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    LM9044VX/NOPB Texas Instruments Lambda Sensor Interface Amplifier 20-PLCC -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM9044V/NOPB Texas Instruments Lambda Sensor Interface Amplifier 20-PLCC -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

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    LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS14AU

    Abstract: LAS14AU lambda LAS 14 AU lambda LAS lambda "LAS 14 au" EANAL LAS-1400 as-1405 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS-14AU
    Text: LAMBDA LAS 1400,14AU SERIES 3 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR FEATURES • Guaranteed input-output differential: LAS01400/+2.50 volts LAS014AU/+2.30 volts • Guaranteed temperature coefficient: LAS-1400/00 C to +125° C: 0.02% Vo/° C LAS-14AU/00 C to +125° C: 0.02% Vo/° C

    OCR Scan
    1400f LAS01400/ LAS-1400/0Â LAS014AU/ LAS-14AU/00 LAS-1400/1 LAS-1400/60dB LAS-14AU/1 LAS-14AU/66dB LAS-1400/2 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS14AU LAS14AU lambda LAS 14 AU lambda LAS lambda "LAS 14 au" EANAL LAS-1400 as-1405 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS-14AU PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A LAMBDA INTERFACE DRIVERS LAS 8500P, LAS 8501P 3 AMP, 40V HALF BRIDGE INTERFACE DRIVERS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER FEATURES • • • • • • 6A peak source & sink current TTL, NMOS & CMOS compatible Latching thermal shutdown Under voltage lockout

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    8500P, 8501P 8501P 8500R LAS-8500P PDF


    Abstract: LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK LAS18U LAS1806 MC7812CK LM7805KC MC7824CK 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7815CK LM7818KC LM7812KC PDF

    MC7808CK power regulator

    Abstract: 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7808CK power regulator 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram MC7805CK MC7812CK application notes MC7812CK MC7815CK PMD CAPACITOR lambda lj LM 7824 voltage regulator circuit diagram lm7805kc PDF


    Abstract: MC7805CK mc7815ck mc7812ck LAMBDA Voltage Regulator 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7808CK power regulator 17K100 MC7915CK lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS18U MC7805CK mc7815ck mc7812ck LAMBDA Voltage Regulator 7824 24V positive voltage regulator for MC7808CK power regulator 17K100 MC7915CK lm7805kc PDF


    Abstract: MC7824CK MC7812CK mc7815ck transistor lm320k lm7805kc MC7912CK MJ1000 application notes 17K100 MC7905CK
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK MC7824CK MC7812CK mc7815ck transistor lm320k lm7805kc MC7912CK MJ1000 application notes 17K100 MC7905CK PDF


    Abstract: MC7812Ck mc7815ck MC7824CK LM7824KC LAS14U MC7915CK MC7806CK LAS1415 lm7805kc
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK MC7812Ck mc7815ck MC7824CK LM7824KC LAS14U MC7915CK MC7806CK LAS1415 lm7805kc PDF


    Abstract: MC7812Ck MC7815CK TO3 7824 TO-3 package MC7815CK LM7824* steel mc7824CK 7824 To-3 MC7806CK MC7915CK
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 mc7805ck MC7812Ck MC7815CK TO3 7824 TO-3 package MC7815CK LM7824* steel mc7824CK 7824 To-3 MC7806CK MC7915CK PDF


    Abstract: MC7812Ck MC7815CK MC7824CK LM340K-24 LM7812KC lm7805kc LM340K24 LM7824KC 78h05ck
    Text: Selection of Equivalents for Monolithic Voltage Regulators, Darlington Transistors, Rectifiers and Switching Transistors LAMBDA TYPE * LAS723A LAS723B LAS1000 LAS1100 LAS1405 LAS1406 LAS1408 LAS1410 LAS1412 LAS1415 LAS14U LAS1505 LAS 1506 LAS1508 LAS1510

    OCR Scan
    LAS723A LAS723B LAS1100 LAS1405 LM123K LM223K LM323K SH0323 LAS1406 LAS1408 MC7805CK MC7812Ck MC7815CK MC7824CK LM340K-24 LM7812KC lm7805kc LM340K24 LM7824KC 78h05ck PDF


    Abstract: LAMBDA LAS 1900
    Text: A LAMBDA SEMICONDUCTORS LAS 1900P SERIES 5 AMP FIXED T.TNFEAR VOT.TAGE REGPLATOB FEATURES * * * * * * Guaranteed Power Dissipation 50 Watts @80“C case Guaranteed input-output differential: +2.6 Volts Low noise, band-gap reference Sample power cycled burn-in

    OCR Scan
    LAS1900P O-247 1900P 1905B LAMBDA LAS 1900 PDF


    Abstract: LAS723 lambda circuit 723 voltage regulator internal diagram LAS723 7238 L 723 LAS723B Voltage Regulator 723 s 723b 723 voltage regulator applications
    Text: A LAMBDA CONTROLLERS LAS 723, 723B 150 mA POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS/ LINEAR CONTROLLERS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS FEATURES • Guaranteed line regulation: 0.008% • Guaranteed temperature coefficient: 0.015% • Low noise, band gap reference • Low reference voltage of 2.5 Volts

    OCR Scan
    100pF 723B LAS723 lambda circuit 723 voltage regulator internal diagram LAS723 7238 L 723 LAS723B Voltage Regulator 723 s 723b 723 voltage regulator applications PDF


    Abstract: 1912B las1905 1905B LM series voltage regulators LAS1915B las19u 1915B LAS-1912 LAS1905B
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1900 SERIES 5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL FEATURES • Guaranteed Power Dissipation 50 Watts @ 80°C C ase • Guaranteed input-output differential: + 2.6 Volts • Low noise, band gap reference

    OCR Scan
    REGULATOR12 22jjlF LF374 1912B las1905 1905B LM series voltage regulators LAS1915B las19u 1915B LAS-1912 LAS1905B PDF


    Abstract: LAS6381 LAS6381P1 vsk64 LAS6380 LAS6380P1 12 to -12v cuk converter
    Text: A LAMBDA SWITCHING REGULATORS LAS 6380 SERIES 8 AMP SWITCHING REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL MAXIMUM Volts Volts Watts Control Circuit Voltage 35 Output Collector Voltage Co 35 Power Dissipation Pd Internally Limited I < I«O"5 % FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    LAS6380, LAS6380P1, 6381P1 LAS6380 LAS6381 LAS6380P1 LAS6381P1 LAS6381P LAS6381 LAS6381P1 vsk64 LAS6380 LAS6380P1 12 to -12v cuk converter PDF


    Abstract: LAS1815 las18a15 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator with amps output current LAS-1800 18A15 LAS1802
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1800 SERIES 1.5 AMP NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAM ETER Input Voltage FEATURES • Guaranteed input-output differential: -2.1 Volts • Low noise, band gap reference • Remote sense capability • Sample power cycled burn-in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS1608 15A15 LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 15A05 15A12 15A20 5A10
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAM ETER SYM BOL Input Voltage Power Dissipation FEATURES • Guaranteed Power Dissipation 15 Watts @ 87.5° Case • Guaranteed input-output differential:

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    REGULATOR12 LAS1605 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator LAS1608 15A15 LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 15A05 15A12 15A20 5A10 PDF

    t03 package transistor pin configuration

    Abstract: LAS-8100P simple circuit switching block diagram lambda LAS LAS8100P 8100p

    OCR Scan
    100mV 8100P t03 package transistor pin configuration LAS-8100P simple circuit switching block diagram lambda LAS LAS8100P 8100p PDF


    Abstract: LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator 3905K 39A05 Las series voltage regulators 0.22j 3905 series regulator BLOCK DIAGRAM lambda regulator to-3 LAS3905
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 3900 SERIES 8 AMP POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER MAXIMUM UNITS V,N 25 1 (2) Volts Power Dissipation Pd Internally Lim ited Thermal R e sis­ tance Junction To Case 0JC 0.7 °C/Watt Operating

    OCR Scan
    0U355 3905K LAS39U LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator 3905K 39A05 Las series voltage regulators 0.22j 3905 series regulator BLOCK DIAGRAM lambda regulator to-3 LAS3905 PDF

    3800 NPN

    Abstract: Lambda Pulse Modulator LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator lambda LAS
    Text: A LAMBDA CONTROLLERS LAS 3800 500mA PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR CONTROLLER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS MAXIMUM UNITS v,N 40 Volts Collector Supply Voltage Vc 40 Volts Source Current per output lo 500 mA 0 JA 100 °C/W - 5 5 to 125 X 260 °C PARAMETER Input Voltage

    OCR Scan
    500mA 3800 NPN Lambda Pulse Modulator LAMBDA linear Voltage Regulator lambda LAS PDF

    1512 regulator

    Abstract: las15U 15A05 LAMBDA Voltage Regulator las 1500 15A12 15A15 15A20 5A10 regulator 5a 12V lambda LAS
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1500 SERIES 1.5 AM P POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL MAXIMUM UNITS v IN 35 40 0) (2) Volts Power D issipation Po Internally Limited«3) Thermal R e sis­ tance Junction to Case 0JC 2.5 °C/Watt

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LAS6350P1 LAS6351P1 6351P1 LAS-6351P1 LAS6351 LAS6350 LAS-6350P1 LAS-6351
    Text: A LAMBDA SWITCHING REGULATORS LAS 6350 SERIES 5 AMP SWITCHING REGULATORS I ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS FEATURES • • • • • D C to 100 kHz operation Adjustable output voltage Cycle-by-cycle current limit Internal thermal shutdown Inhibit/enable control pin

    OCR Scan
    LAS6350, LAS6350P1, 6351P1 LAS6350 LAS6351 LAS6350P1 LAS6351P1 VSK64 LAS6350P1 LAS6351P1 6351P1 LAS-6351P1 LAS6351 LAS6350 LAS-6350P1 LAS-6351 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A LAMBDA INTERFACE DRIVERS_ LAS 8071P 4 CHANNEL PUSH-PULL OUTPUT DRIVER ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER SYMBOL MAXIMUM Vs 40 Volts VSs 40 Volts Supply Voltage FEATURES • 1 Amp per channel continuous current rating; 1.5 Amps peak • 150 KHz operation

    OCR Scan
    8071P 8071P 16-PIN PDF


    Abstract: t03 package transistor pin dimensions LAS6330P1 LAS 6330P1 LAS6331A za100 LAS-6330 6331P1 LAS6330 LAS6331P1
    Text: A LAMBDA SWITCHING REGULATORS LAS 63 30 SERIES 3 AMP SWITCHING REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS SYMBOL MAXIMUM UNITS 35 Volts I I O o PARAMETER Control C ircuit Voltage :< > FEATURES • • • • • DC to 100 kHz operation Adjustable output voltage

    OCR Scan
    LAS6330, LAS6330P1, 6331P1 113-Jâ LAS6330 LAS6331 LAS6330P1 LAS6331P1 6331-1 t03 package transistor pin dimensions LAS6330P1 LAS 6330P1 LAS6331A za100 LAS-6330 6331P1 LAS6330 LAS6331P1 PDF

    3205 transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR C 3205 transistor c 3228 las 3228 lambda LAS3205 TRANSISTOR C 3205 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM LAS3224 PENI LAS 3205 LAS3228
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 3200 SERIES 10 AMP, 140 WATT POSITIVE HYBRID VOLTAGE REGULATORS PARAM ETER FEATURES • 0.1% line regulation • 0.2% load regulation • 0.015% temperature coefficient • Low noise • Remote programming and remote sense • Electrically isolated case

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LAS1605 1612B 16A05 LAS1612 LAS16CB LAMBDA Voltage Regulator with amps output current LAS16U
    Text: A LAMBDA LINEAR REGULATORS LAS 1600 SERIES 2 AM P POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATORS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS MAXIMUM UNITS V,N 35 40 0) (2) Volts Power Dissipation Po Internally Limited<3> Therm al R e sis­ tance Junction To Case 0JC Operating Junc­ tion Tempera­

    OCR Scan
    REGULATOR12 LAS16A15 LAS1605 1612B 16A05 LAS1612 LAS16CB LAMBDA Voltage Regulator with amps output current LAS16U PDF