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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC139AP/AF/AFN D U A L 2 - T O - 4 L I N E DECODER T h e TC74H C139A is a h ig h sp e e d C M O S 2 to 4 L IN E D E C O D E R /D E M U L T IP L E X E R f a b ric a te d w ith silic o n g a te C2M OS te c h n o lo g y . It a ch iev e s th e h ig h sp e e d o p e ra tio n s i m i l a r to

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    TC74HC139AP/AF/AFN TC74H C139A HC-282 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP i b3E D • 7 ^ 7 07b D D 12 7 S 1 571 ■ TSAJ Ordering number: EN 3 6 6 9 MLC74HC158A No.3669 CMOS High-Speed Standard Logic Quad 2-Input Inverting Data Selector/Multiplexer F e a tu re s • The MLC74HC158A selects a 4-bit word from either the A or B inputs, as determ ined by the SEL

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    MLC74HC158A MLC74HC158A 74LS158) PDF


    Abstract: tc5025bp tc5025
    Text: C2MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC5024BPJC5025BP TC5024BP TC5025BP ^ - QUAD BUS BUFFER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUT "H"-DISABLE QUAD BUS BUFFER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUT (ML"-DISABLE) TC5024BP/TC5025BP contain four circuits of buffers having tri-state outputs. As all the buffers are

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    TC5024BPJC5025BP TC5024BP TC5025BP TC5024BP/TC5025BP TC5025BP. TC5024BP; /TC5025BP; TC5024BP tc5025 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC74HC4002AP/AF Dual 4-Input NOR Gate The TC74HC4072A is a high speed CMOS 4-INPUT NOR GATE fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipation.

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    TC74HC4002AP/AF TC74HC4072A TC74HC/HCT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TC74HC137AP/AF 3-to-8 Line Decoder/Latch The TC74HC137A is a high speed CMOS 3-TO-8 LINE DECODER ADDRESS LATCH fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the CMOS low power dissipation.

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    Abstract: 74C04 4069UB 4069UB fairchild 54C04 fairchild CMOS 4000B series cmos 4069 4000B DELAY32
    Text: 4069U B/74C04/54C04 HEX INVERTER D E S C R IP TIO N - T h e 4 0 6 9 U B is a general p u rp o s e H ex In v e rte r w h ic h has s ta n d a rd F a irc h ild in p u t a n d o u tp u t c h a ra c te ris tic s . A single-stage design has been used sin ce th e o u t p u t im p e d a n c e o f a s in g le -in p u t g ate is n o t p a tte r n se n s itiv e . T h e 4 0 9 6 U B is a D ire c t R e p la c e m e n t f o r th e

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    4069UB/74C04/54C04 4069UB 4096UB 74C04/54C04. 4000B 74C04 4069UB fairchild 54C04 fairchild CMOS 4000B series cmos 4069 DELAY32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: am ULTRA-HIGH VALUE PRECISION RESISTOR G lass to m etal seal - G lass e n v e lo p e 381 0 SERIES* r • • • • • . Resistance range up to 100T ohms 1014 ohms Low voltage Hermetically sealed Designed for low current (pica ampere level) measurements

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    100MTO 100GU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TM TMP431 TMP432 P432 SBOS441F – SEPTEMBER 2009 – REVISED AUGUST 2013 ±1°C Temperature Sensor with Series-R, η-Factor, and Automatic Beta Compensation Check for Samples: TMP431, TMP432 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • The TMP431 and TMP432 are remote temperature

    TMP431 TMP432 SBOS441F TMP431, TMP431 TMP432 PDF

    YJW 40

    Abstract: 225 J 250 AVA CL 20
    Text: CD4037A Types CMOS Triple AND/OR Bi-Phase Pairs The R CA-C D 4037A consists o f three A N D / OR pairs driven b y com m on co n tro l signals A and B. Each circ u it has a data in p u t C , and tw o o u t­ put term inals (D and E) th a t provide outputs

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    CD4037A RCA-CD4037A in14-lead 14-lead YJW 40 225 J 250 AVA CL 20 PDF

    SN 754538

    Abstract: 75451B B 722 P 55450B 55451B 75450B 75452B 75453BTC transistor ac 125 equivalent 75452BTC
    Text: 55/75450B 55/75451B 55/75452B 55/75453B 55/75454B DUAL HIGH SPEED PERIPHERAL DRIVERS FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS G E N E R A L D E S C R IP TIO N - T he 5 5 /7 5 4 5 0 B , 5 5 /7 5 4 5 1 B, 5 5 /7 5 4 5 2 B , 5 5 /7 5 4 5 3 B and 5 5 /7 5 4 5 4 B are Dual High Speed General Purpose Interface

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    55/75450B 55/75451B 55/75452B 55/75453B 55/75454B 55/75450B, 55/75451B, 55/75452B, 55/75453B 55/75454B SN 754538 75451B B 722 P 55450B 55451B 75450B 75452B 75453BTC transistor ac 125 equivalent 75452BTC PDF


    Abstract: TTC 5200
    Text: ! MIL-M-38510/490A 11 September 1986 SU PERSED lk— MI L - M-38 510 / 490 US AF I D e c e m b e r 1981 I QUAL I F I CATION I ¡REQUIREMENTS I IREMOVED_ I MILITARY SPECIFICATION M I C R O C I R C U I T S , D I G I T A L , N-CHANNEL, S I L I C O N

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    MIL-M-38510/490A l985--- MIL-M-38510. forMIL-M-39510 PWL-6 TTC 5200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMP411-Q1 SBOS527F – DECEMBER 2010 – REVISED NOVEMBER 2013 ±1°C Remote and Local Temperature Sensor With N-Factor and Series Resistance Correction Check for Samples: TMP411-Q1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • 1 2 • • • • • • •

    TMP411-Q1 SBOS527F AEC-Q100 PDF


    Abstract: 1174H5 1460d5 121i3 117450 ltc 1172 LT1682CMS8 ltc947 ltbw 1121I5
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT PRODUCTS Introduction Linear Technology Corporation LTC was founded in 1981 to address the growing demand for high performance and superior quality linear integrated circuits. Today, LTC has successfully established a leadership position by introducing and supplying leading edge products in

    dev50I 1550L 1550LI 1555I 1579I 1579I3 1579I5 1620I 1621I 1643H lt941 1174H5 1460d5 121i3 117450 ltc 1172 LT1682CMS8 ltc947 ltbw 1121I5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HCT273AP/AF/AFW O C T A L D - T Y P E F L I P FLOP W I T H C L E A R T h e T C 74H C T 273A is a h igh speed CM O S O C T A L D T Y P E F L I P F L O P fa b ric a te d with silico n g a te C 2 M O S tech n o lo g y . It ac h ie v e s the h igh speed op eratio n s im ila r to

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4007UB DUAL COMPLEMENTARY PAIR PLUS INVERTER D E S C R IP TIO N — The 400 7U B is a Dual C o m plem entary Pair and an Inverter w ith access to each device. It has three n-channel and three p-channel enhancem ent m ode MOS transistors. For proper ope ration V g s < V-j < V q q .

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    4007UB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7B180 CY7B181 PRELIMINARY CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Features 4K x 18 Cache Tag • Can be used as 4K x 18 SRAM Functional Description Supports 50-MHz cache for all major high-speed processors 4K x 18 tag organization BiCMOS for optimum speed/power High speed

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    CY7B180 CY7B181 50-MHz 12-ns 15-ns CY7B180) CY7B181) CY7B181â CY7B180â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TC7SU04F/FU Inverter The TC7SU04 is a high speed C2MOS Inverter fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves high speed operation similar to equivalent LSTTL while maintaining the C2MOS low power dissipation.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1989 PBL 3736 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description The PBL 3736 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC is a bipolar integrated circuit in 75V technology, which performs the telephone line interface function. The programmable battery feed circuit incorporates a switching regulator to minimize

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    47jiF PBL3736J 3736CC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD74HC373, CD74HCT373, CD54HC573, CD74HC573, CD74HCT573 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R N ove m b e r 19 9 7 High Speed CMOS Logic Octal Transparent Latch, Three-State Output Description Features • The Harris CD74HC373, CD74HCT373, CD54HC573, CD74HC573, and CD74HCT573 are high speed Octal Trans­

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    CD74HC373, CD74HCT373, CD54HC573, CD74HC573, CD74HCT573 CD74HCT573 PDF


    Abstract: MC3448AP M6800 MC3448AD MC68488 488-1978-bus
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C 3 4 4 8A Q uad B id ire c tio n a l In s tru m e n ta tio n Bus (GPIB) T ra n s c e iv e r This bidirectional bus transceiver is intended as the interface between TTL or MOS logic and the IEEE Standard Instrumentation Bus (488-1978, often referred to as GPIB). The required bus termination is internally

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    mce8469 mc6802 mc6600 MC3448A MC68488 M6800 MC3448AS MC3448AP MC3448AD 488-1978-bus PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n Technical D ata. CD54/74HC4060 CD54/74HCT4060 File Number 1654 2?E D HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 4302271 0017=537 b Si HAS High-Speed CMOS Logic • 04 • 05 12 M-STAGE COUNTER AND OSCILLATOR ♦o ■ a? -Q8 • 09 - Q10 - 012 e 16 - 013 _1 10 14-Stage Binary Counter with Oscillator

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    CD54/74HC4060 CD54/74HCT4060 14-Stage 92CS-iro71A3 PDF

    74LS195 truth table

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5bE D • 7^537 ODHOOaa 77T MSiSTH_ SCS-THOM SON tH Tls! ö liSD@S M54HC195 M74HC195 S-THOMSON T - H i- O f- O 4 BIT PIPO SHIFT REGISTER ■ HIGH SPEED tPD = 14 ns (TYP.) at V c c = 5V ■ LOW POWER DISSIPATION |cc = 4 pA (MAX.) at TA = 25°C 6V

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    M54HC195 M74HC195 M54HC195 M74HC195 4DG37 74LS195 truth table PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    7T2TE37 M54HCT04 M74HCT04 54/74LS04 M54/74HCT04 55to125l GG3L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SfaE D • 7 ^ 2 3 7 0G4G20G T - H Z - Z - T51 ■S G TH / T 7 S C S -T H O M S O N *7# M54HC386 M74HC386 S G S- THOMSON QUAD EXCLUSIVE-OR GATE ■ HIGH SPEED tpo = 14 ns TYP.) at Vcc = 5V ■ LOW POWER DISSIPATION Ice = 1 /*A (MAX.) at Ta = 25°C ■ HIGH NOISE IMMUNITY

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    0G4G20G M54HC386 M74HC386 54/74LS386 M54HC386 PDF