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    LIN25 Search Results

    LIN25 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: tp394 xo 640c TP463 power designs tp330 marking code diode R12 sot23-6 tp192 HDR10X1 N4 SOT23-6 marking K1 sot23-6
    Text: MachXO Standard Evaluation Board - Revisions 001 & 002 User’s Guide March 2008 Revision: EB21_01.6 MachXO Standard Evaluation Board Revisions 001 & 002 User’s Guide Lattice Semiconductor Introduction The MachXO Standard Evaluation board provides a convenient platform to evaluate electrical characteristics of the

    256-ball 33MHz oscillatTO56 PROTO53 PROTO48 PROTO57 PROTO50 PROTO49 PROTO58 TP182 tp394 xo 640c TP463 power designs tp330 marking code diode R12 sot23-6 tp192 HDR10X1 N4 SOT23-6 marking K1 sot23-6 PDF


    Abstract: tp182 marking code diode R12 sot23-6 tp154 tp230 Lattice Semiconductor Package Diagrams 256-Ball fpBGA marking F3 sot23-6 TP147 TP265 HDR10X1
    Text: MachXO Standard Evaluation Board - Revision 000 User’s Guide April 2007 Revision: EB20_01.2 Lattice Semiconductor MachXO Standard Evaluation Board - Revision 000 User’s Guide Introduction The MachXO Standard Evaluation board provides a convenient platform to evaluate electrical characteristics of the

    MachXO640 256-ball 33MHz tp394 tp182 marking code diode R12 sot23-6 tp154 tp230 Lattice Semiconductor Package Diagrams 256-Ball fpBGA marking F3 sot23-6 TP147 TP265 HDR10X1 PDF

    prbs pattern generator

    Abstract: MAX3752 LIN250 pattern generator 444ps 50no3
    Text: Design Note: HFDN-12.0 Rev 0; 03/01 MAX3752 Impedance-Matching Experiments MAXIM High-Frequency/Fiber Communications Group Maxim Integrated Products 5hfdn120.doc 03/12/01 MAX3752 Impedance-Matching Experiments 1 Overview The MAX3752 quad port bypass circuit can be

    HFDN-12 MAX3752 5hfdn120 MAX3752s. MAX3752. MAX3752 OUT43 prbs pattern generator LIN250 pattern generator 444ps 50no3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pr e l im in a r y P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a tio n <S>2 iL 0 E 8 9 1 6 7 /1 6 9 Z 8 9 1 6 8 R O M Z LE SS En h a n c e d D u a l P r o c e s s o r T a p e l e s s T. A. m . C o n t r o l l e r FEATURES • 16-Bit Digital Signal Processor (DSP) ■ 8K Words of DSP Program ROM

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 10-Bit 84-Pin Z89167/168/169 Z89167 Z89168 Z8916724VSC 84-Pln Z8916824VSC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z86E73/E74/L73/L74 CP95LV00801 P R E L I M I N A R Y PRELIMINARY Custom er Pr o curem ent Spe c ific atio n Z86E73/E74 32K OTP Z86L73/L74 32K ROM In f r a r e d r e m o t e Co n t r o l l e r s FEATURES ROM Kbyte Part Z86E73 Z86L73 Z86E74 Z86L74 32 32 32

    OCR Scan
    Z86E73/E74/L73/L74 CP95LV00801 Z86E73/E74 Z86L73/L74 Z86E73 Z86L73 Z86E74 Z86L74 E73/L73) E74/L74* PDF

    TDA 9370

    Abstract: TDA 5700 TDA 9370 with pin no 64 5401 DM r2s3 Z86C89 Z86C90 AB640
    Text: Pr o d u c t s p e c if ic a t io n ^ Z i Iî j G Z86C90/C89 ROMLESS CMOS Z8 8-B lT MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES • 8-bit CMOS m icrocom puter ■ Two Expanded Register File control registers ■ 40- or 44-pin package ■ Two program m able 8-bit Counter/Timers

    OCR Scan
    44-pin Z86C90/C89 DC-2506-01 TDA 9370 TDA 5700 TDA 9370 with pin no 64 5401 DM r2s3 Z86C89 Z86C90 AB640 PDF


    Abstract: Z86C91 Z86C93
    Text: M A R C O M D C 4 0 20 C u st o m e r procurement DOCUMENT CONTROL M ASTER S p ec ific a t io n Z86C93 C M O S Z8 MULT/DlV MICROCONTROLLER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z86C93 is a CMOS ROMIess Z8 microcontroller en­ hanced with a hardwired 16-bit x 16-bit multiplier,

    OCR Scan
    Z86C93 16-bit 32-bit/16-bit 40-pin 44-pin 44-pln 48-pin DC4020 Z86C91 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: p r o d u c t s p e c ific a tio n < £ Z iI G G Z86C91 CMOS Z8 ROMLESS M ic r o c o n t r o l l e r FEATURES • 8-bit CMOS microcontroller, 40-pin DIPor 44-pin PLCC and Qr P package ■ 4.5 to 5.5 Voltage operating range ■ Low power C onsum ption - 275 mW max @ 20 MHz

    OCR Scan
    Z86C91 40-pin 44-pin PDF

    me 4946

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C u s t o m e r P r o c u r e m e n t S p e c if ic a t io n Z8 9 1 65/ 167 /1 69 AND Z8 9 1 6 6 /1 6 8 RO M LESS En h a n c e d D u a l -P r o c e s s o r DTAD Co n t r o l l e r s FEATURES • ■ Z8 RAM* (KBytes) Speed (MHz) ■ 25 E xpanded R egister Files

    OCR Scan
    Z89165) Z89166) Z89165 Z89166 Z89167 Z89168 Z89169 me 4946 PDF

    ANI 1015

    Abstract: DC-4067-13 fsca QFP-80 XTAL1 29 Z86C95
    Text: < 2> 2iLG B 3 C u sto m er p r o c u r e m e n t S pecificatio n Z86C95 C M O S Z8 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR D SP GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Z86C95 MCU (Microcontroller Unit) introduces a new level of sophistication to Superintegration ICs. The Z86C95 is a member of the Z8® single-chip microcontroller

    OCR Scan
    Z86C95 Z86C95 16-bit 16-bitx16-bit 32-bit/16-bit ANI 1015 DC-4067-13 fsca QFP-80 XTAL1 29 PDF