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    Abstract: "Huffman coding"
    Text: Am7971A Compression Expansion Processor CEP with image bit-boundary processing FINAL DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • • • • Image preserving compression and expansion of twotone image using run-length (one-dimensional) coding and relative element address (two-dimensional) coding.

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    Am7971A 16Mbytes AM8088 "Huffman coding" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am7971A Compression Expansion Processor CEP with image bit-boundary processing DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Full duplex mode for simultaneous compressor and expander operations with each processor independently programmable. On-chip error detection to catch data corruptions and

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    Am7971A PDF


    Abstract: CGX068 DA10 7970A "Huffman coding" Am7970A
    Text: Am 7971A Com pression Expansion Processor CEP with image bit-boundary processing FINAL DISTIN CTIVE CH ARA CTERISTICS • • • • • • Image preserving compression and expansion o f twotone image using run-length (one-dimensional) coding and relative elem ent address (two-dimensional) coding.

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    Am7971A 16Mbytes QAD22 CGX068 DA10 7970A "Huffman coding" Am7970A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am7970 Compression Expansion Processor CEP DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS C om pression/Expansion of digital tw o-tone image data using run-length and relative address coding. - Two-Dimensional, Modified READ (MR and MMR) coding with program m able K-Parameter.

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    Am7970 05777B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am7970 Compression Expansion Processor CEP - Two-Dimensional, M odified READ (MR and MMR) coding with program m able K-Parameter. - Full-duplex capability for sim ultaneous independent com pression and expansion. CPU Bus and optional local Document Store Bus with

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    Am7970 05777B 6AD2 PDF

    SLC 5/04 cpu

    Abstract: oad22 unitary PLC
    Text: Am7970 C o m p re s s io n E x p a n s io n P ro c e s s o r CEP - Two-Dimensional, Modified READ (MR and MMR) coding with program m able K-Parameter. - Full-duplex capability for sim ultaneous independent compression and expansion. CPU Bus and optional local Document Store Bus with

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    Am7970 16-Mbyte 05777b SLC 5/04 cpu oad22 unitary PLC PDF