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    API Delevan MIL8532-29LT

    RF Inductors - SMD M27/370-29T, Surface Mount, High Current, MIL-PRF-27/370 T-Level Qualified Power Inductors, 220 uH , +/- 15%
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    Mouser Electronics MIL8532-29LT
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    • 100 $11.52
    • 1000 $11.3
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    LT 3229 Datasheets Context Search

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    Riccardo Di Gabriele

    Abstract: BPRA076 PWM asynchronous motor matlab 3 phase IGBT inverter design by ir2130 induction motor matlab motor ir2130 220V TMS320F240 lt AC induction motor matlab code source of extended kalman filter 220v DC MOTOR pwm
    Text: Implementation of a Speed Field Orientated Control of Three Phase AC Induction Motor using TMS320F240 Literature Number: BPRA076 Texas Instruments Europe March 1998 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue

    TMS320F240 BPRA076 Riccardo Di Gabriele BPRA076 PWM asynchronous motor matlab 3 phase IGBT inverter design by ir2130 induction motor matlab motor ir2130 220V TMS320F240 lt AC induction motor matlab code source of extended kalman filter 220v DC MOTOR pwm PDF


    Abstract: TMS320F240 motor ir2130 induction motor matlab svpwm induction heating IR2130 APPLICATION NOTE MCK240 Park transformation clarke transformation ic 4017 PIN DIAGRAM
    Text: Implementation of a Speed Field Orientated Control of Three Phase AC Induction Motor using TMS320F240 Literature Number: BPRA076 Texas Instruments Europe March 1998 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries TI reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue

    TMS320F240 BPRA076 TMS320F240 TMS320F240 motor ir2130 induction motor matlab svpwm induction heating IR2130 APPLICATION NOTE MCK240 Park transformation clarke transformation ic 4017 PIN DIAGRAM PDF

    ac motor speed control circuit diagram with IGBT

    Abstract: BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION of IC 4017 WITH 16 PINS speed control of single phase induction motor control of three phase induction motor ac motor variable speed control circuit diagram DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING IGBT Park transformation block diagram induction heating clarke transformation 3 phase ac Induction motor speed controller ic
    Text: Implementation of a Speed Field Orientated Control of Three Phase AC Induction Motor using TMS320F240 Literature Number: BPRA076 Texas Instruments Europe March 1998 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries TI reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue

    TMS320F240 BPRA076 ac motor speed control circuit diagram with IGBT BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION of IC 4017 WITH 16 PINS speed control of single phase induction motor control of three phase induction motor ac motor variable speed control circuit diagram DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING IGBT Park transformation block diagram induction heating clarke transformation 3 phase ac Induction motor speed controller ic PDF


    Abstract: SVPWM of PMSM SPRA494 ACPM750E BPRA073 SVPWM PMSM control using dsp svpwm ti MCK240 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING IGBT
    Text: Application Report SPRA494 Implementation of Vector Control for PMSM Using the TMS320F240 DSP Michel Platnic Digital Signal Processor Solutions Abstract This document presents a solution for controlling a permanent magnet synchronous motor using the Texas Instruments TIä TMS320C24x digital signal processor (DSP). The new TMS320C24x

    SPRA494 TMS320F240 TMS320C24x TMS320C24x BPRA048 SVPWM of PMSM SPRA494 ACPM750E BPRA073 SVPWM PMSM control using dsp svpwm ti MCK240 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING IGBT PDF


    Abstract: 22uf 16v 1206 IHLP-2020BZER-1R0M01 IHLP2020BZER1R0M01 LTC3633
    Text: advertisement Dual Output Monolithic Synchronous Buck Regulator Operates from 3.6V to 15V Inputs and Delivers 3A Per Channel – Design Note 1020 Tom Gross Introduction The LTC3633 is a high efficiency, dual output monolithic synchronous step-down switching regulator, capable of

    LTC3633 12VIN IHLP-2525CZERR47M01 DN1020 LTC3633 dn1020f LTC3633EUFD 22uf 16v 1206 IHLP-2020BZER-1R0M01 IHLP2020BZER1R0M01 PDF


    Abstract: LT 3229
    Text: 15VIN, 4MHz Monolithic Synchronous Buck Regulator Delivers 5A in 4mm x 4mm QFN – Design Note 467 Tom Gross Introduction The LTC 3605 is a high efficiency, monolithic synchronous step-down switching regulator that is capable of delivering 5A of continuous output current from input voltages of

    15VIN, LTC3605 DN467 500ns/DIV 20s/DIV LTC3605 LT 3229 PDF


    Abstract: tl741 FBT Hr f8t5 bu 25200 F20T12 270033 TL835 F28T5 TL830
    Text: Phillips Desc Philips Naed 36734-2 367342 375196 375196 37519-6 27556-0 27555-2 27558-6 209957 20995-7 38320-8 373902 373902 37390-2 246611 24661-1 299552 29955-2 299560 29956-0 347815 34781-5 348037 34803-7 37474-4 374769 37476-9 27086-8 239442 22300-8 370221

    100/300/W 100/300W 1000PAR64Q/MFL 1000PAR64Q/NSP 1000PAR64Q/WFL 1000T3 1000T3Q/P/CL 00-90A/99EW 25t65 tl741 FBT Hr f8t5 bu 25200 F20T12 270033 TL835 F28T5 TL830 PDF


    Abstract: 386SX 386SX topcat VL82C320A HM62168 SCAMP 386SX CIRCUIT diagram SCAMP-LT Controller VLSI TECHNOLOGY vl82c31
    Text: w V LSI Technology , inc . ADVANCE INFORMATION VL82C325 VL82C386SX SYSTEM CACHE CONTROLLER FEATURES • Optimized for TOPCAT 386SX and SCAMP™-LT chip sets Supports memory configurations to 16 MB • Programmable cache architecture - Block size: 8 or 16 bytes

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    VL82C325 VL82C386SX 386SX i386SXâ AM386SXâ JXD4 386SX topcat VL82C320A HM62168 SCAMP 386SX CIRCUIT diagram SCAMP-LT Controller VLSI TECHNOLOGY vl82c31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *In s tTreuxma se n t s CD4098B Types Data sheet acquired from Harris Sem iconductor S C H S 065 CMOS Dual Monostable Multivibrator High Voltage Types 2 0 -V o lt Rating • CD4098B dual monostable m u lti­ vibrator provides stable retriggerable/reset­

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    CD4098B PDF


    Abstract: VL82C331 VL82C325 SCAMP VL82C320A fe 8622 fn521 tag 8622 AM386SX VL82C386SX
    Text: AD V A N C E INFORM ATION V L S I T e c h n o lo g y in c. VL82C325 VL82C386SX SYSTEM CACHE CONTROLLER FEATURES • Optimized for TOPCAT 386SX and SCAMP™-LT chip sets • Supports memory configurations to 16 MB • • Programmable cache architecture

    OCR Scan
    VL82C325 VL82C386SX 386SX i386SXâ AM386SXâ VL82C331 VL82C325 SCAMP VL82C320A fe 8622 fn521 tag 8622 AM386SX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HBLTEK r y ^ HT99C410/HT99C411 Cordless Phone Controller Features • • • • • • • • Provide m ask type, OTP type an d CERDIP window type versions O perating voltage: 2.4V -5.0V m ask type , 3.0V-5.0V (OTP type) 24 bidirectional I/O lines One in te rru p t in p u t

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    HT99C410/HT99C411 160x8 15-bit 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: 450C
    Text: TELEFUNKEN E LECTRONIC Typenrelhe/Type range Ö1C i> _ T210N • Ô^SOO'ïb DDGblBb D ■ ALG6 1 7 ~ - 200 Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte U drmiU rrm Periodische Vorwärts-und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung

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    T210N T210N tc-100Â 1408C, 450C PDF


    Abstract: MC68B44 HD46504-2 HD68B44 MC68A44 mc6844 MC68A
    Text: HD6844, HD68A44,-HD68B44* DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller The HD6844 Direct Memory Access Controller (DM AC) performs the function of transferring data directly between memory and peripheral device controllers. It controls the address and data buses in place of the MPU in bus organized

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    HD6844, HD68A44 ----------------------HD68B44* HD6844 HMCS6800 hd46504 MC68B44 HD46504-2 HD68B44 MC68A44 mc6844 MC68A PDF


    Abstract: Transistors c-3229 C 3229 IRFD221 D220 IRFD222 IRFD223
    Text: - Standard Power MOSFETs File Number IRFD220, IRFD221, IRFD222, IRFD223 23117 Power MOS Field-Effect Transistors N -C H A N N EL ENHAN C EM EN T MODE

    OCR Scan
    IRFD220, IRFD221, IRFD222, IRFD223 92CS-3374I IIRFD221, IRFD223 IRFD220 Transistors c-3229 C 3229 IRFD221 D220 IRFD222 PDF

    INTEL 2118 DRAM

    Abstract: 2164A 2164A-20 2164A dynamic ram 2118 dynamic ram intel 2118 FAMILY intel2164A memory ic 2118 210425-001
    Text: in t e i 2164A FAMILY 65,536 x 1 BIT DYNAMIC RAM 2164A-15 2164A-20 Maximum A cce ss Time ns 150 200 Read, Write Cycle (ns) 260 330 Page Mode Read, Write Cycle (ns) 125 170 • HMOS-D III technology ■ Extended page mode, read-modifywrite and hidden refresh operation

    OCR Scan
    164A-15 164A-20 16-pin INTEL 2118 DRAM 2164A 2164A-20 2164A dynamic ram 2118 dynamic ram intel 2118 FAMILY intel2164A memory ic 2118 210425-001 PDF

    LM 34064

    Abstract: mc33064a TA625-200 34064 lm 4580 LT 3229
    Text: MOTOROLA MC34064 MC33064 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA A d v a n c e In fo r m a tio n UNDERVOLTAGE SENSING CIRCUIT UNDERVOLTAGE SENSING CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT The MC34064 is an u nd e rvo ltag e sensing c irc u it sp ecifica lly designed fo r use as a reset c o n tro lle r in m icrop ro cesso r-b a sed

    OCR Scan
    MC34064 MC33064 MPSW51A LM 34064 mc33064a TA625-200 34064 lm 4580 LT 3229 PDF


    Abstract: M2480
    Text: 2SE D • bb53T31 OOaESbT II □ I BR216 A N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E 7 - 2 ^ - o s r DUAL ASYMMETRICAL BREAKOVER DIODE The BR 2 16 is a m onolithic dual asymmetrical 65 V breakover diode in the T 0 -2 2 0 A B outline. Each half of the device conducts norm ally in one direction, but in the other direction it acts as a

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 BR216 BR216 T0-220AB M2474 T-25-05 M3231 M3240 M2480 PDF


    Abstract: LC72700E LC72700G LV3400M ltkd BLN70 uo7k
    Text: i i X a - KNo. N 4870E A / « / No. I = & m m = x- s y o // 4870E 60397 LC72700E C I C B LC72700G ' 80ttFM»BS8SS §fflLSl CMOS LSI LC72700E, 72700G(£, L S Iii, T f t fa ft F M £ £ FM □ > # ^ V V m # ^ b % h * m m m * 9 ' > a * J (D A R C fc £ « T 5 fc & 0 x . * - £ « H ffl LSTT: * S .

    OCR Scan
    N4870E 4870E Na4870D LC72700E LC72700G LC72700E, 72700Gf LV3400M) QFP48E A032b LC72700E LC72700G LV3400M ltkd BLN70 uo7k PDF


    Abstract: hd465 HD6844 HD68B44P ic 74155 ltkd ADRH 1X IT878 HD2650 HD68A44
    Text: HD6844, HD68A44,-HD68B44* DMAC Direct Memory Access Controller The HD6844 Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) performs the function of transferring data directly between memory and peripheral device controllers. It controls the address and data buses in place of the MPU in bus organized

    OCR Scan
    HD6844, HD68A44 HD68B44* HD6844 HMCS6800 HD46504 hd465 HD68B44P ic 74155 ltkd ADRH 1X IT878 HD2650 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Catalog 82008 Miniature Ribbon Connector System CHAMP Revised 5-96 Cable-to-Cable Applications for 50 Position Connector Kits Cable-to-Cable Plug and Receptacle with Tapered Cover and Screw Wire Size Solid AWG mm 22 0.64 7 Strand AWG mm! 22 0.4 Housing Color Dot

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    350are PDF

    diodes IN4723

    Abstract: MR2402F IN4723 MR2400F MR2406F MR2401F MR2404F T3B diode
    Text: MOTOROLA SC D I O D E S / O P T O b4E D b3b?255 DOflbMMB 720 MR2400F thru MR2406F MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MR2402F and MR2406F are Motorola Preferred Devices FAST R EC O VER Y PO W E R R E C T IF IE R S TAB -M O U N TED FAST RECOVERY

    OCR Scan
    MR2400F MR2406F MR2402F MR2406F T0-220AB MR2402FR. diodes IN4723 IN4723 MR2400F MR2401F MR2404F T3B diode PDF

    LT 3229

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □RAWING Na,:- F 2 5 - 3 0 0 X X 0 6 S H E E T 2 OF 2 I F IN DOUBT - ASK NOT TO S C A L E THIRD ANGLE PROJECTION A L L DIMENSIONS IN mm ORDER CODE: F25-300XX06 No, O F C O N T A C T S 0 3 TO 3 0 tp - 1,25 tp tp tp tp :• No, O F tp TYP , — tp CONTACTS

    OCR Scan
    F25-300XX06 F25-3QQXX06 LT 3229 PDF

    chn 834 TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: High-Power 202A MOSFET CA3458T 40468A 3N128 equivalent ta7657 DIODE chn 548 TA7374 Thyristor chn 542 cd 40938
    Text: RCA Solid State Total Data Service System The RCA Solid State DATABOOKS are supplemented throughout the year by a comprehensive data service system that keeps you aware of all new device announcements and lets you obtain as much or as little product information as

    OCR Scan
    -206A CR208 CR210 CR212 CR280 CR301 CR303 CR304 CR306 CR311 chn 834 TRANSISTOR High-Power 202A MOSFET CA3458T 40468A 3N128 equivalent ta7657 DIODE chn 548 TA7374 Thyristor chn 542 cd 40938 PDF

    ZTX752 equivalent

    Abstract: transistor 42-10a data BC369 FXTA92 BSS98
    Text: B o ok 1 Through Hole Com ponents Table of Contents Section Introduction 1 Selection Guide 2 Datasheets 3 Package Outline Dimensions 4 Tape and Reel Specifications 5 Surface Mount Alternatives 6 Alphanumeric Index 7 Book 2 Surface Mount Components - Available on Request

    OCR Scan
    ZVP2106C ZVP2110A ZVP2110C ZVP2120A ZTX788B ZVP2120C ZVP3306A ZVP3310A ZVP4105A 2110C ZTX752 equivalent transistor 42-10a data BC369 FXTA92 BSS98 PDF