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    Abstract: MEGGITT SBCHE 11 CGS SBCHE 15 Meggitt sbche 4 meggitt sbche 15 CGS SBCHE Meggitt CGS SBCHE SPW-10 meggitt sbche 6 MEGGITT SBCHE CGS
    Text: MEGGITT CGS HIGH VOLTAGE RESISTORS HIGH VALUE RESISTORS HIGH POWER RESISTORS ALUMINIUM CLAD RESISTORS CURRENT SENSE RESISTORS High Power Resistor TYPE SBC SQUARE CERAMIC SERIES This range of Power Wirewound Resistors are wound on continuous glass fibre elements or have a ceramic core


    CGS SBCHE 15

    Abstract: CGS SBCHE 6 30.3 ohm 5w resistor 2.2 ohm, 10W fusible resistor MEGGITT SBCHE 11 CGS SBCHE 11 4r7 K meggitt sbche 6 0R1 RESISTOR Ceramic Resistor 5W axial wirewound meggitt sbche 15
    Text: MEGGITT CGS HIGH VOLTAGE RESISTORS HIGH VALUE RESISTORS HIGH POWER RESISTORS ALUMINIUM CLAD RESISTORS CURRENT SENSE RESISTORS High Power Resistor TYPE SBC SQUARE CERAMIC SERIES This range of Power Wirewound Resistors are wound on continuous glass fibre elements or have a ceramic core


    CGS SBCHE 15

    Abstract: meggitt sbche 15 Meggitt sbche 4 MEGGITT SBCHE 11 5W 6.8 ohm k ceramic resistor CGS SBCHE meggitt cgs SBCHE Meggitt CGS 12k resistor 1/8 watt datasheet cgs sbche 5 10k j
    Text: MEGGITT CGS HIGH VOLTAGE RESISTORS HIGH VALUE RESISTORS HIGH POWER RESISTORS ALUMINIUM CLAD RESISTORS CURRENT SENSE RESISTORS High Power Resistor TYPE SBC SQUARE CERAMIC SERIES This range of Power Wirewound Resistors are wound on continuous glass fibre elements or have a ceramic core


    CGS SBCHE 15

    Abstract: RESISTOR 4R7 10W 8k2 j meggitt sbche 15 Meggitt CGS Ceramic Resistor 20W axial wirewound cooker hoods Ceramic Resistor 5W axial wirewound CGS SBCHE 6 MEGGITT SBCHE 11
    Text: High Power Resistors 86 wirewound square ceramic cased Key features • up to 17 watts • fusible types • vertical or axial • non flammable • special solvent resistance • high withstand voltage proof • customer specials welcomed Specification Power Resistors

    F0423 CGS SBCHE 15 RESISTOR 4R7 10W 8k2 j meggitt sbche 15 Meggitt CGS Ceramic Resistor 20W axial wirewound cooker hoods Ceramic Resistor 5W axial wirewound CGS SBCHE 6 MEGGITT SBCHE 11 PDF


    Abstract: M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717
    Text: C52_pg_337~347 8/16/07 11:47 AM Page 337 Semiconductors/ Components SEMICONDUCTORS MCM has an extensive selection of SMD Surface Mount Devices which are denoted on the following page with an *(asterisk)! COUNT ON MCM TO ALWAYS PROVIDE. section 16 Semiconductors/Components

    100-up) STk442-130 M56730ASP PAC011A PAC010A UPC2581 PAL005A stk413-020a upc2581v ecg semiconductors master replacement guide STRS5717 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Power Resistors_ Q wirewound square ceram ic cased Key features • up to 17 watts • fusib le types • vertical or axial • non flam m a b le • sp e cia l so lv e n t resista n ce • high withstand voltage proof • cu sto m e r sp e cia ls w elcom ed

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