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    RFB0807-821L Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 820uH, 10%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc
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    ITT Interconnect Solutions SNLM-P-C35-25S-GY

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    Mouser Electronics SNLM-P-C35-25S-GY
    • 1 $109.44
    • 10 $109.44
    • 100 $104.47
    • 1000 $104.47
    • 10000 $104.47
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E E | 5_8 Elm a se t w w w .e lm a .com 6 : EM C / H F Ga sk e t s 6 .1 EM C / H F Ga sk e t s E | 6_2 6.1.1 EMC Contact Springs A E | 6_2 6.1.2 EMC Contact Strips (A) E | 6_2 6.1.3 HF Gaskets (A) E | 6_3 6.1.4 EMC Gaskets (B) Stainless Steel E | 6_3 6.1.5 EMC Gaskets (B) Foam Core

    33E025 PDF


    Abstract: MSP 044 THERMISTOR HKE Relay HKE 8 pin Relay BEX VARISTOR schematic design for surge protector and electric sp 201 adsl splitter MOV surge protection circuit diagram RD2 earth leakage relay circuit diagram of surge protector for AC mains
    Text: Bourns Circuit Protection Selection Guide Circuit Protection Solutions The Bourns Mission Our goal is to satisfy customers on a global basis while achieving sound growth with technological products of innovative design, superior quality and exceptional value. We commit ourselves to

    15M/K0427 GR-3108 MSP 044 THERMISTOR HKE Relay HKE 8 pin Relay BEX VARISTOR schematic design for surge protector and electric sp 201 adsl splitter MOV surge protection circuit diagram RD2 earth leakage relay circuit diagram of surge protector for AC mains PDF

    0119 Solar Lamp Controller

    Abstract: transistor SMD W06 78 NXP Semiconductors 70150 TYN225 WH1602A Matsua microswitch 250V AC IRF9520 Samsung iskra BT 200 MOTOR FM 270R 74HC00M
    Text: 24 Electronic Components pp751-856:Layout 1 24/1/14 16:12 Page 751 Electronic Components CAPACITORS OPTOELECTRONICS Ceramic Capacitors Tantalum Capacitors Variable Capacitors 752 759 759 DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS Bridge Rectifier Diodes Diodes Transistors 766

    pp751-856 127mm 525mm 1550kHz 280kHz 2000m) 100mm 0119 Solar Lamp Controller transistor SMD W06 78 NXP Semiconductors 70150 TYN225 WH1602A Matsua microswitch 250V AC IRF9520 Samsung iskra BT 200 MOTOR FM 270R 74HC00M PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF

    LA 7821

    Abstract: LM 7821 str wg 753 pj 0266 lu 7821 YCR02 p46ad F7821 NEC 7924 PD78213
    Text: J. 8 I I ih Y N E C ^ M os M O S In te g ra te d C ir c u it //PD78212 A ,78213 (A),78214 (A) t f -y h • is > V iV j- 7 7°* v > r ^ P = i V b 0 zL — ^ ¿iPD78212(A), 78213(A), 78214(A) tt, 78K/II -> U- X ' W i S T t . 78K/II v 'J - X l i , ^ Î Æ â R H J : U 1M

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    uPD78212 uPD78213 uPD78214 78K/II 78K/II PD78212, 12MHz 333ns( PD78212 LA 7821 LM 7821 str wg 753 pj 0266 lu 7821 YCR02 p46ad F7821 NEC 7924 PD78213 PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fil-Mag Low Power DC/DC Converter for Ethernet Applications: 80Z0509G01, A Technitrol Company 80Z1209G01,80Z0509G03 Miniature Through-Hole DC/DC Converters Key Features • All Fil-Mag components are manufactured in ISO 9001 certified facilities to meet the

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    Abstract: ICS1735 ACHI IR 6000 Intel AP-22 446905 604 LEM LS 74145 LV-EZ 745875 2116 ram
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE AP-22 020100010201020101010001020100010201000100 . C * H>* • >/ r/ t IC'M» , „ l !^ 1 ' w 4 ^ r ^ n j ' . * ' >• jifv J»i? l-il :.U?' ?-• -~.?1 - ,4't '^ ’v • R’ fT "’* :;■« -^ ''^ ¿ ,* ’3 '' u * 3 V * r In te l C o r p o r a tio n assum es no re s p o n s ib ility fo r the use of any c irc u itry o r s o ftw a re o th e r th an c ir c u itr y o r s o ftw a re e m b o d ie d in an In te l p r o d u c t. N o o th e r c ir c u it p a te n t licenses are im p lie d .

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    AP-22 intel 2116 ICS1735 ACHI IR 6000 Intel AP-22 446905 604 LEM LS 74145 LV-EZ 745875 2116 ram PDF


    Abstract: PD78218A 32ksii 5A10P sc75-7 UPD78214 14X14 32KS PD7821 TFK BC
    Text: NEC MOS ^.07821 8A A M O S In te g ra te d C irc u it m * = r /\r x 8 t i 'y ^ ^PD 78218A (A )tì, ¡Ü , ¡ÉittìféCPU » L tz 78K/ I v U - X n m & T , /¿PD78214(A) W y ï U H T 'T o V i? □ • To //PD78218A(A) (i, 32K/'<'-f F <7)^7. ? ROM £ 1 0 2 4 ^ '^ h 60 RAM £ F*3M L T l ' Î î o

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    8218A uPD78214 //PD78218A PD78218A cs1m 32ksii 5A10P sc75-7 14X14 32KS PD7821 TFK BC PDF

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    Abstract: 7A SF CQ MEF PD7821 an7q mc 13516 UPD78214 PD78218A 5532 ic sub P65a
    Text: 1 — • s S '— h m jü fltm æ o s M O S In te g ra te d C irc u it ¿¿PD7 8 2 1 7 A , 7 8 2 1 8 A § //PD 78217A , 78218A i, i* S , m îÆ OTîÆ^IOTÎï * '! ! , ? I T - T 0 / ï 'J ^ m C P U £ Î l i c L tz 7 8 K /I v U - X ( 7 » nnn T", ¿¡PD78213, 78214O T > ï >J

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    8217A 8218A uPD78213 uPD78214 8218A IEU-755 IEU-754 vw polo 7A SF CQ MEF PD7821 an7q mc 13516 PD78218A 5532 ic sub P65a PDF

    Intel 8080 Users Manual

    Abstract: intel 8080 manual Intel ICE-30 SCANBE s203 Multibus arbitration protocol SBC 104 intel motherboard schematic Multibus ii protocol SCANBE SCANBE ejector
    Text: in y APPLICATION NOTE 5 &c p o ' z <ti íí' i Intel Corporation, 1S77 c çtr AP-28 Related Intel Publications IN TE L LE C M icrocom puter D evelopm ent System Manual, 98-132. Hardware Reference System 80/1 0 M icrocom puter Hardware R eference Manual, 98-316.

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    AP-28 CH-6021 Intel 8080 Users Manual intel 8080 manual Intel ICE-30 SCANBE s203 Multibus arbitration protocol SBC 104 intel motherboard schematic Multibus ii protocol SCANBE SCANBE ejector PDF

    led 7 segment anode TIL 702

    Abstract: trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150
    Text: CONTENTS Alphanumeric Index 5 Symbol Designation 7 Type Designation Systems — for LEDs — for Displays — for IR-Emitters — for Laser-Diodes — for Optical Switches 8 8 8 8 8 Classification Code for all LEDs and Displays — for LEDs — Displays 9

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    10x10 led 7 segment anode TIL 702 trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150 PDF


    Abstract: 30424 LC7821 lc78 AN 7823 LC7822N LC7S23 LC7821N leon3 7822N
    Text: i SA \ YO F LC7821N,7822N,7823N No:3042 CMOS LSI I Analog Function Switch I X U se S erial d a ta controlled function select sw itch suited for use in a m p lif ie r s ^ ie iv g m ^ F e a tu re s * A nalog sw itches of 8 c h a n n els X 2 LC7823N : 7 c h a n n els X 2 a r e c ^ & i n e % '. / ^ :^^'.T?

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    TFK U 3212 M

    Abstract: mt 15003 TFK 027 HP900 UPD78214 UPD78213GC-AB8 ZTE 751 321 umi 1A 0022h sfh tfk 3212
    Text: 5 s— S 7 • 5 / — h M OS Sf*[§]§& MOS Integrated Circuit ¿ ¿ P 8 t 'y h • D 7 8 2 ^ JU?- 7 7 " * 1 2 , 7 8 2 i 'J ^ F B ^ T ^ - l 2 7 . T " § ? 8 t : " '> h • y > ^ ^ 7 7 ' - 7 8 K / ly 'J - X ^ - 8 2 1 4 <fc U 1 M A -f h L T S U i t » IftW-ORIt

    OCR Scan
    uPD78212 uPD78213 UPD78214 PD78214-> U10228J 333ns PD78212, 500ns /PD78213) //PD78212) TFK U 3212 M mt 15003 TFK 027 HP900 UPD78214 UPD78213GC-AB8 ZTE 751 321 umi 1A 0022h sfh tfk 3212 PDF

    TFK U 3212 M

    Abstract: TFK U 3212 telefunken rc 890 cd LIN 5642 G tfk 623 ta 8659 cn str f 6268 cd 3313 eo PEX 8603 ORP 12
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Addresses Europe Denmark T E M IC D ansk c /o A E G Industri A/S R oskildevej 8 -1 0 2 620 A lbeitslund Tel: 45 4 2 6485 22 Fax: 45 43 6262 28 T E M IC T E L E F U N K E N m icro ­ electro n ic G m bH K ruppstrasse 6

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    Abstract: BT100a 02 CQX82A TRIO TA 80W CV7351 ZP1481 CV2154 ZP1430 triac mw 151 500r PL5727
    Text: Milliard quick reference guide 1978/79 — discrete semiconductors — passive components — valves and tubes This guide gives quick reference data on Mullard electronic components. The information is deliberately abbreviated to give a rapid appreciation of salient characteristics, and to

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    ic str 6307

    Abstract: str 6307 str x 6456 tel5413 STR S 6307 STR 6456 STR W 5456 C STR W 5456 A aeg 645 307 080 76660
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Addresses Europe Denmark TEMIC Dansk Roskildevej 8-10 2620 Albert&Iund Tel: 45 43 648522 Fax: 45 43 626228 France TEMIC France Les Quadrants 3. avenue du centre B.P. 309 78054 St.-Q uentin-en-Yvelines Cedex

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    intel 8251 USART

    Abstract: intel IC 8255 SBC 8251 intel 8251 CT5002 ic 8255 intel Fluke 8375 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER schematic diagram of scada system application USART 8251
    Text: in te i Intel Corporation, 1S77 APPLICATION NOTE AP-26 Related Intel Publications SBC 80/20 Single Board Computer Hardware Reference Manual, 95-230. System 80/10 Microcomputer Hardware Reference Manual, 98-316. SBC 80PPrototyping Package User's Guide, 98-223.

    OCR Scan
    AP-26 80PPrototyping PL/M-80 ICE-80 AP-16. AP-15. -S-56-0377-10K-GT-BF intel 8251 USART intel IC 8255 SBC 8251 intel 8251 CT5002 ic 8255 intel Fluke 8375 8251 UNIVERSAL SYNCHRONOUS ASYNCHRONOUS RECEIVER schematic diagram of scada system application USART 8251 PDF


    Abstract: D78P214CW PD78210CW uPD78P214 UPD78P214CW D78P214l 7rom mce uk NT 78310 UPD78214
    Text: M O S S ? M H ]ïg M O S Integrated C irc u it f j- PD78P214 iuPD78P214 i, JuPD78214<75|*]/S^*?ROM £-r7 > • ? •<APROM i /; [i EPROM ffl i î et Î / M tz 8 t"'y I' • v > Î 1 C I L T l'ito 4' ÌS, C i i f c o K i , //PD78214(7 m 4 b f o f o tt T Z:'m. < f c ? L'„

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    uPD78P214 iuuPD78P214 //PD78214 78K/II 0/iPD78214 juuPD78P214DW 78P214C FAF41 D78P214CW PD78210CW UPD78P214CW D78P214l 7rom mce uk NT 78310 UPD78214 PDF

    application USART 8251

    Abstract: USART 8251 interfacing with RS-232 8251 usart bird 4266 8251 microprocessor block diagram INTEL USART 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART Reset GST 5009 intel 4269
    Text: Contents INTRODUCTION. 1 COMMUNICATION FORMATS.1 Using The 8251 Universal Synchronous/Asyncronous Receiver/Transmitter BLOCK DIAGRAM. 2

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    MCS-074-0576/30K application USART 8251 USART 8251 interfacing with RS-232 8251 usart bird 4266 8251 microprocessor block diagram INTEL USART 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART Reset GST 5009 intel 4269 PDF

    TFK 526

    Abstract: TFK 626 E 1024 Pioneer pa 4010 sie200 Pioneer PA 0016 TFK 839 AEG TFK TELEFUNKEN Tfk 880 745 TFK U 3212 M tfk U 209 B 55 A 436
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices Semiconductors Addresses Europe Denmark Italy Sweden TEMIC Dansk c/o AEG Industri A/S Roskildevej 8 -10 2620 Albertsiund Tel: 45 42 6485 22 Fax: 45 43 6262 28 TEMIC TELEFUNKEN micro­ electronic GmbH Kruppstrasse 6 45128 Essen Tel: 49 201 24730 0

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    761-B 01-Jul-96 TFK 526 TFK 626 E 1024 Pioneer pa 4010 sie200 Pioneer PA 0016 TFK 839 AEG TFK TELEFUNKEN Tfk 880 745 TFK U 3212 M tfk U 209 B 55 A 436 PDF


    Abstract: JLH 94 V0 PD27C256 MLT 22 452 NEC FVD 817 CN PD78P218A 9w cfl circuit DM 0265 R nec k 813
    Text: M O S £MXIH% M O S In te g ra te d C irc u it //P D 7 8 P 2 1 8 A /¿PD78P218A J, 78K/II •> U -X '(7 S nnnT , ¿¿PD78218A CDv * ? ROM & 9 > • i : I ? M / : 8 t '7 « > , v X x A M f~ • ->> :50U ^ -y 7° • f g B t O T r f f f i f f l f c <£ A PROM i

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    uPD78P218A 78K/II uPD78218A PD78218A-tfTf' IEM-755 IEU-754 PD78214-y-7 PD78218A DC7P JLH 94 V0 PD27C256 MLT 22 452 NEC FVD 817 CN PD78P218A 9w cfl circuit DM 0265 R nec k 813 PDF

    Pioneer PA 0016

    Abstract: PA 0016 PIONEER 80241 tfk U 209 B 55 A 436 TFK U 3212 M STR W 6262 TFK 626 E 1024 AEG TFK TELEFUNKEN stel 320 SIE20
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices Semiconductors Addresses Europe Denmark Italy Sweden TEMIC Dansk c/o AEG Industri A/S Roskildevej 8 -1 0 2620 Albenslund Tel: 45 42 6485 22 Fax: 45 43 6262 28 TEMIC TELEFUNKEN micro­ electronic GmbH Kruppstrasse 6 45128 Essen Tel: 49 201 24730 0

    OCR Scan
    Ol-Jul-96 Pioneer PA 0016 PA 0016 PIONEER 80241 tfk U 209 B 55 A 436 TFK U 3212 M STR W 6262 TFK 626 E 1024 AEG TFK TELEFUNKEN stel 320 SIE20 PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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