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    MAX323EJA Search Results

    MAX323EJA Datasheets (1)

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    MAX323EJA Maxim Integrated Products Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog Switches Original PDF

    MAX323EJA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97 Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog Switches _Features ♦ Low On-Resistance RON , 60Ω max (33Ω typ) ♦ RON Matching Between Channels <2Ω ♦ RON Flatness <6Ω Max ♦ Guaranteed Charge Injection <5pC

    MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 MAX323 MAX324 MAX325 100pA 150ns 100ns 21-0036J MAX323C PDF


    Abstract: MAX323 MAX323CPA MAX323CUA MAX324 MAX325 MAX391
    Text: 19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97 Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog Switches _Features ♦ Low On-Resistance RON , 60Ω max (33Ω typ) ♦ RON Matching Between Channels <2Ω ♦ RON Flatness <6Ω Max ♦ Guaranteed Charge Injection <5pC



    Abstract: N010V MAX324 max323 DIP max325 data MAX320 MAX323CPA MAX323CUA MAX325 MAX391
    Text: 19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97 Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog Switches _Features ♦ Low On-Resistance RON , 60Ω max (33Ω typ) ♦ RON Matching Between Channels <2Ω ♦ RON Flatness <6Ω Max ♦ Guaranteed Charge Injection <5pC

    MAX323CSA MAX323C/D MAX323EPA MAX323ESA MAX323EJA MAX323MJA MAX323 N010V MAX324 max323 DIP max325 data MAX320 MAX323CPA MAX323CUA MAX325 MAX391 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 9-0347; R e v 0; 12/94 V M y iX I> M Precision, Single-Supplyr, SPST Analog Switches .F e a tu re s ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ When powered from a 5V supply, the MAX323 series offers 2CI max matching between channels, 60£1 max on-resistance, and 6i2 max Ron flatness.

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    MAX323 150ns, 100ns MAX325 MAX320/MAX321/MAX322 MAX320 MAX325CPA MAX325CUA MAX325CSA MAX325C/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JV\JYXAJV\ 19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97 P r e c i s i o n , Si ng l e - Supp l y, S PST A n a l o g S w i t c h e s _ F e a t u r e s Description ♦ Low On-Resistance Ro n , 60& max (33O typ) When powered from a 5V supply, the MAX323 series

    OCR Scan
    MAX323 100ns devi87 PDF

    ncl 058

    Abstract: 30v analog switch MAX320 MAX323 MAX323CSA MAX323CUA MAX324 MAX325 MAX391 MAX323CPA
    Text: ykiyjxi>ki 1 9 -0 3 4 7 ; R e v 0 ; 12 /9 4 P re c is io n , S ingle-S upply, S P S T A n a lo g S w itc h e s _ F e a tu re s ♦ Low O n-Resistance R o n , 60Q max (33£2 typ) W h e n p o w e re d fro m a 5V s u p p ly , th e M A X 323 s e rie s

    OCR Scan
    MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 MAX323 MAX324 MAX325 100pA 150ns 100ns ncl 058 30v analog switch MAX320 MAX323CSA MAX323CUA MAX391 MAX323CPA PDF

    N02 Transistor rf

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >kiyjxiyvi 19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97 P r e c i s i o n , Si ngl e- Suppl y, SPST Analog Switches _ F e a t u r e s Description The MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 are precision, dual, SPST analog switches. They are single-supply devices designed to operate from +2.7V to + 16V. The MAX323

    OCR Scan
    150ns, 100ns MAX325 MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 MAX32IN N02 Transistor rf PDF