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    marcon/capacitor Marcon

    Abstract: IC VS 1307 photo glucose D01608C-103 f11b marking LTIB if transformer 455khz tokin 1E105ZY5U GRM235Y5V105Z01 GRM235Y5V106Z01
    Text: LT1307/LT1307B Single Cell Micropower 600kHz PWM DC/DC Converters U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO Uses Small Ceramic Capacitors 50µA Quiescent Current LT1307 1mA Quiescent Current (LT1307B) Operates with VIN as Low as 1V

    LT1307/LT1307B 600kHz LT1307) LT1307B) 295mV 500mA LT1307/LT1307B marcon/capacitor Marcon IC VS 1307 photo glucose D01608C-103 f11b marking LTIB if transformer 455khz tokin 1E105ZY5U GRM235Y5V105Z01 GRM235Y5V106Z01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1307/LT1307B Single Cell Micropower 600kHz PWM DC/DC Converters FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO Uses Small Ceramic Capacitors 50µA Quiescent Current LT1307 1mA Quiescent Current (LT1307B) Operates with VIN as Low as 1V

    LT1307/LT1307B 600kHz LT1307) LT1307B) 295mV 500mA LT1307/LT1307B PDF

    Marvell 88E1111 layout guide

    Abstract: Marvell PHY 88E1111 errata 88E1111 errata 88E1101 Marvell 88E1111 88E1111 Marvell 88E1112 88E1111 uboot Marvell PHY 88E1111 layout 88E1111 "mdio registers"
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3947 Rev. 0, 11/2009 How to Run the Latest Linux BSP on MPC8313ERDB Rev. Ax Boards by: Shu Yinbo System and Application Engineer Beijing China 1 Introduction The MPC8313E reference design board RDB is a

    AN3947 MPC8313ERDB MPC8313E Marvell 88E1111 layout guide Marvell PHY 88E1111 errata 88E1111 errata 88E1101 Marvell 88E1111 88E1111 Marvell 88E1112 88E1111 uboot Marvell PHY 88E1111 layout 88E1111 "mdio registers" PDF

    Marvell PHY 88E1111 Datasheet

    Abstract: 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 layout sgmii 88E1111 Marvell rgmii layout guide VSC7385 sgmii marvell 88E1111 PHY registers map Marvell 88E1111 Marvell 88E1111 layout guide
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide Document Number: MPC8313ERDBUG Rev. 4, 02/2009 PowerQUICC MPC8313E Reference Design Board RDB The MPC8313E reference design board (RDB) is a system featuring the PowerQUICC™ II Pro processor, which includes a built-in security accelerator. This low-cost,

    MPC8313ERDBUG MPC8313E Marvell PHY 88E1111 Datasheet 88E1111 Marvell PHY 88E1111 layout sgmii 88E1111 Marvell rgmii layout guide VSC7385 sgmii marvell 88E1111 PHY registers map Marvell 88E1111 Marvell 88E1111 layout guide PDF


    Abstract: 88E1111 PHY registers map 88E1111 marvell
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide Document Number: MPC8313ERDBUG Rev. 6, 09/2012 PowerQUICC MPC8313E Reference Design Board RDB The MPC8313E reference design board (RDB) is a system featuring the PowerQUICC™ II Pro processor, which includes a built-in security accelerator. This low-cost,

    MPC8313ERDBUG MPC8313E MPC831 r338 88E1111 PHY registers map 88E1111 marvell PDF

    mosfet 4800

    Abstract: schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET 4606 MOSFET INVERTER ltsx e3 mosfet driver ic mt 1389 de aot 110 optocoupler 4558 opamp schematic ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v LTPG e3
    Text: May 2008 Product Selection Guide Operational Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators µP Supervisor References High

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR mosfet 4800 schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET 4606 MOSFET INVERTER ltsx e3 mosfet driver ic mt 1389 de aot 110 optocoupler 4558 opamp schematic ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v LTPG e3 PDF

    lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator

    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3
    Text: May 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators P Supervisor References Reference

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3 PDF


    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA
    Text: November 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters RF/Wireless Silicon Oscillators Comparators Supervisory Circuits References

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR SMD LTYN ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CG Y 121 B GaAs MMIC Preliminary Data • • • • • • • flF-GND Variable gain amplifier MMIC-Amplifier for mobile communication Gain Control range over 50dB Positive Control Voltage 50£2 input and output matched Low power consumption Operating voltage range: 2.7 to 6 V

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    Q62702-G0071 CGY121 flS35hGS 0805CS-270XKBC) 54102-A1271-J60) 54102-A1120-J60) 235bDS Q12234D PDF

    Intel 8008

    Abstract: design fire alarm 8088 microprocessor STR IC parallel bus arbitration RADIO SHACK PARTS CROSS REF intel 8218 76381 intel 8274 heurikon intel 8080 microprocessor
    Text: The Multibus Design Guidebook W r it t e n f o r p r o fe s s io n a ls a n d s t u d e n t s a lik e , t h is v o lu m e c o n t a in s all th e in fo r m a t io n n e c e s sa ry t o e ffe c tiv e ly e v a lu a t e th e M u lt ib u s fa m ily : C o m p le te specifications fo r the M u ltib u s fam ily

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    Abstract: M81714/17-A35 M81714/17-a33

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    41Q149 M81714/17-A39 MRTB21E33 M81714/17-A35 M81714/17-a33 PDF


    Abstract: so41 TDC1028 IC MSI ADDER
    Text: TDC1028 m Digital FIR Filter v w • C ascadable To > 3 6 Taps W ith o u t External C om p o n en ts Building Block, 1 0 M H z • 4 -B it C o e ffic ie n t A n d Signal D ata W o rd s The TD C 1D 28 is a v id e o -sp e e d , TTL c o m p a tib le b it-slice

    OCR Scan
    TDC1028 A74F283 so41 TDC1028 IC MSI ADDER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HY51V65804, HY51V64804 HYUNDAI 8M x 8-bit CMOS DRAM with Extended Data Out PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION ORDERING INFORMATION T h is fa m ily is a 6 4 M bit d y n a m ic R A M o rg a n iz e d 8 ,3 8 8 .6 0 8 x 8 -b it c o n fig u ra tio n w ith E x te n d e d D ata

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    HY51V65804, HY51V64804 64804JC 64804LJC 64804S HY51V64804TC HY51V64804SLTC 65804JC 65804LJC hy51v65804 PDF


    Abstract: ITMC2220 TMC2220 TMC2221 2220H8C marking AJ 7 marking AJ marking BOJ
    Text: TMC2220/TMC2221 7 # ? ìV C M O S Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4x 32 Bit, 20MHz 1 x 128 Bit, 20MHz The TM C 2220 20MHz, TTL compatible CMOS correlator is composed of four separate 1 x 32 correlator modules. The correlation scores of the four modules are weighted,

    OCR Scan
    TMC2220/TMC2221 20MHz 20MHz TMC2220 20MHz, 32-bit 2221B6C LDRJ ITMC2220 TMC2221 2220H8C marking AJ 7 marking AJ marking BOJ PDF


    Abstract: c2221
    Text: TMC2220/TMC2221 7V 7 CMOS Programmable Digital Output Correlators 4 x 3 2 Bit, 2 0 M H z 1 x 128 Bit, 2 0 M H z The TM C 22 20 20M Hz, TTL compatible CM O S is composed of four separate 1 x 32 correlator The correlation scores of the four modules are combined and output on two separate parallel,

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    TMC2220/TMC2221 32-bit BX315 c2221 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division TM C2220/TM C2221 CMOS Program m able D igital O utput C orrelators 4 x 3 2 Bit, 20 M H z; 1 x 128 B it 20 M H z Features • 20 M H z c o n tin u o u s co rrelatio n rate BROADCAST VIDEO Applications Signal detection

    OCR Scan
    C2220/TM C2221 0TMC2220G8V1 MIL-STD-883, 20MHz 2220G8V1 TMC2220H8C 17MHz 2220H8C TMC2220H8C1 PDF


    Abstract: LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal
    Text: 5bE ]> • 4ÔSbl7S D i n o S M E34 « I T L 1 up/prpHLS irrte* Intel386 CORP SL MICROPROCESSOR SuperSet INTEL 'T~-(4c\ 1 7 -3 ^ Highly-Integrated Static Intel386™ SL Microprocessor Complete ISA Peripheral Subsystem System-Wide Power Management Static lntel386TM SL CPU

    OCR Scan
    Intel386TMCORP Intel386TM lntel386TM Intel386 IOCS16# MEMCS16# Ctg27 LT1667 LT1665 CA10 A058 dk 300 a008 82360SL LCD CMC 116 L01 2164 intel INTEL 82360 CD 2399 GP A049 crystal PDF

    la 76805 volt on pin

    Abstract: intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall
    Text: Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue • Santa Clara, CA 95051 Telephone: 408 987-8080 TWX: 910-338-0026- Telex: 34-6372 inter Component Data Catalog 1978 Numerical and Functional Indexes 1 General Information 2 Random Access Memory 3 Read Only Memory 4

    OCR Scan
    MCS-4/40â MCS-48â MCS-80/85â -883B la 76805 volt on pin intel 8708 eprom M3002 Pulse M3001 eprom 8708 2316a rom UPP-103 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 intel 1402a Pascall PDF

    Burr Brown 3510am

    Abstract: ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference
    Text: BURR-BROWN Internatlenal Airport Industrial Park - P.0. Box 11400 - Tucson. Arizona B5734 Tel [602 746-1111 - TW X: 910-952-1111 - Cable: BBRCORP - Telex: 66-6491 PR O D U C T DATA BOOK The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed for

    OCR Scan
    B5734 305/395-61C8 Burr Brown 3510am ner eN8 capacitor 3421J A5 GNC mosfet OPA103 OPA104 TF 6221 HEN LED display LOG100 3510CM Burr Brown OPA Application Reference PDF


    Abstract: 9516m
    Text: Am9516A Am9516 A Universal DMA Controller UDC DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Transfer Modes: Single, dem and dedicated with bus hold, dem and dedicated w ith bus release, dem and interleave 16 Megabyte physical addressing range A utom atic loading/reloading of control param eters by

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    Am9516A Am9516 10MHz 03242C 03242C 14-BITS 9516m PDF

    1c 78 adg

    Abstract: PF0012 Cm6cm J941 J94t AD0-AD15 AM9516A CM17-CM16 tag 8530 AM9516A-1DC
    Text: A m 9516A Universal DMA Controller UDC FINAL DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Transfer Modes: Single, demand dedicated with bus hold, demand dedicated with bus release, demand interleave 16 MB physical addressing range Automatic loading/reloading of control parameters by

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    Am9516A BD003830 1c 78 adg PF0012 Cm6cm J941 J94t AD0-AD15 CM17-CM16 tag 8530 AM9516A-1DC PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF


    Abstract: 54602B 54600B hp 54603b HP54600B 54650A HP54602B 54601b yd 2030 ic 5 pins horizon 3652
    Text: HP 54600B, HP 5460IB, HP 54602B, and HP 54603B Oscilloscope User and Service Guide Publication number 54600-97019 May 1997 For Safety Information, Warranties, and Regulatory information, see the pages behind the index. Copyright Hewlettt-Packard Company 1992,1997

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    54600B, 5460IB, 54602B, 54603B HP54601B, 54600B-Series 54600B HP54601B 54602B hp 54603b HP54600B 54650A HP54602B 54601b yd 2030 ic 5 pins horizon 3652 PDF

    TMS7000 instruction set

    Abstract: TMS77C82 D780C-1 TMS7000 assembler guide TMS70C00 TMS7000 TMS7000NL-2 TMS7000 Family Data Manual 77C82 TMS70C02N
    Text: TMS7000 Family Data Manual 8-bit Microcomputer Family * Te x a s In s t r u m e n t s IM PO R TAN T NOTICE Texas Instruments Tl reserves the right to make changes in the devices or the device specifications identified in this publication without notice. Tl advises

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    TMS7000 Index-11 lndex-12 TMS7000 instruction set TMS77C82 D780C-1 TMS7000 assembler guide TMS70C00 TMS7000NL-2 TMS7000 Family Data Manual 77C82 TMS70C02N PDF