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    LM 565 PLL Search Results

    LM 565 PLL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LM567H/B Rochester Electronics LLC LM567 - Phase-Locked Loop Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    LMX2305WG/B Rochester Electronics LLC LMX2305 - Frequency Synthesizer, PLL, 500 MHZ Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    LMX2325TMX Rochester Electronics LLC LMX2325 - PLL Frequency Synthesizer Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    UC1635J Rochester Electronics LLC UC1635 - PLL Frequency Synthesizer, BIPolar, CDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    LMX2315WG/BXA Rochester Electronics LLC LMX2315 - Frequency Synthesizer, PLL, 1.2GHZ - Dual marked (5962-9855001QXA) Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    LM 565 PLL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SLD3237VFR 20/SPL1550-10-9-PD SLD3237VF smd diode UM 08 smd diode UM RLCD-M66H-750 RLT905-30G SLD3236VF RLT6650GLI
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    Text: LTC6950 1.4GHz Low Phase Noise, Low Jitter PLL with Clock Distribution Description Features Low Phase Noise and Jitter n Additive Jitter: 18fs RMS 12kHz to 20MHz n Additive Jitter: 85fs RMS (10Hz to Nyquist) n EZSync Multichip Clock Edge Synchronization

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    Abstract: 7835 regulator TRF 7905 LM679 LM257
    Text: Si5315 S Y N C H R O N O U S E T H E R N E T / TE L E C O M J I T T E R A T T E N U A T I N G CLOCK MULTIPLIER Features        Provides jitter attenuation and frequency  translation between SONET/PDH and Ethernet  Supports ITU-T G.8262 Synchronous

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    Text: Si5315 S Y N C H R O N O U S E TH ERN ET / TE L E C O M J I T T E R A T T E N U A T I N G CLOCK MULTIPLIER Features Ordering Information: See page 52. Applications Carrier Ethernet switches routers MSAN / DSLAM T1/E1/DS3/E3 line cards CKOUT1– CKOUT1+ SFOUT1

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    Abstract: TAA 981 555N TDA 120u TDA 4100D DIL-18 TCA720 TCA 720 DIL18 TDA 1047
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    Text: M OTORO LA SEM ICO NDUCTOR T E C H N IC A L DATA M C I45158-2 S e ria l-In p u t PLL Frequency S ynthesizer P S U FFIX P L A S TIC CASE 648 In te rfa c e s w ith D u a l-M o d u lu s Prescalers Th e M C145158-2 has a fu lly p rogram m ab le 14-bit reference cou n te r, as w e ll as fu lly p ro ­

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    Abstract: rgb525 RGB524 pix15
    Text: RGB524 1.0 Microprocessor Access As seen on the microprocessor bus there are eight I/O addresses, selected by RS[2:0], Two indirect schemes are used to access all of the internal registers and arrays through these eight primary I/O addresses. The first scheme is standard VGA, and operates when

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    RGB524 256x8 0x0002, RGB524/RGB528 0x0000) IBM37-RGB524-CF-17C IBM37-RGB524-CF-22C IBM37-RGB524-CF-17C-A IBM37-RGB524-CF-22C-A 37rgb rgb525 pix15 PDF