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    MARKING D824 Search Results

    MARKING D824 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEMA Terminal Blocks Intermediate Heavy Duty DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION This line of 600 volt blocks is rated up to 150 A and is available in a standard version and a corrosion resistant version. DESIGN ADVANTAGES 800 SERIES INTERMEDIATE HEAVY DUTY • An exceptionally compact block

    50-BU 99-BU 55-BU LR25557 E63810 PDF


    Abstract: Buchanan B104 D0241 buchanan terminal blocks Buchanan 1546143-1 1546235-1 2b104 242 4-1437390-0 BU 110 2B112
    Text: BUCHANAN Terminal Blocks Note: All part numbers are RoHS Compliant. Table of Contents—NEMA ETB Overview Selector Chart ………………………………………………………………240-243 Catalog Numbering Code ……………………………………………………………………244

    UL486E UL1059 MIL-202 d0311 Buchanan B104 D0241 buchanan terminal blocks Buchanan 1546143-1 1546235-1 2b104 242 4-1437390-0 BU 110 2B112 PDF


    Abstract: thermal d242 D0241 Buchanan 921 BU 2735 AS D0222 D0221 2103 datasheet buchanan 200 series MEXICO FUSE
    Text: Note: All part numbers are RoHS Compliant. Terminal Blocks Table of Contents—NEMA ETB Overview Selector Chart ………………………………………………………………238-241 Catalog Numbering Code ……………………………………………………………………242

    55-BU 50-BU 53-BU NYLON WHITE ROD 66 UL94V-2 thermal d242 D0241 Buchanan 921 BU 2735 AS D0222 D0221 2103 datasheet buchanan 200 series MEXICO FUSE PDF

    Buchanan 1546143-1

    Abstract: B112-BU 1546235-1 5-1437381-8 Buchanan Fuse block 1437397-9 BU 110 D0241 d0311 buchanan 200 series UL486e torque
    Text: Note: All part numbers are RoHS Compliant. BUCHANAN Terminal Blocks Table of Contents—NEMA ETB Overview Selector Chart ………………………………………………………………240-243 Catalog Numbering Code ……………………………………………………………………244

    UL486E UL1059 MIL-202 Buchanan 1546143-1 B112-BU 1546235-1 5-1437381-8 Buchanan Fuse block 1437397-9 BU 110 D0241 d0311 buchanan 200 series UL486e torque PDF


    Abstract: D149 D824
    Text: Data downloaded from - the website of Anglia - tel: 01945 474747 NEMA Terminal Blocks METRIC Catalogue 1654741 Revised 1-04 Dimensions are millimetres over inches 800 Series, Intermediate Heavy Duty DESCRIPTION / APPLICATION This line of 600 volt blocks is rated up

    LR25557 E63810 D814-BU D149 D824 PDF

    D1028 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC14V155 SNAS397I – MARCH 2007 – REVISED APRIL 2013 ADC14V155 14-Bit, 155 MSPS, 1.1 GHz Bandwidth A/D Converter with LVDS Outputs Check for Samples: ADC14V155 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • • The ADC14V155 is a high-performance CMOS

    ADC14V155 SNAS397I ADC14V155 14-Bit, ADC12V170 48-Pin D1028 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TÈmmsêBeUs NEMA Terminal Blocks Intermediate Heavy Duty D e s c r ip t io n / A p p l ic a t io n This line of 600 volt blocks is rated up to 150 A and is available in a standard version and a corrosion resistant version. D e s ig n A d v a n t a g e s 800 SERIES

    OCR Scan
    LR25557 E63810 PDF


    Abstract: P8050AH d8040 ld8748h P8049AH
    Text: intJ, MCS -48 EXPRESS m 0°C to 70°C Operation • 40°C to +85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In ■ 8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL ■ 8243 ■ 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL D8243 P8050AH d8040 ld8748h P8049AH PDF


    Abstract: TD8749H LD8749 8048AH/8035AHL TD8748H D8748H
    Text: intel MCS -48 EXPRESS m 0°C to 70°C Operation • -40°C to+85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In ■ 8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AH L ■ 8243 ■ 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AH 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL ld8748h TD8749H LD8749 8048AH/8035AHL TD8748H D8748H PDF


    Abstract: P8040AHL ld8748h TD8749AH
    Text: MCS -48 EXPRESS • 0°C to 70°C Operation ■ -4 0 °C to +85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In 8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL ■ 8243 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL TD8749H P8040AHL ld8748h TD8749AH PDF


    Abstract: P8243 TD8749H P8048AH D8243 TD8243 P8050AH TP8049AH LD8749H D8748
    Text: P fô lU fiilD M W irrte! MCS -48 EXPRESS m 0°C to 70°C Operation • 40°C to +85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In ■ 8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL ■ 8243 ■ 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL P8049AH P8243 TD8749H P8048AH D8243 TD8243 P8050AH TP8049AH LD8749H D8748 PDF


    Abstract: P8035AHL P8243 D8243 D8050 P8039AHL P8050AH TD8749H LD8748H P8048AH
    Text: in tei MCS -48 EXPRESS • 0°C to 70°C Operation ■ —40°C to +85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In 8048AH/8035AH L ■ 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL ■ 8243 8050AH/8040AH L ■ 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AH 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL 8050AH/8040AH 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL P8049AH P8035AHL P8243 D8243 D8050 P8039AHL P8050AH TD8749H LD8748H P8048AH PDF


    Abstract: P8243 P8035AHL D8243 TD8749H intel p8049ah P8050AH P8048AH P8040AHL P8039AHL
    Text: PRSOIKIOINAIItfr MCS -48 EXPRESS • 0°C to 70°C Operation ■ -40°C to +85°C Operation ■ 168 Hr. Burn-In ■ 8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL ■ 8243 ■ 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H The new Intel EXPRESS family of single-component 8-bit microcomputers offers enhanced processing options

    OCR Scan
    8048AH/8035AHL 8748H 8049AH/8039AHL 8050AH/8040AHL 8749H 8048AH/8035AHL, 8748H, 8049AH/8039AHL, 8749H, 8050AH/8040AHL P8049AH P8243 P8035AHL D8243 TD8749H intel p8049ah P8050AH P8048AH P8040AHL P8039AHL PDF

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    Text: A f PRACTICAL ANALOG DESIGN TECHNIQUES +5V 100Q / ;T JLT ^OUT “ |V,NI ▼ ¥ -5 V F U LL-W A V E R EC TIF IE R +2.5V +5V A f A REF REF IN - IN(+) a v dd d v dd • AIN1 (+) AD7714 • AIN1 (-) I L I J à \ AGND • DGND • ANALOG DEVICES DATA ANALOG INPUT

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