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    regulator 78G

    Abstract: A78G regulator 79G MA78GC ma79G UA78GC A79G mA78G uA78G
    Text: mA78GC/ mA79GC-U1 DESCRIPTION FEATURES The /¿A78G and mA 79G are Four-Terminal Adjustable Voltage Regulators. They are designed to deliver continuous load cur­ rents of up to 1.0A with a maximum input voltage o f 40V for the positive regulator 78G and -40V for the negative regulator 79G.

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    mA78GC/ mA79GC-U1 500mA iiA79G regulator 78G A78G regulator 79G MA78GC ma79G UA78GC A79G mA78G uA78G PDF


    Abstract: MA78GU1C regulator 78G a786 78GC A786 j UA78G MA78g MA79G regulator 79G
    Text: M A 7 8 G - u A 7 9 G 4-T ER M IN A L POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE A D JU STA BLE VOLTAGE REGULATO RS FAIRCHILD LINEAR IN T E G R A T ED C IR C U IT S GEN ER AL DESCRIPTION — The juA 78G and ¿¿A79G are 4-Terminal Adjustable Voltage Regulators. They are designed to deliver continuous load currents o f up to 1.0 A w ith a m axim um inp u t voltage of

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    UA78G mA78G yA79G ft30660r fjA78G A78G MA78GU1C regulator 78G a786 78GC A786 j UA78G MA79G regulator 79G PDF

    regulator 78G

    Abstract: A78G regulator 79G MA79G uA78G Four Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators MA78GC ma78g adjustable voltage regulators
    Text: S ig n e tic s Integrated Circuits - Voltage Regulators C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M /¿A78G Series — Four Terminal Positive Adjustable Voltage Regulators U1 PACKAGE 78G Top View G E N E R A L D E SC R IPTIO N The jxA78G are F ou r-T erm inal A d justable Voltage Regulators.

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    jiA78G mA78G regulator 78G A78G regulator 79G MA79G uA78G Four Terminal Positive Voltage Regulators MA78GC adjustable voltage regulators PDF


    Abstract: pA79G 79GC
    Text: FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS • juA78G • *iA79G 79G E Q U IV A L E N T C IR C U IT MA79G,/iA79GC U n le ss o th e rw ise s p e c ifie d , th e fo llo w in g ap plies: 0 ° C < T j < 1 2 5 ° C f o r 7 9 G C and —5 5 ° C < T j < 1 5 0 ° C f o r 7 9 G , V | n • —10 V , Iq U T “ 5 0 0 m A , T e st C ir c u it 2 a n d N o te 3.

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    juA78G mA79G MA79G /IA79GC MA79GC pA79G 79GC PDF

    regulator 78G

    Abstract: A78G 79GC MA78G A786 MA79G MA78GU1C 78GC UA78G voltage regulator 78 series 3 pin
    Text: M A 7 8 G - u A 7 9 G 4-TERM INAL POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE AD JUSTA B LE VOLTAGE REGULATORS FAIRCHILD LINEAR IN T E G R A TE D C IR C U IT S GEN ER AL DESCRIPTION — The juA 78G and ¿¿A79G are 4-Terminal Adjustable Voltage Regulators. They are designed to deliver continuous load currents o f up to 1.0 A w ith a m axim um inp u t voltage of

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    UA78G mA78G yA79G J1A79G juA79G regulator 78G A78G 79GC A786 MA79G MA78GU1C 78GC UA78G voltage regulator 78 series 3 pin PDF