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    LA 3886 Search Results

    LA 3886 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    HD6433886XXXH Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcomputers for Consumer Electronics, Communication Equipment and Battery Powered Applications (Non Promotion), , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M38869MCA-XXXHP#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers with 80 Pins (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M38869MFA-XXXGP#U0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers with 80 Pins (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD6433886XXXX Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcomputers for Consumer Electronics, Communication Equipment and Battery Powered Applications (Non Promotion), , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M38869FFAHP#UU Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers with 80 Pins (Non Promotion), LQFP, /Tray/Embossed tape Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    LA 3886 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PRIMO DH arduino due ARDUINO ESPLORA 74HC79
    Text: Corso Arduino Conoscere e usare  dell’ing. MIRCO SEGATELLO È tra i sistemi di sviluppo più noti e utilizzati: si basa su un processore Atmel e dispone di numerosi I/O. Vediamo come funziona e come si utilizza. Prima puntata. rduino è il nome di una piattaforma


    Motorola MC1310P

    Abstract: MC1310P LM 7432 MC1305P tba221 sfc2741c SFC2741 741TC MC1304P ULN2110A
    Text: SPRAGUE INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE O .E .M . TO SPRAGUE Alpha-Numeric CROSS-REFERENCE to SPRAGUE Integrated Circuits To R e p la c e U se S p ra g u e Type To R e p la c e Use S p ra g u e Type To R e p la ce U se S p ra g u e Type To R e p la c e

    OCR Scan
    SN75474P UDN3614M SN76642N ULN2113A TL1741C ULN2151D 732DC ULN2120A SN76104N ULN2120A Motorola MC1310P MC1310P LM 7432 MC1305P tba221 sfc2741c SFC2741 741TC MC1304P ULN2110A PDF


    Abstract: sfc2741 sn72741 SN72741P MC1310P ULN2083 SF.C2741C SG3821N SN72741L 3821N
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE O .E .M . TO SPRAGUE SPRAGUE Original Source CROSS-REFERENCE to SPRAGUE Integrated Circuits To R e p la ce U se S p ra g u e Type U se S p ra g u e Type To R e p la c e N A T IO N A L SEMI. N U C LE O N IC PRODUCTS

    OCR Scan
    CA3046 CA3054 CA3086 DM7401 DM7432N DM7438N DS3611N DS3612N DS3613N 0S3614N SFC2741C sfc2741 sn72741 SN72741P MC1310P ULN2083 SF.C2741C SG3821N SN72741L 3821N PDF


    Abstract: 2sd4242 b1375 A1015 2482S 2sc 1091 1S1658 1S2452 2Sc2074 C1172B
    Text: • TO BE DISCONTINUED T Y P E L IS T 1 T y p e N o. R ecom m end R e p la c e m e n t T y p e N o. T y p e N o. R ecom m end R e p la c e m e n t T y p e N o. T y p e N o. 0 4 A Z 2 .0 —3.6 0 2 C Z 2 .0 -3 .6 2SC 512 2SC 3421 2SC 2754 - 0 5 A Z 2 .2 - 3 .6

    OCR Scan
    2SC387A 2SC1815 2SC2347 T2456 2460B 2SC2461 2461B 2SC2481 2SC2531 2SC3281 3182N 2sd4242 b1375 A1015 2482S 2sc 1091 1S1658 1S2452 2Sc2074 C1172B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3886 Group 4\P so'"®9 S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R F LA S H M E M O R Y V E R S IO N DESCRIPTION • Power dissipation The 3886 group is the 8-bit m icrocom puter based on the 740 fa m ­ In high-speed m ode . 40 mW

    OCR Scan

    LA 3660

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 8 THIS DRAWING IS UNPUBLISHED. COPYRIGHT RELEASED 5 6 FOR PUBLICATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. By - D +.0 10 - + .0 1 5 -.005 . 100 MHMMM HHHHh Hh HSh J -.100 TYP L c -050+.002 . 100 £ " 7 T .272 LA .264- B XX ¥X i I .0 9 7 . 1 60 XXXX XX XXX X XXX J + PI

    OCR Scan

    up counter 7515

    Abstract: 145162 La 7676 9366 Ali 3601 LA 7814
    Text: M O TO R O LA Order this document by MC145162/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information M C I 45 1 62 M C I 45162-1 60 MHz and 85 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizers CMOS The M C 145162 is a dual p h a s e -lo c k e d loop PLL frequ en cy synth esize r

    OCR Scan
    MC145162/D 1ATX31011-1 up counter 7515 145162 La 7676 9366 Ali 3601 LA 7814 PDF

    tip41c tip42c

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA NPN T IP 4 1 A C o m p le m e n ta ry S ilicon P la s tic P o w er T ran sisto rs T IP 4 1 B * . . . designed for use in general purpose amplifier and switching applications. T IP 4 1 C * • • • • PNP Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage —

    OCR Scan
    TIP41 TIP42A TIP41B, TIP42B TIP41C, TIP42C O-220 tip41c tip42c PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 Ba 5930 fp RA 8040 ba 3822 ls OZ 9998 RN OZ 9998 ST 9322 t 3866 48350 SCH
    Text: M O TO R O LA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 145165 Advance Information L o w -V o ltag e 6 0 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency S ynthesizer S 1 P S U F F IX PLASTIC DIP CASE 648 CMOS T h e M C 1 4 5 1 6 5 is a lo w -vo ltag e dual p h a se -lo ck e d loop P L L freq u en cy

    OCR Scan
    MC145165 OZ 9972 OZ 9966 Ba 5930 fp RA 8040 ba 3822 ls OZ 9998 RN OZ 9998 ST 9322 t 3866 48350 SCH PDF

    sc 6700

    Abstract: La 7676 LA 7814 5502 M ic la 4440 7815 CT ir 9342 pin of 7806 ic ic 9945 a 8 pin mos cy 6935
    Text: M O T O R O LA O rd e r th is d o c u m e n t SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by M C 1 4 5 1 65/D M C 145165 Advance Information Low -Voltage 60 MHz Universal Program m able Dual PLL Frequency Synthesizer CMOS D S U FFIX The M C 145165 is a lo w -v o lta g e dual p h a s e -lo c k e d loop PLL frequ en cy

    OCR Scan
    1ATX35048-0 2099B MC145165/D sc 6700 La 7676 LA 7814 5502 M ic la 4440 7815 CT ir 9342 pin of 7806 ic ic 9945 a 8 pin mos cy 6935 PDF


    Abstract: SFC2741C Motorola MC1310P MC1305P TBA221 Telefunken U 3082 M Texas Instruments TTL 7432 LM 7432 741TC sfc*2741
    Text: SPRAGUE IN T E G R A T E D ^ C IR C U IT S SERIES 480 and 490 DISPLAY DRIVERS Th e Series 4 8 0 and 4 9 0 high-voltage display drivers are face betw een an M O S calculator or c o un te r/de co der circuit bipolar m on olith ic integrated circu its designed for interface

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510. UHP-480 ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D mc1310p Motorola MC1310P MC1305P TBA221 Telefunken U 3082 M Texas Instruments TTL 7432 LM 7432 741TC sfc*2741 PDF


    Abstract: TBA221 SN76689N Motorola MC1310P TBA221B MC1310P SFC2741C sfc2741 ULN2278P LM1310N
    Text: CONSUMER LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SPRAGUE TYPE U LN -2 274B , U LN -2 2 74 P , U LN -2 2 75 P , U LN-2278B , and ULN-2278P DUAL AUDIO AM PLIFIERS* These dual audio amplifiers are linear monolithic in­ tegrated circuits designed primarily for low-cost audio am­

    OCR Scan
    ULN-2274B, ULN-2274P, ULN-2275P, ULN-2278B, ULN-2278P ULN-2274 ULN-2275 ULN-2278 ULN2289A SFC2741C MC1305P TBA221 SN76689N Motorola MC1310P TBA221B MC1310P sfc2741 ULN2278P LM1310N PDF


    Abstract: LN2054 SFC2741 MC1305P SFC2741C SN76116N MC1304P Motorola MC1310P SN76130N ULN2081A
    Text: CONSUM ER LINEAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS SPRAGUE TYPE U L N -2 1 2 0 A , U L N - 2 1 2 1 A , U L N -2 1 2 2 A , and U LN -2 12 8 A STEREO PROCESSING IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS* Device Type LILN-2120A U LN -2121A U LN -2122A U LN -2128A 19kHz A m p lifier Frequency

    OCR Scan
    ULN-2120A, ULN-2121A, ULN-2122A, ULN-2128A 19kHz ULN-2120A ULN-2121A ULN-2122A ULN-2126A MC1310P LN2054 SFC2741 MC1305P SFC2741C SN76116N MC1304P Motorola MC1310P SN76130N ULN2081A PDF

    motorola stereo decoder mc1310p

    Abstract: SFC2741C MC1310p MC1304P uln2244a MC1305P SFC2741 MC 1310 stereo decoder uln2151m TBA221
    Text: CONSUM ER LINEAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS SPRAGUE TYPE U LN -2 20 9 M l-F G A IN BLOCK with V O LT A G E R EG U LATO R Th e Type U L N -2 2 0 9 M four-stage lim itin g a m p lifie r provides the fu n ctio n o f an l-F gain block and is designed for use in c o m m u n ica tion s and F-M receivers.

    OCR Scan
    ULN-2209M ULN-2231A ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV motorola stereo decoder mc1310p MC1310p MC1304P uln2244a MC1305P MC 1310 stereo decoder uln2151m TBA221 PDF


    Abstract: MC1305P SFC2741C MC1304P sfc*2741 SFC2741 Motorola MC1310P LN2054 SN76116N MC-1310P
    Text: CONSUMER LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TYPE ULN-2289A l-F SYSTEM for F-M RECEIVER APPLICATIONS Pro vidin g all o f the fu n ctio n s o f a com prehensive l-F system fo r F-M receivers, th e Type U L N -2 2 8 9 A is a m on olith ic integrated circu it con­ ta in in g three stages o f a m p lific a tio n / lim itin g w ith level detectors for

    OCR Scan
    ULN-2289A ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D MC1310P MC1305P MC1304P sfc*2741 Motorola MC1310P LN2054 SN76116N MC-1310P PDF

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: mikroelektronik DDR Widerstandsnetzwerke aus dem Kombinat Keramische Werke Hermsdorf VEB Keramische Werke keramische Werke Hermsdorf hermsdorf keramische Werke Hermsdorf 3677 Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Kombinat VEB Keramische Werke DDR Schaltkreise
    Text: Widerstandsnetzwerke ProduktUbersicht Resistor Networks Products catalog Die vorgestellte Typenauswahl stellt einen Querschnitt unseres umfangreichen Sorti­ ments dar. Die verbindlichen Angaben zu den aufgeführten und weiteren Typen kön­ nen unseren „Technischen Lieferbedingun­

    OCR Scan
    WV/6/1-10 VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR Widerstandsnetzwerke aus dem Kombinat Keramische Werke Hermsdorf VEB Keramische Werke keramische Werke Hermsdorf hermsdorf keramische Werke Hermsdorf 3677 Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Kombinat VEB Keramische Werke DDR Schaltkreise PDF


    Abstract: ULN2083 array MC1310P sfc*2741 TBA221 741TC uln2046a All in one TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE SFC2741 MC1305P
    Text: Z ir SPRAGUE TRANSISTOR ARRAYS A New Approach to Design Problem Solving Sprague offers nine monolithic active-device arrays which com bine the performance and versatility of discrete devices with th e inherent reliability and matching of integrated circuits.

    OCR Scan
    ULS-2045H ULN-2046A ULN-2047A ULN-2054A ULN-2081A ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE ULN2083 array MC1310P sfc*2741 TBA221 741TC uln2046a All in one TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE MC1305P PDF

    tda 3611

    Abstract: RCA 3086 SFC2741C 3613m MC1310P sfc2741 SN76116 mc1305p 741TC sn75474p
    Text: C H UIICF OD r DK HÛ U INTERFAC E CIRCUITS INTEGRATED SERIES 3600 LAM P and POWER DRIVERS These 'mini-DIP' dual peripheral and power drivers are bi­ polar monolithic integrated circuits incorporating AND, NAND, OR, or NOR logic gates, high-current switching tran­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510 MIL-STD-883, ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D tda 3611 RCA 3086 3613m MC1310P SN76116 mc1305p 741TC sn75474p PDF


    Abstract: MC1305P MC1310P sfc2741 MC1304P SF.C2741C TBA221 SN76116 Motorola MC1310P SN76642N
    Text: SPRAGUE CONSUM ER LIN EAR IN TEG R ATED CIRCUITS TYPE U L N -2 1 3 7 A A -M R A D IO * The Type U L N -2 1 3 7 A is a monolithic integrated circuit designed specifically for super-heterodyne A-M radio applications. Each device contains two amplifiers, a mixer-oscillator, an AG C detector, and a

    OCR Scan
    ULN-2137A 14-pin) ULN-2165A ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M MC1305P MC1310P MC1304P SF.C2741C TBA221 SN76116 Motorola MC1310P SN76642N PDF

    motorola stereo decoder mc1310p

    Abstract: MC 1310 stereo decoder ULN2111A ULN2244A MC 1357 stereo decoder 741TC MC1305P SFC2741C SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR guide ULN2111N
    Text: SP RAGUE Sprague Electric's Semiconductor Division has taken the advan­ tages of Sprague-pioneered ion-implantation and directed them toward the design and manufacture of consumer entertainment products. With 'state-of-the-art' design and process capability,

    OCR Scan
    ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D motorola stereo decoder mc1310p MC 1310 stereo decoder ULN2111A ULN2244A MC 1357 stereo decoder 741TC MC1305P SPRAGUE SEMICONDUCTOR guide ULN2111N PDF

    OZ 9972

    Abstract: OZ 9966 BD 4914 RTA 16065 LA 7809 ite 8892 BUL 380 SN 49710 LT 7207 IC 4081
    Text: M MOTOROLA M C 13109 Advance Information U niversal Cordless Telephone Subsystem 1C UNIVERSAL CT-1 SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED CIRCUIT T h e M C 1 3 1 0 9 in te g ra te s s e v e ra l o f th e fu n c tio n s re q u ire d fo r a c o rd le s s te le p h o n e in to a s in g le in te g ra te d c irc u it. T h is s ig n ific a n tly re d u c e s c o m p o ­

    OCR Scan

    LA 369

    Abstract: LA 3886 7Z00 tube az2 philips tube az2
    Text: PHILIPS TBL 2/500 FORCED AIR COOLED TRIODE WITH CERAMIC ENVELOPE and coaxial arrangement of the terminals for use as U.H.F. amplifier TRIODE A REFROIDISSEMENT PAR VENTILATION FORCEE AVEC ENVELOPPE CERAMIQUE et arrangement coaxial des connexions des électrodes pour utilisation en amplificatrice U.H.F

    OCR Scan
    7Z00253 TBL2/500 LA 369 LA 3886 7Z00 tube az2 philips tube az2 PDF


    Abstract: 1zbb 24365
    Text: CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT KS0076B DOT MATRIX LCD CONTROLLER & DRIVER 80 QFP The K S 0 0 76 B is a d o t m a trix LC D d riv e r & c o n tro lle r LSI w h ich is fa b ric a te d b y lo w p o w e r C M O S te ch n olo gy. FUNCTION • C h a ra c te r type d o t m atrix LC D driver & c o n tro lle r

    OCR Scan
    KS0076B KS0076B 1zbb 24365 PDF


    Abstract: sfc2741c sfc2741 SN72741P SF.C2741C SN72741 LM1307N SN72741L SN55471 LM1310
    Text: C H UIICF OD r DK HÛ U INTERFAC E CIRCUITS INTEGRATED SERIES 3600 LAM P and POWER DRIVERS These 'mini-DIP' dual peripheral and power drivers are bi­ polar monolithic integrated circuits incorporating AND, NAND, OR, or NOR logic gates, high-current switching tran­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510 MIL-STD-883, ULN2289A SFC2741C SFC2741 ULN2151D ULN2151M T2741WV ULN2151D SFC2741DC SN72741P SF.C2741C SN72741 LM1307N SN72741L SN55471 LM1310 PDF