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    Abstract: KVL11 KPT23 ON Semiconductor marking k1648 KLT20 HEL16 KEL32 KEL01 xaa9646
    Text: AND8002/D ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite and ECLinPS Plus Device Type and Date Code Marking Guide Gary Richards, ECL Logic Product Engineering APPLICATION NOTE need ON Semiconductor’s marking spec 12MON00232D and S.O.P. 7–19 ID of Products to Location of

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    Abstract: k1648 klt22 KEL32 MC100 HEP64 KLT21 LP17 KEP32 HEP139
    Text: AND8002/D ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite, ECLinPS Plus, ECLinPS MAX, and GigaComm Marking and Ordering Information Guide APPLICATION NOTE Prepared by: Paul Shockman ON Semiconductor HFPD Applications Engineer Introduction This application note describes the device markings and

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    Abstract: DEVICE MARKING CODE table onsemi marking marking code onsemi marking code onsemi Diode kel33 on semiconductor traceability marking soic HEL32 HEL12 HEL31 HEL05
    Text: AND8002/D ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite, ECLinPS Plus, ECLinPS MAX, and GigaComm Marking and Ordering Information Guide APPLICATION NOTE Prepared by: Paul Shockman ON Semiconductor HFPD Applications Engineer Introduction This application note describes the device markings and

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    Abstract: ZB6-Y009 4458D XB4BA31 XB4BD xb4bw3 XB4BD25 XB4BS542 xeng1191 ZB4BZ1905
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface 16 mm XB6 22 mm XB4 22 and 30 mm Most Common Complete Operators Class 9001 Type K, SK—30 mm and XB4-XB5 22 mm most common complete operators assembled with contact blocks and suggested legend plates. Start-Stop and Hand-Of-Auto are just a few of the configurations

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    Abstract: 9001CT0001 ZB6-Y009 ZBVBG5 ZB4BS84430 XB5 220 VAC schneider XB5AS542 KA32 KS11B XAP-A2108
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface 16 mm XB6 22 mm XB4 22 and 30 mm Most Common Complete Operators Class 9001 Type K, SK—30 mm and XB4-XB5 22 mm most common complete operators assembled with contact blocks and suggested legend plates. Start-Stop and Hand-Of-Auto are just a few of the configurations

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    Abstract: push button switch 4 pin telemecanique XACA rotary switch xbc-d telemecanique cam switch XBC telemecanique xb2 telemecanique 22mm XB4 / ZB4 TELEMECANIQUE xbcd telemecanique pushbutton emergency stop telemecanique pushbutton
    Text: Push Buttons and Operator Interface Specifier’s Guide Catalog File 9001 2005 CONTENTS Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page Type XB6 16 mm Push Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

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    Abstract: KPT25 MC100EPT25
    Text: MC100EPT25 -3.3V / -5V Differential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator Description The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, −3.3 V to −5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8−lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC100EPT25 -3.3V / -5V Differential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator Description The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, −3.3 V to −5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8−lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: EPT 4045 KPT23 motorola HEP 320 cross reference vef 202 manual KEP52 MC10EP016 HEP 801 hep51 HEP64
    Text: BR1513/D Rev. 2, Apr-2001 ECLinPS Plus Device Data ECLinPS Plus Device Data Advanced ECL in Picoseconds BR1513/D Rev. 2, Apr–2001  SCILLC, 2001 Previous Edition  2000 “All Rights Reserved” ECLinPS, ECLinPS Lite, and ECLinPS Plus are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.

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    Abstract: EPT25 MC100EPT25 MC100EPT25D MC100EPT25DR2 MC100EPT25DT MC100EPT25DTR2 KA25 kpt25 alyw
    Text: MC100EPT25 −3.3V / −5V Differential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, -3.3 V to -5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8-lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC100EPT25 −3.3V / −5V Differential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, −3.3 V to −5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8−lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: EPT25 MC100EPT25 MC100EPT25D MC100EPT25DR2 MC100EPT25DT MC100EPT25DTR2
    Text: MC100EPT25 -3.3V/-5VĄDifferential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, –3.3 V to –5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8–lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: mc100ept25d marking KA25
    Text: MC100EPT25 -3.3V/-5VĄDifferential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, –3.3 V to –5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8–lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: KPT25 MC100EPT25 MC100EPT25D MC100EPT25DR2 MC100EPT25DT MC100EPT25DTR2
    Text: MC100EPT25 -3.3V / -5VĄDifferential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, –3.3 V to –5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8–lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: BD 140 transistor EPT25 MC100EPT25 MC100EPT25D MC100EPT25DG MC100EPT25DR2 MC100EPT25DT
    Text: MC100EPT25 −3.3V / −5V Differential ECL to +3.3V LVTTL Translator The MC100EPT25 is a Differential ECL to LVTTL translator. This device requires +3.3 V, −3.3 V to −5.2 V, and ground. The small outline 8−lead package and the single gate of the EPT25 make it ideal

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine GENERAL DESCRIPTION KEY PRODUCT FEATURES

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    Abstract: multi-touch
    Text: SX1510B/SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING SX1510B/SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SX1510B/SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS & SENSING SX1510B/SX1511B/SX1512B World’s Lowest Voltage Level Shifting GPIO with LED Driver and Keypad Engine GENERAL DESCRIPTION

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    Abstract: KS88C62
    Text: Product Overview Address Spaces Addressing Modes Control Registers Interrupt Structure Instruction Set KS88C6216/C6224/C6232/P6232 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRODUCT OVERVIEW SAM8 PRODUCT FAMILY Samsung's SAM8 family of 8-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers offers a fast and efficient CPU with a wide

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