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    KTY 81-110 PHILIPS Search Results

    KTY 81-110 PHILIPS Datasheets Context Search

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    KTY 81-110 philips

    Abstract: KTY 110 KTY 81-210 philips KTY 10-6 KTY 10-7 KTY 21-5 KTY 10-5 KT and KTY 81210 KTY 81 210
    Text: Cross reference list Temperature Sensors Philips Part No. Philips Package Resistance at 25°C Ohm Tolerance Group Philips Direct Infineon Replacement KTY KTY KTY KTY KTY KTY KTY 81-110 81-120 81-121 81-122 81-150 81-151 81-152 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92 TO-92

    83-xxx 84-xxx 85-xxx DO-34 OT-23, O-92MINI KTY 81-110 philips KTY 110 KTY 81-210 philips KTY 10-6 KTY 10-7 KTY 21-5 KTY 10-5 KT and KTY 81210 KTY 81 210 PDF

    BCM 4336

    Abstract: 2A0565 C2335 2A280Z C1740 bipolar transistor transistor A1267 a1273 transistor c2335 r 2B0565 2b265
    Text: 01.07.2005 11:10 Uhr Seite 2 Shor t Form Catalog for Distribution 2005/06 w w w. i n f i n e o n . c o m / d i s t r i b u t i o n Published by Infineon Technologies AG Ordering No. B192-H6780-G9-X-7600 Printed in Germany LM 060550. Shor t Form Catalog Distribution 2005/06

    B192-H6780-G9-X-7600 D-81669 VDSL5100i-E VDSL6100i-E BCM 4336 2A0565 C2335 2A280Z C1740 bipolar transistor transistor A1267 a1273 transistor c2335 r 2B0565 2b265 PDF

    PEF 24628

    Abstract: PSB 21493 siemens PMB 6610 47n60c3 psb 21553 Pmb7725 PEF 22628 PMB6610 psb 50505 PMB 6819
    Text: 2006/2007 Published by Infineon Technologies AG Ordering No. B192-H6780-G10-X-7600 Printed in Germany PS 080648. nb Infineon Product Catalog for Distribution 2006/2007 Product Catalog for Distribution Edition July 2006 Published by

    B192-H6780-G10-X-7600 SP000012954 SP000013610 SP000017969 SP000014627 SP000018085 SP000018086 PEF 24628 PSB 21493 siemens PMB 6610 47n60c3 psb 21553 Pmb7725 PEF 22628 PMB6610 psb 50505 PMB 6819 PDF

    RPY 86

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter RPY94 CQY 24 BV EI 30-20 3001 LDR 03 diode byx 64 600 valvo transistoren KP101A BAV99-1
    Text: Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. v a i v D Halbleiterbauelemente Produktprogramm DH, April 1984 Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente Unser Arbeitsgebiet - besonders die Mikroelektronik - entwickelt sich immer rascher zum Motor für eine Vielzahl von Innovationen. Mit gründ­

    OCR Scan

    LDR 03

    Abstract: valvo halbleiter LDR -03 cny63 CNY62 BYX 71 800 CXY19 VALVO ldr 07 BZW10-12
    Text: Halbleiter­ bauelemente • 1981/82 N, Bauelemente l m für die gesamte i f Elektronik V A L V O Valvo bietet das breiteste Produktprogram m an Bauelementen für die gesamte Elektronik in Deutschland: Bildröhren A blenkteile Tuner Lautsprecher Transform atoren

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: yx 801 TFK ad 164 H13-31C st z7s SCR 131- 6 WJ 60 ic stk 432 090 LHi 878 34B SOT rjh ah
    Text: ? — S • £ / — h NEC Í Í T / \ f Z 4 t ’7 h • '> > $ ^ P D 1 7 0 0 5 l i , T-V i> 9 \s • v -f ? □ zi > ' y ~ f • ~7 >f ^ □ □ > Y P — 5 • - > * x A f f l / \ - K ^ X T7 ^ |* lil L fc 4 t'- y h • > > 7¡\s3- y 7° C M O S h P -7 T -ÎO

    OCR Scan
    uPD17005 7915a yx 801 TFK ad 164 H13-31C st z7s SCR 131- 6 WJ 60 ic stk 432 090 LHi 878 34B SOT rjh ah PDF