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    LM324DRE4 Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM324ADE4 Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM324APW Texas Instruments Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-TSSOP 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM324MTX/NOPB Texas Instruments Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier 14-TSSOP 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM324MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

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    Abstract: ICM555 TDA8842 ic TDA8842 tl494 application notes motor control lm339 igbt driver OF IC 78xx regulator LM556 PWM NE556 PWM pwm lm2904
    Text: Function OP AMP Dual Operational Amplifer Dual Operational Amplifer Dual Operational Amplifer Pins Package 8 8 DIP8/SOP8/SIP8 DIP8/SOP8/SIP8 IL358 IL4558 IK Semi IL4560 LT Hualon Winbond Atmel Mitel UMC Samsung Infineon FSC FSC FSC On Semi KA358 KA4558 LM358

    IL358 IL4558 IL4560 KA358 KA4558 LM358 RC4558 KA324 LM324 LM833 TDA8844 ICM555 TDA8842 ic TDA8842 tl494 application notes motor control lm339 igbt driver OF IC 78xx regulator LM556 PWM NE556 PWM pwm lm2904 PDF


    Abstract: ic TDA8842 TDA8842 OF IC 78xx regulator Samsung TV tuners module LMC556 LM317 toshiba uA4558 uhf linear amplifier module 5w KA7500
    Text: Function Pins Package IK Semi OP AMP Dual Operational Amplifer Dual Operational Amplifer Dual Operational Amplifer 8 8 8 DIP/SOP/SIP DIP/SOP/SIP DIP/SOP IL358 IL4558 IL4560 Dual Operational Amplifer Quad Operational Amplifer Low Power J-FET Dual Operational Amplifer

    IL358 IL4558 IL4560 IL4580 IL324 IL062 IL072 IL082 IL1776C IL1458 TDA8844 ic TDA8842 TDA8842 OF IC 78xx regulator Samsung TV tuners module LMC556 LM317 toshiba uA4558 uhf linear amplifier module 5w KA7500 PDF


    Abstract: TDA8842 NE555 PHILIPS ic TDA8842 KA7500 lmc556 ICM555 LM358 UTC il1458 79xx voltage regulator
    Text: INTEGRAL KOEA pn mfr case IL1085 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 IL1084 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 IL1083 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 IL9270N IK-Semi DIP18 IL91350A IK-Semi DIP20/SOP20 IL6083B IK-Semi DIP8 IL6270 IK-Semi DIP8 IL91531N IK-Semi DIP16 IL9151-3 IK-Semi DIP16 IL91260C

    IL1085 O-220/252/263 IL1084 IL1083 IL9270N DIP18 IL91350A DIP20/SOP20 TDA8844 TDA8842 NE555 PHILIPS ic TDA8842 KA7500 lmc556 ICM555 LM358 UTC il1458 79xx voltage regulator PDF

    78xx 79xx

    Abstract: ICM555 TDA8844 TDA8842 ic TDA8842 lmc556 79xx voltage regulator uA4558 LM556 PWM tl494 motor
    Text: INTEGRAL KOEA pn mfr case desc1 Altenate1 Alternate1-mfr IL1085 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator LT1085 LT IL1084 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator LT1084 LT LT IL1083 IK-Semi TO-220/252/263 Low Dropout Voltage Regulator

    IL1085 O-220/252/263 LT1085 IL1084 LT1084 IL1083 LT1083 IL9270N 78xx 79xx ICM555 TDA8844 TDA8842 ic TDA8842 lmc556 79xx voltage regulator uA4558 LM556 PWM tl494 motor PDF


    Abstract: LM317 B1588 lm317 to92 ka3842 equivalent mc3842 ka3842 equivalent uc3842 B1115 LM317 sot23 mc3843a
    Text: MANF. BAY Alpha Semi AS1115 AS1117 AS1580 AS1581 AS1582 AS1583 AS2431 AS2810 AS2815 AS2830 AS2850 AS2880 AS2930 AS2931 AS2950 AS2951 AS431 TL431 AS431C AS432 LP2950 LP2951 B1115 B1117 B1580 B1581 B1582 B1583 B3431 B1117 B1586 B1587 B1585 B1584 LM2930 LM2931

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    LM741 texas instruments

    Abstract: LM723 MC1723 lm317 lm337 lm301a NJM4580, ne5532 LM353 equivalent tl494 hitachi ha2500 LM353 TEXAS st tl074 LF353 equivalent TSSOP
    Text: R E A L W O R L D S I G N A L P TM R O C E S S I N G Standard Linear Products Cross-Reference Including Amplifiers, Comparators, Timers, Peripheral Drivers, Power Management Controllers, References, Regulators, Supervisors, Shunts, Transmitters and Receivers

    SLYU001H) A111103 SLYT017B LM741 texas instruments LM723 MC1723 lm317 lm337 lm301a NJM4580, ne5532 LM353 equivalent tl494 hitachi ha2500 LM353 TEXAS st tl074 LF353 equivalent TSSOP PDF

    TL2843 uc2843

    Abstract: LM353 equivalent LM308 replacement National Semiconductor voltage regulator lm7812 HA358 LM6572 lm741 motorola TL2843 Equivalent Device LT1201 regulator xr-l555
    Text: T H E W O R L D L E A D E R I N D S P A N D A N A L O G Analog Products Cross-Reference Including Amplifiers, Comparators, Timers, Peripheral Drivers, Power Management Controllers, References, Regulators, Supervisors, Shunts, Transmitters and Receivers July 2000

    SLYU001) A050200 SLYT017 TL2843 uc2843 LM353 equivalent LM308 replacement National Semiconductor voltage regulator lm7812 HA358 LM6572 lm741 motorola TL2843 Equivalent Device LT1201 regulator xr-l555 PDF


    Abstract: LM709 equivalent LM1458B UC28428 xr-l555 UC28448 uc28438 TL2843 UC2843 HA358 MC33076
    Text: AD542AU2904 Competitor’s Generic Device Name* Texas Instruments Equivalent Device* Pin Count Available Packages Temperature Range Usage Code† AD542 TLE2161 8 PDIP 0° to 70°C, -40° to 85°C Q AD544 TLE2061 8 PDIP, SOP 0° to 70°C, -40° to 85°C

    AD542--AU2904 AD542 TLE2161 AD544 TLE2061 AD546 AD547 AD548 UC38438 LM709 equivalent LM1458B UC28428 xr-l555 UC28448 uc28438 TL2843 UC2843 HA358 MC33076 PDF


    Abstract: ic lm324 062 JRC JRC 062 Q9012 KS0107 LM324 samsung cs21 lm324 water level samsung lcd inspection
    Text: USER’S MANUAL FOR LCD MODULE EDM12864P Dalian Sanson Infortech Corporation. User’s Manual Contents 1. Scope -2 2. Warranty -2 3. Quality

    EDM12864P NJU7670 LM324 EDM12864P ic lm324 062 JRC JRC 062 Q9012 KS0107 LM324 samsung cs21 lm324 water level samsung lcd inspection PDF


    Abstract: PIC16C738 Y11W pwm lm324 discrete PWM matlab source code 16c74 2kd 60 adc matlab code 60Hz notch filter LM324
    Text: AN616 Digital Signal Processing with the PIC16C74 Author: The input signal, x t , is first passed through an input filter (commonly called the anti-aliasing filter) whose function is to bandlimit the signal to below the Nyquist rate (one half the sampling frequency) to prevent

    AN616 PIC16C74 DS00616A-page DC MOTOR DRIVE WITH LM324 PIC16C738 Y11W pwm lm324 discrete PWM matlab source code 16c74 2kd 60 adc matlab code 60Hz notch filter LM324 PDF


    Abstract: LM324 IC KD 2107 6 PIN DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 AN525 AN538 AN546 AN616 PIC16C54 PIC16C6X
    Text: AN616 Digital Signal Processing with the PIC16C74 Author: output sample, y n , is then converted back into the continuous-time signal, y(t), by the D/A converter and output low-pass filter. Darius Mostowfi Design Consultant The calculation of the output signal using a difference

    AN616 PIC16C74 DS00616A-page PIC16C738 LM324 IC KD 2107 6 PIN DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 AN525 AN538 AN546 AN616 PIC16C54 PIC16C6X PDF


    Abstract: pid controller matlab source code 60Hz notch filter LM324 DC MOTOR DRIVE WITH LM324 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 simple LM324 16C74 HALL SENSOR SS 94 A2 AN525
    Text: AN616 Digital Signal Processing with the PIC16C74 Author: The input signal, x t , is first passed through an input filter (commonly called the anti-aliasing filter) whose function is to bandlimit the signal to below the Nyquist rate (one half the sampling frequency) to prevent

    AN616 PIC16C74 PIC16C738 pid controller matlab source code 60Hz notch filter LM324 DC MOTOR DRIVE WITH LM324 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 simple LM324 16C74 HALL SENSOR SS 94 A2 AN525 PDF

    DC MOTOR SPEED CONtrol lm324 pwm pic

    Abstract: DC MOTOR DRIVE WITH LM324 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 mark b2Z PID controller using OPAMP LM324 IIR FILTER implementation in c language 60Hz notch filter pwm with assembly language for pic pic kit2
    Text: AN616 Digital Signal Processing with the PIC16C74 Author: The input signal, x t , is first passed through an input filter (commonly called the anti-aliasing filter) whose function is to bandlimit the signal to below the Nyquist rate (one half the sampling frequency) to prevent

    AN616 PIC16C74 D-81739 DC MOTOR SPEED CONtrol lm324 pwm pic DC MOTOR DRIVE WITH LM324 DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING lm324 mark b2Z PID controller using OPAMP LM324 IIR FILTER implementation in c language 60Hz notch filter pwm with assembly language for pic pic kit2 PDF

    transistor SR 13001

    Abstract: RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

    PCF5001 TAPE11 TAPE13 transistor SR 13001 RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618 PDF


    Abstract: SBX1610-52 LA2785 MC1723CP equivalent lm723cn M62477 L7805CV equivalent M50727 M34510M4 sbx1610 UPC177C
    Text: NJR Corporation 12/12/00 Cross Reference Guide Sorted By Part Number Part Number AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN311 AN311S AN7810 TO-220 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20 AN78L24 AN78M10 AN78M18 AN78M20 AN7924 AN79L05

    AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN311 AN311S KAD7001 SBX1610-52 LA2785 MC1723CP equivalent lm723cn M62477 L7805CV equivalent M50727 M34510M4 sbx1610 UPC177C PDF


    Abstract: SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1
    Text: 12/11/02 NJR Corporation Cross Reference Guide Sorted by Part Number Winter 2003 Competing Part Number AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 AN1458 AN1458S AN311 AN311S AN6572 AN7810 AN78L06 AN78L08 AN78L09 AN78L18 AN78L20

    AD66761 AN1311 AN1311S AN1319 AN1319S AN1339 AN1339NS AN1393 AN1393NS AN1432 KAD7001 SBX1610-52 sony SBX1610-52 LA2785 UPC177C ST L7805CV NJM79L05A SBX1810-52 sbx1610 MC34063P1 PDF

    0809 analog to digital converter

    Abstract: P16C71 1N746 1N747 1N748 1N749 1N750 1N751 Zener diode 1N752 AD580
    Text: Using the Analog to Digital Converter AN546 Using the Analog to Digital Converter INTRODUCTION Transition Point This application note is intended for PIC16C7X users with various degrees of familiarity with analog system design. The various sections discuss the following topics:

    AN546 PIC16C7X 0809 analog to digital converter P16C71 1N746 1N747 1N748 1N749 1N750 1N751 Zener diode 1N752 AD580 PDF

    LM385 2.5V zener

    Abstract: 0809 analog to digital converter TAD 2822 M AN546 P16C71 LM324 internal block diagram LM385-2.5V LM324 PIN DIAGRAM INTERNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF LM324 diode 1N750
    Text: M AN546 Using the Analog-to-Digital A/D Converter Authors: Note that the digital output value is 00h for the analog input voltage range of 0 to 1LSb. In some converters, the first transition point is at 0.5LSb and not at 1LSb as shown in Figure 2. Either way, by knowing the transfer

    AN546 PIC16C7X PIC16C71 DS00546E-page LM385 2.5V zener 0809 analog to digital converter TAD 2822 M AN546 P16C71 LM324 internal block diagram LM385-2.5V LM324 PIN DIAGRAM INTERNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF LM324 diode 1N750 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS INC 42E D LM324 7U4142 POG'1372 S O S f l G K LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT QUAD LOW POWER OP AMP The LM324 of quad operational am plifiers are very low power operation, and can operate at supply voltages from 3 volts to 32 volts. FEATURES

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    LM324 7U4142 LM324 00V/m LM324N LM324D 7m142 PDF

    SAMSUNG lm324

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM324 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT QUAD LOW POWER OP AMP The LM324 of quad operational amplifiers are very low power operation, and can operate at supply voltages from 3 volts to 32 volts. FEATURES • • • • Low power operation: typ 1mA Input common mode voltage range: 0 - V Cc -1 .5

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    LM324 LM324 00V/mV LM324N LM324D SAMSUNG lm324 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM224/A, LM324/A, LM2902 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS The LM224 series c o n s is ts o f fo u r independent, high gain, inte rnally frequency com pensated operational am p lifie rs w hich were designed s p e c ific a lly to operate from a sin g le pow er s u p p ly over a w ide voltage

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    LM224/A, LM324/A, LM2902 LM224 1000H PDF

    NEC PC1701C

    Abstract: TA7719P sony cxa1081 M51544L M52440ASP CXD1161 cxd1130 JRC 386 amp HM91620A pc1701c
    Text: LINEAR ICs CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 1. AUDIO 1.1 Analog Audio Application SAMSUNG Power Amplifier SANYO KA2201 *LA4145 KA2212 LA4140 KA386 KA2206 LA4182/3 TA7769P ROHM AN7116 BA527 *AN7112 BA526 AN7143 BA534 BA546 TA7376P KA22131 Dual EQ AMP { Power ‘ TA8210

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    KA2201 KA2212 KA386 KA2206 KA22065 KA22066 KA2209 KA22103 KA2214 KA2213/0 NEC PC1701C TA7719P sony cxa1081 M51544L M52440ASP CXD1161 cxd1130 JRC 386 amp HM91620A pc1701c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR ••• - • • INC ífl. "•• DE J 7 ^ 4 1 4 3 - • • ••••.« v. . LM248/LM348 : 00047Tfl 3 - 0 f - ■■ LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS The LM248/LM348 Is a true quad LM741. It consists o f four

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    LM248/LM348 00047Tfl LM248/LM348 LM741. LM741 1000Hz 100Hz 160KA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM248/LM348 LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS The LM248/LM348 is a true quad LM741. It c o n s ists o f fou r independent, high-gain, internally com pensated, low -pow er operational a m p lifie rs w h ic h have been d e s ig n e d to p ro v id e fu n c tio n a l

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    LM248/LM348 LM248/LM348 LM741. LM741 1000Hz PDF