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    M-BUS MASTER Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LV4T126FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LV4T125FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CS-USB3.1TYPC-001M Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-USB3.1TYPC-001M Amphenol Premium USB 3.1 Gen2 Certified USB Type A-C Cable - USB 3.0 Type A Male to Type C Male [10.0 Gbps SuperSpeed] 1m (3.3ft) Datasheet
    CS-USBAM003.0-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-USBAM003.0-001 Amphenol Premium USB 3.0/3.1 Gen1 Certified USB Type A-A Cable - USB 3.0 Type A Male to Type A Male [5.0 Gbps SuperSpeed] 1m (3.3') Datasheet
    CS-USBAB003.0-002 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-USBAB003.0-002 Amphenol Premium USB 3.0/3.1 Gen1 Certified USB Type A-B Cable - USB 3.0 Type A Male to Type B Male [5.0 Gbps SuperSpeed] 2m (6.6') Datasheet
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    MikroElektronika M-BUS MASTER CLICK

    Click board; prototype board; Comp: MC33072ADR2G,VOM452
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    M-BUS MASTER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN11017 Transceiver OL2381 using wireless M-BUS Rev. 2 — 10 May 2011 Application note Document information Info Content Keywords OL2381, Transceiver, 868 MHz, wireless M-BUS, OMS. Abstract This document describes how to use OL2381 in Wireless M-BUS applications.

    AN11017 OL2381 OL2381, AN11017 PDF


    Abstract: EN-13757-4 EN137574 EN13757-4 antenna for cc430 27 mhz Radio control AMB8425-M
    Text: AMB8425-M Compact Wireless M-Bus Radio Module 868 MHz ISM Band Key Features • Low-cost Wireless M-Bus radio module 868 MHz ISM Band • Embedded Wireless M-Bus according to EN13757-4:2005 standard • Range* up to 700 m (line of sight) • Small form factor: 16 x 27 x 3.5 mm

    AMB8425-M EN13757-4 AES128 1999/5/EC AMB8525-M D-51147 EN-13757 EN-13757-4 EN137574 antenna for cc430 27 mhz Radio control AMB8425-M PDF


    Abstract: 85C30 MACH465-12 EZ-030 AM29030 D1667 29030 27C010 MACH220 MAX232
    Text: Using a PC I Bus as the I /O Bus on an Am29030/040 M icroprocessor Design Application Note This application note describes how the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus can be used as the I/O bus portion on a two-bus microcontroller design. Additionally, one

    Am29030/040 Am29030/040TM 32-bit 64-bit Am186, Am386, Am486, Am29000 MACH465 85C30 MACH465-12 EZ-030 AM29030 D1667 29030 27C010 MACH220 MAX232 PDF


    Abstract: 89lpc 89lpc932 P82B715 TCA 430 JESD22-A115 P82B96 PCA9600 PCA9633 AN10710
    Text: NXP I2C-bus extender P82B715 in a proven application Extend standard I2C-bus devices without worrying about offset voltages This analog bipolar IC lets you retain all the features of the standard I2C-bus while easily extending its communication distance to 30 m or 3000 pF, well beyond the limits of the standard 400-pF bus.

    P82B715 400-pF P82B715TD OT96-1 OT97-1 P82B715PN 89LPC932A1 89lpc 89lpc932 TCA 430 JESD22-A115 P82B96 PCA9600 PCA9633 AN10710 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NCN5151 Wired M-BUS Slave Transceiver with Low Power Mode Support Description The NCN5151 is a single−chip integrated slave transceiver for use in two−wire Meter Bus M−BUS slave devices and repeaters. The NCN5151 reuses the NCN5150 features and adds two low

    NCN5151 NCN5151 NCN5150 NCN5151/D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f£ @ m & y w e l\ HÔNEYÜIELL/S S E C MSS1Ö7S DGGObbl S « H O N B 3ÛE J> Preliminary HTIU2000 TEST-BUS INTERFACE UNIT "P s z -^ -O S FEATURES M ID / TM C TL M lP TM CLK • Connects to VHSIC Backplane TM-bus - TM-bus Specification, Version 3.0 - M-Bus Master or Slave Operation

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    HTIU2000 P1149. PDF

    Bus Arbiters

    Abstract: SIEMENS T36
    Text: SAB 82200 Local Bus Arbiter LBA D M A mode • Arbitrates local processor bus between up to four potential bus m asters (CPU plus three coprocessors) Interrupt mode • M ultiplexes up to three vectored Interrupt sources to one processor interrupt channel

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    300pF 100pF 82200-P Q67020-Y171 Bus Arbiters SIEMENS T36 PDF


    Abstract: pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS764
    Text: SCB68175 Signetics Bus Controller Preliminary Specification Microprocessor Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics SCB68175/8X821 Bus Controller is a high-speed bus requester and timing generator designed to inter­ face a local m aster typically, a m icro­

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    SCB68175 SCB68175/8X821 SCB68175/8X 74S245 pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS764 PDF

    SAB 82258

    Abstract: dv3c Dwo1 pin diagram priority encoder 74146 82258 DV12C FSV 052 interfacing 8289 with 8086 8283A DX14C
    Text: SAB 82220 Bus Interface Controller BIC • H ighly integrated m icroprocessor system support com ponent • Six modes o f operation fo r flexible adaption to different applications • Integrates into one package m icroprocessor interface logic, like bus drivers, bus control

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    16-bit 82220-N 67120-Y139 SAB 82258 dv3c Dwo1 pin diagram priority encoder 74146 82258 DV12C FSV 052 interfacing 8289 with 8086 8283A DX14C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC mP B 8 2 8 9 BUS ARBITER NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configuration The /jPB8289 bus a rb iter is used w ith the /¿PB8288 bus con tro ller to interface 8086 and 8088 m icroprocessors to a m u ltim a s te r system bus. The jiPB8289 co n tro ls

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    uPB8289 uPB8288 jiPB8289 PB8288 fiPB8289 PB8289 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32E D P L X TECHNOLOGY CORP b û S S m i 0000133 1 BIPLX T-52-33-55 EISA 9010 EISA Bus Master Interface Chip for National SONIC DP83932 LAN Controller Preliminary Decem ber 1990 Features_ _ EISA bus m aster interface for General Description_

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    T-52-33-55 DP83932 000013b 128-pin PDF


    Abstract: 82C37A 82C54 82C59 Scans-028 SL Enhanced intel 21256 sio table
    Text: O M F Q 3 M rO (M 82378 SYSTEM I/O (SIO • Provides the Bridge Between the PCI Bus and ISA Bus ■ 100% PCI and ISA Compatible — PCI and ISA Master/Slave Interface — Directly Drives 10 PCI Loads and 6 ISA Slots — Supports PCI at 25 MHz and 33 MHz

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    32-bit 82C37A 16-bit 290473-A4 Mflgbl75 82378IB 82C54 82C59 Scans-028 SL Enhanced intel 21256 sio table PDF

    8288 bus controller

    Abstract: intel 8288 intel 8284 clock generator intel 8288 bus controller intel 8284 clock generator circuit diagram mbl 8288 8288 in maximum mode configuration of 8086 pin diagram of 8288 bus controller pin configuration of 8288 bus controller 8288
    Text: F U J IT S U BUS CONTROLLER FOR MBL 8086/MBL 8088 /MBL 8089 PROCESSORS BUS CONTROLLER FOR MBL 8086/M BL 8088/M BL 8089 PROCESSORS The F u jitsu M B L 8 2 8 8 Bus C o n tro lle r is a 20-pftC bj p o i a r j o m p o n e n t f o r use w ith m edium -to-large M B L 8 0 8 6 /M B L

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    8086/MBL 8088/MBL 20-pSUjjgoiar 20-LE DIP-20C-C01) 900I22 86IREF 08JMAX 8288 bus controller intel 8288 intel 8284 clock generator intel 8288 bus controller intel 8284 clock generator circuit diagram mbl 8288 8288 in maximum mode configuration of 8086 pin diagram of 8288 bus controller pin configuration of 8288 bus controller 8288 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS d Ë | 374T7fc.E 0004414 û T'W ^BUS CONTROLLER « FU JITSU FOR MBL*8086/ MBLÍ8088 7-MBL«8089 PROCESSORS BUS C O N T R O L L E R FO R M B L 8 0 8 6 /M B L 8 0 8 8 /M B L 8 0 8 9 PROCESSORS The Fujitsu M B L 8 2 8 8 Bus Controller is a 20-pin bipolar com ponent fo r use w ith medium-to-large M B L 8 0 8 6 /M B L

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    374T7fc 20-pin 37M17ta D0D44EH T-49-17-07 PDF

    motorola 68hc11 stepper motor

    Abstract: INCREMENTAL ENCODER shaft 0.5 in diode 528
    Text: Order th is docum ent by MC33192/D M O T O R O LA - M C33192 A dvancc Information M l-Bus In terface Stepper Motor Controller The MC33192 Stepper Motor Controller is intended to control loads in harsh automotive environments using a serial communication bus. The

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    MC33192/D C33192 MC33192 motorola 68hc11 stepper motor INCREMENTAL ENCODER shaft 0.5 in diode 528 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYM92C500 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The SYM92C500 is divided into the following interfaces: the switched bus interface composed o f the Switched Bus Address Lookup Interface ALI and the Switched Bus Data M ovement Interface (DMI), the Frame Buffer Interface (FBI),

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    SYM92C500 92C500 RJ-45 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am7970 Compression Expansion Processor CEP - Two-Dimensional, M odified READ (MR and MMR) coding with program m able K-Parameter. - Full-duplex capability for sim ultaneous independent com pression and expansion. CPU Bus and optional local Document Store Bus with

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    Am7970 05777B 6AD2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A P M Ä M ! DM iP© I^[ìfflA'irD@ N] in te i 82378IB SYSTEM I/O SIO Provides the Bridge Between the PCI Bus and ISA Bus Arbitration for PCI Devices — Four PCI Masters are Supported — Fixed, Rotating, or a Combination of the Two 100% PCI and ISA Compatible

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    82378IB IOCS16# MEMCS16# 82378ib PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ä E W M O i O M IP O ^ ß M Ü ’O !?!!] 82375EB/82375SB PCI-EISA BRIDGE PCEB • Provides the Bridge Between the PCI Local Bus and EISA Bus ■ 100% PCI and EISA Compatible — PCI and EISA M aster/S lave Interface — Directly Drives 10 PCI Loads and 8

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    82375EB/82375SB 32-bit 16-byte 82375EB/SB 015Tbfl4 PDF


    Abstract: MC3446AP MC3440AP mc3441 MC3448A MC3443AP MC3446
    Text: INTERFACE CIRCUITS continued Bus In terfa ce (co n tin ued ) Instrumentation Bus QUAD INTERFACE TRANSCEIVERS These devices are designed to meet the G P’3 bus specification of IEEE Standard 488-1978, for the interconnection of M ea­ surement Apparatus.

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    MC3440AP MC3441AP MC3443AP MC3446AP MC3448A MC3440AP MC3441AP MC3443AP MC3446AP MC3448A mc3441 MC3446 PDF


    Abstract: BA017 BA011 271091 M82389 D1301S Multibus ii protocol 176526 BA022 BAD29
    Text: in te i M82389 MESSAGE PASSING COPROCESSOR A MULTIBUS II BUS INTERFACE CONTROLLER M ilita ry Highly Integrated VLSI Device — Single-Chip Interface for the Parallel System Bus — Interrupt Handling/Bus Arbitration Functions — Dual-Buffer Input and Output DMA

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    M82389 32-Byte 32-Bit M82389 IEEE-1296 BA017 BA011 271091 D1301S Multibus ii protocol 176526 BA022 BAD29 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Â P M ê l ÖMF@ 08[M]ÄirD@KI in t e l 82378 SYSTEM I/O SIO • Provides the Bridge Between the PCI Bus and ISA Bus ■ 100% PCI and ISA Compatible — PCI and ISA Master/Slave Interface — Directly Drives 10 PCI Loads and 6 ISA Slots — Supports PCI at 25 MHz and 33 MHz

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    32-bit 82C37A 16-bit 290473-A4 4flEbl75 01STfl3Ã 82378 PDF

    yx 801

    Abstract: yx 801 4 pin EL Ei 33 transformer MH89780
    Text: M ITEL MH89780 CEPT PCM 30 Framer & Interface ST-BUS" FAMILY 9161 -002-040-NA ISSUE 3 Features • Mitel ST-BUS compatible • Interface between a 2048 kb/s, ST-BUS , serial stream and a bidirectional CEPT digital trunk • Compatible with CCITT G.732

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    MH89780 -002-040-NA yx 801 yx 801 4 pin EL Ei 33 transformer PDF

    8085 microprocessor opcode

    Abstract: opcode table for 8086 microprocessor 8085 microprocessor new applications 6502 microprocessor 8085 microprocessor remote controls applications 8086 opcode table for 8086 microprocessor MD68SC49BD Z8000 MD68SC49BC MD68SC49BE
    Text: ISO-CMOS M068SC49B Bus Monitor Preli m in aryl nf ojm ation Features , Pin Connections « Address ra n g e checking. • Data p attern match/m ism atch detection. •C o n tro l bus condition checking. »S in g le or m ulti-pass mode. •F re e z e or continuous output.

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    MD68SC49B MD68SC49 16-bit 8085 microprocessor opcode opcode table for 8086 microprocessor 8085 microprocessor new applications 6502 microprocessor 8085 microprocessor remote controls applications 8086 opcode table for 8086 microprocessor MD68SC49BD Z8000 MD68SC49BC MD68SC49BE PDF