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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    MARKING CODE IY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: BF599
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor ● Common emitter IF/RF amplifier ● Low feedback capacitance due to shield diffusion BF 599 Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel Pin Configuration 1 2 3 Package1) BF 599 NB Q62702-F979 B SOT-23 E C Maximum Ratings Parameter

    Q62702-F979 OT-23 Iy21e Q62702-F979 BF599 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN Silicon RF Transistor • • BF 799 Suitable for broadband RF amplifiers up to 500 MHz in the high tuning range Particularly suitable for SAW filter driver application in TV tuners Type Marking Ordering code for versions in bulk Ordering code for versions on 8 mm-tape

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    Q62702-F788 Q62702-F935 SAW MARKING CODE SOT-23 PDF

    vishay siliconix code marking

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _ Sii 301 DL Vishay Siliconix New Product P-Channel 20-V D-S MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY r DS(on) (£2) lD (mA) 3.8 e VGS = -4.5 V -180 5.0 9 VGs = -2 5 V -100 V DS(V) -20 Marking Code r LG XX £ Lot Traceability and Date Code

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    S-01830-- 21-Aug-00 S-01830--Rev. vishay siliconix code marking PDF

    Magnetic Field Sensor FLC 100

    Abstract: transistor ITT
    Text: HAL628, HAL638 ADVANCE INFORMATION Hall Effect Sensor 1C in CMOS technology Marking Code Type Tern perature Rimge Common Features: -• - switching offset compensation - operates from 4.5 V to 24 V supply voltage - overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection

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    HAL628, HAL638 628UA, HAL628S HAL638UA, HAL638S 170ch Magnetic Field Sensor FLC 100 transistor ITT PDF


    Abstract: 004-G intermetall 638UA
    Text: HAL628, HAL638 Hall Effect Sensor 1C in CMOS technology ADVANCE INFORMATION Marking Code Temperature Range Type Common Features: - switching offset compensation - operates from 4.5 V to 24 V supply voltage HAL 628UA, HAL628S - overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection

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    HAL628, HAL638 628UA, HAL628S 638UA, HAL638S 4083ion HAL628 004-G intermetall 638UA PDF

    Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon N-Channel MOSFET Tetrode • For low-noise, gain-controlled input stages up to 1GHz • Operating voltage 9V • Integrated bias network . HF O utput + DC ESD: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution! Type Marking Ordering Code

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    Q62702-F1613 OT-143 800MHz Silicon N Channel MOSFET Tetrode PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32E D • 023b3BQ Silicon Low Leakage Diode Array 001bS43 b « S IP T-Ol-OI BAV170 SIEMENS/ SPCLi SEMICON DS _ • Low Leakage applications • Medium speed switching times • Common cathode Type Marking Ordering code 8-mm tape Package BAV170

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    023b3BQ 001bS43 BAV170 Q62702-A920 T-01-09 23b32Ã 001b54b PDF

    diode code ae 89A

    Abstract: diode AE 89A 377 hall sensor ITT INTERMETALL ITT semiconductors ITT 30 15 an 220 diode ITT specification
    Text: Edition May 7,1997 6251-345-4PD ITT INTER METALL 4^82711 GOObSflG TIE HAL300 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET Marking Code Differential Hall Effect Sensor 1C in CMOS technology Type Tem serature Riinge Release Notes: Revision bars indicate significant changes to the previous edition.

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    6251-345-4PD HAL300 diode code ae 89A diode AE 89A 377 hall sensor ITT INTERMETALL ITT semiconductors ITT 30 15 an 220 diode ITT specification PDF

    itt ol 170

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HAL114 ADVANCE INFORMATION Hall Effect Sensor 1C in CMOS technology Marking Code Type Tern perature Rimge Features: A - operates from 4.5 V to 24 V supply voltage HAL114S HAL114UA - overvoltage and reverse-voltage protection 114A 114E 114C - short-circuit protected open-drain output switch

    OCR Scan
    HAL114 HAL114S HAL114UA 4bfiZ711 itt ol 170 PDF

    marking code 8fn

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PNP Silicon High-Voltage Transistors BFN 37; BFN 39 Suitable for video output stages in TV sets and switching power supplies High breakdown voltage Low collector -emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: BFN 36/38 NPN Type Marking O rdering code (12-m m tape)

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    Q62702- F1304 F1305 OT-223 OT-223 marking code 8fn PDF


    Abstract: BF451 BF 450 IY21 Q62702-F312 SIEMENS marking IC marking jw SiEMENS PM 350 92 bf 451 tag 451
    Text: SIEMENS BF 450 BF 451 PNP Silicon RF Transistors • For common emitter AM and FM stages • Low feedback capacitance due to shield diffusion Type Marking Ordering Code BF 450 BF 451 - Q62702-F312 Q62702-F313 Pin Configuration 1 2 3 E C Package1 B TO-92 Maximum Ratings

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F312 Q62702-F313 0235bG5 235b05 00bb7fc 10MHz BF450 BF451 BF 450 IY21 SIEMENS marking IC marking jw SiEMENS PM 350 92 bf 451 tag 451 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERB35 ia I Outline Drawings FAST RECOVERY DIODE : Features • iê/K : Marking Soft recovery, low noise • A f t f f i't i High reliability * —3 — K $ Cole r code : Applications Abridged type n am e^' DP f t -> Silver s. 1 ^ O ÍV - Í- 'T - Í ft-

    OCR Scan
    ERB35( I95t/R89) PDF


    Abstract: sot363 marking qs 71072
    Text: SM403PL New Product Vishay Siliconix P-Channel 2.5-V G-S MOSFET PRODUCT SUMMARY Vps(V) Id (A) r D S (o n) ( ^ ) 0.180 @ VG S= —4.5 V -2 0 VP ± 1 .5 0.200 @ VGS = -3 .6 V ± 1 .4 0.265 @ VGS = -2 .5 V ± 1 .2 A <0* SOT-363 SC-70 (6-LEADS) Marking Code

    OCR Scan
    SM403PL OT-363 SC-70 S-01559-- 17-Jul-00 SM403DL sm403 sot363 marking qs 71072 PDF

    DIODE S2v 73

    Abstract: DIODE in s2v shindengen rectifier SHINDENGEN DIODE DIODE S2v 50 DIODE S2v S2V60
    Text: -A S æ fE ^ *-K 7 Rectifier Diode Axial Diode OUTLINE DIMENSIONS S2V Case : 1.0 <f> Um l ; mm W e ig h t : 69g 24 MIS *4 8"“ , 73 1 600V 1.7A llfg M ° M > © _ Marking ffl C o lo r code, Cathode band i í • -B- © CD •M W Œ Red : S2V20 îj w

    OCR Scan
    S2V20 S2V20 S2V60 DIODE S2v 73 DIODE in s2v shindengen rectifier SHINDENGEN DIODE DIODE S2v 50 DIODE S2v S2V60 PDF

    diode tfk s 220

    Abstract: tfk s 220 diode 12A3 rg4 77 diode tfk s 92 TFK diode tfk 3b tfk transistor Tfk 237 TCA 321
    Text: 17E I I B^SDDRb ODD^bS^ 3 • m ilF iy iim iM electronic Crt*tiv«1«chnolo$tt ALGG i l ? ■ TFK 3080 D TELEFUNKEN ELECTRONIC [ Preliminary specifications [ NPN Silicon Tripleton Power Transistor T-33-3£~ Applications: • Motor-control 380 V-mains • UPS (Uninterruptible power supplies)

    OCR Scan
    S1000 O888E T0126 15A3DIN diode tfk s 220 tfk s 220 diode 12A3 rg4 77 diode tfk s 92 TFK diode tfk 3b tfk transistor Tfk 237 TCA 321 PDF

    rss tyohm

    Abstract: TYOHM RS-196A
    Text: IY o h K Unauthorized duplication is prohibited RSN METAL OXIDE FILM RESISTORS, FLAMEPROOF 1. Applicable Scope: This RSN standard specification is for use in consumer electronics, computers, telecommunications, control instruments.etc. 2. Part Number: It is composed by Type, Rated Wattage, Terminal Form, Nominal Resistance, Tolerance

    OCR Scan
    32max rss tyohm TYOHM RS-196A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NO.MLPGE10023 SPECIFICATIONS H IG H F R E Q U E N C Y M U L T IL A Y E R C H IP F IL T E R FI 212P089208-T T A IY O Y U D E N C O ., LTD. Date:23.Aug.2010 HIGH FREQUENCY MULTILAYER CHIP Table of Contents 1. Scope 2. Part Numbering System 3. Electrical specification

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    MLPGE10023 212P089208-T diplexer PDF

    resistant to oil

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C -iype Markers - Conductors up to 14.5 mm .57” Description: C-Type Cable Markers are a clip-on type, specifically designed for applications after the solder connection has been made or solderless terminal has been attached. They may be removed at any time for re-coding without break­

    OCR Scan
    symboD09-A CWD09-Z CWDH09-A-M CWDH09-N-Z CWD09 CWD09- CWD12-0 CWD12-9 CWDC012 CWD012-A resistant to oil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: No. P R O D U C T S P E C IF IC A T IO N P /N : F I2 1 2 L 0 6 2 0 0 3 -T Type: M U L T IL A Y E R F IL T E R S o ld e rin g : R e flo w o n ly Issue d a te : 14.Feb.2011 A p p lic a b le p ro d u cts to R oH S re strictio n T A IY O Y U D E N C O ., LTD .

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: NL7976B NL792B IP60G 283X114X0
    Text: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION REV. ECR REF. NO. A 1107509 DESCRIPTION DATE 19/06/07 RELEASE FOR PRODUCTION W.E.F. ASSEMBLY 2000±50 UVE BROWN UVE(BROWN) iff N £ « k Ff _ ^ fiiri "N . m iy NEUTRAL{BLUE) c m 1 ü — •■■■ ir. ] c) NEUTRAL(BLUE) LABEL ART 45X25 321219

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    45X25 283X114X0 IP60G NL7976B VSC19 IP40G NL792B VAC20S VAC20S HGC6-223-07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NO.MLPGE10011 SPECIFICATIONS H IG H F R E Q U E N C Y M U L T IL A Y E R C H IP F IL T E R FI 212B245027-T T A IY O Y U D E N C O ., LTD . Date: 30.Apr.2010 HIGH FREQUENCY MULTILAYER CHIP FILTER Table of Contents 1. Scope 2. Part Numbering System 3. Electrical specification

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    MLPGE10011 212B245027-T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AE032X100137 Ver. 1.02 SPECIFICATION POWER INDUCTOR NRS5020 TYPE Magnetic Shielded Type T Â IY O Y U D E N AE032X100137V102 S p e c ific a t io n s NRS5020TYPE 1/13 1. Range of application This specifications are applied to Power Inductor, NRS5020. 2. Ordering code

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    AE032X100137 NRS5020 AE032X100137V102 NRS5020TYPE NRS5020. 100KHz, PDF

    t con

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIRD ANGL E P R O J E C T I O N ~|~ a S I D E ( b ) f R5 i E C Q U A 1 0 4 « i o ^ 275 X2c % n ( N ote )O n Iy ±10% as o r ( c ) □ S I D E K Î d a t e c a p a c ita n c e t o le ra n c e to c o d e be marked as K" No t e When a p p l y i n g in The

    OCR Scan
    A003B-J-E t con PDF


    Abstract: 10SV10MN 10SV10M a5 marking marking A5
    Text: I . SPECIFICATIONS OF OSCON IN SERIES SA/iYO sv Vertical Surface Mounting Devices SV Series is designed for use in miniaturised high frequency noise limiters and switching power supplies ; compatible with Aluminum electrolytic capacitors of Vertical chip.

    OCR Scan
    120Hz) 300kHz) 100kHz, D00Hrs. 10sv10 10SV10MN 10SV10M a5 marking marking A5 PDF