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    KIRDB0034EA Search Results

    KIRDB0034EA Datasheets Context Search

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    B834 Y

    Abstract: T B834 B834 B2834 33P33
    Text: Ge Avalanche Photodiodes Spectral Response 0.8 to 1.7 ยก1 m Highly Sensitive Photodiodes with Internal Gain Mechanism G e av alan ch e p h o to d io d es A P D d e te c t an d am p lify low level light by m ean s o f av alan ch e effects that take place w hen a rev erse bias is

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    RL-500Q KIRDB0029EA KIRDB0030EA B2834 B2834-01 KIRDB0034EA KIRDB0035EA B834 Y T B834 B834 B2834 33P33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ge Avalanche Photodiodes Spectral Response 0.8 to 1.7 fj. m Highly Sensitive Photodiodes with Internal Gain Mechanism Ge avalanche photodiodes APD detect and amplify low level light by means of avalanche effects that take place when a reverse bias is applied.

    OCR Scan
    KIRDB0030EA KIRDB0029EA B2834-01 B2834 KIRDB0034EA PDF