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    KIRDB0025EB Search Results

    KIRDB0025EB Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ge Photodiodes Cooled Types Achieves higher S/N ratio by cooling • Optimized for low level infrared photometry • Lower temperature detection limit: Approx. 200 °C By cooling Ge photodiodes, the dark current can be reduced effec­ tively and the S/N ratio improved.

    OCR Scan
    P3226-02 P394A, P3207-04 P791-11 P4115 P3981-01, K3413-01, K1713-01, KIRDA0041EA P2750, PDF


    Abstract: B6175-05
    Text: Ge Photodiodes Cooled Types Spectral Response Range: 0.8 to 1.8 urn Achieving higher S/N by cooling T h e c h a rcte ristics of dark cu rrent and S / N can be im proved effectiviely by cooling Ge photodiodes. When cooled, it should be noted that the spectral response of Ge pho­

    OCR Scan
    B2538-05 B2614-05 B6175-05 KIRDB0023EA KIRDB0024EA KIRDB0025EB B2538-05 PDF