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    MAGNETIC STRIP HALL Search Results

    MAGNETIC STRIP HALL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    Smart-Power-Strip Renesas Electronics Corporation Smart Power Strip Reference Design Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    Wi-Fi-Smart-Power-Strip Renesas Electronics Corporation Wi-Fi Smart Power Strip Reference Design Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    E101A Coilcraft Inc Power Magnetics Lab Kit (education) Visit Coilcraft Inc
    RFB1010-331 Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 330uH, 10%, 1 Element, Amorphous Magnetic-Core Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ETH1-230L Coilcraft Inc Ethernet signal path magnetics module, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc

    MAGNETIC STRIP HALL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AS5311 Magnet Specification Magnetic Multipole Strip MS10-300 Pole Length 1.0mm, 300 Poles 1 General This specification defines the dimensional and magnetic properties of a multipole magnetic strip for use with the AS5311 magnetic linear motion and off-axis rotary angle encoder.

    AS5311 MS10-300 AS5311 300mm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AS5304 Magnet Specification Magnetic Multipole Strip MS20-150 Pole Length 2.0mm, 150 Poles 1 General This specification defines the dimensional and magnetic properties of a multipole magnetic strip for use with the AS5304 magnetic linear motion and off-axis rotary angle encoder.

    AS5304 MS20-150 AS5304 300mm AS53xx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AS5306 Magnet Specification Magnetic Multipole Strip MS12-250 Pole Length 1.2mm, 250 Poles 1 General This specification defines the dimensional and magnetic properties of a multipole magnetic strip for use with the AS5306 magnetic linear motion and off-axis rotary angle encoder.

    AS5306 MS12-250 AS5306 PDF


    Abstract: GH-820 GH-600 GH-601
    Text: Hall Sensors Gallium Arsenide GH Series Description The GH Series Hall sensors are four-terminal solid-state devices that produce an output voltage, VH , proportional to the product of the input current, I c , and the magnetic flux density, B. The GH-600 Hall sensor uses a lead strip

    GH-600 GH-601 GH-700 GH-820 Exte100" 478mm) 464mm) 051mm) GH-700 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Gallium Arsenide GH Series Hall Sensors Description The GH Series Hall sensors are four-terminal solid-state devices that produce an output voltage, VH , proportional to the product of the input current, I c , and the magnetic flux density, B. The GH-600 Hall sensor uses a lead strip

    GH-600 GH-601 GH-700 GH-820 478mm) 464mm) 051mm) GH-700 PDF


    Abstract: FH-540 FH-520
    Text: Hall Sensors Thin Film FH-301/500 Series Hall Sensors InAs Thin Film, General Purpose, Transverse Description FH-301 & FH-500 Series Hall sensors are miniature solid-state Hall effect magnetic field sensing devices. The FH-500 series uses a lead strip which is composed of printed circuit leads encased in DuPont’s Kapton

    FH-301/500 FH-301 FH-500 FH-301 FH-301) FH-301/FH-500 FH-500 FH-301-020 FH-540 FH-520 PDF

    540 hall

    Abstract: FH-540 FH-301-060 hall effect magnetic
    Text: Hall Sensors Thin Film FH-301/500 Series Hall Sensors InAs Thin Film, General Purpose, Transverse Description FH-301 & FH-500 Series Hall sensors are miniature solid-state Hall effect magnetic field sensing devices. The FH-500 series uses a lead strip which is composed of printed circuit leads encased in DuPont’s Kapton

    FH-301/500 FH-301 FH-500 FH-301 FH-301) FH-301/FH-500 FH-500 540 hall FH-540 FH-301-060 hall effect magnetic PDF


    Abstract: FH-500 fH301 FH-540 FH-520 540 hall
    Text: Hall Sensors Thin Film FH-301/500 Series Hall Sensors InAs Thin Film, General Purpose, Transverse Description FH-301 & FH-500 Series Hall sensors a re miniature solid-state Hall effect magnetic field sensing devices. The FH-500 series uses a lead strip which is composed of printed circuit leads encased in DuPont’s Kapton

    FH-301/500 FH-301 FH-500 FH-301 FH-301) the78-6117 FH-301/FH-500 FH-500 FH-301-060 fH301 FH-540 FH-520 540 hall PDF

    TTL 74ls00

    Abstract: AS5306 AS5306A 5304 marking code EN Rotary optical encoder 74LS00 AS5304 MO-153-AC incremental optical encoder 5V ttl quadrature hall
    Text: AS5304 / AS5306 Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection 1 General Description PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 2 The AS5304/AS5306 are single-chip IC’s with integrated Hall elements for measuring linear or rotary motion using multi-pole magnetic strips or rings.

    AS5304 AS5306 AS5304/AS5306 AS5304) AS5306) TTL 74ls00 AS5306 AS5306A 5304 marking code EN Rotary optical encoder 74LS00 MO-153-AC incremental optical encoder 5V ttl quadrature hall PDF

    TTL 74LS00

    Abstract: AS5306 magnetic strip encoder 74LS00 AS5304 JESD78 MO-153-AC 12mm Rotary Encoder switch rotary encoder 500 pulses per revolution quadrature
    Text: AS5304 / AS5306 Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection 1 General Description PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 2 The AS5304/AS5306 are single-chip IC’s with integrated Hall elements for measuring linear or rotary motion using multi-pole magnetic strips or rings.

    AS5304 AS5306 AS5304/AS5306 AS5304) AS5306) TTL 74LS00 AS5306 magnetic strip encoder 74LS00 JESD78 MO-153-AC 12mm Rotary Encoder switch rotary encoder 500 pulses per revolution quadrature PDF

    TTL 74ls00

    Abstract: AS5305 Rotary Encoder ES AS5306 72* hall IC 3 pole AS5306A AS5304A 5304 marking code AS5304 datasheet of ic 74ls00
    Text: AS5304/AS5306 Integrated Hall IC for linear and off-axis rotary motion detection AS5304 / AS5306 Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection 1 General Description PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 2 The AS5304/AS5306 are single-chip IC’s with integrated

    AS5304/AS5306 AS5304 AS5306 TTL 74ls00 AS5305 Rotary Encoder ES AS5306 72* hall IC 3 pole AS5306A AS5304A 5304 marking code datasheet of ic 74ls00 PDF


    Abstract: AS5306A AS5305 X7RA led lcd inverter schematic frequency counter module IC lcd inverter board schematic AS5304A magnetic linear ENCODER IC AS5306
    Text: AS5304/-06 Integraded Hall IC for linear and off-axis rotary motion detection Evaluation Kit Operation Manual AS5304 / -06 Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection EVALUATION KIT OPERATION MANUAL 1 General Description This document describes the features and operation of the

    AS5304/-06 AS5304 AS5306 MS2050 AS5306A AS5305 X7RA led lcd inverter schematic frequency counter module IC lcd inverter board schematic AS5304A magnetic linear ENCODER IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: high performance needs great design. Datasheet: AS5304/AS5306 Integrated Hall ICs for Linear and OffAxis Rotary Motion Detection Please be patient while we update our brand image as austriamicrosystems and TAOS are now ams. AS5304 / AS5306 I n t e g r a t e d H a l l I C s f o r L i n e a r an d O f f - A x i s R o t a r y M o t i o n D e t e c t i o n

    AS5304/AS5306 AS5304 AS5306 AS5304/ AS5306 PDF


    Abstract: PWM controller 5310 MC-31MB NSE-5310 hall sensor 4 pins 3f ReComa28 trk-1t02 Rotary KEY I2C A-8141 40um
    Text: Data Sheet NSE-5310 Miniature Position Encoder SOIC with Zero Reference and I²C Output 1 General Description 2 Key Features Direct digital output using I²C protocol The TRACKER NSE-5310 is an incremental position sensor with onchip encoding for direct digital output. A Hall element array on the

    NSE-5310 NSE-5310 ENCODER OPTICAL 5310 PWM controller 5310 MC-31MB hall sensor 4 pins 3f ReComa28 trk-1t02 Rotary KEY I2C A-8141 40um PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NSE-5310 Miniature Position Encoder with Zero Reference and I²C Output 1 General Description 2 Key Features Direct digital output using I²C protocol The TRACKER NSE-5310 is an incremental position sensor with onchip encoding for direct digital output. A Hall element array on the

    NSE-5310 NSE-5310 AN5310-10 PDF

    allegro encoder

    Abstract: window lift motor "anti-pinch" ALLEGRO TRANSISTOR magnetic strip encoder anti-pinch sensor for rubber TESLA Manufacturer EN Rotary encoder 2 pole 4 way rotary switch 4 pole 3 way rotary switch diagram
    Text: Product Information Latching Switch Hall-Effect IC Basics Introduction There are four general categories of Hall-effect IC devices that provide a digital output: unipolar switches, bipolar switches, omnipolar switches, and latches. Latching switches are described in this application note. Similar

    296067-AN allegro encoder window lift motor "anti-pinch" ALLEGRO TRANSISTOR magnetic strip encoder anti-pinch sensor for rubber TESLA Manufacturer EN Rotary encoder 2 pole 4 way rotary switch 4 pole 3 way rotary switch diagram PDF

    Magnetic Cores for Hall Effect Devices

    Abstract: HED-01 permalloy 80 fc-601 magnetics MPP-400 calculations of ferrite core MCC-100 MAGNETIC CORE CATALOG Permalloy powder Ohio Semitronics
    Text: Division of Spang & Company Technical Bulletin HED -01 MAGNETIC CORES FOR HALL EFFECT DEVICES The cost of Hall components has dropped significantly, so cost is no longer a significant objection in most designs. Designers should consider using Hall sensors in many applications where mechanical or optical sensors have traditionally been used.

    HFPC-01 KMC-02 TWC-400 MCC-100 FC-601 HED-01 Magnetic Cores for Hall Effect Devices permalloy 80 fc-601 magnetics MPP-400 calculations of ferrite core MCC-100 MAGNETIC CORE CATALOG Permalloy powder Ohio Semitronics PDF


    Abstract: "Barium Ferrite"
    Text: Product Information Bipolar Switch Hall-Effect IC Basics Introduction There are four general categories of Hall-effect IC devices that provide a digital output: unipolar switches, bipolar switches, omnipolar switches, and latches. Bipolar switches are described in this application note. Similar application

    27705-AN 27705 "Barium Ferrite" PDF


    Abstract: MAGNETIC strip hall 32pole-pair hall speed magnetic motion sensor
    Text: AS5305 Integrated Hall IC for linear and off-axis rotary motion detection AS5305 Integrated Hall IC for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection 1 General Description PRELIMINARY FACT FACT SHEET SHEET PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 2 The AS5305 is a single-chip IC with integrated Hall

    AS5305 AS5305 20m/sec. MAGNETIC strip hall 32pole-pair hall speed magnetic motion sensor PDF

    die tilt

    Abstract: magnetic linear ENCODER IC AS5305 magnetic rotary encoder circuit diagram rotary encoder 500 pulses per revolution quadrature Rotary Sensor quadrature Speed Alarm Circuit For Cars programmable counter ic steering wheel angle sensor
    Text: AS5305 Integrated Hall IC for linear and off-axis rotary motion detection AS5305 Integrated Hall IC for Linear and Off-Axis Rotary Motion Detection 1 General Description PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET DATA SHEET 2 The AS5305 is a single-chip IC with integrated Hall

    AS5305 AS5305 20m/sec. die tilt magnetic linear ENCODER IC magnetic rotary encoder circuit diagram rotary encoder 500 pulses per revolution quadrature Rotary Sensor quadrature Speed Alarm Circuit For Cars programmable counter ic steering wheel angle sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems datasheet is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 0 3136 500 0 e-Mail:

    AS5304 AS5306 32pole-pair AS5304/AS5306 PDF


    Abstract: an 503 sensor hall an 503 hall sensor GH-601 GH600 gh820 GH-600
    Text: Gallium Arsenide GH Series Hall Sensors Description The GH Series Hall sensors are four-terminal solid-state devices that produce an output voltage, Vh , proportional to the product of the input current, lc< and the magnetic flux density, B. The GH-600 Hall sensor uses a lead strip

    OCR Scan
    GH-600 GH-601 GH-820 GH-601 GH-600 191mm) 175mm) 2954mm) 524mm) 051mm) an 503 sensor hall an 503 hall sensor GH600 gh820 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Gallium Arsenide GH Series Hall Sensors Description The GH Series Hall sensors are four-terminal solid-state devices that produce an output voltage, V h, proportional to the product of the input current, lC and the magnetic flux density, B. The GH-600 Hall sensor uses a lead strip

    OCR Scan
    GH-600 GH-601 TheGH-820 Exten6900 GH-601 GH-600 PDF


    Abstract: FH-301-020 fH301 FH-540 hall 503 FH520 pacific scientific FH-520 fh 520 540 hall
    Text: Thin Film FH-3Q1/5QQ Series Hall Sensors InAs Thin Film, General Purpose, Transverse Hall Sensors Description FH-301 & FH-500 Series Hall sensors a re miniatire solid-state Hall effect magnetic field sensing devices. The FH-500 series uses a lead strip which is composed of printed circuit leads encased in DuPonfs Kapton

    OCR Scan
    FH-301/500 FH-301 FH-500 FH-301 FH-301) Note00 FH-301/FH-500 FH-500 FH-301-020 fH301 FH-540 hall 503 FH520 pacific scientific FH-520 fh 520 540 hall PDF