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    LA 4270 Search Results

    LA 4270 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL4270EIRZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation QFN Packaged, ±15kV ESD Protected, +3V to +5.5V, 300nA, 250kbps, RS-232 Transceivers with Enhanced Automatic Powerdown and a Separate Logic Supply Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    QLX4270RIQSR Renesas Electronics Corporation DisplayPort Lane Extender Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    954270AGLF Renesas Electronics Corporation Programmable Timing Control Hub™ for Mobile P4™ Systems Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    954270AGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation Programmable Timing Control Hub™ for Mobile P4™ Systems Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL4270EIRZ Renesas Electronics Corporation QFN Packaged, ±15kV ESD Protected, +3V to +5.5V, 300nA, 250kbps, RS-232 Transceivers with Enhanced Automatic Powerdown and a Separate Logic Supply Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    LA 4270 Price and Stock

    PacTec 71884-27-028 LH68-175 Black

    Electrical Enclosure Accessories LH68-175 Black PANEL ONLY
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics 71884-27-028 LH68-175 Black
    • 1 $2.34
    • 10 $1.93
    • 100 $1.53
    • 1000 $1.37
    • 10000 $1.32
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    SANYO Semiconductor Co Ltd LA4270

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components LA4270 197
    • 1 $1.5
    • 10 $1.5
    • 100 $0.7
    • 1000 $0.7
    • 10000 $0.7
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    LA4270 72
    • 1 $2.8
    • 10 $2.8
    • 100 $1.54
    • 1000 $1.54
    • 10000 $1.54
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    LA 4270 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    LA4270 Sanyo Semiconductor 6 W Dual-Channel AF Power Amplifier Original PDF
    LA4270 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    LA4270 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LA4270 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LA4270 Unknown Television Microprocessor Datasheet Scan PDF
    LA4270 Sanyo Semiconductor 6W Dual-Channel AF Power Amp Scan PDF
    LA4270 Sanyo Semiconductor Sanyo Datasheets, Cross References and Circuit Examples Scan PDF

    LA 4270 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MD80C31 smd TRANSISTOR code marking 8K 67202FV PGA300 5962-8506401MQA ERC32SIM marking code RAD SMD Transistor npn ISO DIMENSIONAL certificate formats 67205E
    Text: Integrated Circuits for Aerospace and Defense Short Form 1998 16 June 1998 Publisher: TEMIC Semiconductors La Chantrerie BP 70602 44306 Nantes Cedex 03 FRANCE Fax: +33 2 40 18 19 60 E:mail World Wide Web: 16 June 1998



    Abstract: emetteur video MAX498 MAX4436 MAX4412 MAX4413 MAX4414 MAX4415 MAX4416 MAX463
    Text: VIDEO Fiches techniques 8 ANALOG DESIGN GUIDE • Notes d’applications • Echantillons gratuits me 6è 1 La plus grande matrice de commutation vidéo au monde avec tampons de sortie Cette matrice de commutation 32x16 offre une insertion d’affichage sur écran

    32x16 MAX456 140MHz, MAX4138 185MHz, MAX4137 MAX4136 multiplexeur emetteur video MAX498 MAX4436 MAX4412 MAX4413 MAX4414 MAX4415 MAX4416 MAX463 PDF


    Abstract: LQFP48 OQ2545 la-631
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET OQ2545HP SDH/SONET STM16/OC48 laser driver Preliminary specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC19 1997 Nov 27 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification SDH/SONET STM16/OC48 laser driver OQ2545HP FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION

    OQ2545HP STM16/OC48 OQ2545HP SCA56 427027/200/01/pp24 LQFP48 OQ2545 la-631 PDF


    Abstract: TZA3001AHL TZA3001BHL TZA3001U ALS 32
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET TZA3001AHL; TZA3001BHL; TZA3001U SDH/SONET STM4/OC12 laser drivers Objective specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC19 1997 Sep 08 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification SDH/SONET STM4/OC12 laser drivers TZA3001AHL;

    TZA3001AHL; TZA3001BHL; TZA3001U STM4/OC12 TZA3001AHL, LQFP32 TZA3001AHL TZA3001BHL TZA3001U ALS 32 PDF


    Abstract: operation of class c amplifier
    Text: 3C/350E Triode <«70A> 4270A C A TH O D E. Thoriated tungsten filam ent. Voltage Nominal current Peak emission 10.0 9.75 4.0 V A A RATING . A m p lifica tion factorl Measured at Va2,500V/ 16 Impedance J la 120 mA 12,800 ohms DIRECT INTER-ELECTRODE CAPACITIES.

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    3C/350E 3C/350Eâ 433mm 9-53mnDIA Amplification operation of class c amplifier PDF

    Delay chip

    Abstract: E195 SY100E195 SY10E195 100E195
    Text: * PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CHIP SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Up to 2ns delay range T h e S Y 1 0 /1 0 0 E 1 9 5 a re p ro g ra m m a b le d e la y c h ip s P D C s d e sig n e d p rim a rily fo r clo ck d e -s k e w in g and tim in g a d ju s tm e n t. T h e y p ro v id e v a ria b le d e la y o f a d iffe re n tia l

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 SY100E195 20ps/digital MC10E/100E195 SY10/100E195 0002D33 SY10E195 SY10E195JC J28-1 Delay chip E195 SY100E195 100E195 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: |— ACCESSOIRES A CCE SSO R IES ZUBEHdR TAILLE DU CONNECTEUR REFERENCE DE LA COUPE LLE POTTING POTTING CUP PIN COmSCTOR SIZE M odification 004 STECKER GROSSE 3 7 12 19 27 REFERENZ OER VERGUSSKAPPE 0025-011-000 0025-012-000 0025-013-000 0025-01 <1-000 0025-015-000

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: /TLin^AB _ LT1103/Lm05 TECHNOLOGY o fflin e S w itc h in g R e g u la to r FCmUIKS D€SCRIPTIOn • ±1% Line and Load Regulation with No Opto-Coupler ■ Switch Frequency up to 200kHz ■ Internal 2A Switch and Current Sense LT1103 ■ Internal 1A Totem Pole Driver (LT1105)

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    LT1103/Lm05 200kHz LT1103) LT1105) LT1103 LT1103/LT1105 100kHz D1D30Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M C 10H 606 M C 1 0 0H 6 06 M O TO R O LA R egistered H e x TTL/PE C L T ranslator REGISTERED HEX TTL/PECL TRANSLATOR The MC10/100H606 is a 6-bit, registered, single supply TTL to PECL translator. The device features differential PECL outputs as well as a choice

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    MC10/100H606 MC10H606 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CHIP SYNERGY SEM IC O N D U C TO R FEATURES • ■ C lo c k w o r k s ' SY10E195 S Y 10Q E 195 DESCRIPTION Up to 2ns d e la y range 2 0 p s /d ig ita l s te p re s o lu tio n ■ >1 GHz b a n d w id th ■ O n -c h ip c a sca d e c irc u itry

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 10E/100E195 SY10/100E195 SY100E195 SY10E195JC SY100E195JC J28-1 J28-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CHIP SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES_ • ■ Up to 2ns delay range ■ Clockworks SY10E195 SY100E195 DESCRIPTION T h e S Y 1 0 /1 0 0 E 1 9 5 a re p ro g ra m m a b le d e la y c h ip s P D C s d e s ig n e d p rim a rily fo r c lo c k d e -s k e w in g and tim in g

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 SY100E195 20ps/digital C10E/100E195 SY10E195JC J28-1 SY10E195JCTR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAR C ON I MTLS LTD 25 37tiflSGl □QOCIOL.R 1 PLESSEY T-s/-// Three Five Product Information GaAs MMIC Switch P35-4270 4GHz SPST Reflective Features • Broadband performance. • D.C. to 4GHz frequency range. • Low power consumption. • Nanosecond switching speed.

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    37tiflSGl P35-4270 37hflSDl PDF

    222M 250V

    Abstract: LC3300 6680M 1J47
    Text: n îc K ic o z t ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-24D series RCJ Approved Anti-Solvent 16 0V ~ ~ Feature (Through ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS GU Snap-in Term inal Type, W ide Tem perature Range

    OCR Scan
    RCJ-03-24D 120Hz, LGU2W331 120Hz 222M 250V LC3300 6680M 1J47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Interconnection Systems Selection Guide 82750 Revised 7-95 Terminals and Splices Machine Applied Terminations, Open Barrel Rings, Spades, Pins, Receptacles, Splices, Tabs Machine Applied Terminations, Open Barrel (Rings, Spades, Pins, Receptacles, Splices,

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SY100E195 SY100E195JC SY10E195 SY10E195JC SY10E195JCTR
    Text: * SYNERGY P R O G RAM M A BLE DELAY CHIP S E M IC O N D U C T O R F E A TU R E S Up to 2ns delay range ESD protection of 2000V Fully compatible with Motorola MC10E/100E195 PIN C O N FIG U R A T IO N oj Û Di ^ 26 Do 27 co *<r m Cl Q Q q fs. j z q n n n n n n n

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 SY100E195 20ps/digital MC10E/100E195 SY10/100E195 SY10E195 SY10E195JC J28-1 SY10E195JCTR E195 SY100E195 SY100E195JC PDF


    Abstract: Geiger-muller 18518 Scans-0017319 geiger
    Text: PHILIPS LOW BACKGROUND fi COUNTER TUBE. Halogen quenched end-window /ì counter tute for low level measurements In combination with a guard counter e.g. type 18518 TUBE COMPTEUR DE RAYONNEMENT A A FAIBLE FOND. Compteur à découpage par halogène avec fenêtre frontale pour mesures

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: yb 939 4269 CH35 ks philips
    Text: ËCH35 PHILIPS TRIODE-HEXODE Heating: indirect by A.C. or D.C.; series or parallel supply Chauffage: indirect par C.A. ou C.C.; alimentation en ^parallèle ou en série Heizung: indirekt durch Wechsel­ oder Gleichstrom; Serien­ oder Parallelspeisung Vf-=

    OCR Scan
    ECH35 yb 939 4269 CH35 ks philips PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o orkVU . rkr'v P R O G R A M M A B L E OEi AY CH!f- SYN ER G Y ' -•V 1 f i t 1 yB Wi TH A N A L O G I N R I T V 1 0 0 E Î9 B S E M IC O N D U C I O R FEATURES ■ Up to 2ns delay range ■ Extended 100E V ee range of -4 .2 V to -5 .5 V ■ »20ps digital step resolution

    OCR Scan
    75Kki2 C10E/100E196 28-pin 0/100E SY10E196JC SY10E196JCTR SY100E196JC SY100E196JCTR J28-1 PDF


    Abstract: 7034/4X150A 7034-4X150A 500Volt

    OCR Scan
    7034/4X150A 92CM-9756 92CM-976I 4X150A 7034/4X150A 7034-4X150A 500Volt PDF

    transistor book

    Abstract: N1408 Uraco Technologies Nippon capacitors UC5608
    Text: BR1486/D M M OTOROLA SCSI Terminators Precision Switchable SCSI Terminators DATA SHEET CLASSIFICATIONS Product Preview This heading on a data sheet indicates that the device is in the formative stages or in design (under development). The disclaimer at the bottom of the first page reads: “This

    OCR Scan
    BR1486/D BR1486 3PHX32472-1 transistor book N1408 Uraco Technologies Nippon capacitors UC5608 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * Clockworks SY10E195 SY100E195 PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CHIP SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Up to 2ns delay range Extended 100E V ee range of -4.2V to -5.5V ~20ps/digital step resolution >1GHz bandwidth On-chip cascade circuitry 75KkH input pulldown resistor

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 SY100E195 20ps/digital 75KkH MC10E/100E195 28-pin J28-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * Clockworks SY10E195 SY100E195 PROGRAMMABLE DELAY CHIP SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION Up to 2ns delay range Extended 100E V ee range of -4.2V to -5.5V ~20ps/digital step resolution >1GHz bandwidth On-chip cascade circuitry 75KkH input pulldown resistor

    OCR Scan
    SY10E195 SY100E195 20ps/digital 75KkH MC10E/100E195 28-pin J28-1 PDF


    Abstract: BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300
    Text: MULLARD DATA BOOK 1973-74 ER R A TA A U G U S T 1973 j\ 1 d - ^ Mullard Limited Renewal Sales Department Mullard House Torrington Place London WC1E 7HD N / , S E M IC O M D U C Type No. Page No. AC187 13 Correction Delete minus signs to read: *IC = 300m A;

    OCR Scan
    AC187 BC157 BC158 BC159 BC186 BC187 BD201 BD202 BD203 BD204 TCA160 BY164 Mullard C296 TAA310A TAA435 TAA700 TBA550 TBA480 PCC88 TAA300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N ovem b e r 1 9 9 6 ^ÉL Micro Linear ML6310 3V/5V Read Channel Front-end Processor GEN ERAL D ESCRIPTION FEATURES T h e M L 6310 is a BiCM 0 S R e a d C h a n n e lF m n t-e n d P ro c e s s o r E w h ic h ds o n e h a l f o f th e d isk le a d c h a n n e l

    OCR Scan
    ML6310 L6311 PDF