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    GaAs FET cfy 19

    Abstract: S11 SIEMENS z0 607 MA 7a
    Text: SIEMENS CFY 35 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise * High gain * For low-noise front end amplifiers * For DBS down converters 4 ^ ESD: V5005553 Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking Ordering code tape and reel CFY 35-20

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    V5005553 Q62702-F1393 Q62702-F1394 GaAs FET cfy 19 S11 SIEMENS z0 607 MA 7a PDF

    siemens PG

    Abstract: Siemens MMIC DECT siemens MMIC marking 81
    Text: SIEMENS GaAs MMIC CGY 195 Tentative Data • • • • • RF_out / VD2 4 Power amplifier for DECT application, single voltage supply Operating voltage range: 2.7 to 6 V Pout = 26dBm at Vd=3.3V Overall power added efficiency 44 % 5 yo! ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device,

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    26dBm VPW05980 15dBm CGY195 siemens PG Siemens MMIC DECT siemens MMIC marking 81 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS CG Y 52 GaAs MM IC Datasheet * Two stages monolithic microwave IC MMICAmplifier * All gold metallisation *Chip fully passivated * Operating voltage range: 2.7 to 5 V *50 Q. input / output 3 ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

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    VS005554 CGY52 Q68000-A8615 Channel-sold009 CGY52, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAsMMIC CG Y 121 B Target Datasheet * Variable gain amplifier MMIC-Amplifier for mobile communication RF_in; R F-G N D 4 * Gain Control range over 50dB * Positive Control Voltage * 50i2 input and output matched * Low power consumption * Operating voltage range: 2.7 to 6 V

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    Q62702G PD21/GÃ PDF

    MMIC "SOT 89" marking

    Abstract: marking HLEH Siemens MMIC MMIC marking code GA
    Text: SIEM EN S CF 750 GaAs MMIC Datasheet * Biased Dual Gate GaAs FET * For frequencies from 400 MHz to 3 GHz * Mixer and amplifier applications in handheld equipment * Low power consumption, 2mA operating current typ. * Operating voltage range: 3 to 6V * Ion-implanted planar structure

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    VPS05178 Q62702-F1391 MMIC "SOT 89" marking marking HLEH Siemens MMIC MMIC marking code GA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAs MMIC CGY96 Preliminary Datasheet *Power amplifier for GSM class 4 phones *3.2 W 35dBm output power at 3.5 V *Overall power added efficiency 50 % *Fully integrated 3 stage amplifier *Single supply operation *Power ramp control *lnput matched to 50 ohms, simple output match

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    CGY96 35dBm) PDF

    SIEMENS 230 92 O

    Abstract: siemens gaas fet gaas fet marking a FET GAAS marking a CFY 18 siemens 230 98 O siemens 230 99 o CFY30 S11 SIEMENS
    Text: SIEMENS CFY30 GaAs FET Datasheet * Low noise Fmjn= 1.4 dB @ 4 G H z * High gain ( 11.5 dB typ. @ 4 G H z) * For oscillators up to 12 GHz * For amplifiers up to 6 GHz * Ion implanted planar structure * Chip all gold metallization * Chip nitride passivation

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    CFY30 Q62703-F97 OT-143 SIEMENS 230 92 O siemens gaas fet gaas fet marking a FET GAAS marking a CFY 18 siemens 230 98 O siemens 230 99 o CFY30 S11 SIEMENS PDF

    "Marking k2" mmic

    Abstract: TLX-9-0150-CH
    Text: SIEMENS Preliminary data * Low noise preamplifier for mobile communication PCN, DECT, GSM in 2.7V to 6V systems * Biased monolithic microwave 1C (MMIC) * Easily matchable to 50Q * No bias coil needed * Single positive supply voltage * Low noise figure and high gain

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    950MHz 85GHz Q68000-A8887 200MHz "Marking k2" mmic TLX-9-0150-CH PDF