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    MCR218FP Datasheets (5)

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    MCR218FP Motorola Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Original PDF
    MCR218FP On Semiconductor Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Original PDF
    MCR218FP/D On Semiconductor ISOLATED SCRs 8 AMPERES RMS 400 thru 800VOLTS Original PDF
    MCR218FP-D On Semiconductor Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thy Original PDF

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    Abstract: MCR218-10FP MCR218-2FP MCR218-4FP MCR218-6FP MCR218-8FP MCR218FP dc85
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCR218FP/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCR218FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors . . . designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits.

    MCR218FP/D MCR218FP 221C-02 MCR218FP/D* crowbar MCR218-10FP MCR218-2FP MCR218-4FP MCR218-6FP MCR218-8FP MCR218FP dc85 PDF


    Abstract: MCR218-10FP MCR218-6FP MCR218FP
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCR218FP/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCR218FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors . . . designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits.

    MCR218FP/D MCR218FP 221C-02 MCR218-8FP MCR218-10FP MCR218-6FP MCR218FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCR218−6FP, MCR218−10FP Preferred Device Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors Designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater

    MCR218â E69369 MCR218FP/D PDF

    TRIAC zo 607 MA

    Abstract: ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 TRIAC zo 607 MA ZO 607 TRIAC Westinghouse SCR handbook tl-130 transformer BRX49 equivalent 800w class d circuit diagram schematics triac MAC 97 AB triac MAC 97 A6 ZO 103 TRIAC 1N5760 PDF


    Abstract: MCR218-10FP 221C MCR218
    Text: MCR218-6FP, MCR218-10FP Preferred Device Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors Designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater

    MCR218-6FP, MCR218-10FP E69369 MCR218 r14525 MCR218FP/D MCR218-6FP MCR218-10FP 221C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCR218-6FP, MCR218-10FP Preferred Device Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors Designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits. • Glass Passivated Junctions with Center Gate Fire for Greater

    MCR218-6FP, MCR218-10FP E69369 MCR218 DC-995 PDF

    triac with snubber

    Abstract: RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139
    Text: DL137/D Rev. 7, May-2000 Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers ON Semiconductor Thyristor Device Data TRIACs, SCRs, Surge Suppressors, and Triggers DL137/D Rev. 7, May–2000  SCILLC, 2000 Previous Edition  1995 “All Rights Reserved’’

    DL137/D May-2000 r14525 DL137/D triac with snubber RF transistor W2W TRIAC RCA Westinghouse SCR handbook BATTERY CHARGER SCR ZO 607 TRIAC 11Z13 TRIAC zo 607 MA AC 220v fan motor speed control triac bt136 220v dimmer light bt139 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA O rder this docum ent by M CR218FP/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCR218FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors . . . designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits.

    OCR Scan
    CR218FP/D MCR218FP 221C-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCR218FP Series Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Reverse Blocking Thyristors . . . d e sig n e d p rim a rily fo r h alf-w a ve a c co ntro l a pp licatio n s, such as m o to r controls, heating co ntro ls and p o w e r supp ly cro w b a r circuits.

    OCR Scan
    MCR218FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCR218FP S e r ie s Silico n Controlled Rectifiers Reverse B lo ck in g T hyristors . designed prim arily for half-wave ac control applications, such as m otor controls, heating controls and pow er supply crowbar circuits. ISOLATED SC R s 8 AM PERES R M S

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    MCR218FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MCR218FP/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M CR218FP S eries S ilico n C ontrolled R e c tifie rs R everse B locking T h y risto rs . . . designed primarily for half-wave ac control applications, such as motor controls, heating controls and power supply crowbar circuits.

    OCR Scan
    MCR218FP/D CR218FP PDF


    Abstract: speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402
    Text: Theory and Applications Chapters 1 thru 9 Selector Guide Data Sheets Outline Dimensions and Leadform Options Index and Cross Reference E (g ) M OTOROLA THYRISTOR DATA Prepared by Technical Information Center This second edition of the Thyristor Data Manual has been revised extensively to reflect

    OCR Scan
    Semi260 TY510 TY6004 TY6008 TY6010 TY8008 TY8010 2N6394 MCR218-8 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS speed control of dc motor using ujt scr c107m TRANSISTOR equivalent UJT pin diagram 2N2646 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram TY6008 triac ot 239 class d 1000w amplifier inverter welder 4 schematic thyristor zo 402 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M CR218FP Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Series Reverse Blocking Thyristors . . . d e sig ned p rim a rily fo r ha lf-w ave ac c o n tro l ap plication s, such as m o to r con trols, heating c o n tro ls and p o w e r s u p p ly cro w b a r circuits. ISOLATED SCRs

    OCR Scan
    CR218FP 221C-02 MCR218FP PDF