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    str f 6238

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A Austria Voltohm Christian Drott KG Frutzstr. 4, A-6832 Sulz/Vorarlberg Tel.: + 43 0 5522 494 20 Fax.: + 43 (0)5522 421 41 AUS Australia Mayer Krieg & Co. 50 Mary Street, Unley 5061 Adelaide Tel.: + 61 (0)8 8291 32 22 Fax.: + 61 (0)8 8291 32 00


    A 7840

    Abstract: KS 5814 ATMEL 644 atmel 0533 datasheet transistor bc 567 atmel 716 C 5074 transistor 87221-6 atmel 0818 WA 3313
    Text: North American Distributors USA Alabama ALL AMERICAN SEMICONDUCTOR 4590 Corporate Drive NW Suite 115D Huntsville, AL 35805 TEL 256 837-1555 FAX (256) 837-7733 ARROW ELECTRONICS 4930F Corporate Drive Hunstville, AL 35805 TEL (256) 864-3300 FAX (256) 864-3349

    4930F 0412R-12/99 A 7840 KS 5814 ATMEL 644 atmel 0533 datasheet transistor bc 567 atmel 716 C 5074 transistor 87221-6 atmel 0818 WA 3313 PDF


    Abstract: 876-3132
    Text: North American Distributors USA Alabama ALL AMERICAN SEMICONDUCTOR 4590 Corporate Drive NW Suite 115D Huntsville, AL 35805 TEL 256 837-1555 FAX (256) 837-7733 ARROW ELECTRONICS 4930F Corporate Drive Hunstville, AL 35805 TEL (256) 864-3300 FAX (256) 864-3349

    4930F 0412S-2/00 PIONEER ELECTRONICS 876-3132 PDF


    Abstract: TDA8045 BER SER 32QAM modulation 32QAM HP8782B- BLOCK DIAGRAM NE602 ne602 32 QAM Transmitter block diagram TDA8714 siemens filter
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE QAM demodulation with the TDA 8045 Version 1.0 AN95088 Philips Semiconductors Version 1.0 Application Note AN95088 Abstract The TDA8045 is a QAM demodulator for Digital Video Broadcast applications on cable networks. It performs control voltages for external AGC, Carrier, and Clock recovery control loops. Demodulation to base band I and Q signals is done in the digital domain. A digital half Nyquist filter with a roll-off factor of 20% satisfies the U.S. market

    AN95088 TDA8045 symbo15) 10T0T00 T00T0T T00010 T0T00 T0100 HP3764A BER SER 32QAM modulation 32QAM HP8782B- BLOCK DIAGRAM NE602 ne602 32 QAM Transmitter block diagram TDA8714 siemens filter PDF


    Abstract: NUF2030XV6 NUF2101 NUP2301MW6T1G NUF2015 NUF2221W1T2G NUP1301ML3T1G NUP4301MR6T1G NUP4201DR2 SL05T1G
    Text: DO NOT PRINT - TRIM AREA Integrated Solutions for USB Line Protection and Termination ON Semiconductor provides a selection of integrated solutions for USB line protection and termination. Integrated IC solutions combine diodes with resistive and capacitive elements into a single package,

    NUP4201DR2 AND8082/D BRD8027-5 BRD8027/D NUF2042XV6T1G NUF2030XV6 NUF2101 NUP2301MW6T1G NUF2015 NUF2221W1T2G NUP1301ML3T1G NUP4301MR6T1G SL05T1G PDF

    cms 702

    Abstract: foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products B1130 BA 6686 Taiwan Oasis Enterprise Co., LTD
    Text: HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors North American Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors ALABAMA Harris Semiconductor 600 Boulevard South Suite 103 Huntsville, AL 35802 TEL: 205 883-2791 FAX: 205 883 2861

    52-HI-REL cms 702 foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products B1130 BA 6686 Taiwan Oasis Enterprise Co., LTD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J i ly 1997 PRELÜM MARY ^Ék Micro Linear ML6430 Genlocking Sync Generator with Digital Audio Clock for NT9C, PAL & VGA GB'IBWL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L6430 is a m ultfc-standard single-chip BiCM 0 S video G en lo ck E ibrN TSC , PAL an d VGA . I: is d esigned

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    ML6430 L6430 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Chapter 12 Summary of Commands This chapter describes the basic debugger and PDM commands and profiling commands. T o p ic P ag e 12.1 Functional Sum mary of Debugger C o m m a n d s .12-2 12.2 Alphabetical Sum m ary of Debugger and PDM C o m m a n d s

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D ecem b e r 1998 PRELÜM MARY ^Ék Micro Linear ML4835 Compact Fluorescent Electronic Dimming Ballast Controller GEN ERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L4835 is a com p ie te solution 6 r a dim m ab le o r a non-dim m a b le , high pow e r iactoij high efficiency

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    ML4835 L4835 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D ecem b e r 1998 PRELÜM MARY ^Ék Micro Linear ML6696 100BASE-X Fiber Physical Layer G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES The M L6696 in p]em e n ts th e com p le te p h y s ic a l la y e r o f th e FastEthemetlOOBASE-X standard ib rfib e rm e d ia .T h e

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    ML6696 100BASE-X L6696 100BASE-FX PDF

    Quad flat package

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F R E E S C A L E SE MICON DUCT OR , A L L R IG H T S RESERVED. I NC. M EC H A N IC A L O U T L I N E TITLEi q u a d f l a t p a c k a g e l q f p 160 LEAD, 0 .5 0 PITCH 2 4 . 0 0 X 2 4 . 0 0 X 1.40 P R IN T V E R S I E N NET TE SCAUE DECUMENT NL: 9 8 A 5 H 9 8 0 7 3 A

    OCR Scan
    98ash9807ca 98ash98072a 5m-1994. 98ash98073a Quad flat package PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1015
    Text: ,ONY I_ CXA3117N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers Description The CXA3117N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifier which employs the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers. Features • Low current consumption: 1.1 mA typ. at V cc = 1,4V

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    CXA3117N CXA3117N 24-pin 24PIN 275mil SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0300 TZ03P450FR169 2SA1015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: >O N Y I_ C X A 3117N IF Amplifier for M-ary FSK Pagers Description The CXA3117N is a low current consumption FM IF amplifier which employs the newest bipolar process. It is suitable for M-ary FSK pagers. Features • Low current consumption: 1.1 mA

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    3117N CXA3117N 24-pin CXA3117N 24PIN 275mil SSOP-24P-L01 SSOP024-P-0300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10 13 MATERIAL NUMBER NUMBER OF POSITONS PLATING OPTION NUMBER OF POSITONS U 4 5 /G 6 .7 0 1299/ 33.00) I 44764-0402 LAST CIRCUIT 8-2 4 CIRCUIT PCB LAYOUT i f i 150±0.05 1 o & !& e FIRST CIRCUIT DENTIFIER <t> i ^ ^ ! e ! I i : I_ I

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    SD-44764-001 24CC PDF


    Abstract: transformer PLC 3RA6

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    ECO-11-0051 LAMINAT8RA60 4900-9048RA60 L6JUL200S I6JUL20Ã 4900-RA60 VAC TRANSFORMER transformer PLC 3RA6 PDF


    Abstract: 926FS Series
    Text: CATALOG INTERFACE MODULE RAILWAY a Honeywell Division FED. MFG. C OD E 91929 22, 6 0 ± , 76 . 8 9 Odz .0 3 0 CM t e jT o • < i r D I S P L A Y STATUS L ED R E D OIO OIO CL L IS T IN G THIS c r O A PROPRIETARY DRAWING IS NOT ITEM TO BE 8 8, 2 6 ± , 76

    OCR Scan
    926FS 926FS Series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M MOTOROLA -M C3486 Quad E IA -4 2 2 /4 2 3 Line R e c e iv e r Motorola's Quad E IA -422/3 Receiver features four independent receiver chains which comply with EIA Standards for the Electrical Characteristics of Balanced/Unbalanced Voltage Digital Interface Circuits. Receiver outputs

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    C3486 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MATERIALS: - T E R M I N A L - P h B z CuS n 8 C 5 2 1 . T I N P R E - P L A T E D STOCK ( 0 . 1 5mm T H I C K ) - HOUSING - STANYL ( P A 4 . 6 ) 30% G . F . VO BLACK COLOR NOTES: PIN DIA : 0 . 4 5 + / - 0 . 0 1 PCB T H I C K N E S S : 0 . 8 / 1. 2mm C O P L AN A R I TY OF THE SOLDER T A I L S : 0. 1mm

    OCR Scan
    PS-941 SD-94123-007 PDF


    Abstract: SD-48025-009 PS-48025-005 PK-48
    Text: 10 2 .5 4 T Y P . 1.27 16.20 LED 5 .8 4 L PART NUM BER 2 .5 4 T Y P . BACK & =10 P 9 \ I F ^ 4 X 0 1 .0 2 8 X 0 0 .8 9 2 X 0 1 . 63± 0 .0 8 | |J 5 . 7 4 i 0 . 1 0 j W E E K CO DE Y E A R ,W E E K 2 X 0 3 . 18± 0.0 8 | FRONT“ P.C.B L A Y O U T N O TES:

    OCR Scan
    UL94-0 THICKNESS-100 PS-48025-005s SD-48025-009 48025-1190 PS-48025-005 PK-48 PDF


    Abstract: UM34811 melody IC
    Text: UNITED MI CR OELE C T R ON I C S 9325812 U N IT E D dË | ^355012 00D0S7b 4 92D M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S L H V I C 00576 D T - I l ~ /2 U M 348X Seríes Multi-Instrument i Melody Generator ES3 Features * • Every song starts from the first note Powered by a 1.5 V battery

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    00D0S7b 512-note UM3484 UM3482A UM34811A UM3483 UM3482A UM34811 melody IC PDF

    circuit diagram of 2.4ghz 6ch rc transmitter and

    Abstract: binary phase shift keying demodulation "complementary code" "Complementary Code Keying"
    Text: HFA3860B Semiconductor D a ta S h e e t D e c e m b e r 1998 F ile N u m b e r 4594 Features Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Baseband Processor Complete DSSS Baseband Processor The Harris HFA3860B Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum DSSS baseband P R IS M )

    OCR Scan
    HFA3860B HFA3860B 11MBPS 44MHz circuit diagram of 2.4ghz 6ch rc transmitter and binary phase shift keying demodulation "complementary code" "Complementary Code Keying" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A R T Devi ces Advanced DS3/STS-1 Receiver/Transmitter ART: TXC-02020 44-Pin ARTE: TXC-02021 (68-Pin) DATA SH EE T Preliminary FEATURES - DESCRIPTION Single device line interface for DS3 and STS-1 Single +5V power supply Meets ‘crossconnect fram e’ mask requirements

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    TXC-02020 44-Pin) TXC-02021 68-Pin) 44-pin 68-ph TXC-02020-M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN TEG RA TED C IR C U ITS UC1525A UC1527A UC2525A UC2527A UC3525A UC3527A UNITRODE Regulating Pulse Width Modulators FEATURES • • • • • • • • 8 to 35V operation 5.1\/ reference trim m e d to ±1% 100Hz to 500kH z o scilla to r range Separate o scilla to r sync te rm ina l

    OCR Scan
    100Hz 500kH UC1525A UC1527A UC2525A UC2527A UC3525A UC3527A UC1525A/1527A PDF


    Abstract: CSNF161 CSNJ481 12to m633
    Text: C e il C h a ra c te ris tic s J 2 3 -|:-|C O G tum & ,9 0 I 1 ^ 7 0 ' JC 1:2000 tu rn s /1 6 0 I I ft 7 0 "C 1 :2 0 0 0 tu rn 5 /1 3 0 1 1 ; ^ 7 0 * 0 4 5 6 7 6 9 1 :1 000 t u r n s / S O i l i ^ 70 °C 1 :1 000 t u m & 1 10 iU (t> 7 0 "C 1:1000tLirn& ,3 0 i i i ^ 70 °C

    OCR Scan
    0755-b3z 1b/3327b659/332 51B033 CSNJ481 CSNJ401-OO1* CSNJ401-OO2 CSNJ401-OO3* 30lvanic 500rc -40toe5 K591 CSNF161 CSNJ481 12to m633 PDF