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    Infineon Technologies AG TLE42662GSV33HTMA2

    LDO Voltage Regulators OPTIREG LINEAR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics TLE42662GSV33HTMA2 17,533
    • 1 $2.65
    • 10 $1.72
    • 100 $1.31
    • 1000 $0.925
    • 10000 $0.774
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc MAX14662ETI+T

    Analog Switch ICs Octal SPST Beyond the Rails Switch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MAX14662ETI+T 4,155
    • 1 $5.99
    • 10 $5.38
    • 100 $4.41
    • 1000 $3.16
    • 10000 $3
    Buy Now

    Analog Devices Inc MAX4662CAE+T

    Analog Switch ICs 2.5 Ohm Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MAX4662CAE+T 1,950
    • 1 $17.27
    • 10 $13.46
    • 100 $10.67
    • 1000 $9.55
    • 10000 $9.55
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    Vishay Intertechnologies MAL214066221E3

    Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - Radial Leaded 220uF 25V 20% Radial
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MAL214066221E3 1,922
    • 1 $1.86
    • 10 $1.25
    • 100 $0.907
    • 1000 $0.707
    • 10000 $0.618
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    Analog Devices Inc MAX4662EAE+T

    Analog Switch ICs 2.5 Ohm Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics MAX4662EAE+T 1,788
    • 1 $16.34
    • 10 $13.45
    • 100 $10.65
    • 1000 $9.55
    • 10000 $9.54
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    MA 4 E 662 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HANDHELDS Handheld Calibrators Model CL100MA $ 500 ߜ Multifunction Calibrator Model CL123 K, J, E, T in °C, °F, mA, mV, V, Hz, ߜ Thermocouple Calibrator Model CL125 K, J, E, T, R, S, N, L, U, B, C in °C, °F or K ߜ 4-20 mA Calibrator Model CL100MA 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA, 0-24 mA

    CL100MA CL123 CL125 PDF


    Abstract: CR2354 equivalent CR2025 pad CR2325 cross reference varta CR123A Duracell specifications CR2450 lr44 maxell maxell CR2025 SR416 CR1220 holder smt
    Text: NPS-final4-27-10 4/27/10 3:34 PM Page 1 NEW PRODUCTS for 2010 D E S IG N E R S A N D MA N U FA C T U R E R S RoHS COMPLIANT ~ ISO 9001 CERTIFIED NPS-final4-27-10 4/27/10 3:34 PM Page 2 Low Profile Surface Mount Battery Clips & Holders Pages 1 – 3 Surface Mount

    NPS-final4-27-10 E201546 MAXELL LR44 CR2354 equivalent CR2025 pad CR2325 cross reference varta CR123A Duracell specifications CR2450 lr44 maxell maxell CR2025 SR416 CR1220 holder smt PDF

    eccosorb AN-75

    Abstract: MF-124 MF500-117 ECCOSHIELD ECCOSHIELD RVS AN74 eccosorb CR117 ls26 AN73 ANW73
    Text: 28 York Avenue Randolph, MA. 02368 Tel 781-961-9600 Fax 781-961-2845 An ISO 9001:2000 Company National Stock Number Cross Reference National Stock Number E&C Part number 1560003565767 ANW74-5-75X24X075XC 1560003565796 ANW74-4-75Xl2X075 1560003565799 ANW74-5-75X24X075

    ANW74-5-75X24X075XC ANW74-4-75Xl2X075 ANW74-5-75X24X075 ANW74-4-75Xl2X075XC ANW73 CRS124AB CR117 86B-X-1IN MF116 ANW74Xl7Xl66 eccosorb AN-75 MF-124 MF500-117 ECCOSHIELD ECCOSHIELD RVS AN74 eccosorb ls26 AN73 ANW73 PDF

    elcon SERIES 1000

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Intrinsic Safety Isolation Barriers SIB 1000 Series 380 $ Basic Unit C A B A B ߜ Input Output Isolation ߜ For J, K, T, E, R, S, B Thermocouples, mV, and Pt100 and Ni100 RTDs ߜ Converts Signal from Hazardous Location into 4 to 20 mA Signal ߜ Field Programmable

    Pt100 Ni100 SIB-BP-1116-TB-R KTSS-316G-12 TQSS-316G-12 12AWG elcon SERIES 1000 PDF


    Abstract: V140
    Text: 0.|., .JQC1;FD/ 8:*3141~9:7- 01/0 65<-7 7-2~= .B?LMJBK S 56A lpbm\abg` \ZiZ[bebmr S Hb`a i^k_hkfZg\^0 Lhp ikh_be^ S 6dV ]b^e^\mkb\ lmk^g`ma .[^mp^^g \hbe Zg] \hgmZ\ml/ S VDE 4:75 3 4;44 Fbe^ Nh2>E5778<5 S UL=80 V140 CTI694 _eZffZ[bebmr \eZll S 5 Fhkf A Zg] 5 Fhkf C \hg_b`nkZmbhgl

    CTI694 68VDC/ SgO60 694VAC 569VAC CTI694 V140 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FLS IB M12 DI 8 M12 Fieldline Stand Alone Device for INTERBUS With Eight Digital Inputs Data Sheet 6623B 01/2003 This data sheet is intended to be used in conjunction with the user manuals FLS SYS INST UM E Order No. 26 98 97 3 and FLS IB SYS PRO UM E (Order No. 26 99 06 6).

    6623B 65/IP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T H IS D R A W IN G IS U N P U B L IS H E D . RELEASED FO R ALL C O P Y R IG H T - LOG .- R E V IS IO N S D IS T RESERVED. p - LTR VERWENDET NR. Y2 FÜR - P O S . x 2 . 5 4 = L ±0.5 F=GO LD 2 .5 - \ - ? . 5 4 N ±Q-1 L m _ÜL i T i T i i T i SEL. MAßE

    OCR Scan
    19EEB10 01FEB1 ECR-10-025774 PDF


    Abstract: D969 ISN55326 SN5404 SN54154 IN4607 76013d 76017D YC-710
    Text: T E X A S IN S T R - C L I N / I N T F O TI 8961724 TEXAS IN STR ÖFJflTblTSM < LIN /IN TFC 007bDlS 4 f 91D 76012 D SN55325 MEMORY CORE DRIVER D969, MARCH 1971-R EV ISED SEPTEMBER 1986 J PACKAGE TOP VIEW) 600-mA Output Capability Fast Switching Times TJ

    OCR Scan
    007bDlE SN55325 1971-REVISED 600-mA 24-Volt -r-53 SN65325s D969 ISN55326 SN5404 SN54154 IN4607 76013d 76017D YC-710 PDF


    Abstract: sh03 5108a T108 HS 1621 UPC-574J XL08 LM 3323
    Text: NEC Aà i? T /\f7 * < • 4 — B ipolar A nalog Integ rated C irc u it M PC574J V o lt a g e II M a x im u m R a t in g s T a = 2 5 fê 5e # 10 Iz mA s fi » ÜC * Pd yB ijnL Jt Topt —20—+75 °C ÿB liDL Ä Tstg —40~ °C + D i m e n s io n s (Unit : mm

    OCR Scan
    uPC574J pc574j sh03 5108a T108 HS 1621 UPC-574J XL08 LM 3323 PDF

    Transistor BFR 96

    Abstract: 2SC 930 AF transistor 2Sc 2053 Transistor BFR34a Transistor BFr 99 BFR34A
    Text: SS C D • fl235bD S QQQMb70 ÍS I E û 2 BFR34A 2 N 6620 NPN Silicon Transistor for Low-Noise RF Broadband Amplifiers ^ _ _ -/s' SIEMENS A K T I E N 6 E S E LLS CH AF BFR 34 A is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar RF transistor in a plastic package similar

    OCR Scan
    fl235bD QQQMb70 BFR34A 2N6620. Q62702-F346-S1 Q68000-A4668 0Q0Mb73 Transistor BFR 96 2SC 930 AF transistor 2Sc 2053 Transistor BFR34a Transistor BFr 99 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM124MBJ36F, TM124MBJ36U 1 048576 BY 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE TM248NBJ36F, TM248NBJ36U 2097152 BY 36-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE S M M S 662-M A Y 1996 • Or ga n i za t i o n T M 1 2 4 M B J 3 6 F . . . 1 0 4 8 576 x 36 T M 2 4 8 N B J36F . . . 2 09 7 1 52 x 36

    OCR Scan
    TM124MBJ36F, TM124MBJ36U 36-BIT TM248NBJ36F, TM248NBJ36U 662-M 72-Pin 418160d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A S T C M O S 1 6 -BI T BUFFER/LINE DRIVER FEATURES: IDT54/74FCT1 6244T/AT/CT/ET IDT54/74FCT1 62244T/AT/CT/ET IDT54/74FCT1 66244T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT162H244T/AT/CT/ET DESCRIPTION: The 16-Bit Butter/Line Driver is tor bus interface or signal buffering applications requiring high speed and low power dissipation. These

    OCR Scan
    IDT54/74FCT1 6244T/AT/CT/ET 62244T/AT/CT/ET 66244T/AT/CT IDT54/74FCT162H244T/AT/CT/ET 16-Bit 250ps PDF


    Abstract: BFW92 2N6621 Q62702-F321 Q68000-A4669 QQG4733 siemens 800 169 O TRANSISTOR BFW 11 BFw 92 transistor bfw 90
    Text: BSC D • Û235b05 0004731 7 « S I E G i l ' t r BFW 92 2 N 6621 NPN Silicon RF Broadband Transistors 'l c r rw -r * SIEMENS AKTIENÛESELLSCHAF B F W 9 2 is an epitaxial N PN silicon planar RF transistor in a plastic package similar to TO 119 50 B 3 D IN 41867 ; intended for use as RF amplifier up to the G H z range,

    OCR Scan
    6535bQ5 2N6621. Q62702-F321 Q68000-A4669 QQG4733 BFW92 TRANSISTOR BFW 16 2N6621 siemens 800 169 O TRANSISTOR BFW 11 BFw 92 transistor bfw 90 PDF

    ld 7523 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC ld 7523 equivalent PDF

    pic 636

    Abstract: ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 7555-PIC PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC pic 636 ka 7562 PIC626 PIC7501 pic602 diagram an 7522 PIC635 PIC660 PIC7526 PDF

    voltage regulator 7505

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/612 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 635/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672 Test Level T, Test Level T2

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 755erse voltage regulator 7505 PDF


    Abstract: SC11040

    OCR Scan
    ST662A SC10810 662a SC11040 PDF

    7508 regulator

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIC 7501-PIC 7512 PIC 7519-PIC 7530 PIC 7555-PIC 7566 Semiconductor Devices, Silicon Hybrid Switching Regulators High Reliability Types T e s t L e v e l T, PIC 600/601/602 PIC 610/611/ 6 Ï 2 PIC 625/626/627 PIC 6Î5/636/637 PIC 660/661/662 PIC 670/671/672

    OCR Scan
    7501-PIC 7519-PIC 7555-PIC 7508 regulator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMIKRON SKiiP 662 GB 060 - 251 W T Absolute Maximum Ratings Sym bol |c o n d itio n s 1> Values Units 600 V IGBT & Inverse Diode VcES V c c 10 O perating DC link voltage lc T h ea tsink ICM T h ea tsink SKiiPPACK SK integrated intelligent Power PACK halfbridge

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M 66212P/FP M 66213P/FP 2 —1-LIN E{X5 D ATA SELECTOR DESCRIPTION T h e M 6 6 2 1 2 P /F P and M 6 6 2 1 3 P /F P a re sem ico nductor in­ te g ra te d circuits consisting of fiv e 2 -lin e to 1 -lin e PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW)

    OCR Scan
    66212P/FP 66213P/FP 256K-or PDF

    diode 0A70

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI < DIGITAL ASSP> M 66210P/FP M 66211P/FP 10-LINE DATA LATCH DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M66210P/FP and M66211P/FP are semiconductor in­ tegrated circuits consisting of ten D-type latches with 3state outputs, common Iatch-enable input and outputenable input.

    OCR Scan
    66210P/FP 66211P/FP 10-LINE M66210P/FP M66211P/FP 50//W/package 256K-or diode 0A70 PDF


    Abstract: PSB 6620 Q67000-A2498
    Text: S IE M E N S Ringing Detector PSB 6620 Bipolar 1C Type Ordering Code Package PSB 6620 Q67000-A2498 P-DIP-8 The integrated circuit PSB 6620 is designed to detect a telephone call signal AC voltage . The supply voltage of the 1C is devided from the AC input voltage (call signal). During the

    OCR Scan
    Q67000-A2498 PSB6620 PSB 6620 Q67000-A2498 PDF

    ersa 111

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Magnetic disk iCs Read/Write Amplifier for FDD BH6627FS T h e B H 6627FS is a 4 -m o d e read/w rite 1C designed for floppy disk drives. This 1C has an internal active filter that can be set to an y of m ultiple settings according to transfer rate, and internal sw itches for density an d inner e d g e /o u te r

    OCR Scan
    BH6627FS BH6627FS ersa 111 PDF


    Abstract: 66204TFL hitachi 4-bit lcd HD61104 HD66204TFL hd66204 PF31 HD63645 HD66204F HD66204FL
    Text: HD66204- Dot Matrix Liquid Crystal Graphic Display Column Driver with 80-Channel Outputs Description Features The HD66204F/HD66204FL/HD66204TF/HD 66204TFL, the column driver for a large liquid crystal graphic display, features as many as 80

    OCR Scan
    HD66204---- 80-Channel HD66204F/HD66204FL/HD66204TF/HD 66204TFL, HD66204 HD66204F, HD66204FL, HD66204 04LS01 HD66840 66204TFL hitachi 4-bit lcd HD61104 HD66204TFL PF31 HD63645 HD66204F HD66204FL PDF