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    Abstract: 44-PIN
    Text: Semiconductor MSM534032E 262,144-Word x 16-Bit or 524,288-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM534032E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 262,144-word x 16-bit and 524,288-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM534032E operates on a single 3.0V or 3.3V power supply but offers the same fast access times as

    MSM534032E 144-Word 16-Bit 288-Word MSM534032E 44-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM533204E 4,194,304-Wordx8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM533204Eは4,194,304ワード×8ビット構成の高速CMOS ROMです。 5Vの単一電源で動作し、入出力はTTLと直結可能です。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プロ

    MSM533204E 304-Word MSM533204E4 120ns 42DIP DIP42-P-600) MSM533204E-xxRS) A0A21 MSM533204E PDF


    Abstract: TSOP 66 Package TSOP70-P-400
    Text: Semiconductor MSM531655E 524,288-Double Words x 32-bit or 1,048,576-Words x 16-bit MaskROM 8Double Word x 32-Bit or 16Word x 16-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM531655E is a 524,288-double words x 32-bit or 1,048,576-words x 16-bit CMOS Mask ROM with an asynchronous page read mode. Each page is organized 8 double

    MSM531655E 288-Double 32-bit 576-Words 16-bit 16Word 16-Bit/Page MSM531655E TSOP 66 Package TSOP70-P-400 PDF


    Abstract: tsop48 42-PIN 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 MSM531602E
    Text: Semiconductor MSM531622F 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM531622F is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 1,048,576-word x 16-bit or 2,097,152-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM531602E

    MSM531622F 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM531622F MSM531602E tsop48 42-PIN 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 MSM531602E PDF


    Abstract: 32PIN 32-PIN MSM538001E-XXGS-K MSM538001E-XXRS MSM538001E-XXTS-K
    Text: Semiconductor MSM538031E 1,048,576-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM538031E is a high-speed silicon gate CMOS Mask ROM with 1,048,576word x 8-bit capacity. The MSM538031E operates on a single 3.0V or 3.3V power supply but offers the same fast accress times as products that operate at 5.0V. The MSM538031E's

    MSM538031E 576-Word MSM538031E 576word 150ns--20mA 120ns--25mA D-41460 32PIN 32-PIN MSM538001E-XXGS-K MSM538001E-XXRS MSM538001E-XXTS-K PDF


    Abstract: 42-PIN 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2
    Text: Semiconductor MSM531652F 1,048,576-Words x 16-bit or 2,097,152-Bytes x 8-bit MaskROM 16Words x 16-Bit or 32Bytes x 8-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM531652F is a 1,048,576-words x 16-bit or 2,097,152-bytes x 8-bit CMOS Mask ROM with an asynchronous page read mode. Each page is organized 16 words x 16bit or 32bytes x 8-bit. It operates on a single 5.0V power supply and is TTL compatible. The

    MSM531652F 576-Words 16-bit 152-Bytes 16Words 32Bytes MSM531652F 42-PIN 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: 44-PIN 48-PIN
    Text: Semiconductor MSM533202E 2,097,152-Word x 16-Bit or 4,194,304-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM533202E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 2,097,152-word x 16-bit or 4,194,304-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM533202E

    MSM533202E 152-Word 16-Bit 304-Word MSM533202E 44-PIN 48-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM534022E 262,144-Wordx16-Bit or 524,288-Word×8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM534022Eは262,144ワード×16ビット構成と524,288ワード×8ビット構成が切替可能な高速 CMOS ROMです。 5Vの単一電源で動作し、入出力はTTLと直結可能です。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プロ

    MSM534022E 144Word 16Bit 288Word MSM534022E262 40DIP DIP40P600) MSM534022ExxRS) 40SOP C80ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM53V1655F 524,288-Double Wordx32-Bit or 1,048,576-Word×16-Bit 4Double Word×32-Bit or 8Word×16-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM n 概要 ビット構成が切替

    MSM53V1655F 288Double 32Bit 576Word 16Bit 16Bit/Page MSM53V1655F524 100ns 70SSOP D16-D31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM531602F 1,048,576-Wordx16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word×8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM531602Fは1,048,576ワード×16ビット構成と2,097,152ワード×8ビット構成が切替可能な高 速CMOS ROMです。 5Vの単一電源で動作し、入出力はTTLと直結可能です。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プロ

    MSM531602F 576Word 16Bit 152Word MSM531602F1 100ns DIP42P6002 MSM531602FxxRS) 42DIP OP44P6001 PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C512 K1749 msm27c101 ra18 MSM6652A-xxxGS-K MSM66P5602GSK msm6652 MSM66P56-04RS MSM6653-XXXRS
    Text: OKI 電子デバイス FJDL6650DIGEST-05 発行日: 2002 年 1 月 11 日 MSM6652/53/54/55/56-XXX MSM6652A/53A/54A/55A/56A/58A-XXX、MSM66P54-XX、MSM66P56XX、MSM6650 MASKROM 内蔵音声合成 LSI、OTP 内蔵音声合成 LSI、外部 ROM 駆動音声合成 LSI

    FJDL6650DIGEST-05 A/56A/58A-XXXMSM66P54-XXMSM66P56XXMSM6650 MSM6650 MSM6375 MSM6652/53/54/55/56-XXX MSM6652A/53A/54A/55A/56A/58A-XXX MSM66P54-XXMSM66P56-XX AR761AR762 MSM6650GS-BK MSM27C512 K1749 msm27c101 ra18 MSM6652A-xxxGS-K MSM66P5602GSK msm6652 MSM66P56-04RS MSM6653-XXXRS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM534002E 262,144-Wordx16-Bit or 524,288-Word×8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM534002Eは262,144ワード×16ビット構成と524,288ワード×8ビット構成が切替可能な高速 CMOS ROMです。 5Vの単一電源で動作し、入出力はTTLと直結可能です。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プロ

    MSM534002E 144Word 16Bit 288Word MSM534002E262 100ns 40DIP DIP40P600) MSM534002ExxRS) 40SOP D1426 PDF

    hitachi hn27c256

    Abstract: hm514280 256K RAM HM62256 1M x 16-Bit x 4 Banks synchronous sRAM BLS 16K-X hitachi HM6264 Hitachi 32k static RAM 16M x8 55ns 72 pin flash dimm sop-40 16-bit hm6264 application note
    Text: HITACHI Memory Devices CONTENTS • • • • VOLATILE - Dynamic RAM •Fast Page Mode •EDO •Synchronous - Dynamic RAM Modules - Static RAM 10 NON VOLATILE - EPROM - EEPROM / Flash - MaskROM 12 14 15 2 APPLICATION SPECIFIC - Video RAM - FIFO / LINE / Frame RAM /

    HM514100 HM514400 HM514800 HM51S4800 HM514900 HN62W4116 HN62W5016N HM62W4018N 50/40ns) hitachi hn27c256 hm514280 256K RAM HM62256 1M x 16-Bit x 4 Banks synchronous sRAM BLS 16K-X hitachi HM6264 Hitachi 32k static RAM 16M x8 55ns 72 pin flash dimm sop-40 16-bit hm6264 application note PDF


    Abstract: 44PIN 44-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 MSM538032E
    Text: Semiconductor MSM538032E 524,288-Word x 16-Bit or 1,048,576-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM538032E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 524,288-word x 16-bit and 1,048,576-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM538032E

    MSM538032E 288-Word 16-Bit 576-Word MSM538032E 42-PIN 44PIN 44-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: DIP32 MSM532031B MSM534031B TSOP32
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM532031B 262,144-Wordx8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM532031Bは262,144ワード×8ビット構成の高速CMOS ROMです。3V又は3.3Vの単一電源な がら、5V動作品と同等のアクセスタイムで動作します。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プログ

    MSM532031B 144-Word MSM532031B262 3V5V5VMSM532021 200ns10mA3 150ns15mA3 MSM532031B-xxRS) 32DIP DIP32-P-600) 32SOP MA1050 DIP32 MSM532031B MSM534031B TSOP32 PDF


    Abstract: MSM534052E TSOP44
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM534052E 262,144-Wordx16-Bit or 524,288-Word×8-Bit 8Word×16-Bit or 16Word×8-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM n 概要 MSM534052Eは262,144ワード×16ビット構成と524,288ワード×8ビット構成が切替可能で、か つページ当り8ワード×16ビット又は16ワード×8ビットの高速ページモード読み込みが可能な

    MSM534052E 144-Word 16-Bit 288-Word 16Word MSM534052E262 100ns 40DIP DIP40-P-600) DIP40 MSM534052E TSOP44 PDF


    Abstract: TSOP44
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス MSM538002E 524,288-Wordx16-Bit or 1,048,576-Word×8-Bit MASKROM n 概要 MSM538002Eは524,288ワード×16ビット構成と1,048,576ワード×8ビット構成が切替可能な高 速CMOS ROMです。 5Vの単一電源で動作し、入出力はTTLと直結可能です。バイト方式を採用し、紫外線消去型プロ

    MSM538002E 288-Word 16-Bit 576-Word MSM538002E524 100ns MSM538002E-xxRS) 42DIP DIP42-P-600) MSM538002E-xxGS-K) MSM538002E TSOP44 PDF


    Abstract: 44-PIN
    Text: Semiconductor MSM534002E 262,144-Word x 16-Bit or 524,288-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM534002E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 262,144-word x 16-bit and 524,288-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM534002E operates on a single 5.0V power supply and is TTL compatible. The chip's asynchronous I/O

    MSM534002E 144-Word 16-Bit 288-Word MSM534002E 44-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information Synch. MROM KM23SV64205T 2Mx32 Synchronous MASKROM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • JEDEC standard 3.3V power supply • LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address • Address: Row address: RA0 ~ RA12 Column address: CA0 ~ CA7 x32 : CA0 ~ CA8 (x16)

    KM23SV64205T 2Mx32 33MHz 50MHz 66MHz 83MHz 100MHz 50MHz 86-TSOP2-400) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information Synch. MROM K3S7V2000M-TC 2Mx32 Synchronous MASKROM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • JEDEC standard 3.3V power supply • LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address • Address: Row address: RA0 ~ RA12 Column address: CA0 ~ CA7 x32 : CA0 ~ CA8 (x16)

    K3S7V2000M-TC 2Mx32 33MHz 50MHz 66MHz 83MHz 100MHz 50MHz PDF


    Abstract: TSOP70-P-400
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM53V1655F_ 524,288-Double Words x 32-bit or 1,048,576-Words x 16-bit MaskROM 4Double Words x 32-Bit or 8Words x 16-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM • DESCRIPTION The OKI MSM53V1655F is a 524,288-double words x 32-bit or 1,048,576-words x 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    MSM53V1655F 288-Double 32-bit 576-Words 16-bit 16-Bit/Page MSM53V1655F TSOP70-P-400 PDF


    Abstract: 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 MSM531652F
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM531652F_ 1,048,576-Words x 16-bit or 2,097,152-Bytes x 8-bit MaskROM 16Words x 16-Bit or 32Bytes x 8-Bit/Page Mode MASKROM • DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM531652F is a 1,048,576-words x 16-bit or 2,097,152-bytes x 8-bit CMOS Mask ROM with an asynchronous page read mode. Each page is organized 16 words x 16bit or 32bytes x 8-bit. It operates on a single 5.0V power supply and is TTL compatible. The

    OCR Scan
    MSM531652F_ 576-Words 16-bit 152-Bytes 16Words 32Bytes MSM531652F 42-PIN 44-PIN 48-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 PDF

    ST 27C1000

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6690 RO M Interface LSI DESCRIPTIO N The MSM6690 is a LSI capable of driving 3 devices of 131,072 x 8 bit EPROM or MASKROM. m VDD SADX H SADY I SÄSX 38 ] S Ä S Y DOUT | T T ESTO 1 Ö L The MSM6690 is provided with a built-in internal

    OCR Scan
    MSM6690 MSM6690 MSM6690, MSM6388 MSM6588) MSM6389, MSM6587 MSM6586) fix23Y1018 ST 27C1000 PDF


    Abstract: 44PIN 44-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 MSM538032E
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM538032E 524,288-Word x 16-Bit or 1,048,576-Word x 8-Bit MASKROM DESCRIPTION The OKI M SM538032E is a high-speed CMOS Mask ROM that can electrically switch between 524,288-word x 16-bit and 1,048,576-word x 8-bit configurations. The MSM538032E

    OCR Scan
    MSM538032E_ 288-Word 16-Bit 576-Word MSM538032E 42-PIN 44PIN 44-PIN DIP42-P-600-2 PDF