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    EL9112ILZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Triple Differential Receiver/Equalizer, QFN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL59445IRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 1GHz Triple Multiplexing Amplifiers, QFN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL99125BDRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation DrMOS (Driver + FET), QFN, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL99135BDRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation DrMOS (Driver + FET), QFN, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL6251AHRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost Multi-Chemistry Battery Charger Controller, QFN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    Abstract: nozzle heater paste profile qfn 10mm land pattern J-STD-001C solder joint IPC-SM-782 MO-220 TB389 MARK RAY QFN
    Text: PCB Land Pattern Design and Surface Mount Guidelines for QFN MLFP Packages Technical Brief March 2004 TB389.2 Authors: Jim Benson, Mark Kwoka, Ray Claudio Introduction General Design Guidelines Intersil’s Quad Flat No Lead (QFN), Micro Lead Frame Plastic (MLFP) package is a relatively new packaging

    TB389 J-STD-005 nozzle heater paste profile qfn 10mm land pattern J-STD-001C solder joint IPC-SM-782 MO-220 MARK RAY QFN PDF

    transistor C2482

    Abstract: LTC2499 c2482 example code LTC2448 LTC2448 LTC2449 LT1494 equivalent LTC2486 LTC2481 I2C16
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY MArch 2007 IN THIS ISSUE… Cover Article Easy Drive Delta-Sigma ADCs Deliver Powerful Features and Reduce Design Mark Thoren Linear Technology in the News….2 Design Features

    RS485/RS422 101mV, 202mV, 1-800-4-LINEAR transistor C2482 LTC2499 c2482 example code LTC2448 LTC2448 LTC2449 LT1494 equivalent LTC2486 LTC2481 I2C16 PDF


    Abstract: ISL8204M 230-245C 12v 6A variable convertor diagram ISL8206 ISL820xM AN1386 ISL8201M ISL8204MIRZ ISL8206M
    Text: ISL8204M, ISL8206M The ISL8204M, ISL8206M is a family of pin-compatible power modules to the ISL8201M. These are simple and easy to use, high power DC\DC modules and are ideal for a wide variety of applications. The ISL820xM family of high current DC\DC step-down modules virtually

    ISL8204M, ISL8206M ISL8206M ISL8201M. ISL820xM FN6999 J-STD-005 ISL8204M 230-245C 12v 6A variable convertor diagram ISL8206 AN1386 ISL8201M ISL8204MIRZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Complete High Efficiency DC/DC Power Module The ISL8204M, ISL8206M is a family of pin-compatible power modules to the ISL8201M. These are simple and easy to use, high power DC/DC modules and are ideal for a wide variety of applications. The ISL820xM family of high current DC/DC

    ISL8204M, ISL8206M ISL8201M. ISL820xM EfficiencyN6999 ISL8206M PDF


    Abstract: MARK RAY QFN
    Text: Complete High Efficiency DC/DC Power Module ISL8204M, ISL8206M The ISL8204M, ISL8206M is a family of pin-compatible power modules to the ISL8201M. These are simple and easy to use, high power DC/DC modules and are ideal for a wide variety of applications. The ISL820xM family of high current DC/DC

    ISL8204M, ISL8206M ISL8206M ISL8201M. ISL820xM FN6999 J-STD-005 MARK RAY QFN PDF

    rf mems switch spst

    Abstract: SKY13317-373 Hittite RF Switch SOI military switch EDN handbook rf3024 SKY13317-373LF RF3023 RF3025 2SMES-01
    Text: R F switching options: The right fit might come with a loss Manufacturers are offering SOI and MEMS alternatives to PIN-diode, GaAs, and electromechanical switches for a variety of RF applications, but you need to understand RF-switch specs before you commit to a new technology.

    AN-952, com/090917cs rf mems switch spst SKY13317-373 Hittite RF Switch SOI military switch EDN handbook rf3024 SKY13317-373LF RF3023 RF3025 2SMES-01 PDF


    Abstract: laser diode DVD 24x
    Text: Laser Diode Driver with Serial Control and Write Current DAC ISL58792 Features The ISL58792 is a highly integrated, single supply laser diode driver designed to support multi-standard writable optical drives in CD, DVD, and Blue Ray formats at various speeds. It is a

    ISL58792 ISL58792 5m-1994. FN7580 ML229U7 laser diode DVD 24x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Laser Diode Driver with Serial Control and Write Current DAC ISL58781 Features The ISL58781 is a highly integrated laser diode driver designed to support multi-standard writable optical drives in CD, DVD, and Blue Ray at various speeds. It is a ‘hybrid’ part having an interface compatible with a

    ISL58781 ISL58781 5m-1994. FN6909 ML229U7 PDF


    Abstract: uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro
    Text: The export of these products from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. The export of some or all of these products may be prohibited without governmental license. To export or re-export some or all of these products from a country other than Japan may also be prohibited without a license from that country. Please call

    Z80TM V20TM, V20HLTM, V25TM, V25HSTM, V30TM, V30HLTM, V33TM, V33ATM, V35TM, MICROPROCESSOR Z80 uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro PDF


    Abstract: M2901cem 12-Contact v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem
    Text: 73M2901CE V.22bis Single Chip Modem Simplifying System Integration DATA SHEET DS_2901CE_031 April 2009 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 73M2901CE low speed modem integrates a data pump, controller, and analog front end in a 3.3 V device with a powerful "AT" command host

    73M2901CE 22bis 2901CE DBM01 M2901cem 12-Contact v.23 fsk 1200 bps modem PDF

    GSM Transceiver for automobiles

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    PC8129GR PC8129GR GSM Transceiver for automobiles PDF


    Abstract: ISL8201MEVAL1Z ISL8201MIRZ TB347 TB363 TB379
    Text: ISL8201M Data Sheet October 21, 2010 10A, High Efficiency DC/DC Module Features The ISL8201M is a 20V, 10A output current, variable output step-down power supply. Included in the 15mmx15mm package is a high performance PWM controller switching at 600kHz, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive

    ISL8201M ISL8201M 15mmx15mm 600kHz, FN6657 ISL8201MEVAL1Z ISL8201MIRZ TB347 TB363 TB379 PDF


    Abstract: 30-GND RTQ020N03
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTE For Digital Still Cameras Controller Type System Switching Regulator ICs BD9730KV, BD9731KV, BD9733KN zDescription These 5-channel system switching regulators use external FETs and can be used to create power supplies for use in digital still cameras. Each channel's output voltage can be set externally according to the application.

    BD9730KV, BD9731KV, BD9733KN BD9733KN) BD9730KV) BD9731KV) BD9730KV 30-GND RTQ020N03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISL8201M Data Sheet October 21, 2010 10A, High Efficiency DC/DC Module Features The ISL8201M is a 20V, 10A output current, variable output step-down power supply. Included in the 15mmx15mm package is a high performance PWM controller switching at 600kHz, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive

    ISL8201M ISL8201M 15mmx15mm 600kHz, FN6657 PDF


    Abstract: AN2033 AN2034 TB347 ZL2004 ZL2006 ZL9101MIRZ
    Text: Digital DC/DC PMBus 12A Module ZL9101M Features The ZL9101M is a 12A variable output step-down PMBus-compliant digital power supply. Included in the module is a high performance digital PWM controller, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive components required for a

    ZL9101M ZL9101M FN7669 AN2033 AN2034 TB347 ZL2004 ZL2006 ZL9101MIRZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    NS 4205

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital DC/DC PMBus 12A Module ZL9101M Features The ZL9101M is a 12A variable output step-down PMBus-compliant digital power supply. Included in the module is a high performance digital PWM controller, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive components required for a

    ZL9101M ZL9101M NS 4205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPC8126GR 900 MHz BAND DIRECT QUADRATURE MODULATOR IC FOR DIGITAL MOBILE COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION The µPC8126GR is a silicon monilithic integrated circuit designed as 900 MHz band direct guadrature modulator

    PC8126GR PC8126GR PDC900 PDF


    Abstract: MARK RAY QFN
    Text: Digital DC/DC PMBus 12A Module ZL9101M Features The ZL9101M is a 12A variable output step-down PMBus-compliant digital power supply. Included in the module is a high performance digital PWM controller, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive components required for a

    ZL9101M ZL9101M FN7669 MARK RAY QFN PDF

    JEDEC J-STD-005

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital DC/DC PMBus 12A Module ZL9101M Features The ZL9101M is a 12A variable output step-down PMBus-compliant digital power supply. Included in the module is a high performance digital PWM controller, power MOSFETs, an inductor, and all the passive components required for a

    ZL9101M ZL9101M FN7669 JEDEC J-STD-005 PDF

    audio mixer cirucit diagram

    Abstract: DCS1800 PDC800 PDC900
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    ccd camera module

    Abstract: QFP144-P-2020 CCD Linear Image Sensors DIODE MARKING B85 L69A TQFP100-P-1414 b86a T07 marking
    Text: Package Outlines MOS LSI L O U 170 MOS Memories (M H O ) 185 CCD Area/Linear Image Sensors (C C O ) 190 CCD Camera Modules ( C C Q 193 TFT LCD Device (C C D ) 193 Bipolar IC s (B Q D ) 194 Discrete Semiconductors (DQZJ) 208 169 Package Outlines (MOS LSI)

    OCR Scan
    DIP008-P-0300 DIP014-P-0300C DIP014-P-0300A DIP018-P-0300D DIP014-P-0300B HDIP014-P-0300F DIP016-P-0300A DIP016-P- SIL-10) SIL-12) ccd camera module QFP144-P-2020 CCD Linear Image Sensors DIODE MARKING B85 L69A TQFP100-P-1414 b86a T07 marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UPD78P4038 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD78P4038, 78K/IV Series' product, is a one-tim e PROM or EPROM version of the ¿¡PD784035, ¿¡PD784036, ¿¡PD784037, and ¿¡PD784038 with internal masked ROM. Since user program s can be w ritten to PROM, this m icrocontroller is best suited for evaluation in system

    OCR Scan
    UPD78P4038 16/8-BIT PD78P4038, 78K/IV PD784035, PD784036, PD784037, PD784038 PD784038, 784038Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT JUPD784031 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD784031 is a product of the ¿¡PD784038 sub-series in the 78K/IV series. It contains various peripheral hardware such as RAM, I/O ports, 8-bit resolution A/D and D/A converters, timers, serial interface, and interrupt

    OCR Scan
    JUPD784031 16/8-BIT PD784031 PD784038 78K/IV PD784035 PD784036. PD784038, 784038Y PDF