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    MARCONI RECTIFIER Search Results

    MARCONI RECTIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CRG09A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CMG03A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 2 A , Rectifier Diode, M-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG11B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 0.4 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG10A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 600 V, 0.7 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CRG09B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation General-purpose diode, 400 V, 1 A , Rectifier Diode, S-FLAT Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    MARCONI RECTIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Marconi rectifier U8 mercury rectifier MARCONI power MARCONI TK1812K ample Marconi LS5A
    Text: MARCONI U 14 - R E C T IF IE R S 22/6 Marconi U.14 is a high voltage rectifier delivering up to 120 m.a. at 500 volts, for valves of the high power class such as LS.5a, LS.6a, etc. It is in effect an improved equivalent to the famous Marconi U8, with a 4 volt filament.

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    tower pro sg 90

    Abstract: marconi valves ScansU9X25 Scans-031 valve el 520 HL410 LS 160 ml-4 sg4sg4 marconi lp 28 P625a
    Text: MARCONI VALVES U s e the V a lv e s the E x p e r t s Use MARCONI VALVES ^ CHOSEN BY IM P O R T A N T “ SUPREME ALM OST PUBLIC IN EVERY ^ SERVICE. EVERY SET.” In the following pages you will find complete details of the new range of Marconi receiving valves. Amongst them are the

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    KB214-224 tower pro sg 90 marconi valves ScansU9X25 Scans-031 valve el 520 HL410 LS 160 ml-4 sg4sg4 marconi lp 28 P625a PDF


    Abstract: Utah speaker
    Text: MARCONI R E C T IF IE R S U 10 - 15/- Marconi U. 10 is the m ost popular recti­ fier, providing up to 60 m illiam peres a t 250 v o lts and th u s catering for the great m ajo rity of three and four valve receivers. I t is also useful for su p p ly ­ ing rectified current to the field w ind­

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    Abstract: 2A Fast Recovery Diodes DSF1114 DSF912 22-button MF12 DSF4012 DSF5006 MF35 MF70
    Text: •im n iiw r»i 1 mnni i rmiTifrff *1 MARCONI CKT TECHNOLOGY 3DE D ■ 5703442 0001714 2 ■ » T d>3-23 FA ST RECOVERY D IO D ES tvpa No. and Deslj nation Repetitiva Peak Revaraa Voltages Available Non* Repetitive Peak Reveráa Voltage VRRM V VRSM V 600-1200

    OCR Scan
    00G1714 MF70menclature 100kg DSF11036 2A Fast Recovery Diodes DSF1114 DSF912 22-button MF12 DSF4012 DSF5006 MF35 MF70 PDF

    gu 50 tube

    Abstract: bulb thermometer marconi tube company marconi company air gauge capacitor marconi Marconi rectifier
    Text: GU 11/JAN. 195« anon i Rectifier Type GU 11 General. A hot-cathode mercury-vapour rectifier in­ corporating a domed anode and a shrouded cathode in a hard glass bulb. It is suitable for operation up to 6 A at 15 kV, depending upon the circuit. For most applications it is recommended that air

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    marconi company

    Abstract: Marconi rectifier marconi
    Text: BI-PHASE HALF-WAVE RECTIFIER PROVISIONAL U54 5V INDIRECTLY HEATED AUGUST ISSUE 1 1955 BASE CONNECTIONS AND VALVE DIMENSIONS NP Base : International octal Bulb: Dome top tubular Max. overall length: 135mm Max. seated length: 120mm Max. diameter: 51mm OF BASE

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    135mro 12ftnm 25max marconi company Marconi rectifier marconi PDF

    BI 370

    Abstract: U50 rectifier Marconi rectifier marconi company marconi
    Text: i Ä BI-PHASE H A LF W A VE RECTIFIER U50 5V DIRECTLY HEATED JANUARY, 1956 BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A LV E D IM EN SIO N S Base : In ternational octal Bulb : Dome top Max. overall length : 122 mm. Max. seated length : 108 mm. 45 mm. Max. diam eter :

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Marconi rectifier marconi company Marconi rectifier u52
    Text: U52 BI-PHASE H ALFW AVE RECTIFIER DIRECTLY HEATED MARCH, 1956 BA SE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A LV E D IM E N SIO N S Base : International octal Bulb : Dome top mm. mm. mm. Max. overall length : 135 Max. seated length : 121 Max. diameter : 51 FILA M EN T

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    Abstract: marcon capacitor u-107 u107 HALF WAVE RECTIFIER marconi company marconi
    Text: A U107 M INIATURE HALF W AVE RECTIFIER OCTOBER, 19S2 MA INDIRECTLY HEATED BASE C O N N EC TIO N S A N D VALVE DIMENSIONS N.C. Base : B7G Bulb : Tubular Overall length : 64—70 mm. Seated length : 58—64 mm. Max. diameter : 19 mm. View from underside of base.

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    marconi company

    Abstract: cathode ray marconi
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE PROVISIONAL U45 HALF-WAVE RECTIFIER 6 3V INDIRECTLY HEATED AUGUST 1955 ISSUE 1 A high voltage vacuum r e c tif ie r with an in d ire c tly heated cathode. I t is su itab le fo r providing HT power fo r cathode ray tubes from an RF source or by re c tific a tio n of the flyback voltage.

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    50c/s 10-500kc/s) 0-35max. 0-01max. 005max. marconi company cathode ray marconi PDF

    Marconi rectifier

    Abstract: marconi company marconi
    Text: GXU3/NOV. 1957 Rectifier TypeGXU3 -6 0 MM. DIA.9-7 MM. DIA. General. The GXU3 is a xenon filled half-wave rectifier mounted on a G.E.S. base and with 13-5 MM. MIN. characteristics as given below. CONTACT SURFACE AREA APPROXIMATE DATA 4 -0 Vf P I V ¡max a)

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    Abstract: 4pin bridge rectifier quadrature bridge marconi company marconi
    Text: GXU 1/SEPT. 1956 lÿfarfo/n Rectifier Type GXU 1 ¥ ANODE General. The GXU 1 is a xenon filled half-wave rectifier mounted on a 4-pin UX base and with characteristics as given below. APPROXIMATE DATA Vf If Piv max 10,000 la(pk)fmax) la(max) (a) f(max) Isurge<pk)(raax) (b)

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    I62MAX. GXU1 4pin bridge rectifier quadrature bridge marconi company marconi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U319 APRIL, 1952 HALF W AVE RECTIFIER 0-3A IN D IRECTLY HEATED BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A LV E D IM EN SIO N S h Base : B9A Buib : Tubular Overall length : Seated length : Max. diam eter: 72—78 66—72 22 mm. mm. mm. View from underside of base.

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    Abstract: marconi company marconi
    Text: M INIATURE U709 BI-PHASE HALF W AVE RECTIFIER 6-3V IN D IRECTLY HEATED w OCTOBER, 1953 BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A LV E D IM EN SIO N S h Base : B9A Bulb : T ubular Overall length : Seated length : Max. diam eter : 67-5 max. 60-5 max. 22-2 max. mm.

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    Abstract: quadrature bridge marconi company marconi
    Text: GXU 2/SEPT. 1956 fàkarcotii ^¿yy V Rectifier Type GXU2 ANOOE General. The G X U 2 is a xenon filled half-wave rectifier m ounted on a 4-pin bayonet base and with characteristics as given below. A PPR O X IM A T E DATA V, 5-0 V If 7-1 A PlV max 10,000 V

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    209MM GXU2 quadrature bridge marconi company marconi PDF

    marcon capacitor

    Abstract: SO-60 marconi company marconi half Wave Rectifier
    Text: ¿A >9 HALF W A VE RECTIFIER U31 0-3A IN D IRECTLY HEATED JUNE, 1953 BASE C O N N E C T I O N S A N D VALVE D IM E N S IO N S Base : In ternational octal. Bulb : Dome top pear. Overall length : Seated length : Max. d ia m e te r: 112— 122 98— 108 45 mm.

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    marconi company

    Abstract: marconi
    Text: CAR 2 /JULY 1954 Diode TypeCAR2 POWER RECTIFIER General. A double-ended rectifying valve fitted with a tungsten filament. Cooling. The anode forms part of the valve envelope and is designed for cooling by water circulated in direct contact with the anode. The rated flow must not

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    choke valve

    Abstract: half Wave Rectifier piv rating marconi company marconi
    Text: BI-PHASE H A LF W A V E RECTIFIER 4V DIRECTLY HEATED U18/20 NOVEMBER, BASE C O N N E C T IO N S A N D V A L V E D IM EN SIO N S B a se : B ritish 4 pin. B u lb : D om e top tubular. M ax. overall length : 135 mm. M ax. seated length : 120 mm. M ax. diam eter :

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    U18/20 choke valve half Wave Rectifier piv rating marconi company marconi PDF

    marconi company

    Abstract: CAR6 marconi
    Text: CAR 6/JULY 1954 Diode TypeCARó POWER RECTIFIER General. A double-ended rectifying valve fitted with a tungsten filament. The anode forms part of the envelope and must be fitted with specially designed water jacket. Cooling. The cooling supply must be started before the

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    0-014Q. marconi company CAR6 marconi PDF

    marconi company

    Abstract: marconi
    Text: CAR 4/JULY 1954 w rco m Diode TypeCAR4 POWER RECTIFIER — 0-813 CRS. y 10-25 General. A double-ended rectifying valve fitted with a tungsten filament. The anode forms part of the envelope and must be fitted with a specially-designed water jacket. Cooling. The cooling supply must be started before the

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    Abstract: 227G bulb thermometer marconi company
    Text: GU 20/21 /JULY 1954 Rectifying Valve TypeGU20/21 General. The GU 20/21 is a directly heated half-wave mercury-vapour diode intended for use as a power rectifier. Cooling. The condensation temperature is the limiting factor. The range quoted is the temperature at that

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    20/21/JULY GU20/21 marconi 227G bulb thermometer marconi company PDF

    bulb thermometer

    Abstract: marconi company marconi
    Text: GU 8/JULY 1954 Rectifier TypeGU8 4 "m ax General. The GU 8 is a directly heated half-wave mercury vapour diode intended for use as a power rectifier. Cooling. The condensation temperature is the limiting factor. The range quoted is for the temperature at that

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    marconi company

    Abstract: marconi
    Text: GU 7/JULY 1954 Rectifier TypeGU7 General. The GU 7 is a directly heated half-wave mercury vapour diode intended for use as a power rectifier. Cooling. The condensation temperature is the limiting factor. The range quoted is for the temperature at that part of the bulb where the mercury collects.

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    marconi company

    Abstract: marconi tube company marconi marconi bridge rectifier
    Text: A 209/JULY 1954 Rectifier Type A 209 General. An oil-insulated rectifier designed for use in X-ray apparatus. Ratings: Continuous Duty: 100 mA 140 kV Id c max PIV (max) Intermittent Duty: (applicable to usual radiographic exposure times) Id c (max) PIV (max)

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    209/JULY marconi company marconi tube company marconi marconi bridge rectifier PDF