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    LA 4325 Search Results

    LA 4325 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    843251BGI-12LF Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-3.3V,2.5V LVPECL Clock Generator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    843252AG-45LFT Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-3.3V LVPECL Frequency Synthesizer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    843251AGI-14LF Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-3.3V,2.5V LVPECL Clock Generator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    843256BGILF Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-3.3V LVPECL Frequency Synthesizer With/Integrated Fanout Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    843251AGI-14LFT Renesas Electronics Corporation FemtoClock® Crystal-to-3.3V,2.5V LVPECL Clock Generator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    LA 4325 Price and Stock

    Samtec Inc HTSW-143-25-S-D-LA

    Headers & Wire Housings High Temperature PCB Header Strips, 0.100" pitch
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics HTSW-143-25-S-D-LA
    • 1 $10.54
    • 10 $10.23
    • 100 $8.19
    • 1000 $4.55
    • 10000 $4.55
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    LA 4325 Datasheets Context Search

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    relais bv 20.1

    Abstract: detecteur infrarouge Honeywell 38240 meylan Honeywell 38240 infrarouge FF-SDER11B2 detecteur de mouvement interrupteur commutateur DETECTEUR regulateur 2502
    Text: Bordures de sécurité Inspirées de la technologie optoélectronique APPLICATIONS TYPIQUES • Portes industrielles portes en sections, portes coulissantes, etc • Dispositifs de sécurité et portes de machine • Véhicule auto-contrôlé • Ponts de levage et plates-formes

    107096-12-FR relais bv 20.1 detecteur infrarouge Honeywell 38240 meylan Honeywell 38240 infrarouge FF-SDER11B2 detecteur de mouvement interrupteur commutateur DETECTEUR regulateur 2502 PDF

    Ultrasonic Distance sensor

    Abstract: 943-F4Y-2D-1D0-300E Honeywell 943 943-F4Y-2D-002-180E "Ultrasonic Distance" Sensor 943-F4Y-2D-1C0-180E 943-F4Y-2D-001-300E la 4325 943-F4V-2D-001-180E 943-T4Y-2D-1D0-130E
    Text: 943 Series Ultrasonic Distance Sensors The new 943 series industrial sensors are the latest addition to our product range. They have improved scanning ranges, remote teach in of the switching or analog outputs, as well as new advanced features, such as window


    Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

    Abstract: "Ultrasonic Distance" Sensor HONEYWELL KGZ-10 943-T4V-2D-1D0-130E honeywell ultrasonic 943-F4V-2D-1C0-180E 943-F4Y-2D-1D0-300E Commonwealth Accessories 943-T4V-2D-001-130E 943-T4V-2D-002-130E
    Text: 943 Series Ultrasonic Distance Sensors The new 943 series industrial sensors are the latest addition to our product range. They have improved scanning ranges, remote teach in of the switching or analog outputs, as well as new advanced features, such as window



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS DUAL-PORT RAM 8 K 1 K x 8-BIT IDT7130SA/LA IDT7140SA/LA Integrated Device Technology, Inc. FEATURES DESCRIPTION • High-speed access — Military: 2 5 /3 5 /5 5 /1 00ns (max.) — Commercial: 2 5 /3 5 /5 5 /1 00ns (m ax.) — Commercial: 20ns in P LC C only for 7130

    OCR Scan
    IDT7130SA/LA IDT7140SA/LA 16-or-m T7140 T7130; 48-pin 52-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH DENSITY PLUS Modular Daughterboard-to-Backplane INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM FEATURES A N D BENEFITS • M o d u la r c o n n e c to rs — s ig n a l, p o w e r , p o la r iz in g a n d g u id a n c e ■ ■ U p t o six ro w s o f c o n ta c ts o n 0 .1 0 0 " g rid

    OCR Scan
    QQN-280, E-0593 KW-93-2009 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M RAD I ALL 18 GHz OPTIONS INDICATOR TECHNICAL DATA SHEET SMA LA TC H I N G R573 432530 S.P.5T. Page SWITCH 112 /SUPP.DIODES to right the NUMBER OF WAYS FREQUENCY RANGE IMPEDANCE 5 0 - 1 8 GHz 50 Ohms FREQUENCY GHz V.S.W.R <=| 0 - 3 ] 00 1 8 -12.4 12.4- 18

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    converter ic tl494C

    Abstract: IC TL495 TL495 TL494C pin diagram TL495IN tl494 TP32A TL495IJ TL495C TL494M
    Text: TL494 TL495 @ M O TO R O LA Specifications and Applications Information SWITCHMODE PULSE WIDTH MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SWITCHMODE PULSE WIDTH MODULATION CONTROL CIRCUITS SILICON MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS The TL494 and TL495 are fixe d freq u en cy, p ulse w id th m o d u ­

    OCR Scan
    TL494 TL495 TL495 TL494, converter ic tl494C IC TL495 TL494C pin diagram TL495IN TP32A TL495IJ TL495C TL494M PDF


    Abstract: D4321 AGE SCR scr 209 ED43 powerex ED43 ED432021 SCR S N 104
    Text: t i r m w w m m w m m m E D 4 3 _ t owerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 _21 _ D u a l S C R IS O la t& d P O W -R -B L O K M o d u le

    OCR Scan
    Amperes/600-2000 peres/600-2000 M8952 D4321 AGE SCR scr 209 ED43 powerex ED43 ED432021 SCR S N 104 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ThomasëBetts Two-Piece Connectors Heavy Duty Power DIN TYPE F PRESS-FIT FEMALE CONNECTOR SERIES 38 T O LR92964 E60960 P hysica l P ro perties In s u la tio n M a te r ia l: Glass filled thermoplastic rated UL 94V-0 C o lo r : Gray C o n ta c ts : Copper alloy, nickel plate overall,

    OCR Scan
    LR92964 E60960 382-43250-845X 382-43240-845X 382-44830-845X -4325C-945X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 147 Central Avenue Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 Tel: 201-489-8989 •Fax: 201-489-6911 ¡ • CI WHERE hicago M iniature La m i?I nc. INNOVATION COMES TO LIGHT r I O N A N D B A I L t R B S SERIES 4331,4332,4333,4335,4336,4337 SERIES 4351 thru 4357 • This is a smaller version of the 4311 series lenses and

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MCM67C618A Product Preview 64K x 18 Bit BurstRAM Synchronous Fast Static RAM With Burst Counter and Registered Outputs The M C M 67 C 61 8 A is a 1.179,648 bit synchronous static random access m e m ory desig n ed to p rovide a burstable, h ig h -p erform a n ce, secondary cache

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    MCM67C618A i486TM CM67C618A MCM67C618AFN5 MCM67C618AZP5 MCM67C618AFN7 MCM67C618AZP7 MCM67C618A PDF

    Piezo sounder

    Abstract: burglar alarm system diagram anti theft alarm Siren Sound Generator circuit diagram
    Text: AUTOMOTIVE AND HOUSEHOLD SECURITY SIREN DRIVER ISSU E 6 - JA N U A RY 1998 INTRODUCTION FEATURES The ZSD 100 is a frequency swept alarm signal generator designed specifically for s ta tic a nd a u to m o tiv e s e c u r it y a la rm s y s t e m s . O n e Z S D 1 0 0 , tw o t im in g

    OCR Scan
    ZSD100 ZSD100 Piezo sounder burglar alarm system diagram anti theft alarm Siren Sound Generator circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: EM-84 Radiotechnique 120 la 4325
    Text: IN D IC A TE U R D’ACCORD ET CONTROLEUR DE M O D U LA TIO N CARACTÉRISTIQUES C h a u ffa g e V f = 6,3 V If = 210 m A j In d ire c t (cathode isolée du fila m e n t A lim e n ta tio n en parallèle C O N D IT IO N S NOMINALES D ’EMPLOI (D reliée à l'a node)

    OCR Scan

    dual high side MOSFET driver with charge pump

    Abstract: MAX620 MAX620CWN MAX620EPN MAX620EWN MAX621 MAX621CPN MAX621EPN P1000J ANDVT
    Text: 19-4325; Rev 2; 10/94 Q uad, H ig h -S id e M O S F E T D riv e rs The M AX620/M AX621 are m ic ro p ro c e s s o r c o m p a tib le and fe a tu re u n d e rv o lta g e lo c k o u t c a p a b ility . This lo cko u t fe a tu re in h ib its th e FET d riv e r o u tp u ts until th e h ig h -s id e

    OCR Scan
    MAX620/MAX621 39i-1595) dual high side MOSFET driver with charge pump MAX620 MAX620CWN MAX620EPN MAX620EWN MAX621 MAX621CPN MAX621EPN P1000J ANDVT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4325; Rev 2; 10/94 Q uad, H ig h -S id e M O S F E T D riv e rs The M AX620/M AX621 are m ic ro p ro c e s s o r c o m p a tib le and fe a tu re u n d e rv o lta g e lo c k o u t c a p a b ility . This lo cko u t fe a tu re in h ib its th e FET d riv e r o u tp u ts until th e h ig h -s id e

    OCR Scan

    ration ppt

    Abstract: 621 cp ure 14 25 AXG21 X6201 gpf CAPACITOR IRFZ40N
    Text: 19-4325. Rev 2: 10/94 Q uad, H ig h ’S id e M O S F E T D riv ers G e n e ra l D e scrip tio n The M AX620/M AX621 are m ic ro p ro c e s s o r c o m p a tib le a n d fe a tu re u n d e rv o lta g e lo c k o u t c a o a b 'lity . This lo cko u t fe a tu re in h ib its th e FET d riv e r o u tp u ts u n til the h ig h -s id e

    OCR Scan
    MAX620/MAX621 ration ppt 621 cp ure 14 25 AXG21 X6201 gpf CAPACITOR IRFZ40N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4325; Rev 2; 10/94 Q uad, H ig h -S id e M O S F E T D riv e rs _ F e a tu re s ♦ Wide Operating Voltage Range Vcc The M AX620/M AX621 are m ic ro p ro c e s s o r c o m p a tib le and fe a tu re u n d e rv o lta g e lo c k o u t c a p a b ility . This lo cko u t

    OCR Scan
    AX620/M AX621 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Power SRAM Selection Guide IV2> A c c e s s tim e Capacity Organization Version Part num ber 128 K x 8 V P0431000A 70. 85. 10Q with CE1, CE2, OE 256 K 32 K X 8 ft P D 43256B M axim u m supply current O perating Standby (mA| <M) O a ta ^ retention I* A)

    OCR Scan
    P0431000A 32-pin 600mi0. 525mi! 600mil) 43256B MM256 PDF


    Abstract: QUA0 MAX620cpn
    Text: 19-4325; R ev 0; 7/91 / M / J X I / M Quad, H igh-Side M O SFET D rivers The MAX620/MAX621 are microprocessor compatible and feature undervoltage lockout capability. This lockout feature inhibits the FET driver outputs until the high-side voltage reaches the proper level, as indicated by a

    OCR Scan
    MAX620/MAX621 MAX620 MAX621 QUA0 MAX620cpn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT6167SA IDT6167LA CMOS STATIC RAM 16K 16Kx 1-BIT Integrated D evice T ech n o logy, Inc. Access tim es as fast as 15ns are available. The circuit also offers a reduced power standby mode. When CS goes HIGH, the circuit will automatically go to, and remain in, a standby

    OCR Scan
    IDT6167SA IDT6167LA 15/20/25/35/45/55/70/85/100ns 15/20/25/35ns IDT6167LA 20-pin MIL-STD-883, SO20-1 PDF

    Coaxial RG

    Abstract: 6825R
    Text: CABLE ASSEM BLIES MINI.ALLIGATOR CLIPS TO BNC MALE MINI-CLIPS/BNC MALE 1st E N D — 2 plated m in ia ­ tu re steel a llig a to r clips w ith v in y l bo ots. One red and one bla ck. 1st E N D — (2) Plated steel allig a to r clips w ith v in y l in ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: D43256AG 43256ac D43256A C-15LL D43256 upd43256a
    Text: NEC ffPD43256A 32,768 X 8-Bit Static CMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Description Pin Configurations The #iPD43256A is a 32,768-word by 6 -bit static RAM fabricated with advanced silicon-gate technology. Its unique design uses CMOS peripheral circuits and Nchannel memory cells with polysilicon resistors to make

    OCR Scan
    uPD43256A 83IH-6258A iPD43256A 768-word pPD43256A JJPD43256A 83IH-6438B ffPD43256A JIPD43256A PD43256A D43256AG 43256ac D43256A C-15LL D43256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f jP D 4 3 2 5 4 F I ÆJJ W NEC Electronics Inc. 65,536 X 4-Bit Static CMOS RAM Description Pin Configurations T h e /JP D 43254 is a 6 5 ,536 -w o rd by 4-b it s ta tic RAM fa b ric a te d w ith a d v a n c e d silico n -g a te technology. C M O S p e rip h e ra l circu its a n d N -ch an n el m e m o ry cells

    OCR Scan
    uPD43254 536-word /JPD43254 /PD43254 24-Pin ffPD43254 83IH-6774B PDF