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    LEM CURRENT TRANSFORMER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    LEM CURRENT TRANSFORMER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AC Current transformer TT 100-SD IPN = 100 A Split core transducer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform currents, with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit power and the secondary circuit (measurement). Electrical data IPN IOUT VSZ ÎP

    100-SD Perfo150 TT100-SD 100ohm 50ohm 25ohm 15ohm PDF

    LEM current transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AC Current transformer TT 100-SD IPN = 100 A Split core transducer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform currents, with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit power and the secondary circuit (measurement). Electrical data Primary nominal current rms

    100-SD Perfo40 TT100-SD 100ohm 50ohm 25ohm 15ohm LEM current transformer PDF


    Abstract: 5LEM LEM split core transducer
    Text: AC Current transformer TT 50-SD IPN = 50 A Split core transducer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform currents, with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit power and the secondary circuit (measurement). Electrical data IPN IOUT VSZ ÎP Primary nominal current rms

    50-SD 25ohm 50ohm 100ohm TT50-SD 15ohm ELECTRICAL CALCULATION FOR TRANSFORMER 5LEM LEM split core transducer PDF


    Abstract: LEM current transformer
    Text: AC Current transformer TT 50-SD IPN = 50 A Split core transducer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform currents, with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit power and the secondary circuit (measurement). Electrical data IPN IOUT VSZ ÎP Primary nominal current rms

    50-SD 25ohm 50ohm 100ohm TT50-SD 15ohm 50-SD LEM current transformer PDF

    LEM current transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AC Current transformer TT 100-SD IPN = 100 A Split core transducer for the electronic measurement of AC waveform currents, with galvanic isolation between the primary circuit power and the secondary circuit (measurement). Electrical data IPN IOUT VSZ ÎP

    100-SD 94-V0. TT100-SD 100ohm 50ohm 25ohm 15ohm LEM current transformer PDF


    Abstract: PR230 lem current BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 LEM current transformer
    Text: Current Probe Model PR230 ACV The PR230 ACV current probe has been designed for use with oscilloscopes for accurate non intrusive measurement of AC current. Using the latest transformer technology, the PR230 ACV can measure currents from 100mA to 300A over a frequency range of 40Hz to

    PR230 100mA 40kHz. 100pF BSEN61010-1: BSEN61010-2-032: BSEN61010-2-031: PR230ACV lem current BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 LEM current transformer PDF


    Abstract: BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 PR 200 current probe
    Text: Current Probe Model PR 201ACI The PR 201ACI current probe has been designed for use with multimeters, recorders, power analysers, safety testers etc. for accurate non intrusive measurement of AC current. Using the latest transformer technology, the PR 201ACI

    201ACI 201ACI 10kHz. BSEN61010-1: BSEN61010-2-032: BSEN61010-2-031: PR201ACI BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 PR 200 current probe PDF


    Abstract: BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 PR 200 current probe
    Text: Current Probe Model PR 201ACV The PR 201ACV current probe has been designed for use with multimeters, recorders, power analysers, safety testers etc. for accurate non intrusive measurement of AC current. Using the latest transformer technology, the PR 201ACV can measure currents

    201ACV 201ACV 10kHz. 100pF BSEN61010-1: BSEN61010-2-032: BSEN61010-2-031: PR201ACV BSEN61010-1 BSEN61010-2-031 BSEN61010-2-032 PR 200 current probe PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DKS 100 C Current Operated Switches IPN = 4 . 100 A Combine a current transformer, signal conditioner and limit alarm into a single package. The DKS series has an extended current input range, universal solid-state outputs and a wide frequency response. Electrical data


    HO 60-NP

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer HO-NSM-0000 SERIES IPN = 8, 15, 25 A Ref: HO 8-NSM-0000, HO 15-NSM-0000, HO 25-NSM-0000 For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features Applications

    HO-NSM-0000 8-NSM-0000, 15-NSM-0000, 25-NSM-0000 18February2014/Version HO 60-NP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer HLSR-SM series IPN = 10 . 50 A Ref: HLSR 10-SM, HLSR 16-SM, HLSR 20-SM, HLSR 32-SM, HLSR 40-SM, HLSR 50-SM For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit.

    10-SM, 16-SM, 20-SM, 32-SM, 40-SM, 50-SM ANE120504 24March2014/Version PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer HLSR-P series IPN = 10 . 50 A Ref: HLSR 10-P, HLSR 16-P, HLSR 20-P, HLSR 32-P, HLSR 40-P, HLSR 50-P For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features

    ANE120504 16December2013/Version PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SENTINEL 3+ Battery Monitoring Transducer for Impedance, Voltage and Temperature measurements The Sentinel 3+ is a state of the art, System on Chip SoC digital transducer designed to monitor VRLA, gel or looded stationary battery systems. Data is transmitted over a dedicated


    HO 60-NP

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer HO-NP-0000 SERIES IPN = 8, 15, 25 A Ref: HO 8-NP-0000, HO 15-NP-0000, HO 25-NP-0000 For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features Applications

    HO-NP-0000 8-NP-0000, 15-NP-0000, 25-NP-0000 18February2014/Version HO 60-NP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IPN = 500 A Current transducer LF 510-S For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features Standards ●● Bipolar and insulated current measurement up to 0.8 kA ●● EN 50178: 1997

    510-S 4May2015/Version PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer CTSR series IPRN = 300, 600 mA Ref: CTSR 0.3-P, CTSR 0.6-P For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic isolation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Applications Features Closed loop compensated current transducer

    94-V0 3November2011/version PDF

    ctsr series

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer CTSR series IPRN = 300, 600 mA Ref: CTSR 0.3-P, CTSR 0.6-P For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary circuit and the secondary circuit. Features Applications ●● Closed loop compensated current transducer

    28January2014/version ctsr series PDF

    Lem LT 300 - t

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current transducer IPN = 4000 A Ref: ITC 4000-S For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic isolation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features Applications Bipolar and isolated current measurement up to 6 kA Energy metering

    4000-S 21November2011/version Lem LT 300 - t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer CTSR 0.3-TP/SP4 IPRN = 300 mA For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary circuit and the secondary circuit. Features Applications ●● Closed loop compensated current transducer

    28January2014/version PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer HLSR-SM series IPN = 10 . 50 A Ref: HLSR 10-SM, HLSR 16-SM, HLSR 20-SM, HLSR 32-SM, HLSR 40-SM, HLSR 50-SM For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit.

    10-SM, 16-SM, 20-SM, 32-SM, 40-SM, 50-SM ANE120504 16December2013/Version PDF

    cksr series

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer CKSR series IPN = 6, 15, 25, 50 A Ref: CKSR 6-NP, CKSR 15-NP, CKSR 25-NP, CKSR 50-NP For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic separation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Features Applications

    15-NP, 25-NP, 50-NP 22March 2013/version cksr series PDF

    LTS 6-NP

    Abstract: LTS 15-NP CAS 6-NP LTSR 15-NP LTSR 6-NP ch-1228 cksr6-np LTSR 25-NP CASR50-NP 743 LEM
    Text: Technical Information CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers Insulated Highly Accurate Measurements from 1.5 to 50 ARMS CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers Future precision. Future performances. Now available. CAS / CASR / CKSR series Current Transducers

    RS-159 CH-1228 LTS 6-NP LTS 15-NP CAS 6-NP LTSR 15-NP LTSR 6-NP cksr6-np LTSR 25-NP CASR50-NP 743 LEM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Transducer CTSR 0.6-TP/SP2 IPRN = 600 mA For the electronic measurement of current: DC, AC, pulsed., with galvanic isolation between the primary and the secondary circuit. Applications Features Closed loop compensated current transducer Voltage output

    94-V0 4November2011/version CTSR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Current Mode PWM Control Circuit with 50%Max Duty Cycle Features Description The CS-3844B p ro v id es all th e neces­ sary featu res to im p lem en t off-line fixed frequency c u rren t-m o d e control w ith a m in im u m n u m b e r of external com ponents

    OCR Scan
    CS-3844B 600pA CS-3844BN8 CS-3844BD8 CS-3844BD14 14LSO B0b755b PDF