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    Abstract: SC11064 SSI 7200 SC11091CV SC11091C SC11091CQ mc9346n sc11061 SC11011 sw 2604 ic schematic
    Text: SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR CORP SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SHE D • 0242010 0 0 0 2 2 flb 'T-lS-'bir^O SC11091/SC11095 2400 bps Universal Modem Advanced Controller □ Reverse compatible w ith SC11011,21,61 □ Direct interface to SCI 1006, SC11024, SC11026, SC11044,

    OCR Scan
    SC11091/SC11095 68-PIN 42bis SC11091/SC11095) 16x16 SC11011 SC11024, SC11026, SC11044, SC11091 SC11064 SSI 7200 SC11091CV SC11091C SC11091CQ mc9346n sc11061 sw 2604 ic schematic PDF


    Abstract: LS 74139 74139 dual 2 to 4 data sheet 74139 S2090
    Text: - M O - Dual 2 to 4 Demultiplexers 74139 DATA OUTPUTS V çç 2G 2A / 2Y0 . L VO 2V 1 L VT 2V2 L 2Y 3 N I Y 3 D-l niiUMlnkiÂïr IG 1A IB 1V0 1Y 1 1V2 1V3 GNO DATA OUTPUTS o-t u 7 h cob# , L l - 't £ > LS ALS S AS AC HC HCU HOT BC tpd max E-NABLE yo—Y7 32

    OCR Scan

    ic 74139

    Abstract: ic 74139 decoder pin diagram decoder IC 74139 74139 ic features of ic 74139 74139 decoder chip pinout 74HCxx of ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder 74139 pin diagram
    Text: 33 H a r r is HPL -Q2C139 o> CO O <M CO Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD • Memory or I/O Chip Select Decoding, Replaces 2-3 ICs T O P VIEW • Similar to Industry Standard 74139 A C 1 16 3 • Microprocessor Bus Oriented Interface lb n 2 15 3 ŸÔ

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    -Q2C139 16-Pin -40OC -550C HPL-82C139 ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram decoder IC 74139 74139 ic features of ic 74139 74139 decoder chip pinout 74HCxx of ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder 74139 pin diagram PDF

    ic 74139 decoder pin diagram

    Abstract: 74139 pin diagram ic 74139 74139 decoder chip pinout decoder 74139 74139 decoder IC 74139 features of ic 74139 74139 decoder CI 74139
    Text: S I h a r r is H P L -Q 2 C 1 3 9 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD Pinout Features • T O P V IE W Mem ory o r I/O C hip Select Decoding, Replaces 2-3 ICs • S im ilar to Ind ustry Standard 74139 A • A rchitectu re O ptim ized fo r “ Bootstrap D ecoding"

    OCR Scan
    -Q2C139 16-Pin -40OC HPL-82C139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram 74139 pin diagram ic 74139 74139 decoder chip pinout decoder 74139 74139 decoder IC 74139 features of ic 74139 74139 decoder CI 74139 PDF

    ic 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: 74138 PIN DIAGRAM 74139 pin diagram 74138 OCTAL decoder ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74138 gl520 74139 ic 74139 decoder chip pinout
    Text: H a r r is HPL-82C339 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD F eatures • • • • • • • • • • Pinouts Memory or I/O Chip Select Decoding, Replaces 3-7 ICs Superset of the Industry Standard 74138/74139 Microprocessor Bus Oriented Interlace

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    HPL-82C339 HPL-82C339-5. HPL-82C339-9. HPL-82C339-8. 1250C ic 74138 pin diagram 74138 PIN DIAGRAM 74139 pin diagram 74138 OCTAL decoder ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74138 gl520 74139 ic 74139 decoder chip pinout PDF

    ic 74139

    Abstract: ic 74139 decoder pin diagram 74139 ic LS 74139
    Text: 33 Harris H P L -Q 2 C 1 3 9 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD Features • Pinout TO P VIEW M em ory or I/O C h ip S elect D ecoding, Replaces 2-3 ICs • Sim ilar to Industry Standard 74139 A C I 16 D • M icroprocesso r Bus O riented Interface

    OCR Scan
    HPL-82C139 ic 74139 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram 74139 ic LS 74139 PDF

    ic 74139 decoder pin diagram

    Abstract: ic 74139 decoder IC 74139 74139 ic
    Text: CSD H a r r i s HPL-82C339 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD Features Pinouts • M em o ry or I/O C h ip S elect D ecoding, R eplaces 3-7 ICs TO P VIEW • Superset of the Industry S tandard 7 41 38/74139 • M icroprocessor Bus O riented Interface

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    HPL-82C339 ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74139 decoder IC 74139 74139 ic PDF

    ic 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: IC 74138 74138 ic diagram ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74139 74138 OCTAL decoder decoder IC 74138 of ic 74138 74138 IC decoder IC 74139 pin diagram
    Text: h a r r is H PL-Q 2C 339 Programmable Chip Select Decoder PCSD Features • • • • • • • • • • Pinouts Memory or I/O Chip Select Decoding, Replaces 3-7 ICs Superset of the Industry Standard 74138/74139 Microprocessor Bus Oriented Interlace

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    HPL-82C339-5. PL-82C339-9. HPL-82C339-8. 1250C HPL-82C339 ic 74138 pin diagram IC 74138 74138 ic diagram ic 74139 decoder pin diagram ic 74139 74138 OCTAL decoder decoder IC 74138 of ic 74138 74138 IC decoder IC 74139 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: 25LS2539 LS 74139 74139 dual 2 to 4 74539
    Text: 74539 25LS2539 T in iiT ir E r ffT z n z r r a w ^ 2V. 2Yì ZV. 2P0L 2 0 E lA IB ofb üh%¿ o 3 T — I- it tj ;ii OK POL H X L L K X •Y« High Z L L H L H H H> a Y¡ 11 1 1Y' 1 Y. GND - 249- Dual 2 to 4 Demultiplexers (3-State) tpd tpd max A * E max A. B

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    25LS2539) 74139 25LS2539 LS 74139 74139 dual 2 to 4 74539 PDF

    sn 74373

    Abstract: SN 74114 logic diagram of ic 74112 IC 7486 xor IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 7486 xor IC sn 74377 IC TTL 7486 xor IC TTL 7495 diagram and truth table IC 74374
    Text: PLS-WS/SN MAX+PLUS II Programmable Logic Software for Sun Workstations Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 1 Features J J □ □ □ J □ IJ Softw are supp ort for Classic, M A X 5000, M A X 7000, and S T G EPLD s Runs on Sun S P A R C s ta tio n s with S u n O S version 4.1.1 or h igher

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11091/SC11095 2400 bps Universal Modem Advanced Controller SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ R everse c o m p a tib le w ith □ S u p p o rts M N P 2 -5 a n d CCITT □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 9 1 61 ^Q.r\rtnnnrkfin SC 11011,2 1,61 D irect in terface to SC11006,

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    SC11091/SC11095 SC11006, SC11024, SC11044, SC11046, SC11054 SRX3860 HC49/U 4912MHz PDF


    Abstract: APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 TGC100 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271
    Text: TGC100 Series 1-|im CMOS Gate Arrays RELEASE 4.0. REVISED SEPTEMBER 1991 14 Arrays with up to 26K Available Gates C E LL C O LU M N Fast Prototype Turnaround Time W IR IN G C H A N N E L Extensive Design Support -Design Libraries Compatible With Valid,u and Mentor CAE Systems

    OCR Scan
    TGC100 16-mA Slnk/12-mA 0221l APPLICATION NOTES CD 7474 IC bit-slice TGC119 IPF 830 RC02X ci 7432 ttl DTN20 tsg 271 PDF


    Abstract: TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131
    Text: From the Publishers of ETI & HE HEM M iNqs E U c t r o n ic s L rd Electronic C om ponents Et M icrocom puters 16 BRAND STREET, HITCHIN, HERTS, SG5 1JE Telephone: 0462 33031 memories 2114L 2708 2716 2532 2732 4116 4164 6116P3 6116LP3 •Op 220p 210p 380p

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    2114L 6116P3 6116LP3 AY-3-1270 AY-3-1350 AY-3-8910 AY-3-8912 AY-5-1230 CA3080E CA3130E SN76477 TNY 176 PN EQUIVALENT 2n4401 free transistor equivalent book tis43 XR2206 application notes Semiconductor Data Handbook mj802 2N3866 s2p bc149c TIP35C TIP36C sub amplifier circuit diagram LM131 PDF

    7408 CMOS

    Abstract: TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395
    Text: KG10000 SERIES SEMI-CUSTOM CMOS GATE ARRAY CMOS SILOCON GATE ARRAY Th e KG10000 S e rie s is c o n sists o f s ilico n gate C M O S arrays w hose inte rco n n e ctio n are in itia lly u n s p e c ifie d , th e re fo re custom LSI is p ro ce sse d w ith o n ly one m ask ste p a cu sto m ize d m etal m ask a c c o rd ­

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    KG10000 7408 CMOS TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395 PDF

    74138 decoder

    Abstract: 74139 decoder 74139 pin diagram SCM-101 decoder 74139 SCM100B datel scm-101 AS-002 AO SCM-100A 74138 logic circuit
    Text: DATEL INC 07E D • S b 51S b 1 00D10D4 3 ■ SCM -100, SCM-101 Four-Channel, Isolated Signal Conditioning M odules E D M T ÎE L T -7} - n - o i FEATURES • Wide input span range « 4-Channel operation • ±1000 Volts peak Isolation voltage • 1S6 dB CMR

    OCR Scan
    Sb51Sti SCM-100, SCM-101 SCM-100 SCM-100/101 SCM-100A SCM-100B SCM-101 74138 decoder 74139 decoder 74139 pin diagram decoder 74139 SCM100B datel scm-101 AS-002 AO 74138 logic circuit PDF

    74139 demultiplexer

    Abstract: 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER pin diagram 41 multiplexer 74153 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram bcd counter using j-k flip flop diagram pin diagram priority decoder 74148 CI 74151 74181 74175 clock 74165 block diagram 74151 demultiplexer
    Text: M OIVIOUOUU, s em i c onductor GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The OKI MSM60300, MSM60700. and MSM61000 gate arrays are fabricated using state-of-the-art 3/i dual-layer metal silicon gate CMOS technology. A unit cell consists of 4 pairs o f transistors where each pair is made up of a PMOS and a NMOS transistor.

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    MSM60300, MSM60700, MSM61000 MSM60300. MSM60700. MSMC0300 MSM60700 MSM61000 74139 demultiplexer 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER pin diagram 41 multiplexer 74153 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram bcd counter using j-k flip flop diagram pin diagram priority decoder 74148 CI 74151 74181 74175 clock 74165 block diagram 74151 demultiplexer PDF

    asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop

    Abstract: counter 74168 Multiplexer 74152 3-8 decoder 74138 synchronous counter using 4 flip flip 74183 alu 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder MH 74151 counter 74169 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER
    Text: • GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 7 0 V 0 0 0 series is the gate array LSI based on the m aster slice m e th o d using the high p erfo rm an ce silicon gate 1.5 m ic ro n H C M O S process w ith th e d u a l-la y e r m etal structure. T his series has th e features to easily realize fu n c tio n s o f th e s c h m itt trigger, c ry s ta l/

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    MSM70V000 MSM70V000, asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop counter 74168 Multiplexer 74152 3-8 decoder 74138 synchronous counter using 4 flip flip 74183 alu 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder MH 74151 counter 74169 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER PDF

    pin diagram AMD FX 9590

    Abstract: Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298
    Text: V o lu m e 5 $5.00 Harris Semiconductor Sector Capabilities Harris Semiconductor, one of the top ten U.S. merchant semiconductor suppliers, is a sector of Harris Corporation — a producer of advanced information processing, communication and microelectronic

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    K29793 NZ21084 RS39191 pin diagram AMD FX 9590 Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298 PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC ic 4583 schmitt trigger core bit excess 3 adder using IC 7483 advantages for ic 7473 4 BIT COUNTER 74669 la 4508 ic schematic diagram XF107 74295 random number generator by using ic 4011 and 4017
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high performance CMOS gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise customised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed performance previously obtainable only with bipolar technologies whilst retaining all the advantages of CMOS technology; low power consum p­

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    Abstract: 7474 D flip flop free alu 74382 counter schematic diagram 74161 sn 74373 pin diagram of ic 74190 ALU IC 74381 HFJV1 MUX 74151 IC 74373 truth table
    Text: PLDS-MAX & PLS-MAX M MAX+PLUS Program mable Logic Developm ent System & Software M Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 1 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ S o ftw a re su p p o rt for M A X 5000 M u ltip le A rray M atriX E PL D s H ierarch ical d esig n entry m eth o d s for b oth g rap h ic and text d esig n s

    OCR Scan
    7400-series 486-b 16CUDSLR 7474 D flip flop free alu 74382 counter schematic diagram 74161 sn 74373 pin diagram of ic 74190 ALU IC 74381 HFJV1 MUX 74151 IC 74373 truth table PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11091/SC11095 2400 bps Universal Modem Advanced Controller SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ Supports SD L C , H D L C , Bisync, M onosync & A sync protocols in softw are □ Reverse com patible w ith S C I 1011,21, 61 □ D irect interface to S C I 1006, SC11024, SC11026, SC11044,

    OCR Scan
    SC11091/SC11095 SC11024, SC11026, SC11044, SC11091CV SC11095CV 16x16 80-PIN PDF


    Abstract: 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC 74ls150 ph 4531 diode 4583 dual schmitt trigger ic D flip flop 7474 74245 BUFFER IC ic 7483 BCD adder data sheet ic 74139 Quad 2 input nand gate cd 4093
    Text: General Features The SCxD4 series of high perform ance CM O S gate arrays offers the user the ability to realise custom ised VLSI inte­ grated circuits featuring the speed perform ance previously obtainable only with bipo lar tech nolog ies whilst retaining all

    OCR Scan

    counter 74168

    Abstract: 3-8 decoder 74138 counter 74169 Multiplexer 74152 74183 adder 74381 alu 74169 binary counter 74151 8 by 1 Multiplexer flip flop 74379 74175 flip flops
    Text: • GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 7 0 V 0 0 0 series is the gate array LSI based on the m aster slice m e th o d using the high p erfo rm an ce silicon gate 1.5 m ic ro n H C M O S process w ith th e d u a l-la y e r m etal structure. T h is series has th e features to easily realize fu n c tio n s o f th e s c h m itt trigger, c ry s ta l/

    OCR Scan
    MSM70V000 MSM70V000, counter 74168 3-8 decoder 74138 counter 74169 Multiplexer 74152 74183 adder 74381 alu 74169 binary counter 74151 8 by 1 Multiplexer flip flop 74379 74175 flip flops PDF

    7408, 7404, 7486, 7432

    Abstract: RF400U functional diagram of 7400 and cd 4011 ls 7404 180 nm CMOS standard cell library TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 74191 4BITS s273 buffer 74374 7408 CMOS cmos 7404
    Text: TGC100 Series CMOS Gate Arrays RELEASE 3.0, REVISED JANUARY 1990 • Twelve Arrays with up to 26K Available Gates • Fast Prototype Turnaround Time • Extensive Design Support - Design Libraries Compatible with Daisy, Valid, and Mentor CAE Systems - Tl Regional ASIC Design Centers

    OCR Scan
    TGC100 20-mA Sink/12mA TDB10LJ 120LJ TDC11LJ TDN11LJ 100MHz 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 RF400U functional diagram of 7400 and cd 4011 ls 7404 180 nm CMOS standard cell library TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 74191 4BITS s273 buffer 74374 7408 CMOS cmos 7404 PDF