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    KRF CAPACITOR Search Results

    KRF CAPACITOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    KRF CAPACITOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KRF Series Large Tubulars Ⅲ Radial Leads Ⅲ Large Capacitance Ⅲ Solvent Proof Ⅲ ‫؀‬105؇C Maximum Temperature L ARGE TUBUL ARS -105؇C KRF Ⅲ Actual Size The KRF series capacitors are large diameter radial wire lead products with large capacitance that are

    circ1M30X20LL KRF200VB271M30X25LL KRF200VB391M30X30LL KRF200VB471M30X35LL KRF200VB561M30X40LL KRF200VB821M30X50LL KRF250VB68RM22X20LL KRF250VB101M22X25LL KRF250VB151M22X30LL KRF250VB181M22X35LL PDF


    Abstract: KRF capacitor
    Text: KRF Series Large Tubulars Ⅲ Radial Leads Ⅲ Large Capacitance Ⅲ Solvent Proof Ⅲ ‫؀‬105؇C Maximum Temperature L ARGE TUBUL ARS -105؇C KRF Ⅲ Actual Size The KRF series capacitors are large diameter radial wire lead products with large capacitance that are

    KRF200VB271M30X25LL KRF200VB391M30X30LL KRF200VB471M30X35LL KRF200VB561M30X40LL KRF200VB821M30X50LL KRF250VB68RM22X20LL KRF250VB101M22X25LL KRF250VB151M22X30LL KRF250VB181M22X35LL KRF250VB221M22X40LL KRF250VB68RM22 KRF capacitor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 radial lead, 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Endurance with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. 120Hz) 20B25 20B30 20B35 20B40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 radial lead, 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Endurance with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. 120Hz) 20B20 20B25 20B30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 radial lead, 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Endurance with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. 120Hz) at0B25 20B30 20B35 20B40 PDF


    Abstract: capacitor KMH F20B20 20B50 22B35
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 radial lead, 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Endurance with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. Rat30 20B30 22B25 22B30 20B40 20B40 capacitor KMH 20B50 22B35 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 Radial Lead 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Load life with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. 120Hz) at2B35 20B20 20B25 20B30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS F20 & 22 radial lead, 105C KMH @Radial lead type ranging from F20B20 to F22B50mm @For input filtering of power supplies @Endurance with ripple current : 105C 2000 hours @Non solvent-proof downsized higher ripple KRF

    F20B20 F22B50mm 450Vdc 15max. RatB30 20B30 22B25 22B30 20B40 PDF


    Abstract: .662K AN9607 HC5509 HC5509A1R3060 HC5517 ic 725 op amp
    Text: Impedance Matching Design Equations for the HC5509 Series of SLICs TM Application Note October 1996 AN9607.1 Introduction The HC5509 Series of SLICs use feedback to synthesize the impedance at the 2-wire tip and ring terminals. The network is capable of synthesizing both resistive and complex impedances. Matching the SLIC’s 2-wire impedance to the load is

    HC5509 AN9607 662k .662K HC5509A1R3060 HC5517 ic 725 op amp PDF


    Abstract: .662K AN9607 HC5509 HC5509A1R3060 HC5517 525k
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9607.1 Harris Telecom October 1996 Impedance Matching Design Equations for the HC5509 Series of SLICs Authors: Don LaFontaine and Ed Berrios Introduction R The HC5509 Series of SLICs use feedback to synthesize the impedance at the 2-wire tip and ring terminals. The network

    AN9607 HC5509 720pF HC5517: 662k .662K HC5509A1R3060 HC5517 525k PDF


    Abstract: .662K AN9607 15nf HC5509 HC5509A1R3060 HC5517
    Text: Impedance Matching Design Equations for the HC5509 Series of SLICs Application Note October 1996 AN9607.1 Introduction The HC5509 Series of SLICs use feedback to synthesize the impedance at the 2-wire tip and ring terminals. The network is capable of synthesizing both resistive and complex impedances. Matching the SLIC’s 2-wire impedance to the load is

    HC5509 AN9607 662k .662K 15nf HC5509A1R3060 HC5517 PDF

    EE19 TDK Ferrite Core PC40

    Abstract: EE60 core EER35 core sandwich type transformer tdk ferrite ee22 TDK PC40 EI40 TDK EE35 bobbin TV flyback transformer EE35 type bobbin 70-100W ferrite core inductor TDK Ferrite Core PC40
    Text: Application Note AN4140 Transformer Design Consideration for off-line Flyback Converters using Fairchild Power Switch FPSTM 1. Introduction For flyback coverters, the transformer is the most important factor that determines the performance such as the

    AN4140 EE19 TDK Ferrite Core PC40 EE60 core EER35 core sandwich type transformer tdk ferrite ee22 TDK PC40 EI40 TDK EE35 bobbin TV flyback transformer EE35 type bobbin 70-100W ferrite core inductor TDK Ferrite Core PC40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ULTRA-FAST PHOTODETECTOR BIPLANAR PHOTOTUBES R12290U SERIES, R1328U SERIES Biplanar phototubes are high-speed photodetectors capable of measuring waveforms of ultrashort optical pulses. Hamamatsu provides various types of biplanar photocathodes with different photocathodes to cover a wide range of

    R12290U R1328U IR12290U IR12290U-55 R12290U-55 SE-164 1028E01 PDF

    transistor ka431

    Abstract: 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic fsd311 1032 1kv polyester capacitor transistor ka431 L 2562 optocoupler ferrite transformer 12V battery charger RMS TO DC converter using LM358 TESLA DIODES CSN thermistor op amp temperature controller circuit
    Text: Application Note AN4138 Design Considerations for Battery Charger Using Green Mode Fairchild Power Switch FPSTM Abstract The step-by-step design procedure described in this paper will help engineers design battery chargers more easily. In

    AN4138 transistor ka431 12v 50 A battery charger smps schematic fsd311 1032 1kv polyester capacitor transistor ka431 L 2562 optocoupler ferrite transformer 12V battery charger RMS TO DC converter using LM358 TESLA DIODES CSN thermistor op amp temperature controller circuit PDF

    ntc 5d-13

    Abstract: circuit diagram of 4000 watt smps full bridge EE19 TDK Ferrite Core PC40 EER3530 dm07652r tdk EI40 AN-4137 T1 EI19 core - 20 mm2 p 621 Opto coupler data EE35 transformer
    Text: Application Note AN4137 Design Guidelines for Off-line Flyback Converters Using Fairchild Power Switch FPS Abstract The step-by-step design procedure described in this paper helps engineers to design SMPS easily. In order to make the

    AN4137 ntc 5d-13 circuit diagram of 4000 watt smps full bridge EE19 TDK Ferrite Core PC40 EER3530 dm07652r tdk EI40 AN-4137 T1 EI19 core - 20 mm2 p 621 Opto coupler data EE35 transformer PDF


    Abstract: uPD754202 uPD754202GS
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD754202, 754202 A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The µPD754202 is a member of the 75XL Series of 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers that enable data processing equivalent to that of an 8-bit microcontroller. It features expanded CPU functions compared to the 75X Series and enables high-speed, low-voltage operation

    PD754202, PD754202 PD754202. U11132E C11531E uPD754202 uPD754202GS PDF


    Abstract: uPD754202 uPD754202GS
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT mPD754202, 754202 A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The mPD754202 is a member of the 75XL Series of 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers that enable data processing equivalent to that of an 8-bit microcontroller. It features expanded CPU functions compared to the 75X Series and enables high-speed, low-voltage operation

    mPD754202, mPD754202 mPD754202. PD754202 U11132E C11531E uPD754202 uPD754202GS PDF


    Abstract: 000H-07FH uPD754264
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD754264 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The µPD754264 is a 4-bit single-chip microcontroller which incorporates the EEPROMTM for key-less entry application. It incorporates a 32 x 8-bit EEPROM, a CPU performing operation, a 4-Kbyte mask ROM to store software,

    PD754264 PD754264 U12287E uPD*64 000H-07FH uPD754264 PDF


    Abstract: uPD754264
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT mPD754264 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The m PD754264 is a 4-bit single-chip microcontroller which incorporates the EEPROM TM for key-less entry application. It incorporates a 32 ¥ 8-bit EEPROM, a CPU performing operation, a 4-Kbyte mask ROM to store software,

    mPD754264 PD754264 U12287E 000H-07FH uPD754264 PDF


    Abstract: uPD754202 uPD754202GS
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD754202, 754202 A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The µPD754202 is a member of the 75XL Series of 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers that enable data processing equivalent to that of an 8-bit microcontroller. It features expanded CPU functions compared to the 75X Series and enables high-speed, low-voltage operation

    PD754202, PD754202 PD754202. U11132E C11531E uPD754202 uPD754202GS PDF


    Abstract: 000H-07FH uPD754264 CY141 u1069
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD754264 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The µPD754264 is a 4-bit single-chip microcontroller which incorporates the EEPROMTM for key-less entry application. It incorporates a 32 x 8-bit EEPROM, a CPU performing operation, a 4-Kbyte mask ROM to store software,

    PD754264 PD754264 U12287E PC110 000H-07FH uPD754264 CY141 u1069 PDF


    Abstract: KRF capacitor
    Text: KRF Series i UNITED CHEMI-CON Small Can Large Capacitance Solvent Proof +105°C Maximum Temperature The KRFseries capacitors are large diameter radial wire lead products with large capacitance that are designed with a maximum impedance at high frequencies. These capacitors are also designed for

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - A UNITED CHIMI-CON Large Sized Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors V KRF I Radial lead type. Large capaci­ tance 022 x 20P to 030 x 50P mm. Operating temperature range, -4 0 25 °C to +105°C • Solvent proof type Impedance at 20KHz or 100KHz is specified.

    OCR Scan
    20KHz 100KHz 100VDC_ 250VDC 120Hz, 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: KRF250VB68RM22 KRF16VB682
    Text: rvrir Ilf 1 S e r ie s UNITED IçS S I nJ TUBULARS -105°C • Large Tubulars ■ Radial Leads ■ Large Capacitance ■ Solvent Proof ■ +105°C Maximum Temperature The KRFseries capacitors are large diameter radial wire lead products with large capacitance that are

    OCR Scan
    120Hz KRF250VB68RM22x20LL KRF250VB68RM22 KRF16VB682 PDF