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    LS 7112 Search Results

    LS 7112 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    71124S20YGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 5.0V 128K x 8 Asynchronous Static RAM Center Pwr & Gnd Pinout Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71128S12YG Renesas Electronics Corporation 256K X 4 SRAM REV. PINOUT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71128S15YG Renesas Electronics Corporation 256K X 4 SRAM REV. PINOUT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71128S20Y8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 256K X 4 SRAM REV. PINOUT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    71124S20YG Renesas Electronics Corporation 5.0V 128K x 8 Asynchronous Static RAM Center Pwr & Gnd Pinout Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SF Impression Pixel

    LS 7112 Price and Stock

    Aries Electronics Inc 18-PLS15071-12

    IC & Component Sockets
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 18-PLS15071-12
    • 1 $69.58
    • 10 $67.81
    • 100 $62.14
    • 1000 $62.14
    • 10000 $62.14
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    Sensata Technologies LMLK1-1RLS4-29471-12

    Circuit Breakers Cir Brkr, Hyd Mag, 1 pl, 80VDC, 60A, plug in, aux sw, UL489, midtrip
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LMLK1-1RLS4-29471-12
    • 1 -
    • 10 $111.03
    • 100 $111.03
    • 1000 $111.03
    • 10000 $111.03
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    LS 7112 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    STR G 8654

    Abstract: A673 transistor transistor A673 transistor Bu 45080 TT 2188 mx 362-0 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 3401 diode BZW 70-20 sfh 202 diode 3302 81a ir receiver
    Text: Foreword Foreword Foreword Vorwort The information in this catalog is correct as of March 2011. Die Angaben in diesem Katalog entsprechen dem Stand März 2011. All products listed in this catalog are RoHS compliant, a fact that will be explicitly noted in the respective data sheet. For up-to-date


    TDA 7450

    Abstract: MVL blower PAPST TYP 8412 NGH papst typ 614 papst 8412 L papst 4214/12h papst variofan 4314 v papst 4312 ebm papst RG 160 papst-motoren
    Text: PAPST BASICS S t a n d a rd R a n g e of Fans and Blowers Tr e n d s e t t e r i n F a n Te c h n o l o g y Among the best. Trendsetting with innovative technologies. Listening to customers’ needs. Developing new ideas to meet requirements and realising them with pioneering spirit.

    TR-35220 TDA 7450 MVL blower PAPST TYP 8412 NGH papst typ 614 papst 8412 L papst 4214/12h papst variofan 4314 v papst 4312 ebm papst RG 160 papst-motoren PDF

    LS 7112

    Abstract: 3050 transistor transistor 3050 TA 2119 7112N Q193
    Text: ● DC fans with electronically commutated external rotor motor. Fully integrated commutation electronics. With electronic protection against reverse polarity and blocking. ● Metal fan housing, Series 7100 impellers of metal, Series 7200 of fibreglass reinforced plastic PA.


    DSE 130 -06A

    Abstract: vub 70-12 IXGH 30n120 vub 70-16 30N60B 80N10 12N60CD DSEI 30-16 AS DSEP 15-06A 13N50
    Text: Alphanumerical Index A AXC-051 AXC-051-R AXC-102 AXV-002 48 48 48 49 C CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS CS 142-12 ¡08 142-16 ¡08 19-08 h oi 19-08 h o lS 19-12 h o i 19-12 h o lS 20*12 io1 20-14 ¡01 20-16 ¡01

    OCR Scan
    AXC-051 AXC-051-R AXC-102 AXV-002 015-14to1 2x45-16io1 2x60-08io1 2x60-12io1 2x60-14io1 2x60-16io1 DSE 130 -06A vub 70-12 IXGH 30n120 vub 70-16 30N60B 80N10 12N60CD DSEI 30-16 AS DSEP 15-06A 13N50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E M IC O N D U C T Q R r MM74HC08 Quad 2-Input AND Gate General Description Features These AND gates utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS tech­ nology to achieve operating speeds similar to LS-TTL gates with the low power consumption of standard CMOS inte­

    OCR Scan
    MM74HC08 54LS/74LS 14-Lead MM74HC08M MM74HC08SJ MM74HC08N PDF

    Quartz Crystals 4mhz

    Abstract: VCXO Oscillators Crystals crystal 3mhz quartz 4MHz Crystals 4MHZ 20Mhz Half Can Crystal
    Text: MONITOR PRODUCTS CO INC 47E T> bSTTDTb 00002*14 6 • MPCO'7^jv-a 3 CUSTOM C R YSTA LS VCXOs VOLTAGE CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATORS_ 6701/6702 2 6 5 MAX 6701 6702 Frequency Range: 4MHz - 24.9MHz 25MHz - 65MHz Frequency Stability: ± 2 5 ppm Operating Temperature Range: 0°C to + 7 0 °C

    OCR Scan
    25MHz 65MHz 100ppm 20MHz 55HMz 15ppm 12VDC/5VDC 30mA/25mA 150ppm 5-90-1OM Quartz Crystals 4mhz VCXO Oscillators Crystals crystal 3mhz quartz 4MHz Crystals 4MHZ 20Mhz Half Can Crystal PDF


    Abstract: 7112H
    Text: PHOTO DETECTOR Cjr 53 NJL7112E/7141E N ew J R C N JL 7112H an d N JL 7 1 4 1 E a re p h o to d e te c to rs w ith a m in ia tu re ceram ic s te m , 3 m m in d ia m e te r. T h e se devices fe a tu re high sen sitiv ity an d fast sw itching sp eed s. In c o n n e c tio n w ith N JL 1 1 0 3 E , th e y a re id e a l fo r use in a p p lic atio n s su ch as in fra re d d e te c to rs o f in fo rm a tio n system s,

    OCR Scan
    NJL7112E/7141E 7112H 7141E 700nm NJL7141E PDF

    m 7106 ic

    Abstract: 7584B
    Text: C i r N A .TporO'iO^ v “ HS 7584 S IG N A L PRO CESSING EXCELLENCE Quad 12-Bit MDAC FEATURES • F o u r 12-B it DA Cs on a S in g le M on olithic C hip ■ In d e p e n d e n t V r ■ Low Power C M O S 5 mW ef Inp ut For E a c h D A C ■ S in g le + 5 V O p e ra tio n

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit 7584C 7584B m 7106 ic PDF

    IL 7106

    Abstract: lm 7107
    Text: g MOTOROLA M C 34055 Advance Information IEEE 8 0 2 .3 1 0B A S E -T T ra n s c e iv e r T h e M o to ro la 1 0 B A S E -T tra n sce ive r, d e s ig n e d to co m p ly w ith th e IS O 8 8 0 2 -3 [IE E E 8 0 2 .3 ] 1 0 B A S E -T sp e c ific a tio n , w ill s u p p o rt a M e d iu m

    OCR Scan
    MC34055 10BASE-T IL 7106 lm 7107 PDF

    cp clare mrb

    Abstract: CP Clare rp 8047 CP Clare RELAY cup REED RELAY clare cUP REED RELAY clare MRB cp clare reed relay EMIT-3020 cp clare DSS4 REED RELAY clare cp clare relay cup
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE Advanced Magnetics Products D a t a i .i n k ' • DataLink Product Family • P ro d u ct N am e M IT - 1 0 1 ^ M IT - 1 0 1 V M IT - 1 1 5 ^ M IT - 1 1 5 V M IT - 1 2 5 | f l ^ ' C?0?V i K f l t „5»?« ■ H y Ü Product Type Wet Couplers

    OCR Scan
    BD-650 BD-750 75-825V BD-850 BT-10 UGT-10 BT-12 UGT-12 BT-15 GT-15 cp clare mrb CP Clare rp 8047 CP Clare RELAY cup REED RELAY clare cUP REED RELAY clare MRB cp clare reed relay EMIT-3020 cp clare DSS4 REED RELAY clare cp clare relay cup PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8051KB/8052KB MCS -51 FAMILY 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • Four 15 mA LED Drivers ■ Boolean Processor ■ High Performance HMOS Process ■ Bit-Addressable RAM ■ Internal Timers/Event Counters ■ 2-Levei Interrupt Priority Structure ■ Programmable Full Duplex Serial

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    8051KB/8052KB 48TCLCL KB/B052KB PDF

    intel 8751 INSTRUCTION SET

    Abstract: ZD 103 ma intel 8051 Arithmetic and Logic Unit -ALU single chip microcontrollers intel 8751 ZD 103 MCS-51 MCS - 8751 40 PIN CERDIP 270872-001
    Text: m m js m m m In te l8 8051KB/8052KB MCS -51 FAMILY 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • Four 15 mA LED Drivers ■ Boolean Processor ■ High Performance HMOS Process ■ Bit-Addressable RAM ■ Internal Timers/Event Counters ■ 2-Level Interrupt Priority Structure

    OCR Scan
    8051KB/8052KB 48TCLCL 8051KB/8052KB intel 8751 INSTRUCTION SET ZD 103 ma intel 8051 Arithmetic and Logic Unit -ALU single chip microcontrollers intel 8751 ZD 103 MCS-51 MCS - 8751 40 PIN CERDIP 270872-001 PDF


    Abstract: DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CORP 4716s IM6100-IDL 1M6100 ttl crystal oscillator using 7404 IM6100-AIPL 41516 DX10 IM6101
    Text: IM 6 1 0 0 CMOS 1 2 B it M icroprocessor D M Ü ^D IL G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N FEA TU R ES • Silicon Gate Complementary MOS • Fully Static - 0 to 5.7 MHz • Single Power Supply IM6100 Vcc = 5 volts IM6100A Vcc = 10 volts • Crystal Controlled On Chip Timing

    OCR Scan
    IM6100 IM6100A 12-bit, 250nsec) 170nsec DIGITAL ELECTRONICS CORP 4716s IM6100-IDL 1M6100 ttl crystal oscillator using 7404 IM6100-AIPL 41516 DX10 IM6101 PDF


    Abstract: 40538 demultiplexer 4000B
    Text: 4053B TRIPLE 2-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER D E SC R IP TIO N — The 4053B is a Triple 2-Channel Analog M ultiplexer/Dem ultiplexer with a common Enable Input E . Each M ultiplexer/D em ultiplexer has tw o Independent Inputs/Outputs (Y 0 ,Y>|), a

    OCR Scan
    4053B 4053B 4000B 40538 demultiplexer PDF

    DIAGRAM OF IC 7106

    Abstract: hp 7540 4716s MH 7404 IM6100-IDL as 6001B 7550-1 IM6100 41516 1M6100
    Text: IM 6 1 0 0 CMOS 1 2 B it M icroprocessor D M Ü ^D IL G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N FEA TU R ES T h e IM 6 1 0 0 is a f ix e d w o r d le n g th , s in g le w o r d in s t r u c t io n , p a r a lle l t r a n s f e r m ic r o p r o c e s s o r u s in g 1 2 - b it , t w o ’s c o m p le ­

    OCR Scan
    IM6100 IM6100A 12-bit, 250nsec) 170nsec DIAGRAM OF IC 7106 hp 7540 4716s MH 7404 IM6100-IDL as 6001B 7550-1 41516 1M6100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 5117400BJ -50/-60/-70 HYB 5117400BT -50/-60/-70 A d v a n c e d In fo rm a tio n • 4 194 30 4 w o rd s by 4 -b it o rg a n iz a tio n S in g le + 5 V ± 10 % sup ply • 0 to 70 C o p e ra tin g te m p e ra tu re Low p o w e r dissip a tio n

    OCR Scan
    5117400BJ 5117400BT PDF


    Abstract: SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510 SN74ALS123 SN7401 74LS424 54175 SN74298 SN74265 SN74LS630 SN74LS69 National Semiconductor Linear Data Book Transistor AF 138 PDF


    Abstract: BTS 7166
    Text: CHAPTER uPD78218A and is p r o v i d e d three 8-bit 7 TIMER/COUNTER with one timer/counter T a b l e 7-1 16-bit unit unit channel ch annels. and Functions 16-bit timer/ counter 8-bit timer/ counter 1 8-bi t timer/ counter 2 8-bit timer/ counter 3 2ch 2ch

    OCR Scan
    uPD78218A 16-bit b42752S 007T021 BTS 7166 PDF

    TDA 7650

    Abstract: tda1501 ty 6004 equivalent TDA 7450 tda 7560 4 x 35 W IC AL 6001 pan 6432 tda 6205 sr flip flop 7410 GT 7104
    Text: HD-6120 33 HARRIS C M O S H IG H S P E E D 12 B IT M I C R O P R O C E S S O R Pinout Features • L O W P O W E R , 5 0 M W O P E R A T IN G , 2 M W STATIC • S IN G L E S U P P L Y - 5V • O P E R A T IO N F R O M D C TO 5.1 M H Z • IN D U S T R IA L A N D M IL IT A R Y T E M P E R A T U R E R A N G E S

    OCR Scan
    HD-6120 TDA 7650 tda1501 ty 6004 equivalent TDA 7450 tda 7560 4 x 35 W IC AL 6001 pan 6432 tda 6205 sr flip flop 7410 GT 7104 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU PROGRAMMABLE SCHOTTKY 256-B IT READ ONLY MEMORY MB MB MB MB 7111E/H 7112E/H/Y 7111L 7112L March 1986 E d itio n 2.0 SCHOTTKY 256 BIT DEAP PROM 32 WORDS x 8 BITS The F u jits u M B 7111 and M B 7 1 1 2 are h ig h speed S c h o ttk y T T L e le c tric a lly

    OCR Scan
    256-B 7111E/H 7112E/H/Y 7111L 7112L 7112E C20004S-1C M2563 PDF

    AN 7112E

    Abstract: 7112E 7111l MB7112E MB7112L MB7111
    Text: MB MB MB MB PROGRAMMABLE SCHOTTKY 2 5 6 -BIT READ ONLY MEMORY FU JITSU 7111E/H 7112E/H/Y 7111L 7112L March 1986 E d itio n 2.0 SCHOTTKY 256 BIT DEAP PROM 32 WORDS x 8 BITS T h e F u jits u M B 7111 and M B 7 1 1 2 are h ig h speed S c h o ttk y T T L e le c tric a lly

    OCR Scan
    7111E/H 7112E/H/Y 7111L 7112L 7111E 7112E AN 7112E MB7112E MB7112L MB7111 PDF

    TDA 7450

    Abstract: TDA 6275 7530-1 sti 7110 TDA 7650 TDA 7240 equivalent CPU STI 7110 TDA 7240 pin diagram harris 6120 tomtom

    OCR Scan
    HD-6120 HD-6120 TDA 7450 TDA 6275 7530-1 sti 7110 TDA 7650 TDA 7240 equivalent CPU STI 7110 TDA 7240 pin diagram harris 6120 tomtom PDF


    Text: yi/iyixjyi/i , 19-3950; Rev0; 6/91 C om plete 8-C hannel, 12-Bit D ata-A cquisition System s The MAX180 ha s8 a n a lo g input channels, while the MAX181 has 6. The' multiplexer output of the MAX180 is fed directly into the A nalog-to-D igital Converter AD C input. The

    OCR Scan
    12-Bit MAX180/MAX181 100kHz 16-bit MAX180 MAX181 MAX181AEQH 7130H 2902Y SERVO BOARD V3.2 MAX180ACPL MAX180ACQH MAX180BCPL MAX180BCQH MAX180CCPL PDF


    Abstract: C7110 Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit MSC7112-01SS MSC7110-01 MSC7112-01 QFP44-P-910-0 oki C7112 4 digits 12-segment led display oki c7112-01
    Text: E2C0028-27-Y4 O K I Semiconductor M S C 7 1 10-01/7112-01 This version: N ov. 1997 P revious version: Jul. 1996 12-Segment x 16-Digit or 16-Segment x 12-Digit Display Controller/Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSC7110-01 /M SC 7112-01 is a display controller to display the tim er of video tap e recorder,

    OCR Scan
    E2C0028-27-Y4 MSC7110-01 MSC7112-01 12-Segment 16-Digit 16-Segment 12-Digit MSC7110-01/7112-01 C7112-01 C7110 Digital Pulse Counter Two Digit MSC7112-01SS MSC7112-01 QFP44-P-910-0 oki C7112 4 digits 12-segment led display oki c7112-01 PDF