1115AM K1100A K1114A 400P Crystal
    Text: Feature/ M M O T O R O L A K1100AM Kin4AM',“K1115AM,“Kni6AM “ K1145AM“ REPRESENTED BY KOTTMEIER ASSOC IATES, 2470 W IN C H E S TE R CAM PBELL, (408) BLVD., CA IN C . SUITE 950Ö8 866-5153 B Cry/col Clock Oscillators 250 kHz to 70 MHz TTL C O M PA TIBLE O U T P U T

    OCR Scan
    K1100AM K1114AM MK1115AM MK1116AM K1145AM R29-3-27A K1115AM K1115a k1115 K1145AM K1100A K1114A 400P Crystal PDF


    Abstract: HCA62A17 62A50 18PDIP 68-LCC
    Text: í Order this data sheet by HCA62A00/D M MOTOROLA HCA62A00 Series SEM ICO NDUCTO RS P.O B O X 20912 • PHOENIX, A R IZ O N A 85036 HCA62A00 SERIES CMOS MACROCELL ARRAYS The HCA62A00 series m acrocell arrays are im plem ented in sil­ icon gate, 2-m icron draw n gate length, dual-layer metal intercon­

    OCR Scan
    HCA62A00/D HCA62A00 62A17 HCA62A17 62A50 18PDIP 68-LCC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FU JITSU UHB SERIES 1.5p CMOS GATE ARRAYS MB62XXXX MB60XXXX Septem ber 1988 Edition 1.1 DESCRIPTION The UHB series o f 1 .5-m icron CMOS gate arrays Is a highly Integrated low -pow er, ultra high-speed product fam ily th a t derives its enhanced perform ance and increased user flexibility fro m the use of a system -proven, dual-colum n gate s tru ctu re and 2-layer

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    MB62XXXX MB60XXXX FPT-160PM01) 40-LEAD DIP-40P-M01) 54JTYP 40006S-1C PDF


    Abstract: ET3000 dell monitor circuit diagram nfv510 NFV510-655T2A107 TSENG LABS cmos 74hc ADV471 tseng lab video 74ALS
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-333 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Design and Layout of a Video Graphics System for Reduced EMI by Bill Slattery and John Wynne The availability of low cost, high performance video

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    Abstract: za801 intech A-2685 Robinson Nugent CATALOG sharp LH2310 L137AA AM-100B mm5330 MEM2009 U5B7740393
    Text: saEdge Index by Function NATIONAL Here is the new Special Function Analog and Digital Circuits data book. It contains detailed information for specifying and applying special amplifiers, buffers, clock drivers, analog switches, and D/A-A/D converter products.

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    Abstract: ca3080 spice vogt transformer 406 69 CA3098 equivalent ICL8038 applications advantages disadvantages gi 9544 class d amplifier schematic hip4080 STR 6459 SEVEN PIN IC TRANSISTOR FOR POWER SUPPLY siemens transistor manual BUF601
    Text: New High Speed Linear Products VIDEO OP AMPS AND BUFFERS HFA1105 LOW POWER VIDEO OP AMP HFA1115 I LOW POWER PROGRAMMABLE GAIN VIDEO BUFFER [ AnswerFAX DOCUMENT # 3395 AnswerFAX DOCUMENT * 3606 • -3dB Bandwidth Ay * + 2 . 350MHz

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    Abstract: LM1040 Transistor Shortform Datasheet & Cross References TRANSISTOR C 6090 EQUIVALENT 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE CAA Fairchild Databook LMF120 lm331 equivalent LM1819 Harris Semiconductor LF124
    Text: A Corporate Dedication to Quality and Reliability National Sem iconductor is an industry leader in the manufacture of high quality, high reliability integrated circuits. We have been the leading proponent of driv­ ing down 1C defects and extending product lifetim es.

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    12V, 6W Dynamo

    Abstract: DVC-8500 ROJ-20 AM-450 DVME-601 PRE 3100N BPM-15 AM460-2 DVC-350A CALIBRATOR AM-464-2
    Text: D a ta A c q u is itio n a n d C o n v e rs io n C o m p o n e n ts About DA TEL Founded in 1970, today’s DATEL is a multinational electronics manufacturing com pany that has achieved leadership status in all four o f its m ajor product lines . data acquisition and conversion

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    D-80045 12V, 6W Dynamo DVC-8500 ROJ-20 AM-450 DVME-601 PRE 3100N BPM-15 AM460-2 DVC-350A CALIBRATOR AM-464-2 PDF


    Abstract: K1115a K1100A K1114A K1100AM Quartz Crystals 12 Mhz K1145AM k1116am K1116 K1115AM
    Text: Feature/ MOTOROLA K1100AM K1114AM,K1115AM,K1116AM“ K1145AM REPRESENTED KOTTMEIER BY A SSO C IATES, 2470 W IN C H E S TE R C AM PBELL, 408 B LVD ., CA IN C . SUITE 950Ö8 B Cry/tol Clock 866-5153 O scillato rs 250 kHz to 70 M Hz T TL C O M PA TIBLE O U T P U T

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    Abstract: adc-econoverter ADC856C Datel SHM-4 AM543MC vfv-10k intersil AM-452-2M DAC-IC10BC ROJ-20 AM452-2M
    Text: INNOVATION AND EXCELLENCE IN PRECISION DATA ACQUISITION C O M P A N Y H IS T O R Y Founded in 1970, DATEL is a multinational com pany located approxim ately 35 miles south of Boston in Mansfield, M assachusetts. O ur modern 180,000 square-foot facility houses our adm inistrative offices, com ponents and sub-system s engineering

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