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    aac resistors CJ06-000M

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS 05/16/05 CR/CJ, CRP/CJP, and CRT/CJT Series Chip Resistors HOW TO ORDER CR T 10 1000 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel B = Bulk Tolerance % J = +5 G = +2 F = +1 D = +0.5 FEATURES EIA Resistance Value Standard Decade Values

    CR05-J-KITS 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 1/10w, aac resistors CJ06-000M PDF

    270K 1206

    Abstract: CJ05 alpha numeric marking 0603 cj20 resistor CR-05J 2512 470 E96 Series
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS The content of this specification may change without notification 10/04/07 Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium Non-Magnetic / Gold Terminations Available Custom solutions are available. HOW TO ORDER CR G 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel

    2512-P CR05-J-KITS 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 270K 1206 CJ05 alpha numeric marking 0603 cj20 resistor CR-05J 2512 470 E96 Series PDF


    Abstract: 270K 1206 CJ05 CR-05J marking CJ01
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS The content of this specification may change without notification 10/04/07 Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium / Non-Magnetic Terminal Custom solutions are available. HOW TO ORDER CR G 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel

    2512-P CR05-J-KITS 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS CR05F 270K 1206 CJ05 CR-05J marking CJ01 PDF


    Abstract: 270K 1206 E96 Series CR05-J-KITS CR05F
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS The content of this specification may change without notification 10/04/07 Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium / Gold Terminations Available Custom solutions are available. HOW TO ORDER CR G 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel

    2512-P CR05-J-KITS 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS CJ05 270K 1206 E96 Series CR05-J-KITS CR05F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Thick Film Chip Resistors HOW TO ORDER CR 10 - 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel O = Cutting Tape K = Sample Kit Tolerance % J = +5 F = +1 G = +0.5 D = +0.1 EIA Resistance Value Standard Decade Values Size 20 = 0201 05 = 0402 16 = 0603 12 = 2010

    2512-P 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 1/10w, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium / Gold Terminations Available HOW TO ORDER CR G Custom solutions are available. 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel O = Cutting Tape K = Sample Kit Tolerance % J = +5 F = +1 G = +0.5 D = +0.1

    2512-P 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 1/10w, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium / Gold Terminations Available HOW TO ORDER CR G Custom solutions are available. 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel O = Cutting Tape K = Sample Kit Tolerance % J = +5 F = +1 G = +0.5 D = +0.1

    2512-P 1/16w, CR05-F-KITS CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 1/10w, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THICK FILM CHIP RESISTORS Tin / Tin Lead / Silver Palladium / Gold Terminations Available HOW TO ORDER CR G Custom solutions are available. 10- 1003 F M Packaging M = 7” Reel V = 13” Reel O = Cutting Tape K = Sample Kit Tolerance % J = +5 F = +1 G = +0.5 D = +0.1

    2512-P CR05-F-KITS 1/16w, CR16-J-KITS CR16-F-KITS CR10-J-KITS 1/10w, CR10-F-KITS PDF

    BUK 155

    Abstract: 470 CFK BPM T 105 94V-0 MARKING CFK SMA33CA marking cvk Marking code AHm marking code CVK rkm 22 SMA17
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS REVERSE VOLTAGE FORWARD CURRENT FEATURES - 6.8 to 200 VOLTS - 400 Amperes SMA Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reiiable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique


    BUK 155

    Abstract: BYM 268 470 CFK byk 306 SMA33CA BPM T 105 94V-0 MARKING CMK LS BMK SMA12CA bhk 115
    Text: SURF ACE MOUNT UNIDIREC TIONAL AND BIDIRECT IONAL TRANSIE NT V OLTA GE S UPPRESS ORS REVERSE VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 VOLTS FORWARD CURRENT - 400 Amperes FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mou nted applications Reiiable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic te chnique



    Abstract: No abstract text available

    SMA170A SMA170CA SMA180 SMA180C SMA180A SMA180CA SMA200 SMA200C SMA200A SMA200CA PDF

    chm - 1 94V - 0

    Abstract: BUK 155 CEM - 1 94V - 0 marking CYK cnm 778 RHK 117 103 csk marking code rpk marking code CFK SMA18CA
    Text: SMA Series 400Watts Surface Mount Transient Voltage Suppressor STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 400 WATTS SMA/DO-214AC Features — Rating to 200V VBR — For surface mounted applications — Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    400Watts SMA/DO-214AC chm - 1 94V - 0 BUK 155 CEM - 1 94V - 0 marking CYK cnm 778 RHK 117 103 csk marking code rpk marking code CFK SMA18CA PDF

    marking code CVK

    Abstract: marking cvk MARKING rkm rkm 22 marking code cfk BUK 155 rkm 24 SMA150CA marking code CTK AXK marking
    Text: LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR SURFACE MOUNT UNIDIRECTIONAL AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS SMA SERIES STAND-OFF VOLTAGE - 6.8 to 200 Volts POWER DISSIPATION - 400 WATTS FEATURES Rating to 200V VBR For surface mounted applications Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic

    SMA180 SMA180C SMA180A SMA180CA SMA200 SMA200C SMA200A SMA200CA marking code CVK marking cvk MARKING rkm rkm 22 marking code cfk BUK 155 rkm 24 SMA150CA marking code CTK AXK marking PDF

    surge absorber

    Abstract: en132400 07 nitsuko CRKH22E104C transistor cr marking 104C en132400 275v IEC60384-1 Thyristor triac D 1414 transistor
    Text: UL,VDE 安全規格認定 サージ吸収用 CR 複合部品 UL, VDE Safety Standard Surge Absorber CR unit CRKH SERIES サ−ジ吸収用 Surge absorber UL, VDE 安全規格認定品 難燃性エポキシ樹脂外装(UL94V-0) 電磁開閉器電磁弁、モ−タ等より発生するサ−ジ電圧の吸

    UL94V-0 UL94V-0) 250VAC CRKH22E223C* CRKH22E473C* CRKH22E103C* CRKH22E333C* UL-1414 EN132400 IEC60384-14 surge absorber en132400 07 nitsuko CRKH22E104C transistor cr marking 104C en132400 275v IEC60384-1 Thyristor triac D 1414 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 00 NIM-CAMAC & 01 COAXIAL CONNECTORS ® LEMO coaxial 00 and 01 Series 50 Ω Fundamental research in particle physics as practised within CERN and other nuclear research establishments requires more and more complex equipment of high performance in order to achieve the objectives. The needs of such research

    P0509, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 140 – 155 Mbit/s CMI Encoder/ Decoder GD16367B/GD16368B Preliminary General Description Features encoder may be switched off when the interface is optical. The GD16367B and GD16368B is a chip- set intended for use in SDH STM-1/ SONET OC-3 and PDH E4 systems,

    GD16367B/GD16368B GD16367B GD16368B GD16368B DK-2740 PDF


    Abstract: GIGA GD16368B-52BA CMI encoder GD16368B-52BA KUGD16368B52BA KUGD16368B52BA 836784 pinout dock GD16368B
    Text: 140 – 155 Mbit/s CMI Encoder/ Decoder GD16367B/GD16368B an Intel company Preliminary General Description Features encoder may be switched off when the interface is optical. The GD16367B and GD16368B is a chip- set intended for use in SDH STM-1/ SONET OC-3 and PDH E4 systems,

    GD16367B/GD16368B GD16367B GD16368B GD16368B GIGA GD16368B-52BA CMI encoder GD16368B-52BA KUGD16368B52BA KUGD16368B52BA 836784 pinout dock PDF


    Abstract: NTCE24 DIN IEC 60093 LEMO 00 connectors LEMO epb 00 NTME31 FFA.00.250.NTAC29 RTA FFM 02 lemo CRIMP TOOL CHART NTCE44
    Text: 00 NIM-CAMAC & 01 COAXIAL CONNECTORS ® LEMO coaxial 00 and 01 Series 50 Ω Fundamental research in particle physics as practised within CERN and other nuclear research establishments requires more and more complex equipment of high performance in order to achieve the objectives. The needs of such research

    P0109 lemo NTCE24 DIN IEC 60093 LEMO 00 connectors LEMO epb 00 NTME31 FFA.00.250.NTAC29 RTA FFM 02 lemo CRIMP TOOL CHART NTCE44 PDF


    Abstract: a1f4m A1A4M R1Ik N1A4M 2SK104 2SA1138 a1l4m n1f4m 2SD1557
    Text: QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE MINI MOLD SC-59 Q U IC K R E FE R EN C E TA B L E Switching Diodes □ m Leadless Type Q U IC K REFER EN C E TA B LE (Switching Diodes) □ \ ^ V R (V ) GENERAL P UHPO SE 30 50 70 LS53 LS 54 LS 55 LS 953 LS 954 L S 955 100 S IN G L E

    OCR Scan
    SC-59 DO-35 SC-63) T0-220AB K68A a1f4m A1A4M R1Ik N1A4M 2SK104 2SA1138 a1l4m n1f4m 2SD1557 PDF


    Abstract: 1101M2S3ABE2 1101M2S3AV2BE2 1101M2S3CQE2 1201M2S3ABE2 1201M2S3CQE2 RS-186E marking crk marking code CSK CSK marking
    Text: C&K 1000 Series Miniature Slide Switches Features/Benefits Typical Applications • Variety of actuators and terminations • Test & measurement equipment • Panel mount tabs available • Telecommunications • Epoxy terminal seal—compatible with bottom-wash cleaning

    OCR Scan
    100te. C4721 1101M2S3ABE2 1101M2S3AV2BE2 1101M2S3CQE2 1201M2S3ABE2 1201M2S3CQE2 RS-186E marking crk marking code CSK CSK marking PDF

    sh m1 94v-0

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: % <0 m o d els a vailable, se e p ag e E-15. Easy Build-A-Switch: Below is a complete listing of available options for 1000 S E R IE S M IN IA TU R E SLID E S W IT C H E S . Build-A-Switch allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you n eed — simply select desired option from each category. Switches with standard options

    OCR Scan
    compaD-202F RS-186E 17b0flflS 000425b sh m1 94v-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A-«35- S Illuminated Rocker Switches 5000 Series TO <s models available, see page C-50. Easy Build-A-Switch: Below is a complete listing of available options for 50 00 S E R IE S ILLUM INA TED R O C K ER S W IT C H E S . Build-A-Switch allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need— simply select desired option from each category. Switches with standard

    OCR Scan
    17bDflflS 5101ZQE12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s FR601G -FR607G TA IW A N SEMICONDUCTOR 6.0 A M P S . G la ss Passivated Fast R ecovery R ectifiers RoHS R -6 COMPLIANCE t .£50 ¡721 .Z7t>;$.8 M IN D IA . I T Features •> ❖ ❖ Low to w a rd voltage drop High current capability High reliability

    OCR Scan
    FR601G -FR607G IL-STD-202. PDF

    pj 929 diode picture

    Abstract: bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Semiconductors for Television and Video Systems Contents PART A page SELECTION GUIDE Functional index 5 Numerical index 17 Maintainance list 27 GENERAL Quality 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Discrete Semiconductors 31 Pro Electron type numbering system for Integrated Circuits

    OCR Scan
    BA481 SAA7197 SAA7199B TDA4680 TDA4685 pA733C LFC02 MEH469 pj 929 diode picture bf471 A7R SMD Transistor TDA8391 transistor f488 tda8351 pin-compatible tda1000 Germanium drift transistor marking 3U 3T 3C diode germanium transistor PDF