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    MDZ 23 Price and Stock

    Central Semiconductor Corp CMDZ5233B TR PBFREE

    Zener Diodes 250mW 5% Tolerance
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CMDZ5233B TR PBFREE 24,139
    • 1 $0.18
    • 10 $0.156
    • 100 $0.133
    • 1000 $0.103
    • 10000 $0.075
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    Central Semiconductor Corp CMDZ5231B TR PBFREE

    Zener Diodes 250mW 5% Tolerance
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CMDZ5231B TR PBFREE 23,820
    • 1 $0.15
    • 10 $0.131
    • 100 $0.114
    • 1000 $0.103
    • 10000 $0.075
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    Central Semiconductor Corp CMDZ5234B TR PBFREE

    Zener Diodes 250mW 5% Tolerance
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CMDZ5234B TR PBFREE 8,577
    • 1 $0.23
    • 10 $0.189
    • 100 $0.152
    • 1000 $0.103
    • 10000 $0.075
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    Central Semiconductor Corp CMDZ5230B TR PBFREE

    Zener Diodes 250mW 5% Tolerance
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CMDZ5230B TR PBFREE 4,046
    • 1 $0.37
    • 10 $0.281
    • 100 $0.172
    • 1000 $0.112
    • 10000 $0.078
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    Amphenol Corporation AC3MDZ

    XLR Connectors 3 Pole XLR Male Chassis Mount D Type Stamped Contacts Nickel Finish
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics AC3MDZ 387
    • 1 $2.71
    • 10 $2.49
    • 100 $2.41
    • 1000 $2.38
    • 10000 $2.38
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    MDZ 23 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: db3 c322 db3 c314 b30 c250 db3 c235 db3 c248 b30 c250 a2 db3 c244 b30 c300 - 1 FPS009-2405-0
    Text: 8 D 7 6 5 4 2 1 D TP10 12V TO 14V DC INPUT R248 0R100 3V3 I limit = 0.1V / R . about 2.9A CR1 1V8 F1 STPS340U 3 J1 MP179_2.1mm 1 2 3 2A C256 2.2µF R257 0R100 TP11 + C18 470uF 25V TP17 U4 5 3V3 V+ 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 L3 22uH 3.8A + C22 220uF 16V 3 SHDN 2 3/5

    0R100 STPS340U 470uF 220uF 100NF IRF7425 MAX1626ESA VMP4 db3 c322 db3 c314 b30 c250 db3 c235 db3 c248 b30 c250 a2 db3 c244 b30 c300 - 1 FPS009-2405-0 PDF

    AT91RM9200-EK Evaluation Board User Guide

    Abstract: db3 c314 db3 c248 db3 c235 db3 c244 datasheets AT91RM9200-EK VMP4 VMP4 data sheet diode db3 c248 FPS009-2405-0
    Text: AT91RM9200-EK Evaluation Board . User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Overview . 1-1

    AT91RM9200-EK AT91RM9200-EK 6103C 05-Jan-06 AT91RM9200-EK Evaluation Board User Guide db3 c314 db3 c248 db3 c235 db3 c244 datasheets VMP4 VMP4 data sheet diode db3 c248 FPS009-2405-0 PDF

    miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to Mixer Home Page IMAGE REJECTION MIXERS - IR SERIES Features IMAGE REJECTION MIXERS Mixer Reference Chart IR SERIES ISO 9001 Typical Test Data REGISTERED COMPANY Ordering Information Outline Drawings Custom Design Capabilities Fax-Back Page LOW-NOISE FRONT ENDS

    D-220 miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz PDF

    miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to Mixer Home Page DOUBLE BALANCED MIXERS - M SERIES Reference Chart DOUBLE-BALANCED MIXERS Ordering Information M SERIES ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY Custom Design Capabilities Outline Drawings Fax-Back Page Additional Products Available LOW-NOISE FRONT ENDS

    D-192B miteq amplifiers to 2 ghz PDF

    miteq 192b

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Back to Mixer Home Page DOUBLE-BALANCED MIXERS - M SERIES Reference Chart DOUBLE-BALANCED MIXERS Ordering Information M SERIES ISO 9001 REGISTERED COMPANY Custom Design Capabilities Outline Drawings Fax-Back Page Additional Products Available LOW-NOISE FRONT ENDS

    D-192B miteq 192b PDF

    RF Transceiver 1.9 ghz

    Abstract: MDZ 23
    Text: Back to Mixer Home Page IMAGE REJECTION MIXERS - IR SERIES Features IMAGE REJECTION MIXERS Mixer Reference Chart IR SERIES ISO 9001 Typical Test Data REGISTERED COMPANY Ordering Information Outline Drawings Custom Design Capabilities Fax-Back Page LOW-NOISE FRONT ENDS

    D-220 RF Transceiver 1.9 ghz MDZ 23 PDF

    XLR connector

    Abstract: IEC268-12 tag 8801 Amphenol 973106a Circular Connectors Amphenol T3302-009 Circular Connectors IEC268 single contact 3-pin 7.5A chassis socket d type 26 connector for pcb max 8796
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 AC-PDN-31-XXX AC-PDN-34-XXX XLR connector tag 8801 Amphenol 973106a Circular Connectors Amphenol T3302-009 Circular Connectors IEC268 single contact 3-pin 7.5A chassis socket d type 26 connector for pcb max 8796 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 PDF

    XLR 32

    Abstract: AC4MPB IEC268-12 AC-PDN-31-XXX 20AWG AC5MDZ AC3M "XLR" "connector" xlr cutout dimensions ac3mmpnz
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 AC-PDN-31-XXX AC-PDN-34-XXX XLR 32 AC4MPB AC-PDN-31-XXX 20AWG AC5MDZ AC3M "XLR" "connector" xlr cutout dimensions ac3mmpnz PDF

    XLR-5 connector

    Abstract: xlr dimensions amphenol
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 AC-PDN-31-XXX AC-PDN-34-XXX XLR-5 connector xlr dimensions amphenol PDF

    XLR 32

    Abstract: 20AWG IEC268-12
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 AC-PDN-31-XXX AC-PDN-34-XXX XLR 32 20AWG PDF

    XLR-5 connector

    Abstract: XLR 32 standard flange 3-pin 7.5A chassis socket xlr5
    Text: AC SERIES CHASSIS CONNECTORS AC “Z” SERIES XLR METAL CHASSIS MOUNT CONNECTORS The metal chassis mount “Z” series connectors are designed for the audio user where durability, reliability and strength across a wide range of applications are important. All AC products are manufactured

    IEC268-12 XLR-5 connector XLR 32 standard flange 3-pin 7.5A chassis socket xlr5 PDF


    Abstract: ANDO AF-9703 17P104 pPD17104 ANDO AF-9703 DETAILS PD17104
    Text: D A TA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿ i P D 1 7 P 1 4 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The/iPD17P104 is aone-time PROM vers ionofthe^PD I 7104, in which the internal masked ROM of the ^PD17104 is replaced with a one-time PROM that can be written to just'once.

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P104 uPD17104 PD17104 PD17104, PD17104L. /iPD17104. ANDO AF-9703 17P104 pPD17104 ANDO AF-9703 DETAILS PDF

    MRF 1516

    Abstract: MDZ 23
    Text: LOW-IMOISE FRONT ENDS A N D SU B SYSTEM S M SERIES M IX E R S FEATURES • Low Conversion Loss • Octave Band Operation • Designs up to 4 0 GHz MITEQ’s M Series double-balanced mixers utilize a unique wire-line balun to facilitate a low-loss 180° transformer,

    OCR Scan
    M0102 M0204 M0408 M0812 M1218 M1826 M26403 MRF 1516 MDZ 23 PDF


    Abstract: 44124 700 allen-bradley 119983 S95656502

    OCR Scan
    S95656502 12to32 S95656502 95656500-A02 ALLEN-BRADLEY 850 44124 700 allen-bradley 119983 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 1 H8S/2245 Series Features 1.1 H8S/2245 Series Functions H8S/2245 Series microcomputers are designed for faster instruction execution, using a realtime control oriented CPU with an internal 32bit architecture, and can run programs based on the C high-level language efficiently. As well as large-capacity ROM and RAM, these microcomputers

    OCR Scan
    H8S/2245 32bit H8S/2000 16-bit 32-bit P35/SCK1/fRQ5 P34/SCK0/lRQ4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 19 Electrical Characteristics 19.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 19-1 lists the absolute maximum ratings. Item Symbol V alue Unit Power supply voltage Vcc -0.3 to +7.0 V Programming voltage V PP -0.3 to +13.5 V Input voltage except port 4 V,„

    OCR Scan
    44Tfc PDF

    2412 NEC

    Abstract: ata 2398
    Text: NEC J.PD17P108 4-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The /iPD17P108 is a tiny microcontroller consisting of a 1K-byte ROM, 16-word RAM, and 16 input/output ports. It is a one-time PROM version of the ¿¿PD17108, whose internal mask ROM is replaced with a one-time

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P108 /iPD17P108 16-word PD17108, PD17P108 PD17P108CS PD17P108GS, of/iPD17108 PD17108 xPD17P108 2412 NEC ata 2398 PDF


    Abstract: UFD17202A UPD17202A UPD17P202A UPD17P201A IC-2708 IC 2708
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 1 7 P 2 0 2 A 4 - B IT S IN G L E -C H IP M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R W IT H LCD C O N T R O L L E R /D R IV E R FOR IN FR A R ED R EM O TE CO NTRO LLER T he inform ation in this docum ent is subject to change w ithout notice.

    OCR Scan
    aPD17P202A IC-2708 IC-8110) 7P202A UPD17P202A UPD17202A UFD17202A UPD17P202A, UPD17202A, IC-8110 UPD17P201A IC-2708 IC 2708 PDF

    toshiba tlc 711

    Abstract: aot 110 opto CD 4017 PIN DIAGRAM 4011 BP TOSHIBA opto 2561 litton cpu primer p19 TC351 ic cd 4017 PIN DIAGRAM ic cd 4017
    Text: TOSHIBA INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CMOS D ie ;T A « TC 3 5 1 8 0 F T E C H N IC A L D A T A TC35190F • = ¡VTEC3ATED C : S C. SILICON MONOLITHIC Video-data Coepretslon and E»panslon C o n tro lle r* ) 1988-1 1*03 DESCRIPTION TC35190F ( VCEC ) p e rfo ri* ercoJ.RC m i decodins

    OCR Scan
    TC35190F 77S6pel s9-29-23 TC381 toshiba tlc 711 aot 110 opto CD 4017 PIN DIAGRAM 4011 BP TOSHIBA opto 2561 litton cpu primer p19 TC351 ic cd 4017 PIN DIAGRAM ic cd 4017 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 1 Overview 1.1 Overview The H8/3002 is a microcontroller MCU that integrates system supporting functions together with an H8/300H CPU core having an original Hitachi architecture. The H8/300H CPU has a 32-bit internal architecture with sixteen 16-bit general registers, and a

    OCR Scan
    H8/3002 H8/300H 32-bit 16-bit 16-Mbyte H8/300 PDF


    Abstract: ANDO AF-9705 uPD17P103 D17P103 PD17103 AF 9704 IPD17103 ANDO AF-9703
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT u P D 1 7 P 1 0 3 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The,uPD17P103 is a one-time PROM version of the ¿¿PD17103, in which the internal masked ROM of the ¿¿PD17103 is replaced with a one-time PROM that can be written to just once.

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P103 uPD17103 iPD17103, iPD17103 PD17103 iPD17103L, iPD17103L PD17103. /iPD17103 17P103 ANDO AF-9705 D17P103 AF 9704 ANDO AF-9703 PDF


    Abstract: ANDO AF-9703 mPD1710 D17P108
    Text: DATA SH EET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iP D 1 7 P 1 0 8 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP M ICROCONTROLLER The ¿¿PD17P108 is aone-time PROM version of the ¿¿PD17108, in which the internal masked ROM of the ¿¿PD17108 is replaced with a one-time PROM that can be written to just once.

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P108 uPD17108 iPD17108, PD17108L. PD17108. ANDO AF-9703 mPD1710 D17P108 PDF


    Abstract: PC98005 DT 7130 IC d17p137a PC-98005 9706t icmf STAEFA IC-8333 ic8333b
    Text: '¡'m m m 4 bf y /¿ P D 1 7 P 1 3 7 A Ü , h • v > 'y - 7 ° * V < ^ P = ! > h P / z P D 1 7 1 3 7 A < ^ M v * ? R O M £ - / g £ t t # & & B Î ^ & ' r7 > — • £ < A P R O M K E S & à .fc illiÆ â T 't o / z P D 1 7 P 1 3 7 A ii, J L - - yf C « f c ô r P ^ 7 A 0 S # a ^ * ' ' R r g l Î : f c 4 Î ,

    OCR Scan
    uPD17P137A uPD17137A uPD17135A 7ROM PC98005 DT 7130 IC d17p137a PC-98005 9706t icmf STAEFA IC-8333 ic8333b PDF