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    LA 4127 Search Results

    LA 4127 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MSS7341-273ML Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, shielded, 20/30% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273MLD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2929, CHIP, 2929 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273 Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, shielded, 20/30% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2929, CHIP, 2929 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    75844-127-18LF Amphenol Communications Solutions BergStik®, Board to Board connector, Unshrouded vertical header, Through Hole, Double Row, 18 Positions, 2.54mm (0.100in) Pitch. Visit Amphenol Communications Solutions
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    Quest Components LA4127 9
    • 1 $13.2
    • 10 $9.9
    • 100 $9.9
    • 1000 $9.9
    • 10000 $9.9
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    potenciometro 100k lineal

    Abstract: Linear Potentiometer 50k transformador chopper descargar vfd037e43a VFD015E43T VFD037E23A VFD075E43A como se mide un diodo transistor de induccion estatica
    Text: Prefacio Gracias por elegir la Serie de alto rendimiento VFD-E de DELTA. La Serie VFD-E se fabrica con componentes y materiales de alta calidad e incorpora la más moderna tecnología disponible en microprocesadores. Se debe usar este manual para instalación, ajuste de parámetros, solución de problemas y

    10/CTL X0XX1111 X0XX0000 X0XX1000 X1XX0000 0XXXX110 0XXXX01X X01X0001 0XXXX111 potenciometro 100k lineal Linear Potentiometer 50k transformador chopper descargar vfd037e43a VFD015E43T VFD037E23A VFD075E43A como se mide un diodo transistor de induccion estatica PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: d a l e , DISTRIBUTORS - AUTHORIZED U.S. DISTRIBUTORS A LA B A M A Huntsville 35805 Ham itton/Avnet 4940 R esearch D rive Tel: 205-837-7210 Huntsville 35805 Pioneer-Technologies 4825 U niversity Square Tel: 205-837-9300 A R IZO N A Chandler 85226 Ham ilton/Avnet

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EL4393C é la n te c H GH PERFORMANCE ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Features • 80 M Hz —3 dB bandwidth for gains of 1 to 10 • 900 V/jas slew rate • 10 M Hz bandwidth flat to 0.1 dB • Excellent differential gain and phase • TTL/CM OS compatible • Available in SOL-16

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    EL4393C SOL-16 EL4393C 150fl EL4393 DD0331D PDF

    la 4127

    Abstract: LA 4138
    Text: bq4285 U N IT R O D E Real-Time Clock RTC with NVRAM Control Features ► D ire c t c lo c k /c a le n d a r re p la c e ­ m e n t for IBM A T -com patible com puters and other applications ► Functionally compatible w ith th e DS1285 - Closely m atches MC146818A

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    bq4285 24-hour bq4285 768kHz DT-26 DT-26S) la 4127 LA 4138 PDF


    Abstract: B412-10-10 B412-10-25 B412-10-5 B412-5-10 B412-5-25 B412-5-5 B412-7-10 B412-7-25 B412-7-5
    Text: -m à i,£ EDAL INDUSTRIES INC ¿iKC V 4SE D SERIES 4 ^ k'^-'y'S'IJeh'-r. • ' 3 0 1 5 7 1 b 00002Mb 4 ■ E] L7-t2 J - o S' S MINIATURE HIGH VOLTAGE SILICON RECTIFIERS □ Sm aller in size than o th e r high voltage re ctifie rs, com pact tu b u la r co n stru ctio n and fle xib le leads fa c ili­

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    3DTS71t, 00002Mb co5-25 BR412-30-5 BR412-30-10 BR412-30-25 BR412-40-5 BR412-40-10 BR412-40-25 BR412-50-5 B412 B412-10-10 B412-10-25 B412-10-5 B412-5-10 B412-5-25 B412-5-5 B412-7-10 B412-7-25 B412-7-5 PDF

    SMD Lz6

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <8 M ilita ry 54F251 > M O TO R O LA. 8-ln p u t D ata S e le c to r/M u ltip le x e r W ith 3 -S ta te O utputs MPO MW ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/33905 The 54F251 is a high-speed 8-input digital multiplexer. It provides in one package, the ability to select one line of data from up to eight

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    54F251 MIL-M-38510/33905 54F251 JM38510/33905BXA 54F251/BXAJC SMD Lz6 PDF

    LW 4933

    Abstract: LA 4127 3808 divider D12301
    Text: SED1230 Series LCD DRIVER-CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION T he S E D 1 2 30 S e rie s are in te llig e n t C M O S LCD c o n tro lle r-d rive rs w ith th e a b ility to d isp la y ch a ra cte rs 5 x 7 and icons. The SED1230 Series com m unicates with a high-speed m icroprocessor such as the Intel

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    SED1230 8080-Series 6800-Series LW 4933 LA 4127 3808 divider D12301 PDF

    IC LA 4127

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CD74FCT841T, CD74FCT843T, CD74FCT845T, CD74FCT2841T Fast CMOS Bus Interface Latches D e c e m b e r 1996 Ordering Information Features • A d v a n c e d 0 .8 m ic ro n C M O S T e c h n o lo g y PART NUMBER • T h e s e D e v ic e s a re P in C o m p a tib le w ith B ip o la r

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    CD74FCT841T, CD74FCT843T, CD74FCT845T, CD74FCT2841T IC LA 4127 PDF

    IC LA 4127

    Abstract: SD-529
    Text: CM — 1i _ f=> S i Ml _L (M W j —X -<y /7 w i) (IN S U LA T IO N COATIN G ON S U R F A C E S A REA) ( 1. 65) m cn C\l Ln ON n 00 o - o (DIM ENSION TO (LEN GTH TO CO N TACT CON TACT BETW EEN ) PO IN T) (3 =8) (F P C ifA ^ a ) (IN SER T IO N NOTES I. DEPTH OF FPC )

    OCR Scan
    -4I27) SD-5293 MXJ-32 04/05/u SD-529 I-002 XJ-32 IC LA 4127 PDF

    sg1524B pwm

    Abstract: 150a PWM schematic diagram 12v DC sg2529dw sg3529 SG1524B SG3529N SG1529 SG3529DW fpp8
    Text: SG1529/SG2529/SG3529 SILICON GENERAL REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR L IN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES T h e SG 1529 se rie s of pulse w idth m o du la to r integrated circuits are d esigned to provide all the o perational fe a tu re s of the S G 1524B series w ith th e added

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    SG1529/SG2529/SG3529 SG1529 SG1524B 18-PIN SG2529DW SG3529DW sg1524B pwm 150a PWM schematic diagram 12v DC sg3529 SG3529N fpp8 PDF


    Abstract: fur elise ICL7664 MAX666 equivalent lcd epsom MAX666EJA ICL7663 MAX663CPA MAX663CSA MAX663EPA
    Text: > k i y j x i > k i D u a l M ode 5 V /P ro g ra m m a b ie M ic ro p o w e r V oltage R e g u la to rs G en e ra l D e s crip tio n The MAX663/664/666 CMOS voltage regulators have a m axim um quiescent current o f 12/iA. They can be used either as 5 volt, fixed output regulators with no

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    MAX663/664/666 12/uA. MAX66X MAX663 MAX664 fur elise ICL7664 MAX666 equivalent lcd epsom MAX666EJA ICL7663 MAX663CPA MAX663CSA MAX663EPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: £ 1 S T R J B U T I0 N _ S T A T E M E N ^^ A pproved for pub lic release; d is trib u tio n is unlim ite d . D E S C F O R M 193 M AY 86 4-118 DESC Standardized Military Drawings AMD £ 1 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. T h is draw ing d e s c rib e s d e v ic e re q u ire m e n ts f o r c la s s 6 m ic r o c ir c u it s In accordance w ith

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883 iAM27LS03/BEA IAM27LS03/BFA IAM27LS03/82A 27LS03/S03 PDF


    Abstract: LA 4127 LG tv remote control TMP47C634N Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 lg led tv internal parts block diagram OP133 sks 260 tLCS-470 wm3 mark
    Text: T O S H IB A TMP47C434/634/034 CMOS 4-BIT M ICRO CO N TRO LLER T M P 4 7C 43 4 N ,T M P 47 C 6 3 4N TM P 47C 434F, TM P 47C 634F The 47C434/634 are based on th e TLCS-470 C M O S series. T h e 47C434/634 h a ve on-screen d isp la y circu it to d isp lay ch ara cte rs an d m arks w h ic h in d ic a te c h a n n e l o r tim e on T V screen, A/D c o n v e rte r in p u t, a n d D/A

    OCR Scan
    C434/634/034 TMP47C434I\1 TMP47C634N TMP47C434F, TMP47C634F 47C434/634 TLCS-470 TMP47Ã TMP47C434F TMP47C434N LA 4127 LG tv remote control Crystal Oscillator 204B-6F 4.0000 .. 07 lg led tv internal parts block diagram OP133 sks 260 wm3 mark PDF

    antilog amplifier

    Abstract: ULTRASONIC cleaner IT108 "logarithmic amplifier" amplifier daub INA-12 100MS 4127KG 245MC 4127A
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N 4127 1 L O G A R ITH M IC AMPLIFIER FEATURES •ACCEPTS INPUT VOLTAGES OR CURRENTS OF EITHER POLARITY fu n c tio n s a c c u ra te ly fo r u p to six d e ca d e s o f in p u t c u rre n t a n d fo u r d e c a d e s o f in p u t v o lta g e . In

    OCR Scan
    the4l27 -IT108Â 15V0C antilog amplifier ULTRASONIC cleaner IT108 "logarithmic amplifier" amplifier daub INA-12 100MS 4127KG 245MC 4127A PDF


    Abstract: m35040 f11s LA 4127 20 pin LA 4138
    Text: M ITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS M 35040-X X X FP ,M 35041-X X X F P SC R EE N C H A R A C TE R and PA TTER N D IS P L A Y C O N T R O L L E R S DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M35040-XXXFP and M35041-XXXFP are character pat­ tern display controllers designed to display title, tim e and

    OCR Scan
    35040-X 35041-X M35040-XXXFP M35041-XXXFP 20-pin M35041O M35041-001FP m35041 m35040 f11s LA 4127 20 pin LA 4138 PDF

    IC LA 4127

    Abstract: circuit diagram of antilog circuit
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N [ 4127 1 LO G A R IT H M IC AM PLIFIER FEATURES functions accurately for up to six decades of input current and four decades of input voltage. In addition, a newly developed current inverter and a precise internal reference allow pin programming of

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P47C 434/634/034 C M O S 4 -B IT M IC R O C O N TR O LLE R TM P47C434N,TM P47C634N TMP47C434F, TMP47C634F The 47C4 34/634 are based on t h e TLCS-470 CMOS series. Th e 47C4 34/634 have on-screen dis pla y c irc u it t o display cha racters a n d marks w h i c h in d ic a te c h a nnel o r t i m e o n TV screen, A/D co n v e rte r in p u t , a n d D/A

    OCR Scan
    P47C434N P47C634N TMP47C434F, TMP47C634F TLCS-470 DIP42 QFP44 SDIP42 47C034 47C434/634 PDF


    Abstract: Schaltungen TNF-G Scans-048 414244-1 4143.4.-2111.00 4143,4, DSAGER00027
    Text: Keramische Halbleiterwiderstände A u sgabe 1983 A b b ild u n g e n und W e rte g e lte n n u r b e d in g t als U n te rla g e n fü r Bestellungen. R echtsverbindlich ist je w e ils d ie A u ftra g s b e s tä tig u n g . Ä n d e run g e n Vorbehalten

    OCR Scan
    4-414h. 4-413S ltun Schaltungen TNF-G Scans-048 414244-1 4143.4.-2111.00 4143,4, DSAGER00027 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Twin Threaded Connectors Specifications subject to change. For latest design specifications. 1-800-522-6752 Product Facts • Crimp connectors require only one-stroke crimping of both conductors, plus braid and cable support ■ Lower installed cost with

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SY10E445
    Text: * 4-BIT SERIAL/PARALLEL CONVERTER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION On-chip clock -h4 and +8 Extended 100E V ee range of -4 .2 V to -5 .5 V 2.5Gb/s data rate capability Differential clock and serial inputs Vbb output for single-ended use Asynchronous data synchronization

    OCR Scan
    SY10E445 SY100E445 75ki2 MC10E/100E445 800ps 1050ps SY10E445JC J28-1 SY100E445 SY10E445 PDF

    12v relay 8 pin diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H April 1999 C - 5 5 File Num ber 2 B 1 4127.2 SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Features The Harris SLIC incorporates many of the BORSHT function on a single 1C chip. This includes DC battery feed, a ring relay driver, supervisory and hybrid functions. This device is

    OCR Scan
    HC-5502B 1-800-4-HARRIS 12v relay 8 pin diagram PDF

    IC LA 4127

    Abstract: la 4127 P3212 8212D
    Text: Am3212 *Am8212 Eight-Bit Input/Output Port Distinctive Characteristics • F u lly parallel, 8 -b it data register and b u ffe r replacing latches, m ultiplexers and buffers needed in m icro­ processor systems. • Available fo r operation over both com m ercial and

    OCR Scan
    Am3212 Am8212 LIC-436 IC LA 4127 la 4127 P3212 8212D PDF


    Abstract: 1569R MC1469R 2N3055 series voltage regulator MC1569G 1469r MC1569 schematic diagram 3V dc voltage regulator circuit diagram for automatic voltage regulator 2n3055 voltage regulator
    Text: 8 < MC1469 MCI 569 MOTOROLA > S p e c ific a tio n s and A p p lic a tio n s In fo rm atio n POSITIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MONOLITHIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR SILICON MONOLITHIC EPITAXIAL PASSIVATED The MC1569/MC1469 is a positive voltage regulator designed to

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    MC1469 MC1569 MC1569/MC1469 MCt569 MC1563 MC1569 MC1569R 1569R MC1469R 2N3055 series voltage regulator MC1569G 1469r schematic diagram 3V dc voltage regulator circuit diagram for automatic voltage regulator 2n3055 voltage regulator PDF


    Abstract: IC LA 4127 la 4127
    Text: BUZ45 33 HARRIS N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode Power Fìeld-E ffect Transistor August 1991 Features Package T0-204AA BOTTOM VIEW • 9 .6A , 5 0 0 V • rDS on = 0 -6 fl SOURCE • S O A is P o w e r-D is sip a tio n Lim ited _ . DRAIN /(FLA N G E) • N a n o s e c o n d S w itch in g S p e e d s

    OCR Scan
    BUZ45 T0-204AA BUZ45 IC LA 4127 la 4127 PDF