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    MC10116 LOGIC DIAGRAM Search Results

    MC10116 LOGIC DIAGRAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DFE2016CKA-1R0M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 1uH 1800mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN55NJ0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 55nH 1500mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CNR56J0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 560nH 450mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DFE322520F-2R2M=P2 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 2.2uH 4400mA NONAUTO Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LQW18CN4N9D0HD Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Fixed IND 4.9nH 2600mA POWRTRN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    MC10116 LOGIC DIAGRAM Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MC10116 application MC10116P MC10116-D MC10116L MC10116FN mc10116 logic diagram application notes mc10116 used any circuit
    Text: MC10116 Triple Line Receiver The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply VBB is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications where a stable reference

    MC10116 MC10116 r14525 MC10116/D MC10116 application MC10116P MC10116-D MC10116L MC10116FN mc10116 logic diagram application notes mc10116 used any circuit PDF


    Abstract: MC10116 application MC10116-D MC10116L mc10116p MC10116FN 3T43
    Text: MC10116 Triple Line Receiver The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply VBB is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications where a stable reference

    MC10116 MC10116 r14525 MC10116/D MC10116 application MC10116-D MC10116L mc10116p MC10116FN 3T43 PDF


    Abstract: MC10116 application MC10116-D motorola application notes mc10116 DL122
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10116 The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply VBB is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications

    MC10116 MC10116 DL122 MC10116/D* MC10116/D MC10116 application MC10116-D motorola application notes mc10116 PDF

    MC10116 application

    Abstract: MC10116 mc10116 design note transmission lines Twisted Pair MM74AC04 LTC1518 LTC1519 LTC1520 mc10116 logic diagram effects delay diagram
    Text: advertisement Precision Receiver Delay Improves Data Transmission Design Note 129 Victor Fleury Moving data from one board to another over a backplane places stringent requirements on channel-to-channel and part-to-part skew and delay. The propagation delay of

    1518/LTC1519/LTC1520 temperatur116 50ns/DIV LTC1518 MC10116 DN129 10ns/DIV MC10116 application MC10116 mc10116 design note transmission lines Twisted Pair MM74AC04 LTC1519 LTC1520 mc10116 logic diagram effects delay diagram PDF

    MC10116 application

    Abstract: MC10116 motorola application notes mc10116 mc10h116 MC10H116P motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10H116 The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power– supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical

    MC10H116 MC10116, MC10H116 MC10H116ML2 MC10H116MR1 MC10H116MR2 MC10H116P 20A-01 \\Roarer\root\data13\imaging\BITTING\cpl mismatch\20000817\08162000 MC10116 application MC10116 motorola application notes mc10116 MC10H116P motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power−supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical • Power Dissipation 85 mW Typ/Pkg same as MECL 10K

    MC10H116 MC10116, 10K-Compatible MC10H115 50-ohm 10H116 PDF


    Abstract: 10H116
    Text: MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power–supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical • Power Dissipation 85 mW Typ/Pkg same as MECL 10K

    MC10H116 MC10116, MC10H115 MC10H116P 10H116 PDF

    mps 0727

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC34055/D MC34055 Advance Information IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Transceiver The Motorola 10BASE–T transceiver, designed to comply with the ISO 8802–3 [IEEE 802.3] 10BASE–T specification, will support a Medium Dependent Interface MDI in an embedded Media Attachment Unit (MAU)*.

    MC34055/D MC34055 10BASE-T 10BASEâ MC34055/D* 1PHX33542â mps 0727 PDF

    MC10116 application

    Abstract: MC10116 AM7992 75als085 motorola application notes mc10116 10BASE 751E MC34055 MC34055DW SN75ALS085
    Text: Order this document by MC34055/D MC34055 IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T Transceiver The Motorola 10BASE–T transceiver, designed to comply with the ISO 8802–3 [IEEE 802.3] 10BASE–T specification, will support a Medium Dependent Interface MDI in an embedded Media Attachment Unit (MAU)*.

    MC34055/D MC34055 10BASE-T 10BASE MC34055 MC34055/D* MC10116 application MC10116 AM7992 75als085 motorola application notes mc10116 751E MC34055DW SN75ALS085 PDF


    Abstract: 10H116 MC10H116 MC10116 AND8020 MC10H116L MC10H116P TND309 CD1P-16 MC10H116FNR2G
    Text: MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver Description The MC10H116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines and is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply current. For termination

    MC10H116 MC10H116 MC10116, AND8020. 10KTM) 10H116G 10H116 MC10116 AND8020 MC10H116L MC10H116P TND309 CD1P-16 MC10H116FNR2G PDF

    MC10124 application

    Abstract: MC10116 mecl data DL122 MC10115 MC10124
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad TTL to MECL Translator MC10124 The MC10124 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the MECL section of digital systems. The MC10124 has TTL compatible inputs, and MECL complementary open–emitter

    MC10124 MC10124 MC10124/D* MC10124/D DL122 MC10124 application MC10116 mecl data MC10115 PDF

    MC10116 application

    Abstract: DL122 MC10116 MC10H116 52 PIN PLCC MOTOROLA motorola application notes mc10116
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10H116 The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power– supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical

    MC10H116 MC10H116 MC10116, MC10H116/D* MC10H116/D DL122 MC10116 application MC10116 52 PIN PLCC MOTOROLA motorola application notes mc10116 PDF

    10h116 datasheet

    Abstract: 10H116 MC10116 MC10H115 MC10H116 MC10H116FN MC10H116L MC10H116P
    Text: MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power–supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical • Power Dissipation 85 mW Typ/Pkg same as MECL 10K

    MC10H116 MC10H116 MC10116, MC10HEUROPE: r14525 MC10H116/D 10h116 datasheet 10H116 MC10116 MC10H115 MC10H116FN MC10H116L MC10H116P PDF

    MC10124 application

    Abstract: MC10124 MC10124P MC10115 MC10116 MC10124FN MC10124L
    Text: MC10124 Quad TTL to MECL Translator The MC10124 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the MECL section of digital systems. The MC10124 has TTL compatible inputs, and MECL complementary open–emitter outputs that allow use as an

    MC10124 MC10124 r14525 MC10124/D MC10124 application MC10124P MC10115 MC10116 MC10124FN MC10124L PDF

    application notes mc10116

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC10H116 Triple Line Receiver Description The MC10H116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines and is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in power supply current. For termination

    MC10H116 MC10H116 MC10116, AND8020. MC10H116/D application notes mc10116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line R eceiver M C 10116 The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply V b b is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications

    OCR Scan
    MC10116 50-ohm DL122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line R eceiver The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias supply V q b is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications

    OCR Scan
    MC10116 50-ohm DL122 PDF


    Abstract: MCI0116
    Text: MCI0116 MOTOROLA TRIPLE LINE RECEIVER The MC10116 is a triple differential amplifier designed for use in sensing differential signals over long lines. The base bias sup­ ply V q q is made available at pin 11 to make the device useful as a Schmitt trigger, or in other applications where a stable ref­

    OCR Scan
    MCI0116 MC10116 MC10116 MCI0116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver MC10H116 The M C10H 116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in pow er- supply current. • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical

    OCR Scan
    MC10H116 MC10116, 10K-Compatibie MC10H116 50-ohm PDF


    Abstract: mc10116 MC10116L C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED CIRCUITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) C irc u it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is u nusually con­ venient. The d iffe re n tia l a m p lifie r in p u t and e m itte rfo llo w e r o u tp u t p e rm it high fa n o u t, th e w ired-O R o p tio n ,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC10116
    Text: MOTOROLA QUAD TTL TO MECL TRANSLATOR The MC10124 is a quad translator for interfacing data and con­ trol signals between a saturated logic section and the MECL sec­ tion o f digital systems. The MC10124 has TTL compatible inputs, and MECL com plem entary open-em itter outputs that allow use

    OCR Scan
    MC10124 MC10116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO N D U CTO R TECHNICAL DATA Triple Line Receiver M C 1 0 H 1 16 The MC10H116 is a functional/pinout duplication of the MC10116, with 100% improvement in propagation delay and no increase in pow er- supply current. • • • • • Propagation Delay, 1.0 ns Typical

    OCR Scan
    MC10H116 MC10116, 10K-Compatible PDF


    Abstract: motorola mc10124
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Quad TTL to MECL Translator The MC10124 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the MECL section of digital systems. The MC10124 has TTL compatible inputs, and MECL complementary open-emitter

    OCR Scan
    MC10124 MC10124 50-ohm TPout10 DL122 motorola mc10124 PDF

    MC10116 application

    Abstract: MC10116 ltrx
    Text: M —— MOTOROLA M C 34055 IEEE 8 0 2 .3 1 0B A S E -T T ra n s c e iv e r The Motorola 10BASE-T transceiver, designed to comply with the ISO 8802-3 [IEEE 802.3] 10BASE-T specification, will support a Medium Dependent Interface (MDI) in an embedded Media Attachment Unit (MAU)*.

    OCR Scan
    10BASE-T MC34055 MC34055 108ASE-T MC10116 application MC10116 ltrx PDF