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    MASWML0027 Search Results

    MASWML0027 Datasheets (1)

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    MASWML0027 M/A-COM Reflective switch Original PDF

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    Abstract: MASWML0027
    Text: MASWML0027 SP5T Reflective Switch with TTL Compatible Driver, 0.5 to 2.0 GHz Features n n n n n V 1.00 Description This SP5T reflective switch offers high Isolation & Low Insertion. The switch has an integral TTL compatible driver with fast switching. It also consists of five independent TTL



    Abstract: x-band power transistor 50W SMR-5550 x-band mmic lna HF multicoupler GAAS FET AMPLIFIER x-band 10w x-band microwave fet SM4T mixer PALLET FM AMPLIFIER 300 WATTS x-band limiter
    Text: final covers_2008.qxd 5/8/08 3:20 PM Page 1 We work with you The M/A-COM brand of radio frequency RF and microwave components is one of the broadest lines of reliable components for the wireless telecom, automotive, aerospace and military industries. From semiconductors to components, to subsystems and small systems, there are many new M/A-COM

    Jun08 smr-3822 x-band power transistor 50W SMR-5550 x-band mmic lna HF multicoupler GAAS FET AMPLIFIER x-band 10w x-band microwave fet SM4T mixer PALLET FM AMPLIFIER 300 WATTS x-band limiter PDF


    Abstract: SMR-5550 SMR-5550i smr-3822 HF multicoupler transistor MY51 GPS Antenna AT65 TU-3840 Wideband ELINT Tuner agastat 2400 x-band power transistor 50W
    Text: We work with you RF & Microwave Product Solutions June 2006 M/A-COM, Inc., a business unit of Tyco Electronics, is an established industry leader in the design, development, and manufacture of radio frequency RF , microwave and millimeter wave semiconductors, components and technologies
