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    MAGNETRON 10 KW Search Results

    MAGNETRON 10 KW Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: c-band magnetron litton inand ELECTRON TUBE 10 UG-148B
    Text: SENT BY: 10- 5-95 ;12:59PM ;LITTON ELECTRON DEV.- PULSE 708 208 2651;# 2/ 3 MAGNETRON 7156A 250 Kilowatts Minimum Peak Power Tunable Frequency 5450 to 5825 MHz This proven, long life, tunable pulse at C-band has recorded operational life magnetron in excess

    UG-148 c-band magnetron litton inand ELECTRON TUBE 10 UG-148B PDF


    Abstract: 15 kW ka band MAGNETRON magnetron 10 kw magnetron ka-band 1647G magnetron kw Magnetron 1.5 kW
    Text: Magnetrons VMA 1647G Magnetron Description: 40 kW, Ka-band coaxial magnetron Features: • · · · · · · · · Frequency 34.5-35.5 GHz Peak Power Output 40 kW Duty Cycle .001 Anode Voltage 13.5 kV Anode Current 10 amps Pulse Width .15 microseconds Heater 6.3 volts @ 4.8 amps

    1647G MAGNETRON 15 kW ka band MAGNETRON magnetron 10 kw magnetron ka-band magnetron kw Magnetron 1.5 kW PDF


    Abstract: Magnetron pulse width 20 ns magnetron ns radar front end radar 77 ghz receiver HETERODYNE WAVE METER CIRCUITS transmitter calibration certificate RD301
    Text: issue3.qxd 02/Dec/2004 10:40 Page 1 Avionics RD-301A Weather Radar Test Set The RD-301A Weather Radar Test Set satisfies simulation requirements for new generation noncoherent radar systems • Automatic transmitter magnetron frequency tracking and digital read-out

    02/Dec/2004 RD-301A RD-301A Magnetron pulse width 20 ns magnetron ns radar front end radar 77 ghz receiver HETERODYNE WAVE METER CIRCUITS transmitter calibration certificate RD301 PDF


    Abstract: AJ2194 AJ2135 WR975 waveguide AJ2136V2 AJ-2194 power supply magnetron power supply for magnetron BURLE-AJ2137V1 CPR975F
    Text: Return To Product Page 8684 Magnetron Large Power MagnetronFor Industrial Applications • • • • Ceramic-Metal Construction 30 kW CW at 915 MHz All Magnetron Support Equipment Available Full Operating Guidance The BURLE 8684 is a fixed-tuned, magnetically


    power supply for magnetron

    Abstract: welding machine wiring diagram microwave oven magnetron 2.45 ghz magnetron launcher wr340 magnetron 200 electrical welding transformer wiring diagram thyristor control arc welding machines circuit NL10230 welding machine transformer wiring diagram
    Text: SM 1050 SWITCHING POWER GENERATOR FOR 3 KW MAGNETRON SM 1050D: for main line 3 x 208V SM1050T: for main line 3 x 400V TECHNICAL NOTE SM 1050 Switch-mode power supplies for 3 kW magnetron Dichiarazione CE di Conformità CE Declaration of Conformity Nome del costruttore:

    1050D: SM1050T: SM1050 SM1050D SM1050T SMx45 SM1050 power supply for magnetron welding machine wiring diagram microwave oven magnetron 2.45 ghz magnetron launcher wr340 magnetron 200 electrical welding transformer wiring diagram thyristor control arc welding machines circuit NL10230 welding machine transformer wiring diagram PDF


    Abstract: AJ2194 magnetron industrial AJ2135 TP-105 TP-118 power supply for magnetron magnetron tube AJ2136V2 electromagnet
    Text: Return To Product Page S94604F Magnetron Large Power Magnetron For Industrial Applications • Ceramic-Metal Construction • 75 kW at 915 MHz • All Magnetron Support Equipment Available The BURLE S94604F is a fixed-tuned, magnetically-focused, airand liquid-cooled,

    S94604F S94604F AJ2194 magnetron industrial AJ2135 TP-105 TP-118 power supply for magnetron magnetron tube AJ2136V2 electromagnet PDF

    power supply for magnetron

    Abstract: NL10230 microwave magnetron 2.45 magnetron 2.45 magnetron magnetron kw magnetron* -coaxial waveguide launcher microwave heating filament
    Text: NL10230 NATIONAL CW Magnetron The NL10230 is a packaged, metal-ceramic, water-cooled continuous wave magnetron intended for use in microwave heating applications. The tube features a quick-heating cathode and has a minimum output power of 3 kW. Quick Reference Data

    NL10230 NL10230 power supply for magnetron microwave magnetron 2.45 magnetron 2.45 magnetron magnetron kw magnetron* -coaxial waveguide launcher microwave heating filament PDF


    Abstract: National Electronics HFC-22 hl national
    Text: NL10259 NATIONAL -i.*,*,* PAGE 1 0 F 12 TEST SPECIFICATIONS TYPE : 7/1/92 10/23/89 1,8 ifl 10759-1 Description : Continuous Wave Magnetron, Absolute Ma ximum Bating«: Item Symbol Filament Voltage Ef Pre-heating Time Peak Anode Vo ltage 2450 MHz. Fixed Frequency.

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    NL10259 Ib-450 HFC-22 NL10259-3 National Electronics hl national PDF


    Abstract: 8537A power supply for magnetron rs tube magnetron magnetron 60 kw
    Text: 6521 MAGNETRON FOR CED -A IR COOLED Fixed Frequency: 5400 ± 20 Me GENERAL DATA E le c t r ic a l: H eater, fo r U n ip o te n tia l Cathode: V o lta g e . 10 i 10% . . . ac or dc v o lt s C u rre n t.

    OCR Scan
    CE-8537C 92CM-8527 92CM-8528 92CM-8533 INPUT02 8537A power supply for magnetron rs tube magnetron magnetron 60 kw PDF

    magnetron S BAND

    Abstract: M505 marconi company magnetron valve magnetron kw x band magnetron marconi
    Text: M 505/JULY 1954 Magnetron Type M505 Dimension Nominal Minimum A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z AA 1-687 1-437 1-187 3-25 1-625 2-984 0-125 1-500 2-437 — 0-875 1-0 1-094 0-062 1-500 — Maximum Remarks _ _ — — Note 10 Note 10 Note 10

    OCR Scan
    505/JULY magnetron S BAND M505 marconi company magnetron valve magnetron kw x band magnetron marconi PDF

    magnetron valve

    Abstract: magnetron s band x band magnetron magnetron marconi company marconi AM503 M503A

    OCR Scan
    503/JANUARY 0-56n magnetron valve magnetron s band x band magnetron magnetron marconi company marconi AM503 M503A PDF

    WR90 waveguide

    Abstract: X-BAND circulator NJC3901G WR90 waveguide circulator
    Text: ’ 94-11-22 15:29 T-005 P. 10 Aryc3 9 O 2 & GENERAL DESCRIPTION NJC3901G is a X-band X-JBa n d C? i r c i i l c z t O T - circulator designed for X~band radar applteat ion. it transmits power from the magnetron to the antenna as well as the receiving signal from Ike antenna to the receiver port.

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    T-005 NJC3901G WR90 waveguide X-BAND circulator WR90 waveguide circulator PDF

    magnetron 200

    Abstract: magnetron tube 6344A EF 13 magnetron 200 kw db4303 UG148 magnetron 65 kw
    Text: JA - / V M IL -E -1 /3 83C NAVY 10 May 1974 SUPERSEDING M IL -E -1 /3 83B(NAVY) 13 July 1970 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEET ELECTRON TUBE, MAGNETRON, T Y PE 6344A The co m p lete r eq u ir e m e n ts fo r p rocu rin g the ele c tr o n tube d e sc r ib e d h e r e in sh a ll c o n sist of th is docu­

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    power supply for magnetron

    Abstract: magnetron tube magnetron S BAND YJ1442 magnetron 65 kw magnetron wc magnetron Water Cooled x band 9 Ghz magnetron magnetron 200 800 w magnetron
    Text: YJ1442 J V_ CONTINUOUS-WAVE MAGNETRON Integral magnet, water cooled continuous-wave magnetron with integral RF filter, intended for industrial microwave applications. The tube features a quick-heating cathode, high efficiency, and has a typical output power of 3 kW.

    OCR Scan
    YJ1442 7Z72333 YJ1442 7Z7233B power supply for magnetron magnetron tube magnetron S BAND magnetron 65 kw magnetron wc magnetron Water Cooled x band 9 Ghz magnetron magnetron 200 800 w magnetron PDF

    power supply for magnetron

    Abstract: thermoswitch TL 0621 N magnetron* -coaxial tube cathodique philips antenne magnetron tube cathodique
    Text: PHILIPS 55125 WATER COOLED MAGNETRON especially Intended for use as continuous wave oscillator for microwave heating ap­ plications. It operates at a fixed frequency within the range of 2425-2475 Mc/s and is capable of delivering with unsmoothed D.C. supply an output power of 5 kW.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: magnetrons Philips magnetrons sharp magnetron facon diode haute tension P 939 DIODE M501 sharp modulateur magnetron CONDENSATEUR PHILIPS
    Text: P H IL IP S PÏÏ52 Forced-air cooled packaged MAGNETRON for use as pulsed oscillator, operating at a fixed frequency within the range 9345-94-05 Mc/s, capable of delivering a peak output power of atout 80 kW ' MAGNETRON refroidi par air forcé, avec aimant incorporé,

    OCR Scan
    7R51326 7R51270 4J52 magnetrons Philips magnetrons sharp magnetron facon diode haute tension P 939 DIODE M501 sharp modulateur magnetron CONDENSATEUR PHILIPS PDF

    5J26 magnetron

    Abstract: JB 2256 5J26 magnetron Philips schema 1220-1350 Magnetron pulse magnetrons 58725 magnetrons Philips 16NS
    Text: PHILIPS Î5J26 Forced-air cooled MAGNETRON for high power pulsed service, tunable over a frequency range from 1220-1350 Mc/s, capable of delivering a peak output power W0p > 500 kW. The mag­ netron requires an external magnet MAGNETRON refroidi par air forcé pour service d'impulsions de grande puissance.réglable dans la gamme

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    national magnetron life

    Abstract: NLM915-50 power supply for magnetron electromagnet 15KV magnetron tube NL-10256M rs tube magnetron 200 kw magnetron power control
    Text: NLM915-50 A . NATIONAL MAGNETRON 2/5/91 page 1 of 7 50KW CW MAGNETRON The NLM915-50 is a water cooled, ceramic metal, CW magnetron delivering 50 KW of RF power into a matched load at 1, ntended for use in industrial microwave processing and dielectric heating appliances.

    OCR Scan
    NLM915-50 NLM915-50 915MHz. 1/4-28HF national magnetron life power supply for magnetron electromagnet 15KV magnetron tube NL-10256M rs tube magnetron 200 kw magnetron power control PDF

    magnetron 200

    Abstract: KT 0803 KT 0803 K TA 2092 N 10S6 2X10 sharp modulateur tube cathodique philips magnetron
    Text: PHILIPS [”55008 Packaged MAGNETRON for use as pulsed oscillator at a fixed frequency In the 8 .6 mm band between the 34512 and 35208 Kc/s limits. It Is capable of delivering a peak output power of more than 60 kW at a peak anode current of 17.5 A The magnetron is designed for very short pulse operation

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    55GGS magnetron 200 KT 0803 KT 0803 K TA 2092 N 10S6 2X10 sharp modulateur tube cathodique philips magnetron PDF

    YJ1600 magnetron data

    Abstract: YJ1600 power supply for magnetron YJ1600 YJ1600 magnetron magnetron national magnetron life 2.45 ghz magnetron 2.45 ghz magnetron electromagnet microwave oven magnetron magnetron oven
    Text: YJ1600 Magnetron A Ä V NATIONAL March 1991 P a g e l of 18 COHTINUOUS-WAVE 6 kW KAGVETROH Packaged, metal-ceramic, water cooled continuous-wave magnetron with integral RF cathode filter intended for use in industrial microwave heating applications. The tube features a quick-heating cathode, high

    OCR Scan
    YJ1600 YJ1600 YJ1600 magnetron data power supply for magnetron YJ1600 YJ1600 magnetron magnetron national magnetron life 2.45 ghz magnetron 2.45 ghz magnetron electromagnet microwave oven magnetron magnetron oven PDF

    magnetron 2j55

    Abstract: magnetron 200 2J55 12J5 sharp magnetron magnetrons Philips Scans-0017388
    Text: PHILIPS Forced air cooled packaged MAGNETRONS for use as pulsed oscillators at a fixed frequency In the X-band and capable of delivering a peak output power of more than 40 kW. MAGNÉTRONS à refroidissement par ventilation forcée avec aimant Incorporé pour 1 'utilisation comme oscillateur

    OCR Scan

    microwave oven magnetron

    Abstract: magnetron 5kw magnetron 1kw magnetron magnetrons Philips permanent magnet DC generator 6 kw power supply for magnetron magnetrons diagram induction heater magnetron 200
    Text: PHILIPS WATER COOLED MAGNETRON especially intended for use as a continuous wave power oscillator In industrial generators and in microwave ovens. It operates at a fixed frequency of 2450 ± 25 Mc/s and is capable of delivering an output power of 2 or 2.5 kw depending upon the voltage standing

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    power supply for magnetron

    Abstract: magnetron NL10230-1 microwave magnetron 2.45 NL10230 2.45 ghz magnetron magnetron tube magnetron 2.45 magnetron high efficiency Magnetron 2 kW
    Text: NL10230-1 A . NATIONAL CW Magnetron \K The NL10230-1 is a packaged, metal-ceramic, water-cooled continuous wave magnetron intended for use in microwave heating applications. The tube features a quick-heating cathode and has an output power of 3 kW. Q uick Reference Data

    OCR Scan
    NL10230-1 power supply for magnetron magnetron microwave magnetron 2.45 NL10230 2.45 ghz magnetron magnetron tube magnetron 2.45 magnetron high efficiency Magnetron 2 kW PDF


    Abstract: 4j52a magnetron magnetron* -coaxial Magnetron 2 kW magnetron magnetron 200 kw magnetrons Philips
    Text: PHILIPS Forced-air cooled packaged MAGNETRON for use as pulsed oscillator,operating ata fixed frequency of 9375 ± 25 llc/s and capable of delivering a peak output power of 80 kW MAGNETRON refroidi par air forcé, avec aimant incorporé, pour utilisation comme oscillateur d'impulsions a une

    OCR Scan
    4J52A 4J52 4j52a magnetron magnetron* -coaxial Magnetron 2 kW magnetron magnetron 200 kw magnetrons Philips PDF