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    Advantech Co Ltd BB-232LPTTL33

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey BB-232LPTTL33 Bulk 90 1
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    Avnet Americas BB-232LPTTL33 Bulk 11 Weeks 1
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Mouser Electronics BB-232LPTTL33 120
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    Newark BB-232LPTTL33 Bulk 102 1
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    RS BB-232LPTTL33 Bulk 18 Weeks 1
    • 1 $72.72
    • 10 $69.08
    • 100 $61.81
    • 1000 $61.81
    • 10000 $61.81
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    Neutron USA BB-232LPTTL33 50
    • 1 $162.99
    • 10 $162.99
    • 100 $162.99
    • 1000 $162.99
    • 10000 $162.99
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    Advantech Co Ltd BB-232LPTTL

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    DigiKey BB-232LPTTL Bulk 41 1
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    Avnet Americas BB-232LPTTL Bulk 12 Weeks, 5 Days 1
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    BB-232LPTTL Bulk 14 Weeks 1
    • 1 $72.36
    • 10 $70.74
    • 100 $65.88
    • 1000 $65.88
    • 10000 $65.88
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    Mouser Electronics BB-232LPTTL 81
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    Newark BB-232LPTTL Bulk 64 1
    • 1 $72
    • 10 $72
    • 100 $72
    • 1000 $72
    • 10000 $72
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    RS BB-232LPTTL Bulk 23 18 Weeks 1
    • 1 $72.72
    • 10 $69.08
    • 100 $61.81
    • 1000 $61.81
    • 10000 $61.81
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    TME BB-232LPTTL 1 1
    • 1 $60.86
    • 10 $56.66
    • 100 $56.66
    • 1000 $56.66
    • 10000 $56.66
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    Neutron USA BB-232LPTTL 21
    • 1 $92
    • 10 $92
    • 100 $92
    • 1000 $92
    • 10000 $92
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    c3controls RLPTT125DLA-IPBCAR

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    DigiKey RLPTT125DLA-IPBCAR Bag
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
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    ASSMANN WSW components GmbH A-DF-15-PP-LP-T-THT

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    DigiKey A-DF-15-PP-LP-T-THT Tray 1,638
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
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    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $1.5887
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    ASSMANN WSW components GmbH A-DS-15-PP-LP-T-THT

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    DigiKey A-DS-15-PP-LP-T-THT Tray 1,638
    • 1 -
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    • 10000 $1.5887
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    LPTT Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L18 LOW POWER EIGHT-INPUT PRIORITY ENCODER D E S C R IP T IO N — The L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 1 8 is a Multipurpose Encoder designed to accept eight inputs and produce a binary weighted code of the highest order input. The circuit uses T T L technology for

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    93L18 ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: truth table for 1 to 4 decoder ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L21 LOW POWER DUAL ONE-OF-FOUR DECODER DESCRIPTIO N — The LPTTL/M SI 93L21 consists of two independent multipurpose decoders, each designed to accept two inputs and provide four mutually exclusive outputs. In addition an active LOW enable input is provided for each decoder which gives demultiplexing capability. The circuit uses T TL

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    93L21 16-LEAD truth table for 1 to 4 decoder ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: hd12d ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L11 LOW POWER ONE-OF-SIXTEEN DECODER DESCRIPTIO N — The LP T TL/M S I 93L11 is a Multi-Purpose Decoder designed to accept fo u r inputs and provide 16 m utually exclusive outputs. The circu it uses T T L technology and is com patible w ith the

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    93L11 24-LEAD hd12d ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L14 LOW POWER QUAD LATCH D ESC R IP TIO N — The LPTTL/M SI 93L14 is a multifunctional 4-Bit Latch. The latch is designed for general purpose storage applications in high speed digital systems. The 93L14 uses T T L technology and is compatible with the Fairchild T T L family. All inputs feature diode clamping to reduce negative

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    93L14 16-LEAD ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L12 LOW POWER EIGHT-INPUT MULTIPLEXER D E S C R IP T IO N — The L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 1 2 is a m onolithic, medium speed, eight input digital M u lti­ plexer. It provides in one package the ab ility to select one bit of data from up to eight sources. The

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    93L12 ScansUX992 PDF

    circuit of 8-1 multiplexer

    Abstract: circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer 93L09 Fairchild 93l09 two 81 multiplexer Truth table of 16 to 1 multiplexer ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L09 LOW POWER DUAL FOUR-INPUT MULTIPLEXER D E S C R IP T IO N — The LPT TL/M SI 93L09 is a Monolithic, Medium Speed, Dual 4-Input Digital Multiplexer. It consists of two multiplexing circuits with common input select logic. Each circuit contains four inputs and fully buffered complementary outputs. In addition to operating as a multi­

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    93L09 circuit of 8-1 multiplexer circuit diagram of 8-1 multiplexer Fairchild 93l09 two 81 multiplexer Truth table of 16 to 1 multiplexer ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L04 LOW POWER HEX INVERTER This M a te r i a l C o p y r i g h t e d By Its R e s p e c t i v e M a n u f a c t u r e r F A IR C H IL D LPTTL/SS I 9 L0 4 A B S O L U T E M A X I M U M R A T IN G S above w h ic h th e u se fu l lif e m a y be .mpaire<JJ

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    14-LE 9L04 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX992 fairchild 93L22
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L22 LOW POWER QUAD TW O-INPUT MULTIPLEXER D E S C R IP T IO N — The L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 2 2 is a m onolithic, medium speed. Quad T w o -In p u t Digital M u ltip lexe r, constructed w ith the Fairchild Planar* epitaxial process. It consists of fo ur m ultiplexing

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    93L22 16-LEAD ScansUX992 fairchild 93L22 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX991
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 9 3 LOO LOW POWER 4-BIT SHIFT REGISTER D E S C R IP T IO N — T h e L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 0 0 4 -B it S h ift R egister is a m e d iu m speed m u lti-fu n c tio n a l sequential lo g ic b lo c k , useful in a w id e v a rie ty o f register and c o u n te r a p p lic a tio n s . As a register it m ay

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    93LOO 93L00 16-LEAD ScansUX991 PDF


    Abstract: LITRONIX Phototransistors LPT110A tachometer LPT100 LPT100A LPT100B LPT110 LPT110B
    Text: Litronix Semiconductors Phototransistors D IM E N S IO N S LPT100 Series Phototransistor LPT 1 0 0 /L P T IQOA/LPTtOOB D E S C R IP T IO N Th e LPT100 series is a highly stable phototransistor in a ceramic case. They are Intended for use in position detectors, burglar alarms, optical

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    LPT100 100mW Cto85Â LPT110/lPT110A/LPTH0B 34607R LITRONIX LITRONIX Phototransistors LPT110A tachometer LPT100A LPT100B LPT110 LPT110B PDF

    Fairchild dtl catalog

    Abstract: dtl catalog fairchild 93L10 93L16 93L10-93L16 ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L10-93L16 LOW POWER BCD DECADE C0UNTER/4-BIT BINARY COUNTER DESCR IPTIO N — The 9 3 L 1 0 is a High Speed Synchronous BCD Decade Counter and the 9 3 L 1 6 is a High Speed Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counter. They are synchronously presetable, multifunctional

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    93L10-93L16 93L10 93L16 Fairchild dtl catalog dtl catalog fairchild ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: F 93L24 ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L24 LOW POWER 5-BIT COMPARATOR D E S C R IP T IO N — Th e L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 2 4 is a M e d iu m Speed E xpandable C o m p a ra to r w h ic h provides co m p a riso n betw een tw o 5 -b it w ord s and gives three o u tp u ts , "less th a n ", "g re a te r th a n ” , and "e q u a l

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    93L24 16-LEAD F 93L24 ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX997
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L24 LOW POWER DUAL JK OR D FLIP-FLOP DESCRIPTIO N — The Low Power TTL/SSI 9L24 consists of two completely independent transition clocked JK flip-flops. The clocking operation is independent of rise and fall times of the clock waveform. The JK design allows operation as a D flip-flop by simply connecting the J and K pins

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    16-LEAD 500ns- 9L24 ScansUX997 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX997
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L04 LOW POWER HEX INVERTER D E S C R IP T IO N — The lo w po w e r T T L /S S I 9 L 0 4 consists o f six T T L gates, each p e rfo rm in g a single inversion fu n c tio n . Designed fo r lo w po w e r, m e d iu m speed o p e ra tio n , the 9 L 0 4 is very useful w here

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    14-LEAD 9L04 ScansUX997 PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX992
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L08 LOW POWER DUAL FOUR-BIT LATCH DESCRIPTIO N The LPTTL/M SI 9 3 L 08 is a Dual 4-B it Latch designed fo r general purpose storage applications in m edium speed digital systems. The 93 L 08 uses T T L technology and is T T L compatible. A ll inputs incorporate diode clamps to ground to reduce negative line transients. A ll outputs have

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    93L08 24-LEAD ScansUX992 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BU4S71 Single OR gate The BU4S71 is a 2-input positive logic OR gate. Dimensions Units : mm BU4S71 (SMP5) Features • low current consumption • wide operating voltage range • can directly drive 2 LpTTL inputs and a LS-TTL input „r •fl» ni Il B

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    BU4S71 BU4S71 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L04 LOW POWER HEX INVERTER CV DESCRIPTION — The low power TTL/SSI 9L04 consists of six TTL gates, each performing a single inversion function. Designed for low power, medium »peed operation, the 9L04 is very useful where • number of complement signets are desired simultaneously

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    14-LEAD PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX993
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L28 LOW POWER DUAL 8-BIT SHIFT REGISTER DESCRIPTIO N — The LP T TL/M S I 9 3 L 28 is a m edium speed Serial Storage Element providing six­ teen bits o f storage in the fo rm o f tw o 8 -b it registers that w ill s h ift at greater than 5 MHz rates. The

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    93L28 ScansUX993 PDF


    Abstract: fairchild quad ScansUX997
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L86 LOW POWER QUAD EXCLUSIVE OR GATE D E S C R IP T IO N — The Low Power TTL/SSI 9L86 consists of four Exclusive OR Gates. Designed for low power, medium speed operation, the 9L86 is useful in large number of code conversion, parity generation/checking and comparison applications. The exclusive OR gate produces an output when

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    14-LEAD 9L86XM 9L86XC PIN14 fairchild quad ScansUX997 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LPTTL/SSI 9L54 LOW POWER AND-OR-INVERT GATE DESCRIPTION — The Low Power TTL/SSI 9L54 is a four wide, 2-2-2-3-input AND-OR-INVERT Gate. It is designed for low power and medium speed operation. TYPICAL POWER DISSIPATION OF 10 mW TYPICAL DELAY OF 25 ns INPUT CLAMP DIODES LIM IT HIGH SPEED TERMINATION EFFECTS

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    Abstract: N5700
    Text: MN5700 200 °C 12 BIT A/D CONVERTER FEATURES • —55°C to +200°C Guaranteed Performance • Max Linearity Error ±0.05%FSR at +200°C • Max Accuracy Error ±1%FSR at +200°C • Low Power 311tnW • Internal Reference • 250 /¿sec Conversion Time • LPTTL-CMOS Compatible

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    311mW N5700 MN5700 N5700 PDF


    Abstract: 21CFR1040.10 10g DFB Duplex LC InGaAs ES105 ES1052-LPTTA
    Text: Single-Mode LC XFP Transceiver For 10Gigabit Ethernet & 10G Fibre Channel ES1052-LPTTA Preliminary Data Sheet Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1310nm DFB laser Class 1 Laser Safety Conformance Links up to 10km Compliant with specifications for IEEE-802.3ae

    10Gigabit ES1052-LPTTA 1310nm IEEE-802 10GBASE-L) 51875Gbps 10Gbps 21CFR1040 21CFR1040.10 10g DFB Duplex LC InGaAs ES105 ES1052-LPTTA PDF


    Abstract: ScansUX991
    Text: LPTTL/MSI 93L01 LOW POWER ONE-OF-TEN DECODER D E S C R IP T IO N — The L P T T L /M S I 9 3 L 01 is a M ultipurpose Decoder designed to accept fo ur inputs and provide 10 m utu ally exclusive outputs. The circuit uses T T L technology and is com patible with

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    93LOI 93L01 16-LEAD ScansUX991 PDF


    Abstract: 96L02 100C 2N5962 103pF ScansUX994
    Text: LPTTL/MONOSTABLE 96L02 LOW POWER DUAL RETRIGGERABLE RESETTABLE MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR DESCRIPTIO N — The TTL/Monostable 96L02 is a low power Dual Retriggerable, Resettable Monostable Multivibrator which provides an output pulse whose duration and accuracy is a

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    96L02 The96L02 2N5961 100C 2N5962 103pF ScansUX994 PDF