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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    MARKING CODE HR 31 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RK73 KOA
    Text: KOA SPEER ELECTRONICS, INC. SS-208 R6 AHA 8/31/11 Chip Networks Resistors Type CN_A CERTIFIED CERTIFIED 1. Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Manufactured to type RK73 standards Less board space than individual chips Isolated resistor elements Convex terminations with scalloped corners


    MARKING 9.1M

    Abstract: NPR1 0.1 KOA NPR
    Text: 1218 Reader's Spreads 6/19/02 1:56 PM Page 31 NPR current sense resistors surface mount molded current sense resistor features • • • • • • Surface mount power resistors Flame retardant type UL94-V-0 Current detecting resistors for power supplies, etc.

    UL94-V-0) C/-55 MARKING 9.1M NPR1 0.1 KOA NPR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O PA OPA1 OPA 131 OPA2 31 2131 O PA OPA131 OPA2131 OPA4131 4131 OP A41 31 131 OPA4 131 SBOS040A – NOVEMBER 1994 – REVISED DECEMBER 2002 General-Purpose FET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS FEATURES ● FET INPUT: IB = 50pA max ● LOW OFFSET VOLTAGE: 750µV max

    OPA131 OPA2131 OPA4131 SBOS040A OPA131 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KOA SPEER ELECTRONICS, INC. SS-242 R5 AHA 5/31/06 Flat Chip Resistor Array Type CN_K CERTIFIED CERTIFIED 1. Features • ■ ■ ■ Manufactured to Type RK73 standards Less board space than individuals chips Marked with resistance value Isolated resistor elements

    SS-242 1f1j PDF

    SMD custom precision rESISTOR network

    Abstract: ARRAY resistor ESCC 4001 smd transistor marking HR smd marking R7 vishay smd resistor code marking SMD array resistors PRA100 PRA135 PRA182
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR Vishay Sfernice ESA ( ) Qualified High Precision Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA Hi-Rel arrays can be used in most applications requiring a

    18-Jul-08 SMD custom precision rESISTOR network ARRAY resistor ESCC 4001 smd transistor marking HR smd marking R7 vishay smd resistor code marking SMD array resistors PRA100 PRA135 PRA182 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR Vishay Sfernice ESA ( ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA Hi-Rel arrays can be used in most applications requiring a

    18-Jul-08 PRAHR100I4-2K2BWN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR ESA ( Vishay Sfernice ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA Hi-Rel arrays can be used in most applications requiring a

    11-Mar-11 PDF

    vishay smd resistor code marking

    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR Vishay Sfernice ESA ( ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA Hi-Rel arrays can be used in most applications requiring a

    11-Mar-11 vishay smd resistor code marking VISHAY LOT CODE MARKING PDF


    Abstract: bq825
    Text: M for 2 0% tol . MIL-PRF-49470 LOW PROFILE REDUCED HEIGHT-LARGER CASE SIZE MIL-PRF-49470 Cap Case change K to M for 20% tol. µF Height A inches (mm) Cap Tol. 10% Presidio Part No. MIL-PRF-49470 (change K to M for 20% tol.) (change K to M for 20% tol.) Cap Case

    MIL-PRF-49470 MIL-PRF-49470 M49470 M49470X01106 S405BX106 T49470 bq825 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M for 2 0% tol . MIL-PRF-49470 LOW PROFILE REDUCED HEIGHT-LARGER CASE SIZE MIL-PRF-49470 Cap Case change K to M for 20% tol. µF Cap Tol. inches (mm) 10% Height A Presidio Part No. MIL-PRF-49470 (change K to M for 20% tol.) (change K to M for 20% tol.) 4.7

    MIL-PRF-49470 MIL-PRF-49470 M49470 M49470 T49470 PDF

    marking code hr 31

    Abstract: PRAHR100I8 PRAHR135I4 marking code hr 31 SMD PRAHR182I2 PRA135X8 CNWHR
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR ESA ( Vishay Sfernice ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA Hi-Rel arrays can be used in most applications requiring a

    2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 marking code hr 31 PRAHR100I8 PRAHR135I4 marking code hr 31 SMD PRAHR182I2 PRA135X8 CNWHR PDF


    Abstract: CNWHR
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR Vishay Sfernice ESCC 4001/025 ( ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA

    2011/65/EU 2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. 12-Mar-12 PRAHR100I8 CNWHR PDF

    tb 1229 bn

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Space Applications Only PRA HR CNW HR Vishay Sfernice ESCC 4001/025 ( ) Qualified High Precision Thin Film Chip Resistor Arrays FEATURES Vishay Sfernice Thin Film division holds ESCC QML qualification (ESCC technology flow qualification). PRA

    2002/95/EC. 2002/95/EC 2011/65/EU. JS709A 02-Oct-12 tb 1229 bn PDF


    Abstract: 346HF11A 3G15 SD-202 TM32 remocon dh528 LF3A DC-5280 ex037
    Text: DATE : 2005. 01. 17. SPECIFICATION PRODUCT : MODEL : REMOCON MODULE 346HF11A OPTO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 1066-12 YOUNJANG-RI, JINAN-UP, JINAN-GUN JEON-BUK, KOREA. TEL : 063 433-4566~8 FAX : (063) 433-4569 E mail : A P P R O V A L S H E E T

    346HF11A 346HF11A) QuaB-67 OB-57 cl-1l5 346HF11A 3G15 SD-202 TM32 remocon dh528 LF3A DC-5280 ex037 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. SMD 2.5x2.0 40.0MHz Crystal Unit MODEL NO.: TZ0896A REV. NO.: 2 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 2 5,6 Marking and T/R quantity 7/31/08’ ECN-2008166 Kelly Huang TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Reviser TST DCC

    TZ0896A ECN-2008166 EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. HC49SMD 4MHz Crystal Unit MODEL NO.: TZ1467A REV. NO.: 2.0 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 2 N/A P.5 Initial release Add Packing Quantity 05/11/10’ N/A Ginger Huang 01/31/13’ ECN-201200361 Ginger Huang TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.

    HC49SMD TZ1467A ECN-201200361 andD-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 TZ1467A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 3.2x2.5 28.636MHz MODEL NO.: TZ1797A REV. NO.: 1 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 N/A Initial release 12/31/09 N/A TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Revised by Ann Liu TST DCC Release document

    636MHz TZ1797A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/8 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 2.5x2.0 40MHz MODEL NO.: TZ1478A REV. NO.: 2 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date Ref. No. Revised by 1 2 N/A 7/31/08’ 12/10/10’ N/A Kelly Huang Naco Kuo Initial release Update Base and Marking Rule

    40MHz TZ1478A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 3.2x2.5 24.576MHz MODEL NO.: TZ1824A REV. NO.: 1 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 N/A Initial release 12/31/09 N/A TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Revised by Ann Liu TST DCC Release document

    576MHz TZ1824A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. SMD 2.5x2.0 40.0MHz Crystal Unit MODEL NO.: TZ1478A REV. NO.: 1 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 N/A Initial release 7/31/08’ N/A TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Reviser Kelly Huang TST DCC Release document

    TZ1478A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 3.2x2.5 31MHz MODEL NO.: TZ2091A REV. NO.: 1 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 N/A Initial release 11/18/10 N/A TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Revised by Tim Liu TST DCC Release document 3/7

    31MHz TZ2091A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 2.5x2.0 31.875MHz MODEL NO.: TZ1701A REV. NO.: 1 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 1 N/A Initial release 7/10/09’ N/A TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Ref. No. Revised by Eddie Huang TST DCC Release document

    875MHz TZ1701A EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm EIAJED-4701-3 B-123A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2/7 TAI-SAW TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Crystal Unit SMD 3.2x2.5 25.228125MHz MODEL NO.: TZ0448A REV. NO.: 6 Revise: Rev. Rev. Page Rev. Account Date 5 6 5 4 6/22/09’ ECN-200900240 Kelly Huang 8/31/09’ ECN-200900360 Kelly Huang Changed T/R drawing Indicated pin#1 and thickness

    228125MHz TZ0448A ECN-200900240 ECN-200900360 EIAJED-4701 30min) 06kg/cm PDF

    tantalum nitride

    Abstract: QQG0177 1249t
    Text: BS ELECTRO-FILMS INC/ SEMI- 34E D 3101532 QDQQITt. T -tfJH W U t The CTR series of tapped single-value resisto r chips com bine excellent stability with great power-handling capacity. Two bonding pads per term ina­ tion allow greater flexibility in hybrid layout designs. By connecting to the

    OCR Scan
    QDQQ17ti MIL-STD-883. 10kfl tantalum nitride QQG0177 1249t PDF